Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 937 Ruby’s Reaction

Chapter 937  Ruby’s Reaction

Rudy had expected a variety of reactions – perhaps some sadness, envy, or even anger. After all, he had thought his harem members might be upset that Maria was the first to bear his child.

However, what he witnessed was entirely different from his expectations.

Alice, the youngest and most shy of the group, was the first to react. She jumped up from her seat and clapped her hands with glee. "Oh, Rudy, that's wonderful news! Congratulations to you and Maria!" Her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness.

Niti, the nurturing soul, gave Rudy a warm smile. "I'm so happy for both of you, Rudy. This is a blessing."

Angelica, always playful, chimed in, "Looks like our little family is growing. Congratulations, Rudy!"

One by one, they expressed their congratulations, their faces lit with genuine joy. Jane, who had once struggled with her feelings about motherhood, stepped forward and said, "Rudy, we're all thrilled for you, truly. We're not upset at all. Maria deserves all the happiness too."

Rias, with her calm demeanor, nodded. "Yes, Rudy. We're here for you and Maria, every step of the way."

Rudy couldn't believe what he was witnessing. His harem members weren't harboring any negative emotions – no jealousy, no resentment. They were genuinely happy for him and Maria.

Rudy felt a profound sense of relief and gratitude. He had expected his revelation to create discord or tension, but instead, it had strengthened the bond among his harem members. They were a family, ready to support and celebrate each other's joys and milestones, no matter the circumstances.

As the room filled with smiles and laughter, Rudy knew that he was blessed to have each of these remarkable women in his life. Their love and acceptance were more precious than he could have ever imagined.

However, Rudy couldn't help but notice that Ruby had been conspicuously silent, her arms crossed and her expression stubbornly stoic in the midst of the joyful celebration that had erupted among his harem members. He understood her well enough to know that she wasn't one to hide her true feelings behind a fake smile or hollow words, and he appreciated her authenticity.

While the others were busy celebrating and wondering how Maria's child will refer them as, Rudy decided to approach Ruby. He didn't want her to feel left out or misunderstood.

As he gently nudged her shoulder, Ruby turned her head to look at him, her eyes still harboring a hint of irritation. Her cheeks were slightly puffed in a classic sulking fashion.

Rudy couldn't help but chuckle at her expression. "You know, Ruby," he began in a playful tone, "I was wondering if Maria's child will call you cousin or aunt."

Ruby's eyes narrowed, and she shot him a glare that could have melted steel. She crossed her arms even tighter and pursed her lips, making it abundantly clear that she was not in the mood for jokes.

Rudy couldn't suppress his laughter any longer. He found Ruby's reaction utterly endearing. "Alright, alright," he conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender. "No jokes. I promise."

Ruby huffed but couldn't maintain her stern facade for long. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she finally relented. "You better not," she muttered, her irritation giving way to amusement.

Rudy was glad to see Ruby's sulkiness dissipate. He knew that she was fiercely protective and caring, and her initial reaction had likely been rooted in concern for him and Maria.

As Ruby and Rudy stood side by side, observing the joyous celebrations of his harem members, Ruby couldn't resist the temptation to share a private moment with him. She gently tugged at Rudy's sleeve and leaned closer, her voice dripping with seduction as she whispered in his ear, "Come with me for a bit. I want to share something with you."

Rudy, although intrigued by her offer, tried to be discreet. He responded, "Can't we do that here, Ruby?"

However, Ruby's determination was evident in the way her expression darkened, and she grabbed Rudy's hand firmly. With a playful but insistent smile, she began to pull him away from the living room, leading him down the hallway to the secluded lounge at the far end, where privacy could be assured, and no one was around to eavesdrop or interrupt.

Once they reached the dimly lit lounge, Ruby turned to face Rudy, her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that hinted at her desires. It was clear that she had something specific in mind, something she wanted to share with him in the intimacy of this secluded space.

The lounge was bathed in a soft, muted light, casting gentle shadows on the ornate furnishings that adorned the room. A plush velvet couch sat against one wall, while an elegant chandelier hung from the ceiling, scattering a warm glow throughout. Portraits of historical figures and landscapes adorned the walls, giving the room an air of timeless sophistication.

In this refined setting, Rudy and Ruby stood facing each other, their expressions painted with curiosity and intrigue. Rudy's emerald eyes sparkled with anticipation, his lips curled into a polite smile. He was genuinely interested in what Ruby had to say, but he also carried a hint of confusion as to why she had insisted on this private conversation.

With grace and charm, Rudy inquired, "So, Ruby, what is it that you wanted to tell me? It must be something important if it couldn't wait. I find it a bit rude to leave a celebration in the middle. Honestly, I would have felt a bit offended if any of my harem members had done that."

Ruby, on the other hand, wore a look of contemplation. Her sapphire eyes held a mixture of determination and vulnerability, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush. She had a secret to share, something that had weighed on her mind, and now that they were alone in this elegant lounge, she felt the time was right to reveal it.

Her voice, though, remained seductive as she leaned closer to Rudy, her breath warm against his ear. "It's not something for the celebration, Rudy," she whispered, her words a velvet caress. "It's something... personal. Just between you and me."

The room seemed to hold its breath as the two figures stood in the intimate hush of the lounge, a secret about to be unveiled.

Rudy was genuinely curious as it was unlike Ruby to act like that.

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