Escape the Infinite Chambers

Chapter 170 - Ancient Remains (IV)

Chapter 170 - Ancient Remains (IV)

Editor: Humu

Luo Jian and Wang Yue returned all the way back to the original ventilation duct. However, after they crawled back, they found that Xing Yan and others had disappeared. Only the door that was closed had been opened because the power was on. At this time, the door was obviously opened, revealing the areas unknown to Luo Jian and Wang Yue.

Wang Yue took out the walkie-talkie from his pocket and tried to contact other members of the team. He had tried it in the ventilation duct previously, but he didn’t know why but as long as the walkie talkie was turned on, it would make strange noises, and the noise could also attract the monsters who made rustling noises. The monsters who were attracted by the noise would crawl towards Luo Jian and company, coming from all directions.

They had to turn off the walkie talkie.

Wang Yue fiddled with the walkie talkie, this thing could only sound out shrilly, and thereafter, it was rendered completely useless. Wang Yue had to put it into his carry-on secret chamber. Then, he took out the map to have a look.

Wang Yue came over and grabbed Luo Jian’s little hand. The dwarf was a little taller than Luo Jian but it was no problem for him to hold Luo Jian’s hand. He said, “Captain and the others, they may have encountered these rustling monsters. We have to find a way to contact them......don’t worry. My team members are always very smart. They would leave signals when they flee, such as this one——”

Wang Yue said, pulling Luo Jian to the corner of the corridor. On the wall, a shallow scratch left by a knife was there. The blade scratched from left to right, indicating the direction of where they fled.

“To the right.” Wang Yue looked at the scratch and said, dragging Luo Jian to leave with him, but Luo Jian did not move. He stated:


“What’s the matter?”

“The scratch is disappearing.” Luo Jian looked at the scratch, his face a little gloomy.

Luo Jian was right. The scratch on the wall was slowly becoming shallower. It was estimated that it would completely disappear in less than a minute.

Wang Yue soon noticed this. He was shocked and greatly frightened. He exclaimed, “This wall can repair itself!”

“Let’s hurry up and follow the signs before they disappear!”

The two men made up their minds and immediately turned around and ran. Wang Yue took the lead in leading and observed the traces left by the team members along the way. They turned left and right in the huge space station. The space station was so big, and it had four floors, each with five or six huge areas. The upper and lower floors were roughly divided into living areas for space station employees, docking and transition areas to connect various space stations, fuel storage areas, and, of course, various docking areas for spacecraft and key experimental areas.

The map showed that Luo Jian and his team were now in their living areas.

This was not the largest area, but the most complex area. There were all kinds of rooms and crisscrossed ventilation ducts above them. Luo Jian who had been following behind Wang Yue spun around so much that he had a headache. He couldn’t tell which direction was the southeast and the northwest. And Wang Yue, who led the way, sprinted ahead without speaking.

“The mark has completely disappeared.” After they ran to a large space with dim lights, Wang Yue finally stopped chasing those marks. He looked at the scratch on the wall, and his expression was a little gloomy.

“I completely can’t hear any noises at all.” Luo Jian touched the walls, and the walls gave him a feeling that it was breathing. Then, Luo Jian suddenly thought of something strangely suspicious.

Because he had been fighting in the Asura Realm for a long time, Luo Jian had an amazing sense of perception. His five senses along with his sight, smell and hearing were far beyond ordinary people. In addition, his wonderful sixth sense made up his amazing perception. In fact, Luo Jian was better at tracking than Wang Yue......after all, it’s not hard to follow some marks, was it?

“Wang Yue, we are in the wrong place.” Luo Jian stroked the completely disappeared scratch on the wall, and he suddenly his lips curved up into a smile.

Wang Yue did not understand what he said for quite some time before dubiously stating, “What?”

“We are following the wrong mark. At the beginning, I could feel his breath on the mark, but half-way here, the scent disappeared&#k2026;&#k2026;”

“You mean...”

“Something forged these marks half-way through and led us here.”

Wang Yue was surprised to hear what Luo Jian had said. He did not have the same strong perception that Luo Jian had. Therefore, he had some doubts about what Luo Jian had said and could not help asking Luo Jian to prove it: “Are you sure? If it can forge the mark......then in this space station... ”

“There are other creatures indeed, and there may be many more, among which there are definitely intelligent creatures.”

Facing such an unsatisfactory situation, Wang Yue indicated that he was out of his wits: “We are in a terrible situation now, and we are completely separated from Captain.”

“I said in advance that I’m not very good in combat. I belong more to the scouting type, and I am the kind who will escape in face of dangers. Even if I fight, I will only stand at a distance to shoot a cold gun.” Wang Yue did not hesitate to admit the basic information about himself, in order to let this new teammate, understand him and make ample psychological preparation in advance.

“Well then, you are very lucky.” After listening to what Wang Yue admitted, Luo Jian answered him with a smile.

“Lucky? I don’t think so. In our team, Captain, Jiang Li and the magician are the main strength output. Of course, magicians are useless now......the teammate that we lost previously belongs to one specializing in auxiliary. So now we have lost contact with the main fighting forces. It could be said that we are isolated.”

“You don’t understand me.” Luo Jian shook his head. “Now, I am the number one output power in the team. Therefore, I am not worried about the situation of the two of us. On the contrary, I am more worried about their situation. ”

“Do you mean you are strong?”

“You can think so.” Luo Jian answered it naturally. He neither boasted, nor showed off pompously, but he was very serious.

In Wang Yue’s first impression, Luo Jian did not look like a master specializing in combat. However, Wang Yue was not a preconceived person. In addition, Captain Xing Yan trusted him this much. As soon as Luo Jian joined the team, he completely handed over the authority to lead to Luo Jian, and that also caused Wang Yue to be more impressed by Luo Jian.

“Something’s coming.”

Without waiting for Wang Yue to deliberate, Luo Jian felt that there was a strange creature approaching them. He was afraid that it was the intelligent creature that led them to this damned place by using the knife marks.

Shortly after, Luo Jian saw the real body of that intelligent creature.

An alien.

This was very normal, since this space station was originally an alien space station. It was not surprising that this kind of creature would appear here. However, to Luo Jian’s surprise, he thought that this alien......looked very familiar.

No, no, no, it could not be considered ‘familiar’. Instead, Luo Jian felt that he had heard someone describe the appearance of this alien somewhere. Therefore, as soon as the alien appeared in front of him, he would naturally recall those memories. Hence, he felt a sense of déjà vu, as if ‘he had seen this thing somewhere before’.

The height of the alien was around three to four metres and its stature very similar to that of human beings. It stood on both feet and had two arms. What was different was that they were very strong and had a long tail. The extra high ceilings on the corridors and huge spaces in the space station were designed for its special stature.

The alien’s head seemed to be wearing something like a helmet, blocking its face. Moreover, the helmet was very similar to that made by some living creature’s skull, just like how those uncivilized barbarians in ancient times on earth would wear.

Aliens also wore armor, which seemed to be made of some kind of creature. They wrapped the body of other aliens tightly around them like tights. Protuberances in joints and other places could be seen. If one looked carefully, one would find that the armor seemed to be alive, because it would wriggle from time to time.

“ ” Luo Jian suddenly remembered what Ying said. He recalled what Ying said, in regards to one hundred million years later, the people of earth broke out of the solar system and led their troops to invade a galaxy called Polaris. The indigenous people there used ‘biotechnology’ quite different from people from earth.

From Ying’s description, the aborigines seemed to look like this......

“Truly......what an amazing background setting.” Luo Jian couldn’t help touching his red umbrella. He knew that the secret chamber intentionally did this, it deliberately arranged for him to enter a secret chamber with such a background. Oh....... perhaps, the secret chamber set this up based on what could be seen in the future originally.

“Human......Humans...” Polaris aborigines, temporarily called Polarisians, seemed to have some technology that worked like a translator. Luo Jian saw that he found something on his armor and put it on his helmet. Then, he spoke one of the languages of the earth inaccurately. He actually spoke Mandarin.

Luo Jian remembered that in the Ying’s narration, the people from earth and Polarisians were in a state where they would fight the other to one’s last gasp. On one side, one was the invader while the other was the one who was getting invaded. Moreover, the people on earth had also failed and were driven out of Polaris, after both sides suffered heavy losses. But human beings seemed to be ambitious. After acquiring Polaris’s technology, they were likely to make a comeback.

Although he did not know what era and what year the secret chamber set the background in, they should not relax our vigilance in any way. Therefore, Luo Jian changed his red umbrella into a long sword. He had a variety of attack methods, such as spears, swords and so on.

Moreover, he was good at fighting weaponless. Taking away the enemy’s weapons to counterattack against them was what he does often because, in this way, he could better copy and imitate the enemy’s weapons to meet the needs of his ever-changing red umbrella.

The Polarisian standing opposite them was stunned momentarily. It seemed that he had never seen a weapon like Luo Jian’s that could completely transform itself. In his impression, only Polaris’s technology could make such a weapon. After he was slow to react for a long time, he opened his mouth and said: “I don’t want to have conflicts, human beings.”

The Polarisian continued: “This space station has been dormant for a long time. You have just switched on the energy and awakened me from my resting pods......but I must remind you that there is another terrifying creature here.”

“This could be the NPC.” Wang Yue next to him did not think so much about this. Naturally, he did not know the story about Polaris, and he did not know the truth about the origin of the secret chambers. For him, this was just a secret chamber with a futuristic background. The NPC in the secret chamber was an alien, but what about it?

“Another terrifying creature, what is that? And what are you......biologically? ” Wang Yue couldn’t help asking. For him, it was just a casual question. He wanted to know more about these strange creatures, but the Polarisian was obviously stunned and looked at Wang Yue in doubt.

“You don’t know what we are!?” The Polarisian suddenly unleashed his anger. Though that emotion of his was not obvious, but the keen Luo Jian sensed that and he thought the alien would attack them at that moment, but the Polarisian was only agitated and soon calmed down.

“Now, it’s 300 years since that war, and this space station has been drifting in the vast universe for 300 years. I don’t know the result of that war. Maybe you humans are really the victors, and we......we are just a race that has been eliminated from the universe.”

The other party said something that Luo Jian and Wang Yue are somewhat unclear about. Wang Yue completely did not understand what he said, but Luo Jian frowned. What the other party said seemed to be different from what Ying’s said in his impression. Reasonably speaking, human beings were the one who have failed in their conquest, right?

Or, because they were located in a different time, humans had made a comeback and they had really occupied Polaris?

“I don’t know what you mentioned about battling or not battling.” Wang Yue was confused and interrupted when the other party was speaking. He said, “Do you know where my companions are? Half-way through, you forged the mark and led us here?”

“Your companions? I’m afraid they might already be dead.” The Polarisian shook his head and said regretfully, “Those creatures are everywhere, and they are in abundance. The whole space station has become their nest.”

“I don’t think Captain will die that fast.” Wang Yue did not agree with the alien, he said, “Tell me where to find them? We don’t have much time! ”

The alien did not answer for a while. He tilted his head. There were two dark holes in his helmet, which looked like eyes. These eye-like things were staring at Luo Jian and Wang Yue. Luo Jian seemed to be able to perceive his gaze, that kind of gaze that was scrutinizing and examining them.

After that, the alien said, “Your companions are being chased by those creatures. I don’t know where they are, but if you can turn on the surveillance system on this level, you might be able to find your companions’ location.”

“Surveillance system?”

“The biological monitoring system on the space station that can supervise long as it is a living creature, it can be monitored. Our spaceship itself is like a living organism. It controls each and every corner of the ship perfectly.”

What the alien said made Luo Jian and Wang Yue exchanged glances with each other. At the same time, they stated: “What should we do?”

The alien seemed to be laughing: “I can show you the way, but be careful, along the way, there would be many monsters.”

The alien agreed to it easily, and this, on the contrary, made Luo Jian’s heart tremble inwardly. He always felt that this secret chamber was not so simple. Since the secret chamber had warned him that the difficulty had been raised to hell level difficulty in advance, the situation they were facing now should not be so easily resolved and simple.

What should hell-level difficulty be?

Luo Jian did not think about it for long, because he was able to quickly experience it.

Luo Jian and Wang Yue followed an alien on the road and thereupon, a wondrous team was formed. The Polarisian first took out his weapon, similar to a gun, and its shape was also very......hard to describe. It had a style like a combination of barbaric primitive style and surreal technology of the future......

At the beginning, neither Luo Jian nor Wang Yue really saw those ‘terrifying creatures’ the alien said. They only heard the sound of densely-packed creatures crawling. Therefore, Luo Jian expected that he might have to deal with things like insects. He transformed his red umbrella into a firecracker.

Luo Jian felt that his ability was limited to a huge extent, especially magic and magic weapons were completely useless. However, most of the weapons that Luo Jian’s umbrella could simulate were almost magic weapons. There were all kinds of guys in the Asura Realm, but most people thought that magic weapons had higher attack power.

Although there were many modern firearms, the futuristic weapons he saw could be counted with a hand.

In his mind, Luo Jian envisioned what kind of weapons he would use, and tried to recall the feeling of fighting with those weapons. In front, the alien walked ahead without speaking as he led the way. Wang Yue followed afterwards in the second position, and Luo Jian at the rear.

They walked around in the intricate terrain and felt that wherever they went, they felt a semblance of déjà vu and ‘have I been here previously?’. All the corridors and rooms looked almost the same, and because the switch in the power room was turned on, and the walls lit up brightly with blue light.

“There’s an arsenal up ahead, and I think you’ll need it.” They didn’t walk for too long before the alien turned to Luo Jian and Wang Yue as he said that. With that, they quickened their pace.

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