
Chapter 25: Why Me: Part I

Chapter 25: Why Me: Part I

Yoruichi smiled as she neared the front gate of Kyuubis mansion. The reason for her amusement was because she could feel the men watching her tense in preparation for what they expected to happen as soon as she cleared the gate. Leaping over the barrier, she landed nimbly on the other side then got into a runners starting pose. The men watching her gave up the pretense of watching from the shadows as they tried to predict which direction she was going to take off in. With a burst of speed she blew past the ring of shinobi that Ibiki had watching the mansion. Making a leap to a nearby roof she could see the men she had left behind doing the same as they tried to catch up.

Aw, too bad, she said to no one in particular since she wanted to at least make a chase of things before putting her plan into action.

What is? a voice said next to her.

Yoruichis head whipped around to face the speaker and to say she was surprised at what greeted her would have been an understatement. Who the hell are you? she asked astonished that he was able to keep up with her

Im the Handsome Devil of the Leaf Village! My name is Rock Lee.

She smirked at the young mans exuberance and was glad it appeared that Ibiki was calling out the big guns in order to rein her in as she spotted several other groups tracking her from different parts of the Village. Well try to keep up, she said suddenly increasing her speed.

Yosh, the chunin replied doubling his effort as well.

Running along the rooftops she hoped her plan to get Ibiki to call off his watchers worked as for the past week she had been routinely leading them on wild goose chases. She hadnt planned to at first but as the weeks since her entering the village had dragged on she had taken to running to pass the time. Naturally, one of the shinobi assigned to keeping tabs on her and Kyuubi had tagged along. As the man had followed her, Yoruichi had grown more and more annoyed in part since she had proven herself to be a first class kunoichi but the idiot tailing her was doing so as if she was a rank amateur. As a result she had slowly increased her pace until the man behind her had been running full out just to keep in sight of her. By the time she had reached the gate the idea that she would force Ibiki to call off his men by showing him the futility of watching her had firmly taken root inside her head.

Seeing the chunin begin to fall back slightly as she pushed herself to go faster she called back, Dont tell me thats it. Ive barely broken a sweat.

Lee reached into the orange leggings around his lower legs and pulled out the weights he kept there. Yoruichi was surprised at the craters they created where they landed and as he began to close the distance with her, she focused forward since at the speed she was running inattention could lead to a rather embarrassing moment. Reaching the edge of the village, she leapt from the last building and landed on the wall surrounding it. Running across it horizontally, she noticed Lee landing behind her so decided to see who could run the perimeter of the village the fastest.


Kyuubi looked out the third story window of her home and sighed as she saw Ibiki with several of his men storming up to her front door. Making her way to it, she decided to see about getting some help since by the time she got down there he was banging on her door impatiently. Opening it, she said, This is a surprise. You should have told me you were coming I could have prepared

Save it, the man said pushing his way inside, What exactly are the two of you up too?

Im afraid I have no idea about what you are talking about, Kyuubi replied stiffly fighting down her annoyance at the mans demeanor.

Youre claiming to have no idea as to why your bodyguard is currently leading my people on a chase through the village.

I dont know what shes doing that for, Kyuubi replied her irritation showing through now. Shes always been rather headstong. Perhaps shes letting you know how annoying it is to be constantly watched.

Ibiki glared at her, but before he could reply a chunin began to receive a report from the earpiece he wore. Stating what he had been told to his commander the chunin said, Sir, Im afraid weve lost the target.

How, Ibiki said whirling to face the man who quickly called into his mike to get the answer his boss sought.

Im afraid were not sure. She was racing along the wall when she suddenly leapt from it and ducked into an alley. By the time pursuit caught up she was gone. What are your orders, sir?

Ibiki remained silent for several moments before turning back to face Kyuubi. Studying her reaction, he could see she was probably as annoyed as he was at the moment. But not picking up any hint of her being up to something underhanded said, Call off pursuit. Tell all watch teams to move to vulnerable installations.


Ibiki ignored him figuring the man would understand that meant he wasnt going to explain himself instead he asked, Do you have anything to drink around here?

Kyuubi was surprised but nodded and led the Interrogation Captain to her dining room before putting on a pot of tea for him. As she filled the kettle with water she thought darkly to herself, I dont know what youre up too Nibi, but were certainly going to have words when you get back.


Yoruichi darted through a hole no bigger than a small dog in the fence of Training Area Forty-Four. Considering she was currently in cat form she easily slipped through with plenty of room to spare. She smiled as she thought of the chunins reaction to entering the alley he had leapt into moments after her. His showy entrance had scared all sorts of creatures that had called it home, making it easy to slip by him with the other startled animals.

She paused in her search for Naruto to make sure the items she had stashed in a small alcove as she practiced her shapeshifting ability. Although only capable of the one form since it was far more than just a henge. She found that it had worked perfectly since it didnt leave a smoke cloud as a henge did and thus allowed her to lose her pursuers even in the midst of a chase. There were certain drawbacks to it which was why she had needed to slowly smuggle out what she would need to return to Kyuubis. Seeing that they were still there she resumed her search to collect her payment.


Naruto floated to the surface of the lake he was swimming in, which was located in Training Ground Forty-Four. It was the lake below the cave where he and the others had taken refugee during the trip into Kins mind. He and Anko had spent a night there several days after Kin had woken up. Naruto had been somewhat worried about spending a night away from the former Sound kunoichi but she had assured him that she was fine. However the next morning while she had claimed to have slept alright, her appearance had seemed to suggest a different truth. As a result he had made it a point to at least always try and return to either his place or hers to help her get to sleep.

His journey into the forest today was so that he could enjoy a little time to himself. Although he knew he was living a lifestyle that many men may dream of. The fact that it was being kept secret from just about everyone meant all the running around he did to spend time with each of his women while not tipping off those around them tended to leave him missing what he used to have an abundance of which was time alone. That wasnt to say if given the choice he would pass up time to spend with one of his lovers, but it did make the moments to himself all the more precious. He figured that once he mastered his durable clone jutsu his hectic schedule would calm somewhat, although it wouldnt completely solve his dilemma since he would still need to hustle in order to spend time with each of his girls equally so as to not create jealousy by using the clones with certain girls as opposed to others. Truthfully he cared and cherished each of them too much to simple get lazy and use his clones to spend time with his ladies that he should be spending with them himself.

But he couldnt help but feel they would come in handy even though if at times his clones had proved less than useful. One such instance being that when he had gone out of the village for several days to guard a traveler on his way to Sound, which was being called Rice Field Country again now that Orochimaru was dead, he had left a clone with Kin but upon returning had found her haggard looking indicating that she hadnt slept very well at all. When he had dispelled the clone, he guessed she was unaware that they passed their memories along as she had admitted to it that for whatever reason it wasnt the same as when he was there. That brought a smile to his face and did a lot to quiet the doubts he was having about his life lately. He wasnt sure what was giving the voice inside him such sway lately, but hearing how he possessed something that his clones couldnt match tended to shut it up for a while.

Naruto tensed for a moment as he sensed a presence approaching the lake and looking at it out of the corner of his eye noticed it was one of the large water buffalo that called the area home. After taking a drink it called out to the rest of its kind causing the rest of the herd to approach and enjoy the brief respite from all the predators that preyed on them. Although he had seen quite a few documentaries on how such creatures tended to be eaten by crocodiles. Large water going predators was one of the few things the Forest of Death actually lacked. Naruto was glad for that as otherwise his swim and the night of passion he and Anko had enjoyed probably would have been out of the question.

Confident the herd wasnt a threat and that they in turn werent luring one towards him. Naruto allowed his mind to wander to a way to held Kin deal with her fear of being alone in the dark. He knew that Yuugaos position was that he was coddling her, but he wasnt convinced letting the Anbu Captain having a crack at her was the best way to go. He hadnt dwelled on it long before his mind moved to the matter of the damage he had done to his relationship with Ino. He had tried to talk to her several times, but she politely changed the subject or would find a reason to get away from him. He knew that the distance growing between them was a result of his inability to give up on Kin during the mind-link. However outside of promising to never do something like it again, which would undoubtedly be a lie, he wasnt sure on how to make things up to her. It raised a ton of questions for him the most prominent being what would he do if he couldnt repair it and she no longer wanted anything to do with him. He knew he had faced that question with Tenten and while truthfully at the point when she had first slept with him, he would have been alright with that choice. Now several weeks later he couldnt claim that anymore. Not to mention, Ino had been his first and had even helped guide him on his first tentative steps towards using the jutsu he had been given to bring about peace.

He sighed, and was about to leave the water to enter the cave above the lake to ask his mom if she had any advice for him when a male sounding voice said, Long time no see, Naruto.

Startled that he had been snuck up on since part of the reason he had come to the Forest of Death had been to work on his environmental awareness. He splashed about for a second before channeling chakra to stand atop the water. He looked about for the person that had called to him, but saw nobody till the voice again called, Up here.

Looking up, he saw a black cat staring at him in amusement from a tree branch that jutted out from above the cave he was using to keep his stuff causing the confused blond to ask what he was suspecting was a summons, Do I know you?

The cats amusement seemed to grow even more as it said, Youve forgotten about me already. My how callous.

Naruto scratched the back of his head in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment but replied, Im pretty sure Id remember a male talking cat.

The cat began to laugh as it leapt towards the water saying, What makes you so sure Im a male cat? After all, Im fairly certain that when you first met her, Kyuubi may have sounded like a man as well.

Narutos eyes widened in surprise as he said, Nibi, as the cat began to glow with a blue light before seeming to shift into the nude woman she now was. Youre naked, he said quickly spinning around away from her.

Nibi laughed in amusement at the young mans action as she approached him and noticing the redness of his neck which hinted at his embarrassment said, Dont tell me you can still get embarrassed at the sight of a naked woman. I would have thought you were long past that point.

Well its justIm not sure whether or not you realized it.

How noble, but you neednt have worried as Im quite aware of my lack of clothes since I didnt bother throwing any on this morning.

That must have been a sight, Naruto said still doing the polite thing of keeping his back turned, since I doubt Ibiki had pulled his watchers so soon.

Dont worry, I henged myself to appear to be wearing clothes. However since my cat form doesnt change my clothes as well, I couldnt afford to leave them behind when I lost my pursers.

Oh okayso why exactly did you escape from those watching you and Kyuubi today.

Naruto could practically hear the smile in Nibis voice as she said, Two reasons. One to prove that I could and that if I wanted to I could do what damage I wanted with impunity.

The second, he asked, and was startled again as the naked human Bijuu draped her arms over his shoulders as she pressed her breasts into his back.

Why to collect whats owed to me, she said in a soft whisper into his ear.

Naruto shivered at the tone she used but fighting against the temptation to give into his desire said, I dont imagine Kyuubi is going to be too pleased with what youve done.

Naruto felt Nibi stiffen at his words and when she replied her voice hardened slightly as she said, I cant say I care all that much at how pleased shell be. Lets get one thing straight, I went along with her plan because of Yugito, you, and to experience more of the pleasure both Kyuubi and you have introduced me too. But Im not going to be Kyuubis pawn and expect to be treated as an equal not an underling.

I see, Naruto said calmly and thoughtfully before surprising the woman by cutting to the chakra running through his feet.

He sunk beneath the surface causing Nibi to say, Heh? Although the water was clear his actions had caused some ripples that obscured his movements which was why she was surprised when he grabbed her ankle and pulled her under the water. He quickly let go and she swam to the surface looking around for the blond that had just dunked her. Finding him smiling at her behind her, she turned towards him as they swam in place to keep both their heads just above the surface asking, Whats the big idea?

That conversation was getting a little too heated, Naruto replied. I thought it best if we cooled off.

Yoruichi smiled despite herself and her desire to hear Naruto respond to what she had said. Willing to allow the topic to drop for now she said with a smirk, I dont know about that, cooling you off might be the last thing I want you to do at the moment.

The corners of Narutos mouth rose a little at her jest, but trying to sound serious replied, I just dont know if now is the best time. I imagine Ibiki is tearing up Konoha looking for you right now.

Nibi shrugged saying, Likely, but its very improbable hell look for me here. There are far more important spots in the village for him to search and guard. I doubt it would even cross his mind to search a training field they only use for the Chunin Exams. It is why youre here after all.

Naruto couldnt fault Nibis logic, however he was also of the opinion that Kyuubi would be less than pleased at the stunt her fellow Bijuu had pulled. Worried his giving into the Bijuus wishes would upset Kyuubi he reluctantly said, I dont know Nibimaybe it would be best to wait at least until

He trailed off as Nibis face scrunched up in a mixture of anger and rejection. Fine, she said swimming away from him, I can take a hint. Its not like there arent a bunch of other people who would jump at the chance to sleep with a naked woman that approaches them.

Naruto wasnt sure if she would carry out her proclamation or not. However, before he gave the matter much thought the Bijuu began approaching the shore causing more and more of her delicious body to become revealed to him again. Despite his being submerged from the neck down in the cool liquid, as her ass appeared above the water Naruto felt an all too familiar stirring in his loins.

Nibi was grumbling to herself as she raised both her hands to her head to push her wet hair from her eyes mumbling, If he was going to turn me down he didnt need to get me all wet.

She was startled as a red flash appeared behind her and a strong hand clamped onto hers holding them to the top of her head. She shivered slightly as she felt his arm wrap around her waist pulling her up against his warm body. Although he was still wearing swim trunks, she could feel the hard package that they contained press against her butt. Please dont be upset, Nibi, he said sincerely with his voice carrying a hint of the lust he was feeling. You dont know how hard for me it is to say no to you.

Rubbing her backside against his stiffened member she said, I have an idea of how hard it is. Turning her head as much as she could due to the hand holding hers in place causing her to display her chest she said a hint of pleading entering her voice, Please

Whatever else she was going to say was swallowed as Naruto pressed her lips against hers. While he knew his taking Nibi could cause some trouble with Kyuubi since he doubted shed be particularly pleased at what she would see as his rewarding Nibi for disrupting her plans to wait out Ibikis suspicions. The piteous tone Nibi was about to use to ask him had more than convinced him and he didnt want to hear the ancient being beg for something any red-blooded male would gladly accept. Particularly, since it was his Bijuu that had tampered with her seal to introduce her to the world of pleasure that was gained when a man and a woman became one. It would be cruel of him now to turn her away especially after she had done so much to arrange some alone time for them. Removing the hand from her head to wrap around her waist, Nibis own arms encircled his neck as they kissed in the thigh deep water.

The kiss grew more passionate causing the arms around his neck to tighten as Narutos hands moved from around her waist to grope the cheeks of her ass. Pulling her waist against his, he made sure she could feel the bulge being contained by his swim trucks. Nibi leapt up slightly surprising the blond jinchuriki for a moment before he managed to adjust to carrying her weight. She wrapped her legs around his waist locking them in place around his back and then proceeded to rub her pussy against Narutos clothed dick. Breaking the kiss as he could feel the heat radiating from between her legs through his trunks, he groaned, Damn Nibi, you must really be in heat.

Mmhmm, she moaned able to feel his own desire through the cloth barrier as she rubbed her cunt over it, butmmmplease call me Yoruichi.

Naruto paused for a moment causing the Bijuu to wonder if she had said something wrong. However, her fears were eased as he said, Of course, Yoruichi. Naruto pressed his lips back to hers to enjoy another kiss as he, aided by the Bijuu clinging to him, grinded his pelvis against hers.

For her part Yoruichi couldnt believe how incredible she was feeling as even her self-exploration failed to compare to the pleasure of having a partner. She supposed it was due to just how warm he felt, not to mention he was an amazing kisser. Feeling a familiar tension building inside of her she broke the kiss to shriek her orgasm towards the heavens. She clung to Naruto all the more as she rode out the sensations coursing through her before going limp in his arms.

Naruto smiled down at the Bijuu whose eyes appeared somewhat glassy as a result of her climax. He moved to turn before disappearing with her in a red flash to appear in the cave above the lake near the kunai with the Hiraishin seal applied to it that he had left next to his stuff. Laying her down on a blanket he had stretched out earlier he chuckled as she whined, Dont tell me thats it.

Hardly, the young man replied as he took a position to her left and leaning over her began to kiss the ancient being again. Yoruichi brought one of her hands up to pull Narutos face into hers in order to deepen the kiss and let out a moan as his hand began to grope her breast.

Ending the kiss, Naruto moved his mouth to her left breast to tease and suc on her nipple as his hand moved south. His fingers traced gently over her bare mound causing Yoruichi to shiver from the ghost like touches as the sought out her soaked cunny. She groaned in pleasure as he spread her lips open with his index and ring finger. He then inserted his middle finger causing the ancient being to gasp at the invasion. Although she had indulged in discovering just how pleasurable masturbation could be, she had been sure to draw the line at actual penetration so the sensation of feeling the nerve endings inside her firing caught her by surprise at how intense it was.

Naruto switched his suckling to her other breast, and as he moved to lean over her further to focus on it his hardened dick poked her in the side. Yoruichi pulled away slightly to turn onto her side in order to face the blond man being sure to keep her legs spread enough so as not to hamper Narutos digit probing her entrance. Her hand sought out his cock first grabbing it through his tented shorts but after giving it a few strokes pulled the front of his trunks down in order to grab him directly.

Naruto moaned before pressing his lips to the Bijuus neck as they both stimulated each others pleasure spots. While Naruto planted kisses along her neck; Yoruichi leaned in to take one of his nipples into her mouth. First running her tongue around it, she waited for it to harden before biting it gently pulling a moan from his throat. Feeling his prick growing wetter from the precum, she gave it one last tug before saying, Ineed this inside me let me feel everything Yugito did.

Naruto pulled away from her neck to stare into the Bijuu eyes before nodding and giving her a loving kiss told her, Lie back.

Yoruichi complied as Naruto withdrew his finger from her and took up a position between her lewdly spread legs. Kneeling in front of her, he pushed her knees up against her chest spreading her wider and placing his manhood alongside her entrance began rubbing it all along her slit. Yoruichi mewed at the teasing, and was about to complain but before she could he pulled back in order to line his cock up with her. He pushed forward slowly and as his cockhead entered her, Yoruichi winced at just how large he was especially as she took more and more of him. As inch by inch parted her, causing synapses to fire for the first time, she slowly cried, Oh. My. God.

Once he was buried fully inside he kissed her taking the time to explore her mouth with his tongue which was met by her own in order to allow her time to grow accustomed to his intrusion. In the midst of their tongue play he felt her hips shift slightly alerting him to the fact that it was alright to move, which he did by slowly extracting himself. Just as the tip was about to leave her velvet sheath he slammed it back in causing her to moan into his mouth. Naruto continued to hump away slowly increasing his pace until the cave was filled with the sounds of his flesh meeting hers. Removing his hands from her thighs to wrap around her shoulders to pull her into him harder, he felt her legs wrap around his back as she locked her ankles to begin pulling him into her.

Alternating his kisses between her lips and jawline, Naruto continued to pound away at her slick package with his manhood. He could feel the familiar churning in his balls that told him that he was close to his end but was determined that he last as long as possible since the ancient Bijuu had existed for several millennia without knowing such pleasure so wanted to ensure her first time was memorable. He could tell she was close as well as her actions became more frantic as her hips and legs broke the rhythm of meeting his thrust as she tried to urge him to go faster. Naruto resisted keeping his pace steady so that when she did finally tense up and scream her release into his shoulder he was sure it was more powerful than it would have otherwise been. He rode out her climax and the milking sensation that surrounded his cock as her pussy tried to urge the release of his seed. When her body finally relaxed and her legs fell to the ground he pulled out of her causing her to whimper at the loss.

He leaned back on his haunches to study her with a pleased smile as she breathed heavily trying to compose herself. Yoruichis golden eyes met his as she said, T-that was incredible.

Naruto inclined his head at the compliment, but with a smirk said, Dont tell me thats it. I havent cum yet.

She returned the smirk and replied, Hardly, before crawling onto all fours to show off her delicious backside to him.

Naruto took a moment to enjoy the sight and loved the way her darker skin contrasted with the soft pinkness that her spread and abused pussy lips displayed. Torn at how best to enjoy and please his new lover. He decided on tasting the sweetness that her aroused scent seemed to convey some other time in favor of once more enjoying her depths with his tool. Raising and placing his right leg on her side so that his knee was next to her hip, by which he grabbed her by in order to pull her back onto his cock.

Yoruichi screamed in pleasure as her sensitive spot was once more stretched and filled by her lover. She truly hoped that she had read Ibiki right and that he wouldnt waste time looking in the Forest of Death as she was sure her scream would have alerted any nearby searchers. However she found keeping quiet all but impossible as Naruto roughly pounded away giving her the impression that although he planned for her to enjoy it as much as he. He also planned to finish as well this time.

Under the relentless assault Yoruichis strength left her as her arms collapsed so that her face fell forward into the blanket. She tried to raise herself, yet couldnt so cheered him on shouting, Yeslike thatmmmkeep fucking me!

Naruto leaned his head back to enjoy the sensations of being inside his latest lover replying, You neednt askI could keep this up all day.

Despite his boast Naruto could feel his own release approaching. Reaching around he began to rub Yoruichis clit causing her eyes to widen as she moaned loudly, Ahhhhhhhhhh, CUMMINg. This time the sensation was followed by the feeling of heat being poured inside of her as Naruto released his seed after burying his dick to the hilt. As the heat spread inside of her womb she actually purred in satisfaction as Naruto collapsed on top of her.

Both of them were breathing hard as their sweat covered bodies cooled. Finally after several heartbeats Naruto replied, You know how I said I could go all daydo you think it would be alright if we rested for a few moments first. That was a fucking great orgasm.

Her own body feeling heavy, Yoruichi replied with an amused tone, I think that can be arranged. Do you think you can get off me?

Nah, Im comfortable.

You know if I could move Id make you.

Then its a good thing for me you cant move, Naruto countered amused before rolling over despite his teasing. Yoruichi rolled over into his side to snuggle up to him and both allowed sleep to claim them before starting up again.


Komachi followed Danzou into his office having just returned to Konoha. Although their business in Spring Country had finished weeks before Danzou had taken the opportunity to see some of his other Root operatives stationed in other countries. Not that those countries knew that they were there. He had only taken his seat for several moments before the doors opened and some of the elites of Root entered followed by some of their subordinates.

Report, Danzou said as they all knelt in front of him. A position she and Towa would have taken if not for their currently being his bodyguards.

The first to speak was the masked Fuu Yamanaka. The combined training force is still stationed near the prison. Their close proximity is putting Operation: Bad Apples on hold. However they may not pose a problem for much longer.

I take it Josekis men are already stirring up trouble then, Danzou inquired although his tone said he already knew the answer.

Yes, Fuu answered inclining his head. They recently arrived with the new transfers. They arent acting overtly yet. However, the grumblings of their discontent with the training mission are spreading through the camp. It probably will not be much longer until fights openly break out forcing the Kages of both villages to admit their experiment is a failure.

Good, anything else.

Terai reported next saying, Sir, Iwana Akame arrived upon hearing of your return to the village. I told him that you werent prepared to receive him. He seemed somewhat upset but did not press the issue. I believe it is because he was under the impression youd probably wish to come to the prison to view the progress of the experiments theyve been conducting. He claims they are almost ready to begin phase three.

Danzou grunted in annoyance at Akames coming to try and meet him in person. Komachi knew it was because the man viewed himself as a key component of Danzou plans. Little did the man realize he was merely a pawn that Danzou could just as easily replace as not. Probably with a more loyal and obedient piece one which wouldnt need to constantly show off in order to be rewarded. Komachi knew part of the reason she and the other members of Root were stationed at the prison was to keep an eye on him almost as much as it was to watch the prisoners. She doubted the man was aware that they already knew a great deal of his secrets such as he skimmed some of the secret funds Danzou provided for Operation: Bad Apples for himself. She at times wondered why Danzou put up with it when he could just as easily install a loyal Root soldier as Warden as not. The only answer she could come up with was that he was aware that controlling so many difficult personalities would be difficult under the best of circumstances and should the dogs of the prison mange to slip free of their leashes wanted to insure that should people be alerted to what was going on inside the prison it could never lead directly back to him.

I guess Ill need to pay our esteemed colleague a visit then, at the very least in order to acknowledge a job well done in eliminating the last Tenchu member.

If Komachi was capable of feeling emotions she would have chuckled since in truth Danzou had not once set foot inside the prison since Akames being made warden of it. From Danzous response Terai nodded saying, I see about making the preparations then sir.

Danzou nodded before waving the man off and asked, Anything else?

Torune Aburame nodded before waving a subordinate standing along the wall forward as he began to report. Before your arrival a hidden base near the Taki border went silent. I dispatched a team to investigate and they found all the Root members stationed there slaughtered.

Komachi focused on the box the subordinate was holding which showed signs of having been stored in a freezer. Sure that it had already been checked against being a threat to the Root leader she focused back on the Aburame as he continued, The only thing they found in the base that allowed us to guess at the attacker was this box.

The subordinate kneeled in front of his leader and held the box out to Danzou. The Konoha elder pulled open the tabs of it and didnt even flinch as the severed head of Sai stared back at him with its eyes gouged out. Leaning back in his chair he said, So you suspect Sasuke was the attacker.

Yes, its also obvious that hes somehow learned of your involvement in the Uchiha massacre and plans to retaliate. Perhaps Itachi revealed the truth to him before he died.

I doubt that, Danzou said, This may also simply be his way of warning me to leave him alone. We did need to allow Sai to admit his allegiance to me to Orochimaru in order for him to gain access to the Sound base. Sai obviously tried to carry out his true mission of assassinating Sasuke and failed. Since I can only assume this happened before he in turned killed Orochimaru we can assume Sasuke had been holding onto that head for some time. Theres nothing to worry about.

Danzou stood saying, If there is nothing else I have a meeting to attend to in order to force the Kurama Clan to pick a new successor in order to kill that trading bill.

The elder began making his way out of the room when the subordinate holding the box containing the head asked, What should I do with this?

Danzou didnt break stride as he coldly said, Dispose of it. What else?

Komachi was surprised to find that she had stared at the mutilated face for some time before realizing her master was leaving upon the box being closed. Quickly composing herself she followed after him and as the doors to the room closed behind her was surprised as he asked, Is something troubling you?

No sir, she responded quickly.

Good, we cant afford to dwell on past failures. We are nearing the point where Root shall take its place in the sun and must remain vigilant. Well deal with Sasuke once Ive become Hokage.

Komachi didnt respond as she knew he wasnt expecting her too. Still despite having seen similar displays in the past there was something more haunting about this one. Perhaps it was because the black voids that had once housed Sais eyes had seemed to stare right through her and had found nothing of value, thereby leaving her with the impression that it wouldnt have mattered to anyone if it had been her head inside that box. Komachi shook such thoughts from her head as her master was right and any missteps from here on could result in her learning just how little she was valued in the grand scheme of things.


Yoruichi in all her life had never been so completely at peace with the world. Although her body promised her some pain for all the pleasure it had felt she would gladly do it all over again given half a chance. From the cave entrance she watched the sun getting near the horizon as she laid pressed against her lover still completely naked. She figured she should return to Kyuubis mansion before the sun set so was about to pull herself away when he asked, Yoruichi Is that your actual name or just the alias you were given?

She stared at him in surprise asking, Why do you ask?

I dont know. Im just curious I guess. I was hoping it would give me some insight into Kyuubis.

Yoruichi kissed him gently before answering, Its the name I gave myself. The name I was born with was Matatabi. But I liked Yoruichi better so please call me that.

Naruto nodded. Okay, I guess Ill just have to wait until she decides to tell me then.

Dont worry she plans to. But why havent you asked her yourself?

Naruto sighed before saying, I probably should havebut when I saw how Nanabi reacted to having its name nearly revealed I guess I just figured it was something precious to you guys.

Actually it could really be a point of contention between us and our hosts. Most of them never even bothered to consider we might have had them.

Naruto couldnt help but sigh again as he said, Yeah, Im guilty of that as well. I guess for the most part its just you guys seemed so unknowable for so long. To many you just seemed like forces of nature. But youre just like us. You want to be accepted just like everyone else.

Yoruichi stared in wonderment at her lover and thought, No wonder Kurama fell for him. Hes just like the old man.

Again she was surprised as Naruto asked, Yoruichi, you were given your name by the Sage of the Six paths right? When she nodded he continued, That means Kyuubi and you are really almost like a family I suppose.

I guess so she said hesitantly, Truthfully I never really gave it much thought.

Naruto picked up on her hesitance asking, I dont think thats true. I think youve thought about it a great deal over the many years youve lived.

Yoruichi looked away guilty before saying, The truth is Kyuubi hates us and I cant blame her for that. Even if we wanted to be like a family its too late now.

Naruto tilted her face towards his saying, Its never too late. Besides your mine now Yoruichi and therefore are part of my family as is Kyuubi. That means whatever bond that was shattered between you we can repair.

Its not that simple.

Maybe not, but not trying ensures it wont happen. Will you tell me what happened?

Yoruichi nodded and pulled away as she pulled her legs into her chest while looking out the cave entrance. It happened so long ago. In all honesty I dont even remember just how many millennia it has been. We were created from one being and before he died the Old Man told us we would one day return to one will. He died shortly after. She paused as the death of what was her father figure still hurt after so long. Picking up her tale she said, The reason he died was because he expelled us from his body inside a temple that now resides in Lightening Country. Its the same place were Yugito and Killer Bee learned to communicate with us Bijuu.

Really its still around thats amazing, Naruto said excitedly. Id like to see it someday.

Despite herself Yoruichi smiled at his comment finding how he could easily get distracted to be part of his charm. Well they built things to last back then, she quipped before growing solemn again. I wish I could say the same thing about our bonds to each other. Nobody spoke about the old mans prophecy, but we all secretly were scarred of it. The idea of becoming one being again and disappearing was rather frightening. I suppose that is why we

Yoruichi closed her eyes and was surprised to feel tears leak from the corners of them. Naruto wrapped his arms around her saying, Its okay you dont need to

No I do, Yoruichi said cutting him off, A few months after the Sages death we were still living in the temple. That is when he came


The Sages eldest son, Yoruichi paused surprised at the hatred she still felt for the man. We had thought that he had come to collect us to use against his brother. His followers stormed into the temple to attack usbut we managed to escape.


Kyuubi, without hesitation quickly attacked. She was able to feel the malice that he directed towards us. S-she probably thought we would back her uphowever we didnt we ran.

She felt Naruto tense no doubt due to the strong feelings that welled up from the idea that the other Bijuu had abandoned her. Still despite the anger she felt he was feeling on behalf of his lover he calmly said, You were afraid that he was there to turn you all back into the Jubei.

Yes, but he wasnt. He had only really come for Kyuubi.


What you know as jinchuriki are relatively new creations. While the Six Path Sage was the first the technique he used was lost to time. The Sages eldest son thought he had created one, but doubted it had the power to hold the Ten-tails so decided to use it on the next best thing.

You didnt know that at the time though.

No, but she paused again remembering how she had been the last to escape. By then Kyuubi had been overpowered by the followers of the eldest son. Tied to the ground, she had pleaded with Nibi to save her. For a moment Nibi had nearly gone back, but fear of becoming a single being again had overpowered her and she had abandoned her fellow Bijuu darting down one of the many tunnels to the surface. Hearing her fellow Bijuu cries again, Yoruichi buried her head in her knees saying, No wonder she despises us so.

Perhaps, Naruto said after a moment, but she isnt right in her treatment of you either.

Naruto, we abandoned her when

I know, but several months ago the Sanbi showed up. In order to derail Akatsukis plans we planned to exile it to another dimension. I asked Kyuubi if she was alright with the plan. She said she was. But we were wrong to even try, but like I said at the time I didnt realize the truth about you Bijuu. Now though I do, so were going to save all of your fellows.

Y-you really mean that, she said shocked.

Of course I do, he replied with a warm smile, Theyre important to you and whether she wants to admit it or not I imagine to Kyuubi as well. Besides, I think you all misinterpreted the Sages prophecy. I think what he meant by you all would become one will again was his way of saying youd all work together to bring about a change to the world. You dont need to become one being in order to do that; you just need to work together.

Yoruichi smiled brightly at him swearing, Ill use every bit of strength I have to bring about the change you are striving for.

Naruto smiled warmly at her saying, Im not doing this so youll help me with my goals.

I know, thats why I will. Standing she kissed him one last time saying, I need to get going. Im sure theyve waited long enough for me to make an appearance.

Yoruichi dived into the water heading to the clothes she had stashed away for her return to the mansion. Reaching the edge of the lake she paused to stare at her lover thinking, Its what you would have wanted as well right old man?


The door to her cell opened casting light into the room for the first time in a month accept for when the slot would open to allow food and drink to be pushed in. Nanabi blinked holding a hand up to the light in order to see who was standing in the doorway. To say that she was surprised it was a female prisoner would have been an understatement. On your feet IK-eight-seven-six, the woman said in a raspy whisper.

Nanabi stood stepping out of the cell asking, Whats the matter, Akame growing bored of me already. Here I thought I was going to get invited to his secret club.

Now able to better see the woman, she supposed at one time she would have been considered attractive. However the large scar from a sword wound across her throat marred that beauty as well as contributed to her raspy voice. Her dark eyes studied the Bijuu turned woman before replying, Warden Akame is not in the prison at the moment. Ive been chosen to show you to the upper levels where you will be staying.

After you, Nanabi said holding her hand out as she gaze at the woman number on her chest. Seeing the symbol of Kirigakure followed by KK-one-one-seven six. The woman nodded turning on her heel causing her long brown hair to swirl around her. Nanbi followed behind her and as they approached a elevator at the end of the hall asked, So whats your story? The woman didnt reply so she said, Come on now dont be like that. Arent we going to be comrades?

The woman glared at her from over her shoulder before harshly saying, Only a fool trusts comrades. This scar is the payment for learning that lesson.

I suppose I should have guessed as much, Nanabi replied, After all, swords arent exactly Konohas style. Someone must have really wanted you to keep your mouth shut huh?

The woman didnt respond instead pressing the call button for the elevator. They waited in silence until the doors opened and after stepping inside the woman pressed an access code into a key pad above the numbers. The door closed and she began to explain, Your new quarters will be located on the top level of the prison. As you no doubt realize this is to minimize the heat from the lava surrounding the prison.

Nanabi nodded figuring as much since the solitary cell she had spent the past month was on the lowest level of the prison. Okay so aside from a little fresh air why else would they be located up there?

Because they are the furthest from the entrance, the woman answered. For the rest of the prison, prisoners are to remain in their cells accept during certain allotted times such as meal and exercise. For us, we are free to roam as we like.

The elevator came to a stop and upon the doors opening Nanabi was surprised to see that it almost looked like a lounge had been set up in the hallway. Several prisoners were sitting about laughing as they drank, smoked, or generally indulged in activates she imagined most prisoners needed to smuggle in the items necessary to engage in. She was also surprised to see that unlike the rest of the prison the area wasnt segregated into male and female populations. She noticed some of the men eyeing her making their intentions rather obvious, but she paid them no mind as her guide walked past them saying, Officially this area is an experiment in trying to secure prisoner cooperation with the prison guards. In trade for the freedom we enjoy. We are supposed to act in a more civilized manor then the rest of the prisoners.

Commenting on the looks of lust she received Nanabi asked, Does it work that way?

What do you think? replied drily indicating she had felt the looks as well. But for the most part youll be left alone unless you desire some company that is.

Really, what insures that?

Our unofficial and true reason for this area being assigned to us.

The destruction of the Leaf Village, Nanabi said sounding excited.

It wasnt mirrored in her guide but she nodded saying, Yes. As such we are expected to compose ourselves as professionals. Therefore acting as a savage is strictly prohibited and since our mission is to be kept top-secret there is only one way out of this prison once you are made aware of it.

Death, Nanabi said guessing although not really.

I see you understand, her guide said before stopping in front a cell. From here on out this is your new home. It is nearly time for lights out. You dont need to turn in, however you will be expected to be awake and alert at sunrise tomorrow for training.

Nanabi nodded before stepping into her cell. Lying down on her bed she figured she could explore her new surroundings in the morning after training as for right now she needed to see how she could best turn all she had learned to her advantage.


Hey beautiful why dont you step in front of those falls for me, the man behind the camera said trying to hit on the woman he was traveling with.

Just take the fucking picture, Tayuya replied fighting the urge to snap the mans neck and dump his body over the cliff from where he had set up to take the picture of the waterfall. Despite her annoyance she still found them rather breath taking and would have considered taking a picture in front of it if not for the fact she was certain a copy would end up in the scum traveling with her possession. She was just glad that after this point they would be separating with her traveling companion heading back to the studio he worked for while she would attempt to sneak into Iwas growing territory.

Ah come on baby. You cant tell me I havent grown on you after these couple of months, he said trying another avenue to getting what he wanted from her.

Like a fungus, she replied checking the Death Falls of Bear Country off of her lists of possible shooting points for Koyukis next film. That coupled with the Devils Ravine she felt would make for some great action scenes.

Dont be like that. Her photographer said trying to drape an arm over her shoulder, Nothing screams celebration for a job well done like a night ofOwwwwwww.

Tayuya easily stepped under the arm before retching it behind his back and without taking her attention from her book of possible sights said, Look fuckhead do you remember what I told you the last time you tried to touch me in a too friendly manner.

The photographer paled slightly as he recalled that after receiving a pat on the butt from him and amid the litany of swears she had used, she had promised that should any of his appendages offend her again she would cut it off and jam it up his ass. He nodded his head rapidly after she retched his arm again for good measure. I see. But despite that youve now gone and put me in the tough position of either keeping my promise or having to explain why the studios best photographer is going to have to learn to work one handed. Now Im willing to overlook this since following through will probably force me to endure your company even longer. So how about you fuck off instead?

T-that sounds good to me.

Pleasure working with you, Tayuya said pushing the man towards his gear before heading back to the town her stuff was in. Entering the village, she could feel that it was on edge and couldnt blame them considering that Bear Country was probably next on Iwas list of possible targets. She had already heard rumors of terrorist cells springing up all over the country demanding various things. But if Tayuya had to guess they all were in some way connected to Iwa and their sole purpose was to destabilize the country.

For its part the Hidden Star Village was doing its best to hold things together, but due to its relative small size she doubted they would be all that effective for long. Tayuya also felt that Bear Country going the way of so many other countries would probably set off a chain of events that could lead to a new Shinobi World War. A reason for that was due to it being the first country Iwa was trying to subtly take over that did sport a shinobi village. As such it was only a matter of time before they possibly learned the truth of who was manipulating the terrorist cells operating in their lands. Naturally Iwa would deny it even if the truth came to light but unless cooler heads prevailed sides would be taken and open conflict would begin. If that happened she didnt know how Narutos ambition would be able to succeed. She smirked as she thought of the kunoichi she had encountered in Hoshigakure named Hokuto. Once she had learned of her connection to Naruto through their mutual official acquaintance of Koyuki. She had bugged Tayuya for all the details of the blonds recent actions in Spring Country. Since the story of the rebellion and how he had saved the Spring Princess from it had made its way far and wide. The kunoichi had even displayed a little jealousy when Tayuya had suggested there might be something between them.

Guessing that should the cold war between Iwa and Star heat up Naruto could easily gain an asset in Star, she turned her focus on how to enter Earth Country. Pulling a map out, she marked an X near Death Falls as she had felt several Iwa shinobi nearby. Having used her time scouting shooting locations to see which parts of the border had more shinobi guarding the border she settled on a ravine in Claw Country which was south of her current location, but wasnt far. If she left at nightfall she could likely enter what had once been the Land of Noodles by sunrise.


Yoruichi entered the gate of Kyuubis mansion whistling a tune to herself while holding her orange jacket over her shoulder. As she approached the steps of her new home and saw the twin glares of those waiting for her. She tried not to smirk and succeeded for the most part instead giving a tight smile to them. Dont tell me you two were waiting on little ome?

Where have you been? Ibiki growled keeping his temper barely in control. His men had picked her up the moment she had appeared from inside one of Konohas hot springs but how long she had been there and why they still hadnt determined. Not liking the idea of having to explain how he lost a possible threat to the village for most of the day, he wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Well if you must know I spent the day being fucked senseless by a handsome man I picked up. She had to admit the way Ibikis face showed that was the last thing he expected to hear almost made her bust out laughing. Only the fact that Kyuubis glare hardened kept her from doing such. Still it didnt stop her from saying with a shrug, Sorry about all the trouble, but there are just some things a woman doesnt want an audience for.

I dont suppose you are willing to share who you were with in order to verify your alibi?

Afraid not, but trust me the last thing I had on my mind was raiding any of your secret places. I was too busy having mine raided.

The head interrogator of Konoha actually blushed before clearing his throat to say, In any caseummy men havent reported any suspicious activity in sensitive areas. That coupled with the fact youve already proven very capable of slipping past the perimeter we had established around this property Im going to have to assume you arent a threat to the village. Ill call off my menbut there had better not be any trouble or well be back.

Dont worry if there is I wont be behind it this place is becoming rather important to me and the last thing I want to do is screw up my chances of staying here.

Ibiki couldnt sense any deceit in Yoruichis words and that coupled with what he learned about the plans Kyuubi had shared about the direction she was taking her company in while they talked over tea made him positive both women only had good intentions towards the village. Still he couldnt help but notice that the red-head had been nearly as upset by her subordinates actions as he had been. That was why he imagined as the door closed after she followed Yoruichi in, it closed with more force then she had intended.


You had best explain yourself, Kyuubi said as soon as the door closed.

I think a thank you is in order, after all it was because of my little stunt today that our observers are being called off.

Thank you, Kyuubi said flabbergasted, its because of your stunt we both very nearly ended up in a jail cell.

Yoruichi waved Kyuubis statement off saying, Please spare me the theatrics. He had no intention of throwing us in prison. His keeping a tab on us was stretching the veil of being reasonable and slipping into paranoia. I merely pointed out that if I wanted to be a threat I could. Since nothing happened he had no choice but to admit we arent a threat.

Kyuubi growled as she clenched her teeth before saying, Then what about this crap about you spending the day with someone.

Oh that was perfectly true. He had blue eyes, blond hair and the cutest whisker like birth marks on his cheeks. I believe you know him.

If that were true he would have placed his mark on you and

Oh he placed a mark on me all right, but sorry if I felt having a fox on me was a little out of place. Yoruichi touched her left thigh and to Kyuubis surprise a glow of light seemed to trace along it. Although her pants obscured it from her view as the glow grew brighter she was able to see that it appeared to be a rather large tribal tattoo. As it flared to life Kyuubi could suddenly feel her fellow Bijuus presence in the network of women that made up the locating aspect of Narutos mark.

Yoruichi yawned heading up the stairs to her room saying, Well Im calling it a night. By the way Kurama I told Naruto the truth about the night the Uchiha came for you.

You had no right!

No, I had to in order to admit how we failed you. But despite that he agrees that we need to free our sisters.

Sisters, Kyuubi said incredulously.

His words not mine but you know I like it. Im sorry I abandoned youbut what you are doing is no different. He told me you didnt even try to stop them from exiling Isobu to a parallel dimension.

I-it was for Narutos sake, Kyuubi said weakly in reply.

And perhaps for a little pay back, Yoruichi suggested, In any case were going to free them from Akatsuki.

Kyuubi nodded feeling her urge to continue the conversation waning. As the sun set on the village she decided to use her newfound freedom to go for a walk wanting sometime to herself.


Tayuya entered into a small town inside Earth Country. Although still a far way away from infiltrating Iwagakure she was feeling fairly confident of her chances considering how well the shinobi patrolled their border. Entering a bar, she decided to listen in on the local gossip to see if she could gleam any information on shinobi movement.

Taking a seat she found the patrons of the establishment seemed rather depressed. They gave off the aura of a people that knew they had been conquered, but lacked the will to do anything about it. She supposed that had something to do with how everything had gone down. Although to most the Daimyo of the Land of Noodles had been a clown, he had loved his home and had done everything in his power to stem the chaos Iwagakure was causing to destabilize the country in order to step in to claim it under the guise of restoring order. He had nearly succeeded until the one thing he had cherished more than his home had left him. That had been his wife. Apparently while her husband had been concentrating on keeping his country together his focus should have been on pleasing his wife as she had fallen for another man. After he had caught them in bed together, he had still loved her but she had disappeared shortly after in order to be with her lover. With his precious wife gone his desire to stop Iwa had waned until the point that it had soon taken over.

Tayuya had heard the tale from one of the local merchants in the first village she had entered upon sunrise. She had found it rather depressing of a tale and wondered what kind of woman left her man because he was too busy saving his country to give her his full attention. She also wondered what sort of scum would try and impose himself between the two at such a time. It was at that time that something posted to a bulletin board caught her attention. Getting up from her seat she felt her blood run cold as there posted next to pictures of several wanted criminals was a sketch of a face she knew all too well even if it was distorted by the sketch artists rendition of what a wanted man should look like. Pulling it free she read, Wanted for information on the whereabouts of Princess Fuku. Is the known apprentice of the man last seen with her.

Tayuya looked up from picture and spotted a similarly distorted version of Kanji recognizing him by the tuff of white hair. Realizing that this country was the spot where Naruto and Kanji met only one thought entered her mind as she thought, Shit! Putting her plan to infiltrate Iwagakure on hold, she decided it was time she investigate just what Kanji had planned when he had given Naruto the scroll. Because if what she suspected about the man was true then she doubted Naruto was using the jutsu as he intended and that meant at some point they would likely be enemies.

Next Chapter: Why Me: part II

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