
Chapter 23: Kin: Part I

Chapter 23: Kin: Part I

Nibi strolled up to the two chunin on duty at the main gate of Konoha Village. State your business, the bored looking chunin on duty said eyeing the woman who was using her scarf as a mask to conceal her face and hair.

I was hired as a bodyguard to one of your civilians, she began to say, however she got about half-way through her sentence when several Anbu, who were stationed at the gate in case of sever trouble, appeared around her.

Come with us, a hawk masked man said as his subordinates reached for their blades.

Sighing Nibi threw up her hands saying, I guess I should have expected this kind of welcoming party. The hawk masked Anbu closed the gap between them and roughly ripped her scarf from her face, Hey now, were all on the same side here.

I think well leave that to the Head of the Interrogation Department to decide, the Anbu replied.

Smirking she said, I figured you might.

Being escorted through the village, Nibi was taken to the Torture and Interrogation Headquarters where she was pushed into a small room with only a table that was bolted to the floor and two chairs as decoration. Sitting in one of them, Nibi knew she was probably in for a waiting game so threw her feet onto the table and leaned back. Yawning she closed her eyes and prepared to take a nap. Roughly five minutes later the door to the room opened as a scarred and sour looking man stepped in. As she opened her eyes, she figured that due to her relaxed demeanor her interrogator had decided to get down to business instead of playing mind games.

Introducing himself, Ibiki tossed a folder onto the table whose contents spilled out before coming to a rest near her feet. Dropping her feet back to the floor she leaned forward in interest spinning one of the papers so she could look at it. Seeing that it was one of the documents Kyuubi had given her minus the ones she had burned after memorizing them which had contained her fabricated backstory. Giving the head interrogator a smile she said, Im going to need these back when youre done with them.

Scoffing as he sat across from her the man replied, Thats if you arent occupying a cell when were finished here.

Aware that he was expecting some outburst, Nibi decided to play it cool leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms across her chest said calmly, Really, I didnt know saving ones client from assassins came with a prison sentence in this village.

No, but sneaking in does, or are you going to deny those false documents you were carrying when you returned to the village are yours?

Leaning forward and shifting through the papers Nibi came across the forged civilian travel pass that had been among the papers Kyuubi had given her. Nibi smirked as she gave a mental pat on the back to Kyuubi. Not only had her fellow Bijuu taken the steps necessary to get Nanabi into the prison, but she had also prepared in advance for Nibis return to Konoha. One of those preparations had been to make sure there was a log at the main gate from when she had supposedly first been hired on as a bodyguard and had thus snuck into the village using the false papers sitting in front of her. Nibi didnt know where she had gotten the false documents from or if Kyuubi had been the one to check in using them. But, it was just one of the details that would lead Ibiki to believe Nibi had been in the village longer than she actually had. Looking up from the false paperwork she said, Nope those are mine. I bought them from a forger in Lightening Country.

Who, Ibiki said leaning forward.

Giving the name of the forger that Kyuubi had provided, unaware that it was the same one that Tayuya had used when she had tried to infiltrate Kumo, Nibi sat back in her chair waiting for the Ibikis next question.

I find it rather curious, your giving up a contact that could provide you with such expert paperwork.

Nibi shrugged giving the reason Kyuubi had supplied her with, He got himself arrested already by Kumo-nin. I doubt youd inform them to add a few years because of me.

I might just do that, Ibiki said getting annoyed by the indifferent shrug he received in reply. Not that he let it show, but it did irk him that the woman seemed completely apathetic to the threats he had already thrown at her. Moving on he said, You dont seem too upset about your unmasking. Considering your client was unable to provide a description Id think youd want to remain anonymous.

I wasnt too thrilled with having it done in public like that, Nibi replied with a frown, but shrugged as she added, However; I already knew it was a probability upon returning so cant say Im too mad about it either.

I also find it strange that youd supposedly spend years hiding your face. Yet so easily decide to unmask now.

Nibi smiled leaning forward before saying, Thats because I have a feeling this job is going to be the last one I ever need. Ive been offered a deal too good to pass up, so if in order to appease my clients home they need to see my face then so be it.

Itll take a lot more than that to appease me Ibiki paused to look down at her sheet before saying, Yoruichi Shihin. Lets begin with your history. Im assuming you come from Kumo originally.

Hardly, I came from Lightening Country true. But I never became a shinobi of the Cloud Village.

Then where did you learn to control and harness your chakra?

Im self-taught, Nibi said but upon receiving a rather disbelieving smirk from Ibiki sighed. Youve never heard of the Shihin Clan have you.

Arching an eyebrow he asked, Should I have?

Not unless youre familiar with the Land of Lightenings history. Shortly after Konohas founding, the other four Great Elemental Nations responded by creating villages of their own. To build their strength they recruited Ninja clans that were found in their borders. The Shihin Clan refused Kumos offer to join and they couldnt tolerate an unallied shinobi clan operating in its territory so we were massacred. A few escaped, some even with our clans techniques in tow.

And you expect me to believe that?

Can you prove otherwise?

Ibiki frowned admitting, No I cant. But, then again I cant even prove youve been a bodyguard either. I cant find any mention of you anywhere.

Ive worked very hard to achieve that. I tended to be the protection people put in place that those seeking to harm my clients never knew about at least until it was too late. Much like here. Normally Id simply move on now that my covers been blown but as I said Ive been made a very interesting offer. But I suppose you will need a reference.

It would help.

Alright, during the filming of Princess Koyukis last movie I was hired personally by her to act in a similar capacity. While the man who would become her head of security, Tessai Kutsuzawa, acted out in the open I was working behind the scenes. Unfortunately the escaped Snow-nin we were guarding for waited until after the film wrapped to make their move. However by then I had already moved on.

Ill be checking this story out naturally. But lets go for a walk.

Nibi was confused and stating such asked, A walk?

Thats right I want to see if youre as capable as you claim to be so Ive arranged a little test for you.

Standing he allowed her to exit the room first where two Anbu were waiting to escort her to the training field where Ibiki planned to test her.


Sorry, Im late, Ino said as she joined several of her fellow shop attendants who were chatting as they sat among two couches positioned around a table filled with drinks and snacks. Just as I was closing a customer showed up.

The other women present all nodded having had similar experiences since like Ino they all ran or worked at shops owned by their families. Happens all the time, Emi said, the oldest woman present at twenty-eight years old. She was drinking a wine which she picked up from the table as she sat back in the couch saying, Just the other day I was virtually out the door when a customer pleaded with me to fix her dress since she was going out on her first date.

At least that has some element of romance to it, Kohada said after taking a sip of her own drink, Generally when I get screwed into working late its people showing up for the all you can eat Sushi at my dads shop. They can stay for hours it seems to gorge themselves.

All of the women laughed having experienced something similar in the careers. So what were you talking about? Ino asked since the gathering of shop clerks tended to be where they did their gossiping.

Some of the women grew a little uncomfortable, but Kohada said, Oh you know just this and that. Who is hooking up with who. You know the usual.

Ino found her response strange and she could tell the topic made them uneasy. But then realized it probably wasnt the topic, but her presence. Frowning, she was about to press the issue when Ami, the girl that had used to bully Sakura and had been one of the kunoichi that had failed to become a genin said, Its about Naruto and Sakura.

What about them? Ino asked confused.

All the women looked at each other uncomfortably with Emi finally saying, Well the two of them went on a date together.

And Ino said not getting the point at first. But as all the women again looked at each other not understanding her response it suddenly dawned on her what they believed.

Emi confirmed it saying, That was what those practice dates were for wasnt it? His crush or perhaps love for her has been well known.

Ino was cursing in her head since from the looks on her fellow clerks faces they all believed that meant Naruto and Sakura were an exclusive item. Shit, she thought, How could I be so stupid? I should have known him and her going on a date would cause everyone to think they were an item. I practically spoon fed them those rumors in order to explain his dating his other lovers. Damn it, I cant even try and deny it now since Id need to tell them he was actually interested in someone else. As Ino tried to think of someway to explain away Sakura and Narutos date she began to wonder why they had been so hesitant to bring it up in front of her. Giving voice to it she asked, Why didnt you guys want to tell me?

Come on Ino, you have to be joking, Kohada said disbelievingly, You cant say youre okay with them being together?

Why not?

The women all shared a look before Emi said, Look, we know you said they were just practice dates. I could even believe it with him taking shy girls like Hinata Hyuuga and Shiho out on them. Not to mention Ayame and him were almost like a brother and sister. But well youve fallen for him.

N-no I havent, Ino replied quickly, I mean sure hes fun and exciting but well I dont love him or anything.

Emi graced her with a skeptical smile before saying, Poor thing, you dont even realize it. Do you remember what we talked about the last time we got together?

Yeah, we talked about which guys we thought were cute. So?

Not exactly, Emi replied. Holding her hands out to encompass the other women present she said, We talked about that. You kept out of it. Even when you liked Sasuke it didnt keep you from joining in such conversations or from throwing in a few other names.

Ino wanted to deny it, if only on principle, but she was forced to admit what Emi had said was true. She hadnt really engaged in the conversation and while it had been to keep up appearances that Naruto and her were just friends, since she would have thrown his name out, she also admitted it was because she hadnt really thought about other men as of late. Not that her fellow clerks would have been able to fault her if they knew just how much was going on behind the scenes. She tried to think of something to say to get back in control of the rumor about Narutos dating other girls. However, she was having trouble coming up with something mainly since she was coming to terms with the fact that in a sense Emi was right. She didnt want Naruto to be linked to Sakura exclusively. She didnt want to give up her own dates with the jinchuriki. She didnt feel that meant that she loved him like they were suggesting but she did like her public time with her fellow blond and didnt want to give it up.

However, before she could come up with something to convince the other women they were reading the Naruto dating situation wrong, Emi said, Anyway Ive got to go. How about we meet up next week?

The other clerks quickly agreed and began to disperse figuring theyd pick a date sometime later in the week. Ino sighed before getting up to leave as well. Walking back to her apartment she didnt really know what to think about what had just happened. She knew that shed need to tell Tsunade that they had lost control of the rumor and could imagine that the Hokage would at the very least be disappointed. Yet at the moment she wasnt really concentrating on that as she still tried to process why her fellow clerks believed she loved Naruto. Granted she did care for him but at the same time had believed that out of all his lovers she was the one most interested in just being sex friends. She knew she could settle the matter by just having Hinata scan her chakra, but she didnt want to hurt the Hyuuga if it turned out to be true.

Ino wondered why if she had fallen in love with her fellow blond that it had needed to be pointed out to her. After all she would be the first to admit that shed expect some sort of sign to have made it clear. Like one day just waking up and something flashy telling her that she loved him. She definitely didnt expect to be the last to know. Theyre probably just inferring it since they figured Id be jealous of forehead, Ino thought but upon realizing that she had mentally called Sakura by her old nickname felt her eyes grow wide in surprise. I am jealous, she mentally shouted in disbelief.

Rationalizing her jealousy she thought, Okay, maybe I am a little jealousy about it since itll probably mean only Naruto and Sakura can go on dates. But thats a far cry from being in love with him. Right? I mean Tsume, Anko, Shizune, and even Hana never got to date him so I should be cool with it too. But Ino knew she wasnt and furthermore couldnt really explain why the thought of loving Naruto actually seemed to scare her. Getting ahold of her emotions, she decided she could worry about figuring it out later as for now shed have to break the news to Tsunade.


Taking a look over the gathered shinobi and the training field that Ibiki had led her to, Nibi asked, What exactly are we doing here?

Im interested in seeing your capabilities, Ibiki answered and indicating the shinobi added, These shinobi are all chunin and jounin. I dont expect you to beat them all but it should prove interesting to see if you truly are as capable as your victory over those assassins would seem to suggest.

I see, Nibi said with a smirk, You know who they were.

Thats right. They were members of the Tenchu

Nibi was amused at how Ibiki trailed off and was aware that again he was testing her. As a supposed bodyguard she knew that Ibiki expected her to know of the group he had just mentioned. She admitted it was what made him a skilled interrogator since everything was a test to the man and even when he was being up front about one of them, such as his wanting to see her skills, there was a hidden one mixed into it as well.

But meeting the current one she said, Those bastards hmm. I suppose I shouldnt be surprised.

Starring at her and studying her from the corner of his eye he said, Youve heard of them then. I would think youve had more than a casual knowledge of them.

Nibi shrugged saying, Come on, you know its hard to know when you are facing that group. I cant be sure but a lot of the rumors Ive heard about the Tenchu are that they are a secret division of Grass. Every shinobi village has a group that specializes in assassinations. However Grass takes it to the extreme and often takes on missions that can be considered shady at best. No that isnt right all the acts the Divine Retribution force takes are completely morally corrupt. They kill simply for money which is one of the reasons Grass is one of the most prosperous of the lesser shinobi villages. But it would cause Grass any number of problems to be associated with such a group which is why they deny its existence. In order to sell this idea the Tenchu live in small cells as missing-nin.

True, even we cant exactly prove that the Tenchu actually exists. But the three that attacked your client had developed a reputation as a family of traveling assassins that specialized in corporate espionage and killings. However you should be interested in knowing that despite bearing a striking resemblance to each other they shared no familial relations. Naturally, we still wont be able to tie them to Grass but it should keep them out of our village affairs for a while. Now, lets move on to this examination.

Guessing she had passed his test about having an idea of who had attacked Kyuubi, Nibi silently thanked Yugito for her knowledge of the Tenchu due to her history as Kumos saboteur. As such she had often needed to act as a force opposing other saboteurs including those of the Tenchu. As to make sure that the Tenchu never could be tracked back to Grass the members of the group only accepted jobs directly from Daimyo or criminals. Therefore their lists of victims ranged from everything to magistrates to Daimyo. As such it was necessary for the Grass village to go to such lengths to prevent from being linked to them and although there were whispers it was the Diplomatic arm of the Grass Village that prevented those rumors from correlating into open discussion. Something that was aided by the other Daimyo who figured they might one day need such services.

Focusing on the men gathered in front of her, she recognized a Hyuuga among them. Gauging his strength to be about that of a jounin she guessed the two men behind him as chunin. Therefore she supposed that in a sense Ibiki was trying to recreate the conditions of Kyuubis defeat of the three assassins.

Ibiki confirmed her theory as he said, Neji, Kotetsu, and Izumo will be your opponents.

And the three behind them? Nibi asked.

Worry about those three later. Ill introduce them to you afterwardsthat is if you are as good as you think you are.

Ibiki leapt away joining the three men that had been standing behind the three that were currently preparing to attack her. Taking the initiative, she charged forward quickly closing the distance between herself and the Leaf Shinobi. The two chunin jumped away as Neji met her charge blocking her kick with his forearm. She pulled it away quickly as Neji struck out at her and then leapt back as he began to spin using rotation.

Nibi thought it a strange tactic to go on the defensive all of the sudden but then smiled as she realized it was a diversion. Upon realizing that, she reacted to the two men that tried to use the diversion to their advantage. Catching the two over-sized kunai they wielded as swords in her hands as they tried to attack her from both sides. Holding the blades with just her fingertips she smirked saying, My how bold trying to double team me. Dont you think you should at least offer to buy a girl a drink first?

W-what? Kotetsu said a small blush appearing on his face.

Hey focus, Izumo said tossing a chain at his partner.

Right, Kotetsu said catching it and jumping away as his partner did so also.

Nibi smirked as the chain began to tighten around her. A moment later she disappeared before the chain pulled taunt. The two men looked at each other in surprise but directed their gaze upwards as she called, Oh boys.

Nibi having reached the peak of her jump having temporarily boosted her speed using the Lightening Release her body possessed came crashing back down landing directly on the chain. Caught by surprise as they were they didnt release it and thus were pulled towards her. Grabbing her opponents by their arms she smashed them into the ground. She was about to follow up her attack but suddenly she sensed another attack and turning saw that Neji had assumed a strange stance.

Eight-Trigrams Sixty-Four Palm, he shouted before charging forward.


So thats our mysterious bodyguard, Tsunade said stepping up to Ibiki as she joined him and the other shinobi he had gathered.

Yes Lady Hokage, Ibiki answered a little surprised at his leaders decision to join them at the training field. Still he watched as the woman, Yoruichi, actually began to fall back while avoiding all of Nejis strikes at her chakra points.

Tsunade seemed impressed as well saying, Amazing shes using a lightening release to increase her speed to avoid those strikes.

Yes it is.

Tsunade picking up a tone of confusion in the Head Interrogators voice asked, What is it Ibiki?

Im finding it difficult to believe this is the woman that killed those assassins.

Tsunade kept the curse she felt like saying to herself. Masking her reaction she asked, Whys that?

Her attacks while impressive dont match up to what my investigators pieced together about what happened that night. For starters if you asked them, they would have said the woman that defeated them was a strong defensive type. Someone with the same fighting style as lets say the Kazekage. This woman though is nimble and seems to prefer in close fighting.

Tsunade kept cool, but internally was beginning to panic. Directing her attention to the three men behind them she asked, Is that the reason for those three?

You mean the previous incarnation of the Shika-Ino-Chou, Ibiki answered with a grim face. Yes and no, while they are here in case this woman isnt what she claims to be. However, the inconsistencies in her fighting style may simply be due to the fact that she feels she cant go all out. It would be a poor choice for her to kill those she is facing

Im sensing a but in your statement.

But, the element of her chakra doesnt match up with the damage that was done to the leader of the group she faced. That was done by a fire jutsu of incredible power. One Im not sure that she could have performed if it wasnt her primary element.

Tsunade directed her attention towards Nibi who having weathered Nejis attack without a scratch had caught his hands. Pulling him towards her she tossed him over her shoulder but Neji fired a Vacuum Air Palm at her as he fell away. Nibi cursed crossing her arms in front of her as the jutsu hit. To the gathered shinobis surprise she wasnt sent flying but as the jutsu smashed into her the orange jacket she wore blew away as it burst into shreds. Now covered in a lightening shroud much as Tsunade had heard the Raikage capable of if a bit weaker since it seemed Nibi was channeling her chakra not throughout her body but just from her back and shoulders. Figuring that was so the Bijuu could move faster she fought a smile as she heard Nibi as she complained, Aw that was my favorite jacket. Seriously I thought this was just some test to see if I was strong enough to kill those three. If I knew it was going to be this rough I would have declined.

Cute, Ibiki said stepping forward a hint of danger in his voice, But lets end the pretenses shall we. You didnt kill those two that night.

Nibi narrowed her eyes letting a hint of malice slip into her tone as she said, Pardon me. Do you mind repeating that?

You heard me, Ibiki replied gruffly as the Ino-Shika-Chou trio began spreading out around her to attack on the mans order. I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but Neji managed to catch you off guard and your response was telling. Picking up one the pieces of her jacket he continued, Had you used such a defensive jutsu as my investigation suggested had been used you wouldnt have had that jacket as you entered the village. Not if you had taken off in pursuit of the last assassin as an eyewitness claimed.

Then who else could I be? Nibi countered with quickly.

Shrugging he replied, Perhaps another member of the Tenchu who managed to get the drop on the real bodyguard. You were gone long enough to pick up some false papers to set up a new false identity. In either case the woman you are claiming to be was a powerful Fire-user. Ive seen nothing to suggest you are her.

Nibi laughed saying, Dont think Ive shown you all my tricks. I was taking it easy on these guys since I thought youd want them alive after I was finished. Holding her hand out and using the fire release she had been gifted with due to her time with Yugito a ball of fire began to grow and grew black as her lightening chakra began to mix with it. As the jutsu grew more power she said, You said I didnt possess a fire element strong enough to obliterate that man who led the assault on my client. You were only partially correct as this is the Blaze Element. Letting the jutsu fly, it passed Ibiki as well as Tsunade before hitting a tree and seemingly disappeared inside it before the tree exploded into ash. As the eyes of all the shinobi returned to her the Bijuu turned woman smirked saying, Now I think not only have I passed your test but I proved that if I wanted to cause trouble then believe me I would. So, if there are no other matters you need me for, can you tell me a place a girl can get something to eat around here?

Tsunade stepped forward saying, Impressive, but dont think that means youre in a position to give orders around here. Turning towards her head interrogator she asked, Ibiki is there any reason you have for holding her?

Id like to lock her up for sneaking into the village in the first place, the Special Jounin replied harshly. But his demeanor softened almost undetectably as he added, However considering that it appears her client did have reason to fear for her life and it appears she may have had good reason to go outside the village I can make an exception.

Tsunade nodded but said, Very well, you are free to go. But well be keeping an eye on you.

Nibi nodded beginning to walk back towards the village. As they watched her go Ibiki stepped up to her asking, Are you sure its a good idea to let her stay? She might not have harmful intentions to the village at the moment but that can change.

I cant fault you for your suspicions, Tsunade replied keeping the smile from her face since she doubted he had any idea of just how dangerous the woman could be, but who knows. If we play our cards right she might just turn out to be an asset in time.

Should I keep the surveillance on her and her client?

Wondering if the man was testing her now Tsunade answered, Do what you think is best for now? But if after several weeks they dont do anything suspicious we should let them be. Walking back to the village alone she thought, Now if only Nanabi performs half as well.


The door to the dark cell she had been thrown in opened slowly allowing the light from the hallway to spill inside. Her eyes took a moment to adjust a rather new sensation in its own right since before as a Bijuu she had seen far differently and no matter how dark or light it had been she always saw clearly. But when her eyes had adjusted she saw a man of average build standing in the doorway. He had an eyepatch that covered his left eye and although he gave off the air of a man in charge he was dressed no differently than the two chunin behind him.

Stepping into the cell he said, Now this is a familiar sight isnt it eight-seven-six. You truly are a stubborn woman.

Having the feeling this was a conversation that her body and the man have had before she simply said, What do you want?

As tart as ever, he replied amused, You know its funny you think you are being defiant yet you are simply playing right into what I want you to do regardless. For instance I should thank you for killing your cellmate. Her being alive when Ibiki had arrived could have been problematic for certain people. Luckily we had you.

Youre being rather complimentary to someone you had planned to sacrifice, Nanabi said noting the way the mans eye widened in surprise at her statement before a smile broke out on his face. Guessing him to be the warden she asked, So am I to assume youve found another use for me?

Thats right for whatever reason Konoha seems inclined to leave you here to rot despite your killing Ibikis last lead. Since I have no reason to believe that is going to change anytime soon Ive decided to re-extend the offer I made you when I was made warden of this prison.

Why dont you refresh my memory?

The mans amusement disappeared as he harshly said, Are you mocking me?

Smirking the Bijuu said, Come on, we both know you wouldnt have been willing to offer me up to the Leaf if whatever it was you had offered back then was genuine. All it would take to bring whatever youre up to light would be me offering them the info for a ticket out of here.

Hm, it seems youve grown some brains since weve last talked. Pausing to study her for a moment he said, Alright fair enough, you are right that the offer I made to you last time about getting time off your sentence in exchange for performing various tasks around the prison was a rouse to see if you were amicable to such a proposition. In reality what Im planning is much more ambitious and what you stand to gain for your cooperation is far greater as well.

What would I be required to do?

Something you trained your whole life to do and attempted once already, destroy the Leaf Village.

Nanabi let her shock show before letting her face grow into a nasty sneer as she said, I think Id like that.

I thought you might, he replied walking away, But take some time to think it over; after all you did kill your cellmate. Besides it seems the solitude is beneficial and is focusing that intellect of yours. Who knows how much smarter youll be in a month.

Whatwait? she tried to say but the door slammed shut casting her back into darkness. As she listened to his and his partys footsteps heading away she let a smile appear on her face since in a months time she planned to be full of surprises so set back to work using the little of her Bijuu chakra Kyuubi had left her with to rewrite the seal denying her access to her new bodys. It was difficult for her since she never was never very good at the fine control some of her fellow Bijuu possessed. But shed learn, after all freedom was a powerful motivator and besides if she grew skilled enough maybe shed find a way around Kyuubis seal as well and simply take what she wanted. Including Kyuubis little lover, smirking in the darkness she ignored the small pit of guilt taking root in her stomach at the idea the Old Man would be disappointed in her for having such thoughts.


Kushina was beginning to feel her strength returning from all the chakra she had used to resurrect Haku. That wasnt to say she was ready to get out of the bed she was currently residing in. Having remained bed-bound the three days since Narutos battle on the bridge she was glad for Kyuubis foresight in leaving one of the safe zones near the bed. Especially after she had awoken the first time to see herself bathed in the green light the lamp put out.

Looking over at the lamp and due to the restlessness that she felt from being bedbound for the past several days she actually found herself wishing it was turned on. Her reason being that then she would be able to handle her restlessness in a way she didnt want her son to see.

Kushina found it strange that she didnt need to eat or drink. To bath, or even change her clothes but could still feel the desire to indulge in a little self-exploration. She supposed it was due to her memories as a normal human as Kyuubi hadnt really know of or been bothered by the concept of sex until Naruto had been given the Temptations Touch. But once the Bijuu had discovered it much like a horny teenager it had dominated her world.

Kushina allowed a small self-deprecating chuckle to escape from her since she was currently lying in bed hoping her son would get busy with one of his lovers so she could get a little alone time to handle her own growing need for release. Kushina had always had a strong sex drive and it bothered her slightly to see that it hadnt diminished despite her new level of existence. If anything the amount of time between her need to take the edge off of it was decreasing due to the matter that her orgasms seemed so diminished when compared to when she had been human. Truthfully, she was afraid that one day she wouldnt be able to wait for her son to get with one of his lovers and as a result he might pop in to see her in the middle of doing something too embarrassing to even think about at the moment. However the bedroom suddenly taking on a green tint assured Kushina that today she need not worry about such an occurrence happening.

Hiking her dress up to her waist she began to slowly tease herself to full arousal since she knew she would have plenty of time to indulge in her masturbatory session. As there was one thing she could infer from just how long the lamps would often stay on and that was her son was no minute man.


Tenten looked down the large bed towards the door of the guest room she was occupying. She felt a frown threaten to appear primarily since although no longer sleeping in the living room it appeared she would be occupying the guestroom alone. Sighing, she turned over onto her side and tried to ignore the desire to see if her hunch was true. Thinking back to earlier in the day she recalled after having breached Kabutos hideout, which had been a cave hidden in a cliff face, she, Sakura, and Haku had proceeded to search the area for any clues to where the man had disappeared too. Although they didnt find anything, since it appeared Kabuto had only used the cave as a resting spot, it was during the search that Tenten noticed that both Haku and Sakura had stiffened. The two had then looked at each other giving a knowing smile before resuming their task of searching for clues.

Tenten had found the moment a little confusing but had put it out of her mind. That was until they had given up and returned to Tsunamis. Entering the kitchen, Tenten had half expected to see Tsunami standing around naked but instead the single mother had been in front of the stove humming to herself as she cooked. She had greeted them warmly and asked if they had found anything. Tenten had simply taken a seat at the table as the other two kunoichi had explained that it appeared Kabuto had left Wave and that his hideout hadnt provided any clues as to where he had gone. Naturally Tsunami had been relieved, if not a little disconcerted that the man was still on the loose.

Naruto had joined them then having just finished taking a shower and taking a seat at the table had asked what they had found. Sakura had quickly filled him in about their believing the man had moved on. Naruto nodded and although worried that Kabuto was still close had to admit that it was unlikely since as Sakura had explained he must have realized that as soon as Tsunade learned of his appearance shed probably have squads of Anbu patrolling Wave searching for signs of him. Naruto had then informed them that he had sent a report back to the Hokage via his summons so as they waited for her response it wouldnt hurt to make sure there werent any other bases that Kabuto could return to. Haku had taken the opportunity to inform Naruto that she would remain in Wave and use the abandoned Treehouse that she and Zabuza had once occupied as a residence for the time being as she trained up her skills.

By then Tsunami had finished dinner so they had postponed talking about business while they ate. As she enjoyed the delicious meal, Tenten couldnt help but feel despite the jovial conversation that everyone but her engaged in that there was a slight tension in the air. Almost like the others were purposefully avoiding talking about something in front of her. She got a good idea as to what when Haku stated that if Tenten wanted she could have the guestroom. The Team Gai kunoichi had accepted and could tell that the others expected her to ask why, but instead she had excused herself to take a shower and get ready for bed. After dressing in her sleepwear and she had gotten into the bed she had heard the shower run twice more.

While on one hand she hadnt expected to be joined by either Sakura or Haku, on the other she couldnt imagine them enjoying Naruto in the living room unless Tsunami was now a part of the Harem. Tenten didnt understand why if Tsunami had become one of Narutos women why she so easily accepted being a part of a harem. Sakura she could understand, since it had become apparent that at some point she had developed feelings for the blond. Haku just seemed the type that would cling to a person so as not to be alone. However Tsunami had once enjoyed a healthy and normal relationship so why would she suddenly decide that being a part of a harem was something she wanted Tenten couldnt understand.

Turning on her side and seeing the empty spot that Naruto had probably occupied when it had been just him and Haku in the bed she wondered if perhaps she should be asking why she was so against it. Naruto had been rather distant but that had been due to her attitude not his. She imagined that the tension that had been in the kitchen was her doing as well since if she hadnt of been there they would have been free to talk without the fear of setting her off.

Rolling onto her back again she threw the covers off of her and slipping out of the bedroom quietly began heading down the stairs. Upon entering the living room she saw that the others hadnt even bothered setting out their sleeping gear. Tenten guessed that was more for her benefit than anything else since although they werent going to advertise the fact Naruto had a new lover. They werent going to hide it either. Straining her ears she could pick up the muffled sounds of people enjoying themselves coming from Tsunamis bedroom despite it being on the opposite side of the house from her. For a moment she was tempted to peek in on them, but feared what that would lead to so with a sad sigh headed back up the stairs.


Oh fuck its so good, Tsunami groaned as she raised and lowered her hips to impale herself on Narutos cock. Facing away from him as she rode him she was leaning backwards with her hands supporting her weight on Narutos rock hard stomach. To further stimulate the woman both Haku and Sakura were currently latched onto a breast as they drank the nourishing liquid her breasts produced. G-girls, if you dont stopI-Im going to cum.

Sakura simply hummed into her breast while Haku pulled her mouth away. Placing her hand in the valley of Tsunamis chest she allowed it to slip down the womans body. When it reached her stomach she rotated it so that her fingers faced down and splitting her fingers while they passed through the womans trimmed bush she cupped her pussy around Narutos dick. Whispering soothingly she said, Its alright you can cum. Im sure itll make it feel even better when Naruto finally spills his cum inside you. She then pressed her palm into Tsunamis clit causing the housewife eyes to widen as she came.

Her arms no longer able to support her she collapsed backwards into Narutos chest and due to her knees being bent almost parallel to her body she could no longer raise and lower her hips. Naruto picked up for her slack raising his legs so his feet rested on the bed and began moving his hips sliding his manhood in and out of her convulsing sheath.

As Narutos actions prolonged Tsunamis orgasm, Sakura pouted due to having her milk taken from her. But before she could move to reattach her mouth to the mothers tit she found her face cupped by Hakus hands and was pulled into a kiss. The missing-nins tongue quickly slipped past her lips and was met by Sakuras as they passed the warm mild between them. Enjoying the kiss, Sakura reached her hand to cup Hakus shaved mound causing the kunoichi to moan into her mouth. An action she repeated as Hakus hand cupped her pussy as well. Kneeling and clinging to each other as they made out and rubbed each others pussy they made a stunning sight for Naruto who watched mesmerized as some of the milk escaped from their mouths to dribble down their bodies.

That wasnt to say his body was idol as it continued to ravage Tsunamis honeypot, but due to his distraction he nearly lost control and filled her pussy with his seed. Catching himself he groaned as he stopped moving to recover somewhat which caused Tsunami to moan at the lack of friction. To keep the woman happy he began to squeeze and kneed her breasts and enjoyed the warm liquid that escaped as a result. Naruto pulled his right hand away bringing it up to her mouth and pressing his milk-covered fingers to her lips groaned at the sight and feel of the woman sucking them into clean them. Having recovered somewhat he began once more sliding his cock within her causing Tsunamis head to fall back against his shoulder. Pulling his finger from her mouth he turned her face towards his and he kissed her deeply enjoying the taste of her milk covered tongue and lips.

Still despite having recovered some of his stamina. The sight of two of his lovers making out coupled with Tsunamis gripping quim soon had Naruto back to where he had been. Not fighting it this time he said, Im Cumming, and began pumping Tsunamis pussy full of his white man cream.

Feeling her deepest spot once more being coated in liquid warmth set Tsunami off again in an even stronger orgasm then the one she had enjoyed moments before. As Narutos cock slipped from inside of her, Tsunami whimpered at the loss but soon found herself being pulled back up to her knees by the two kunoichi. She was helped off of Naruto and laid down on the bed but soon found herself moaning again as Haku took up a position between her legs to suck some of their mutual lovers cum from inside of her. Sakura on the other hand focused her attention on cleaning Narutos dick as well as coxing it back to hardness to be pressed back into service.

Once it was standing tall again the pink-haired kunoichi gripped his dick and pulling him to his knees maneuvered him so that his shaft was pointed at Hakus quim. Sakura placed a hand on his ass and pushed forward causing Haku to pull her mouth away from Tsunamis pussy long enough to moan at the intrusion. As Naruto began moving inside her, the kunoichi one more buried her tongue between Tsunamis slick folds looking for more of Narutos seed.

Sakura meanwhile crawled towards Tsunamis head and gave the woman a kiss that involved lots of tongue play. Naruto took in the sight of the three beauties as the basked in the pleasure that not only he gave but that which they gave each other. Sakura ended the kiss with Tsunami and gave him a look filled with lust and love before smiling at him. Straddling Tsunamis head she slowly lowered her pussy to the womans mouth as she said, Its no fair if Tsunami gets all the attention please make me feel good too.

Tsunami didnt hesitate quickly placing her mouth up against the kunoichis slit. Sakuras eyes grew wide causing her to moan, Oh my, as the mother quickly proved she had a talented tongue. Sakura fell forward due to Tsunamis assault on her womanhood causing Haku to look up and meet the kunoichi in a kiss to share the seed she mined from the mothers love tunnel. That wasnt to say Tsunamis pussy was left unattended as Sakura slide two of her fingers inside the woman as she kissed Haku. The fours moans picked up in intensity as they each neared their release with Naruto reaching his end first. Pulling his cock free of Hakus pussy he shouted his release as he coated the kunoichis ass and back in his cum. The sensation was enough to trigger Hakus, who moaned her orgasm into Sakuras mouth and reached up to twist one of her nipples. The added stimulation sent the medic off who coated Tsunamis mouth and chin in her release and who as a result of her release pressed roughly down of Tsunamis mound as she fingered her causing the mother to scream in orgasm as well.

Haku collapsed forward with her head landing on Tsunamis stomach while Sakura fell onto Haku back. Tsunami at the bottom of the pile groaned in satisfaction as she tiredly said, Tenten doesnt know what shes missing.

Sakura licked a large splotch of Narutos cum from Hakus back before saying, She does thats why its so strange she doesnt just give in.

Shell come around, Haku said shivering as she felt Sakuras tongue again trace over her skin to pull in another glob of Narutos seed.

You think so? Naruto asked not sharing Hakus confidence.

Looking up at her lover from her position on Tsunamis stomach she smiled and said, Yes, because through you shell get what she wants.

Whats that? the blond asked.

Strength, Haku said seriously. However her tone turned playful as she added, Although at the moment it feels like I could be blown over by a strong wind.

Sakura laughed saying, Well then its a good thing youre already lying down.

Naruto helped Haku up to the top of the bed settling her down next to Tsunami as Sakura took up a position opposite from her leaving enough room for Naruto. As he settled down between Haku and Sakura, Naruto wondered if he could offer Tenten what she wanted when he was beginning to have doubts about himself due to an insistent whispering in the back of his mind about just what was making the women in his life so devoted.


Walking through the town that Tsunami called home, Naruto was struck by just how different it had become. Still he couldnt say it was exclusively a good thing as he had noticed a certain criminal element beginning to sprout within the growing town. Looking out the corner of his eye he noticed a few ruffians staring at him from in a dark alley as they played dice against one of the walls. Not liking the looks of the men he considered going to see what they were up to but didnt want to cause a commotion. As he passed the entrance to the alley he though he detected a small smirk appearing on one of the mens faces. Frowning, Naruto got the feeling that the thugs of the town were waiting for something. Not sure what it could be he almost turned back to question the men when he heard, Naruto!

Recognizing the voice instantly, he spun and seeing his teacher Jiraiya running at him groaned as from his masters demeanor just knew he was in full on pervert mode. Jiraiya leapt the final few feet and upon landing on his knees skidded to a stop in front of him. Naruto pulled back a little in shock but Jiraiya clamped onto his legs and the jinchuriki could see actual tears in his teachers eyes as he said, Master, you must teach me the ways of

Shut up, Naruto shouted hitting his teacher on the head surprised that he had actually managed to land a hit. Aware that they were attracting a crowd the blond quickly threw the dazed Sage onto his shoulder and shunshined them away from the town.

Appearing in a clearing in the forest that surrounded it, he dumped the man roughly on his butt. Ouch, hey whats the big idea hitting me, the Toad Sage said jumping up to his feet, Is that any way to treat your master?

Funny thats what you were calling me a second ago, Naruto replied dryly. I take it Tsunade filled you in then?

He-he, Jiraiya giggled perversely, She did indeed. Although, she didnt really give me many of the details. Looking at his student with a lecherous and perverse smile he asked, Would you be so kind as to provide me with the information I really need?


Why not, the mighty Jiraiya asked whining like a child.

Sighing as he rubbed his hand down his face Naruto asked, Can you try being serious?

I am trying.

Smirking, the blond shinobi said, Im surprised youre still alive if this is how you acted with Tsunade.

So am I, Jiraiya said smirking in return. Noticing his student had matured as a result of his many relationships helped Jiraiya turn serious as he said, Naruto, Ive heard what you hope to achieve. Thank you.

Dont worry Pervy Sage well make your dream a reality.

Jiraiya chuckled at his nickname before saying, I dont think youre in a position to be calling me Pervy anything. Not anymore at least.

Hey theres nothing perverted in the things I do with the women Im involved with, Naruto replied with a smile as he recalled just some of them.

Jiraiya smiled saying, Finally growing up I see. Now how about some of those details for your old mentor?

Sorry cant, Naruto retorted quickly.


A man never gives specifics about his alone time with a lady.

What idiot told you that?

Naruto smirked as he remembered asking Jiraiya the first time why the man would make him wait outside the room after he had enjoyed a woman he had managed to pick-up and had received a similar response. You did.

Gah, how dare you hold out on your master, Jiraiya said sounding severe but his face conveyed his lack of seriousness as he assumed a fighting stance. Ill just make you fill me in on all the good stuff. Naruto simply got into a stance of his own and waved his teacher forward.

Giving his student an amused smile Jiraiya charged forward and could immediately detect the growth of Narutos skills. Blocking a punch before responding with one in turn, Jiraiya could feel Narutos spirit was calmer now. That instead of charging in as the blond was wont to do he was gauging his opponent for weaknesses instead of trying to simply overpower him. Having also noticed a strengthening in Narutos taijutsu he could practically see Tsunades involvement in it, especially after scoring a palm strike to his students chest that caused him to stagger back several steps. Upon recovering, Naruto flipped into the air and delivered a power downward kick that Jiraiya was forced to block by crossing his arms over his head. Although the familiar looking move lacked the power Jiraiya associated with his teammate, Jiraiyas knees still nearly buckled from the blow. But pushing back against the kick he forced Naruto to land several feet away from him.

Jiraiya was about to go on the offensive but was forced to dodge as upon landing Naruto made several handsigns almost faster than he could follow before shooting a powerful air bullet at him. For some reason, Jiraiya remembered a time when Sarutobi had put his team of genin up against Koharu. Recalling how the future Sannin were unable to approach the woman due to her incredible speed at firing off jutsu, Jiraiya had the distinct feeling that Tsunade wasnt the only deaged kunoichi in the village. Avoiding the less powerful air bullets that followed by rolling out of the way Jiraiya quickly bit his thumb and pressed it down summoning several toads at once.

The one that appeared in front of him held a shield that blocked Narutos jutsu attack while two toads with swords appeared behind him and used the smoke as cover to try and flank the jinchuriki. Hey no fair, Naruto shouted as they leapt from the smoke with swords drawn forcing the blond to pull a pair of kunai to defend himself.

Jiraiya stood back and watched as Naruto parried the sword strikes and guessed another of his lovers was an excellent swordswoman. His student after parrying several blows managed to score a pair of hits to the summons causing them to dispel. The toad holding the shield looked up at Jiraiya who nodded so it dispelled itself leaving just the master and student alone again. Naruto threw the two kunai he was holding which Jiraiya easily avoided, but the effort to do so gave the jinchuriki time to close the distance between them.

Once more engaged in a clash of taijutsu, Jiraiya was amazed at how much Naruto had grown since his return to the village. As they fought he was also glad that it seemed that Sasuke was no longer the motivation for that strength. Instead it was to grow strong enough to protect his expanding family as Jiraiya had no doubt that was how Naruto saw the many women he was involved with. Still despite Narutos increased strength Jiraiya was still holding back and showing as much grabbed one of Narutos arms in mid-punch and kicking him in the shin used the momentum of the blow to flip him onto his back.

Naruto groaned as he rubbed his bruised leg and once done having sensed Jiraiyas desire to end the match simply laid on his back to catch his breath. Youve certainly grown stronger, Jiraiya said moving to lean against a tree.

T-thanks, Naruto said between pants, but still not strong enough.

Thatll come in time, Jiraiya replied. Having sensed something eating away at his student during their fight he asked, You want to talk about it?

Naruto having long grown accustomed to being able to read people emotions during a fight harkening back to his clash with Sasuke didnt need Jiraiya to explain what he was talking about. Sitting up the blond said, I guess lately Ive just been questioning what it is thats been the driving force behind my good fortune. Ive gone from the boy no one wanted to a man with a dedicated harem. I just wonder if receiving the Temptations Touch was the catalyst or whats holding everything together.

Have you discussed this with them yet?

Sighing, Naruto replied, NoHow can I? If it is the jutsu then theyll just put me at ease, but if it ever fades they might despise me. But if they really do like me, then theyll be angry I doubted them. Besides I dont really have any doubts about some of themits just some of the ones I really didnt have much interaction with before. Hell I was actually happy when a girl Ive recently been with seemed less than thrilled with everything else associated with being with me entails.

Jiraiya grunted before saying, You know a part of me wants to knock your block off for talking like that when youre with Tsunade and Im not.

P-pervy Sage, I love he Naruto began but trailed off as Jiraiya held up his hand indicating he wanted to continue speaking.

But, the truth of the matter is you did something I couldnt and that was healing the hole in her heart. It wasnt the first time someone other than me has done that either. After her brothers death I tried too, believe me I tried, but Dan was able to succeed where I failed which is why I stood aside when it was apparent she loved him. Moving to crouch in front of his student he smiled saying, You did it as well which is why she returned to the village to become Hokage. You did it even before you were given that jutsu. I dont doubt if you had been older or she younger at the time I would have watched her begin a relationship with someone other than me again. Youre a special young man Naruto and I dont doubt your lovers see this as well. But you should talk to them about your concerns as these things have a way of coming to a head when we least expect them.

Thanks Jiraiya-sensei, Naruto said in response as the man stood to begin walking away.

Whats this? A respectful tone from you, I must be dreaming, he replied amused. Turning serious he said, Keep your focus on building a world we can all enjoy. Ill handle the Akatsuki from here on out.

You cant do that alone Pervy Sage.

Chuckling, Jiraiya said, Sure I can. Assuming a pose he said, Dont forget I am the Gallant Jiraiya. Turning serious he continued, Besides as Nagatos teacher I bear the responsibility of either bringing him to his senses or stopping him. But before that confrontation Im going to dismantle his organization so that when we do meet it will be man to man.

I dont know Pervy Sage, Naruto said his tone worried for his teacher, Konan makes him sound impossible to beat.

Jiraiya laughed boisterously before saying, Hey dont go thinking Ive shown you all my tricks yet. You havent even seen me go close to all out yet and neither has either of them. Trust me when the time comes even Nagato is going to be surprised at just how much hes never seen. Jiraiya began walking away saying over his shoulder, Just remember what I told you. Im sure youll be surprised at just how little that jutsu had to do with what youve got going for yourself.

Wait, Naruto shouted as he stood quickly while looking for something in his pouch.

Jiraiya turned to face him and had to catch a black book that the blond tossed him upon finding it. Whats this?

Kabuto gave it to me. He claims itll be helpful in disrupting Akatsuki. I looked through it and the information matches a lot of what Konan has said

Thanks take care of yourself kid.

You too Pervy Sage and be careful.

Naruto watched his teacher walk away giving him a wave over his shoulder. Left alone with his thoughts he knew the older man was right about needing to confront his fear that the jutsu was responsible for some of his lovers devotion. A part of him was even worried that Tentens being upset was due to his unspoken desire for things to not proceed as smoothly as they had been. But as usually he told himself he was worrying over nothing in order to talk himself out of broaching the subject. Heading back to Tsunamis, he couldnt help but feel some part of him was extremely satisfied at his lack of courage in addressing the matter.


Shiho laid back against her lover after a night filled with passion. Are you sure you dont want to go out? he asked as he wrapped his arm around her torso.

Im sure, besides youre still supposed to be only half-way back in returning to Konoha.

Naruto chuckled asking, Are you sure thats the only reason?

No, I admit that truthfully Id much rather stay in then go out on a date. I guess Im still too much of a recluse.

Naruto cupped her breast saying, Well that has its advantages.

I suppose, Shiho said although Naruto noticed a small drop in her mood.

Hey, whats wrong? He asked pulling her so that she lay on her back. Cupping her chin he forced her to meet his gaze.

Staring into the two pools of blue, Shiho answered, I feel so useless. Ive made no progress with the scroll which is the whole reason you recruited me into your ambition. You must be so disappointed.

Placing a kiss lightly against her lips Naruto said, Im anything but that. If you cant decipher it do you really believe any of the rest of us stands a chance? Hell as far as I know it was just some kids coloring book.

Shiho giggled at Narutos joke but said, Still that Kanji fellow managed to decode it.

After how many years? Naruto replied. Beginning to kiss her, he began to gently massage her breast in order to get her ready for another round and whispered, What you need to do is forget about it for a while. Come back to it after a few weeks or months. Im sure things will come together after you return to it with a fresh perspective instead of hey.

Shiho had been aware of what Naruto was doing and was allowing herself to be swept away for another round of lovemaking. However something Naruto said gave her a bit of insight so she pushed him away and leaping from her bed moved to the small table where she was working on the scroll to kneel over it. Watching her from the bed since Shiho lived in a small studio apartment littered with books. He was about to ask her what was the matter when she slapped her head saying, Of course, why didnt I think of this earlier. Talking out loud to herself having forgotten Naruto was present, she said, The reason this scroll has elements of the Gelel Empires language despite were it was found was because it was written by someone from there.

Huh? Naruto elegantly said.

He got the feeling that Shiho had forgotten him completely due to the excitement of finally having a clue as to how she was going to translate the scroll. Still luckily she was sounding her theory out loud saying, If this jutsu was used in the past and created where Hot-Water Country now resides then its likely it was used on women from different areas, including Gelel. Depending on how long she was entranced by the jutsu she might have picked up some of the local language and when she tried to write this scroll used elements of both languages.

Naruto stood from the bed saying, I guess I should leave you be then. Not receiving a reply he smiled as Shiho sat nude on the floor in front of her small table and began trying to put her theory to the test. Dressing he kissed her cheek saying, I knew youd figure it out, and then Hiraishined out of the apartment to the small inn he was staying at as he and the others returned to Konoha.


Tenten entered her apartment holding several pieces of mail and threw her keys towards a basket without even looking at it. Naturally they landed exactly where she expected. Sitting down at her table she began sorting through her mail. Feeling a little depressed at the fact that most of the mail was bills since it had been several days since her return to the village and since she had seen Naruto she thought back to several days previous. First she remembered how Tsunami had kissed Naruto good-bye at the front door of her home wearing just a skimpy silk robe. Tenten had the feeling that Naruto had already said his good-byes to Haku earlier in the morning as she watched the no longer single mother make-out with the blond.

As they left the village she had asked about Kin only for Naruto to say Tsunade planned to send a medical team back for her since the Hokage didnt want many people to know he had resurrected Haku. Tenten got the feeling that wasnt necessarily true, but guessed she was wrong upon returning to Konoha and Tsunade had confirmed the story. A part of Tenten had wanted to tell the Hokage exactly what Naruto was up to but before entering Konoha he had made her promise not to reveal his secret. She had agreed, and having been made aware that Naruto could make her was surprised he would even bother asking.

Tenten paused upon coming across a small envelope addressed to her. Opening it, she saw an invitation printed on expensive paper in gold-leaf trim. The Konoha Womens Bathing Association would like to extend to you an offer to join and try our new bathing area, she read aloud to herself. Seeing that the invitation was meant to be used during the weekend she decided to go since she had heard rumors about the group the most prevalent being that Tsunade was a member.


A loud scream of Ahhhhhh, ended in a bloody last gasp as zombies began to devour the woman that had let it out causing Ino to look up and scowl at the three conscious people sitting in the room with her. Directing her attention to the one unconscious one she tried to focus on Kin and ignore the others. It wasnt easy since Naruto, Anko, and Hana were watching a zombie movie on a monitor while sitting on a make-shift couch made of boxes the three had covered with a tarp. Only able to see the back of their heads, she scowled again since she had been hoping for a little alone time with Naruto. She had asked that he keep her company as she monitored Kins brainwaves, but Anko having found out and figuring it would be boring had invited herself to tag along. Hana upon finding out had also decided to crash the party so Anko had decided to make it a movie night.

Turning to a monitor upon which Kins brainwaves appeared she looked at the counter ticking down in the corner of the screen and saw she still had several minutes before the event she expected happened. Looking over she could see both Anko and Hana resting their heads on Narutos shoulders as they munched on the popcorn resting in his lap.

Ino smiled at the scene especially since she imagined Naruto was less than thrilled by the movie choice since she knew he tended to react negatively to things of a paranormal nature. Still, she knew it meant a lot to Anko since the special jounin was something of a fan of the horror movie genre. Both women would tend to snicker when Naruto would jump as the various humans met their grisly end. Finally and Ino imagined mercifully for Naruto the last human met their demise before being resurrected as one of the dead.

Thats it, Naruto asked as the credits began to role, Everyone died?

Yep, bet you didnt see that coming, Anko replied having enjoyed the flick, Its so overdone when one or two people manage to escape. I mean seriously part of the plot was the whole world was overrun by the zombies where were they going to escape too.

Hana teased Naruto saying, Well I imagined he missed that point since he watched a good portion of the movie from between his fingers.

Ah come on. I told you guys horror movies werent my favorite. I dont know if Ill even be able to sleep tonight.

Anko smiled as she said, Well then I think we can help you with that, cant we Hana?

Oh, I think well come up with something to keep him from having nightmares tonight, Hana said pulling Naruto from the couch. Heading to the door of the room she called to Ino, Do you want to come along too?

Ino shook her head as they pulled Naruto into the underground tunnel that Orochimaru had used to use for his experiments and had since been taken over and renovated by the Harem. No thanks, what Ive been looking for is set to happen soon. Itd be a shame to miss it after waiting up all night for it.

Hana nodded and Ino imagined the two women were going to take Naruto to one of the other rooms they had fixed up into a nice bedroom to wear the jinchuriki out. After Anko closed the door behind her Ino sighed guessing shed have to wait until later to get some alone time with Naruto in order to figure out just how important he had become to her. Naturally since he had several women vying for his attention and Tsunade had forbade anymore dates with him until they could address the rumor problem she knew alone time would be hard to come-by.

A beeping attracted her attention and looking at the monitor saw the scribbly lines all going flat for a moment preciously as she expected them to before Kins brainwaves returned to normal in an exact pattern as they had the last time Kins mind had reset. Now with a clear picture of what was happening she began to devise a plan to help the poor Sound-nin. Figuring shed need Kyuubis help shed wait until morning since Hinata had been scheduled as an observer then. Standing, she was about to head home but in the end decided to see it Anko and Hana needed any help to put Naruto to sleep after all.


Tenten stepped up to the large iron gate behind which the invitation she had received said the new Hot-spring resided. Seeing a keypad next to the gate she typed in the number that had been printed on the invitation and watched as it slide open by itself. Cool, she thought stepping onto the path. In the distance she could see a large mansion and had heard the woman that resided inside it had recently woken from a coma. Tenten had even signed up for several of the shifts to watch the house but had seen nothing suspicious. If her memory served her correctly Hinata was on watch for the morning shift. That put Tenten at ease since she could easily imagine some of the men of the village using the mission as an excuse to peek in the new bathing area.

However Tenten felt a little nervous upon realizing the Hyuuga was also probably one of Narutos other lovers. Tenten wasnt sure why that fact was bothering her but ignored it after entering a groove of large trees that were meant to obscure the vision of people trying to peep into the area from afar. She stopped and looked at the area in wonder as it appeared to be a little paradise snuggled in the middle of Konoha. It gave Tenten the impression that she had suddenly been teleported to a mountainous area due to the rocky area that surrounded the water that the bathing women could lay on. Stepping onto one of the stones it felt polished and smooth making it feel a bit out of place since a real rock would be rather rougher, but she felt it was in a good way as it would ensure the bathers comfort. Tenten was surprised to find herself alone in such a glorious hotspring but decided to quickly undress to make the most of it. Heading to the small locker room nearby she stripped and grabbing a towel and proceeded to head outside. Sitting on the edge of one of the rocks she put her legs in the water and sighed as she felt some of her stress leave her. She was about to fully enter the bath when she noticed it was fed by a waterfall. Tenten could see a cave located behind it and that there were two ways to enter it, one being a path that led behind the falling water and the other being through the water itself. Deciding to take the path, she entered and was surprised to see it was a central grotto that was filled with water and led to several other areas of the hot-spring. From one of the openings Tenten could hear the sound of two people breathing hard and had a feeling she knew what they were up too.

Heading towards the noises, she entered into what at first glance would appear to be an underground cavern. It was illuminated by torches and had a small pool of water that bubbled like a sauna. Not that the two people occupying the cave were using it at the time as they sat on a rock outcropping that had been carved into a throne. Tentens entrance into the room didnt go unnoticed by the two blonds, if anything being caught in the act seemed to excite the woman bouncing in the mans lap even further as her movements grew more aggressive. Tenten caught a glimpse of Naruto as he pulled the woman back against his chest to roughly grab one of her large tits. But Tenten gasped upon recognizing who the blonde woman was despite her being more youthful then she had ever seen her in person. L-lady Tsunade, she said shocked as the Hokage continued to fuck herself on Narutos shaft. Tenten sank to her knees as she couldnt believe her idol had also succumbed to the jinchuriki.

Oh god Naruto, Tsunade moaned, your dick is amazing. I-Im going to cum.

Me too, he replied gruffly having fought back his desire to do so until Tsunade was ready as well. Letting loose he began to cum which in turn set off Tsunade whos pussy began eagerly accepting his spunk.

Mmmm, Tsunade moaned as she rested against her lover enjoying the warmth his seed always left her with. Her brown eyes settled on Tenten and she smiled before standing to move in front of the kneeling girl.

Looking up at her nude idol Tenten asked, W-why would you of all people join his harem?

Because I love him, Tsunade answered quickly and without hesitation.

B-but youre Tsunade of the Sannin. He should be kissing the ground you walk on. You shouldnt just be one of his lovers.

Smiling down at the girl for a moment she looked over her shoulder saying, Oh I like her.

Youre saying that because shes inflating your ego, Naruto deadpanned.

Tsunade playfully stuck her tongue out at her lover before kneeling and cupping Tentens face as she said, Titles dont really mean anything Tenten. At the end of the day what youll find matters most is having someone you cherish wrapping their arms around you. Im a fifty year old woman that fell in love with a man thats not even twenty yet. Once I entered this relationship I guess I decided that the rules most people hold to no longer mattered including the one that meant he should be only mine. Now Im glad I did because it means he can make other people as happy as he has me.


Tsunade silenced her by placing a finger against her lips before standing and saying, I know this isnt a life for everyone. Narutos has asked that I train you regardless of whether you join him or not and I will. However, you should know that if you refuse to become one of his women that means youll be denied access to him in a more intimate setting.

Why? If he has multiple female lovers then why cant I have male ones?

Because, Tsunade said sternly, All relationships have a lynchpin if you will, something around which everything is built. For us that bear his mark Naruto is that lynchpin. If you are unwilling to commit to him then we cannot tolerate your presence in the group when your loyalties might truly belong to someone else.

I understand, Tenten said staring at the fox mark near Tsunades pussy. For a moment she was torn at what to do. She understood that regardless of what she choose Naruto had made one of her dreams come true by asking Tsunade to train her. She thought back to her entering the small cave and remembered the look of ecstasy that had been etched on her idols face and knew that she had worn it at one point as well. Deciding that if Tsunade could enjoy a life bound to the jinchuriki she could as well she said, Please make me one of your women as well Naruto. I want to see what lies ahead along with you and Lady Tsunade.

Well said. Well then before we start your training can I ask you a favor Tenten?

Of course, Master

Now therell be none of that at least when were like this. But anyways Tsunade said before reaching a hand to her pussy and spreading her slit continued, Narutos made quite a mess down there do you think you can clean it for me?

Tenten never considered herself to be a lesbian or even bi. However even with that being said she would admit that somewhere in her fantasy folder there had been a scenario where she would allow herself to be seduced by Tsunade. Having another thing she had wanted but felt would never happen thrust upon her Tenten was suddenly grateful to Sakura for inviting her to Wave and was truly glad she had been seduced by Naruto. Her feelings were easy to hear as she leaned forward as she said, Of course Tsunade.

First licking along the Hokages thighs, she paid extra attention to Tsunades fox mark. After cleaning the seed that had leaked from Tsunades pussy the brunette directed her energy and tongue to cleaning her Hokages insides as well. Oh fuck, Tsunade said placing her hands in Tentens hair. Mmm. My, she is quite skilled Naruto. And you said she wasnt interested in such things.

Naruto chuckled as he watched Tsunade squirm from Tentens efforts. I think it has to do more with you then anything else.

Tenten having pulled all of Naruto seed she could find with her tongue from Tsunades quim began to pay extra attention to her clit. Circling her tongue around it she then nipped it with her teeth causing her new sensei to scream in satisfaction as she coated Tentens mouth with her release.

Tsunade leaned down to kiss her student and fellow lover before saying, Excellent, I see Naruto wasnt exaggerating your oral skills. Now theres one more thing I need you to clean.

Tenten looked confused for a moment lost in the lust she was feeling from being coated in her teachers release so allowed Tsunade to guide her to Narutos cock. Having crawled on all fours behind the Hokage as Tsunade moved to Naruto. Tenten knew what was expected of her and quickly swallowed his length causing the jinchuriki to moan in pleasure. As Tenten proceeded to clean his tool of both Tsunade and Narutos release, she could hear the Hokage humming behind her.

Tenten continued in pleasing Narutos manhood even as she felt Tsunade grip her hips and lifted her back to her feet. She felt her eyes widen as Tsunade began to rub something hard against her pussy and when the Hokage slammed her hips forward pushing whatever it was inside her, Tenten pulled her lips from Narutos schlong long enough to look behind her and see the Hokage had donned a harness upon which was strapped a dildo. Dont get distracted from your task, Tsunade said as she began fucking her newest apprentice with the dildo she had put on.

Tenten returned to pleasing Narutos cock working her mouth over the half she could comfortably swallow. Reaching between his legs she began to fondle his sack and felt it tighten signaling his impending release. Fuck, Im going to cum, he shouted expecting Tenten to pull her mouth off his cock. When she didnt he placed his hands on her head using the buns there as handholds and proceeded to fill her mouth with his cream. After he finished he let go but before she was able to swallow her torso was pulled up against Tsunades. The Hokage quickly turned her face to plant her lips against Tentens and slipped her tongue into the kunoichis mouth in an attempt to gain access to Narutos cum. Tenten gladly shared it, engaging her village leader in a duel of tongues as they passed his essence between them.

Tsunade ended the kiss and directing her gaze to Naruto asked, Are you just going to stand there watching us?

I could, he replied with a smirk, But what do you have in mind?

Tsunade returned his smirk and pulled her rubber cock out of Tenten, who groaned at the loss. Tsunade silenced her by turning the kunoichi to face her and kissing her lifted one of her legs up to her hips. Guiding the dildo to Tentens opening, she slowly pushed it in causing the kunoichi to moan in pleasure. Once the fake dick was fully buried inside her, Tsunade then easily picked up the other leg holding Tenten in the air. She raised and lowered her several times pulling sounds of delight from Tentens throat. She paused after several moments but before Tenten could ask why she felt Narutos cock rest on her ass. Having a good idea of what was in store for her. She allowed Tsunade to spread her ass for their lover and cooed in amazement as he began to push his cock inside of her back passage. Sandwiched between the two she said, Oh god, Im so fucking full.

Both blonds smiled at her statement before they began plowing away at their respective hole. Tenten screamed in pleasure as the two cocks rubbed against each other inside of her. Trying to keep her cries down she muffled her cries into Tsunades chest before managing to clamp her mouth around one of her nipples.

Tsunade had a difficult time keeping her own cries down due to the end of the dildo inside her as well as because of Tentens tongue tracing around her areola. When the kunoichi began to suck as well as nip at her nipple, her own cries began to rise in volume. But Naruto silenced her by kissing her.

Approaching her climax, Tenten raised her head between the two kissing blonds and joined her tongue to theirs as they separated to make room for her. Throwing her head back against Narutos shoulder she filled the two in on her condition shouting , I-I cant take it anymoreI-I-Im cummmmminnnnngggggg.

Tentens spasming sent Naruto off who filled her ass with his hot cum causing the kunoichi to tense. Wrapping her legs around Tsunades hips she pulled the woman flush into her burying the rubber dick as deeply as it would go in both of their pussies causing Tsunade to shout, Oh, God! as she coated the harness in her love juices.

Still being suspended in the air by the two, Tenten panted in a fog of pleasure before saying, Naruto?


Im sorry for being a bitch to you.

Shh, he said turning her face to his and kissing her gently said, Im to blame for not laying everything out for you.

Hey you two dont worry about that anymore. Its no longer important, Tsunade said. Both of them nodded so she asked, Now Tenten just where do you want him to place his mark?

Tenten smiled before grabbing his hand and placed it on the opposite thigh Tsunade had hers. Naruto applied his mark causing a small fox appear. Suddenly Tentens world began to expand as she could feel not only the two currently holding her but all of Narutos other lovers through the mark. Positive they could feel her as well she began to understand exactly what Haku had meant about how others were what gave a person strength.


What you propose is rather interesting, Kyuubi said from a large chair. She store her gaze away from the kunoichi in front of to stare out the window as she felt a new presence as a result of the mark Naruto applied to his lovers. Seeing the kunoichi felt it two they both shared a smile.

Ino nodded to her fellow harem member after the moment ended in response to the Bijuus words and tried to remain serious despite her noticing Nibi lying on the large kitchen table much as she imagined a cat would do. It was rather easy considering she knew she was running out of time before Hinata would be relieved by someone not loyal to Naruto. Do you think you can do it? she asked.

It should be relatively simple. Konoha already has such seals to interrogate prisoners. What you are proposing shouldnt be too much different, Kyuubi replied.

How come we can do all this but I cant get any time to be alone with him? Nibi asked looking up from the table.

Ino got the feeling it was complaint Kyuubi was getting a lot as she replied testily, Because, at most we get a window which ranges from an hour to fifteen minutes due to the rotation of chunin and genin watching us. That would barely be enough time and trust me when I say youll want time to indulge. Just be patient. Directing her attention back to Ino the Bijuu asked, Are you positive this is a good idea though. As a mindwalker you know how tricky what you propose is going to be.

I know, but the only way I can see to break the loop her mind has become is to enter it. However if Im right the point in time she is reliving is the chunin exam and if that is true then itll be a good time for us to reintroduce ourselves as friends.

Kyuubi nodded and standing said, Okay, Ill begin working on the seals necessary for you and Naruto to enter her mind.

Actually I think it might be best if you make one large enough for everyone that had a role in the exam. Kyuubi arched her eyebrow so the blonde kunoichi explained, The larger the support network she can expect to see the more likely she will respond to us. Not to mention with more people itll help create a situation that breaks the cycle she is living in her mind.

Perhaps, Kyuubi said cautiously, It could also lead to greater divergence from what she normally experiences.

True and that might wake her up also.

Or could make this far more dangerous.

Ino smirked but replied, What do you think Naruto will say once I propose it to him?

Despite the danger she expected her lover and his Harem members might soon face Kyuubi smiled back in reply already hearing the affirmative response she could imagine him giving. Alright, Ill begin working on the seal immediately. Ill let you know when its finished.

With the matter settled Ino slipped down to the basement and she used the teleporter seal there to reappear in Narutos apartment. She then sat down in his leather chair to wait for his return and to inform him that Kins salvation might very well lie in reliving the hell that had been their first Chunin Exam.

Next Chapter Kin: Part II

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