Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 917 Telepathic Commandment

Chapter 917 Telepathic Commandment

Rudy materialized in the expansive living room of his castle, a space that served as a central hub connecting various hallways and floors. The rhythmic footsteps of UnderBlades workers echoed as they moved about, a reminder of the bustling activity that surrounded him. Seated on a plush couch, he leaned back, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest as he awaited Maria's arrival.

As his eyes wandered, they settled on the stream of people using the living room as a thoroughfare. UnderBlades moved purposefully, their movements efficient as they navigated the space. The living room wasn't just a room—it was a crossroads of activity, a hub of movement.

In the midst of his observations, a soft but determined whisper escaped Rudy's lips, carrying the name "Angelica."

Almost as if summoned by his call, the silver-haired woman appeared in his line of sight. Her expression was a blend of curiosity and concern, and she approached him with a quickened pace.

"Rudy, is something the matter?" Angelica inquired, her eyes locking onto his, eager for an explanation.

Rudy gently patted his lap, inviting Angelica to join him. With a graceful agility, she accepted his unspoken invitation, settling onto his lap. As she did, a remarkable transformation occurred—her silvery locks gradually darkened, returning to their original deep black hue. Rudy's keen eyes caught the shift, and a smile played at the corners of his lips.

"Did you use your powers to get here?" Rudy inquired, his curiosity piqued by the sudden appearance of the silver-haired woman. Angelica nodded, her gaze meeting his as she began to explain.

"I heard your voice in my head, like a whisper, drawing me to you," Angelica said, her tone a mix of fascination and intrigue. "I felt an irresistible urge to find you, even though I didn't know your location. I searched through every room, guided by that impulse."

Rudy's brow furrowed slightly as he processed her words.

"It's a new ability I've developed," Rudy interjected, a faint hint of excitement in his voice. "You see, it's a combination of my telepathy and my other vocal senses ability. By merging them, I can project my voice directly into someone's mind."

Angelica's eyes widened with realization and awe. "So, that's how you reached me. It felt like you were right beside me, urging me to find you."

Rudy nodded, his fingers idly tracing patterns on her arm. "Yes, exactly. It's a way for me to communicate over distances without being physically present."

Angelica leaned in slightly, her expression a mix of playfulness and gratitude. "Well, it certainly worked. You've got my attention, Rudy."

Rudy chuckled softly, his gaze warm as he met her eyes. "I'm glad it did. I've been meaning to talk to you, Angelica."

Her curiosity piqued, Angelica tilted her head slightly. "Oh? What's on your mind?"

Rudy's gaze fixed on Angelica, his expression a mixture of hopeful anticipation and a touch of vulnerability. "Angelica, could you... possess my body again, like you used to? Just for a while?"

Angelica's eyebrows knitted in contemplation as she considered his request. "Rudy, you know I can't do that," she replied gently. "I have my own responsibilities and duties now. It's not like before when I could freely reside within your body."

Rudy's shoulders slumped slightly, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Yeah, I know. It's just... I guess I miss those times."

Angelica reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "I understand, Rudy. But my focus has shifted, and I have many things I need to attend to now."

Rudy nodded, his lips curving into a faint smile as he tried to hide his feelings. "Right, of course. I guess I can't be your 'rented' vessel anymore, huh? You don't need me now that you can manifest a physical form on your own."

Angelica's gaze held a deep understanding as she met his gaze. "Rudy, it's not that. I cherish the memories we shared when I used your body to experience the physical world. But now, I've evolved, and I have my own ways of interacting with the world."

Rudy's sulking expression deepened. "Sure, circumstances have changed. You're busy acting as a human, I suppose."

"Well, that was rude! Excuse me for wanting to live as a human because I am dead!"

"I didn't mean that—"

Rudy winced slightly at his own words as Angelica's voice turned sharp. He quickly realized his mistake, and he was about to apologize when Maria's arrival diverted their attention.

"Hey, Maria," Rudy greeted her, his tone attempting to sound normal.

Maria's cheerful presence seemed to lighten the atmosphere, and she beamed at Rudy. "I'm ready to go!"

unknown to what was happening between Angelica and Rudy.

Angelica sat up from Rudy's lap and looked at him from the corners of her eyes. "I wonder who has changed more, you or me."

After saying that, she walked past Maria and left the room.

Rudy's gaze shifted from Maria to where Angelica had been sitting moments ago. He was left feeling a mixture of emotions. Maria's obliviousness to the underlying tension prompted Rudy to put on a smile.

"Great! Let's head out then."

As they walked together, Maria couldn't shake off the feeling that something had transpired in the living room before she arrived. She stole occasional glances at Rudy, sensing a change in his demeanor. The urge to ask gnawed at her, but she held back, not wanting to intrude if it was a sensitive matter.

Her mind raced with possibilities, and she wondered if she had interrupted a conversation between Rudy and Angelica. The uneasiness in her heart grew, and she wished she had the courage to voice her thoughts. But her fear of making things worse kept her silent for the time being.

Rudy, on the other hand, mentally berated himself for his thoughtless words that had unintentionally upset Angelica. He wished he could take back his response and handle the situation better.

A part of him wished he hadn't let his sulking get the best of him, knowing how much his relationship with Angelica meant to him. He had hoped to connect with Angelica in his own way, even if it meant bickering like they used to. Yet, his attempt had backfired, leaving him frustrated with himself.

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