Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 945 Kitchen Battle

Chapter 945  Kitchen Battle 

The room hung heavy with tension, a palpable sense of dread that clung to the very air they breathed. George, a man of intellect and reason, stood frozen before a phenomenon that defied all rationality. He ached to dismiss it as an elaborate illusion, a conjurer's trick, something born of technology or sleight of hand. But the look on Rudy's face, the unyielding intensity in those dark eyes, shattered any illusions of normalcy.

The violent black matter that swirled malevolently on Rudy's fingertip demanded an explanation that George couldn't provide. His mind raced, thoughts colliding in a frantic scramble for coherence, for any semblance of reason. What he witnessed challenged the core of his understanding of the world.

Rudy's voice, calm and chilling, sliced through the silence. "I asked you to play a game with me, so let's start. The game will be called Truth or dare, shall we?"

George's facade of indifference faltered for a moment. He cleared his throat, an attempt to regain some semblance of composure, before he cautiously replied, "Truth or dare? Rudy, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Is this some kind of elaborate prank or...?"

Rudy's stare, unrelenting and dark, bore into George's soul. It was as if he could see through the layers of pretense and denial, peering into the depths of George's thoughts. The sinister nature of the swirling matter on Rudy's fingertip gnawed at the edges of George's sanity.

For a brief moment, George toyed with the notion of accepting Rudy's game, of navigating this incomprehensible territory with caution. But the fear, the instinct for self-preservation, held him captive. The unknown loomed like an abyss, a precipice from which he dared not descend.

George fought to maintain his composure, his face a carefully crafted mask of confusion. "What...what do you mean by all that, Rudy?" He waved his hand vaguely toward the swirling black substance on Rudy's fingertip, feigning bewilderment.

Rudy's piercing gaze remained fixed upon George, unwavering and severe. There was no flicker of amusement, no trace of jest in Rudy's expression. Instead, his eyes bore a disconcerting intensity, a gravity that chilled George to his core.

For a fleeting moment, George's thoughts raced through a whirlwind of possibilities. Had Rudy developed some advanced technology, far beyond George's knowledge? Was this an elaborate illusion, a magician's trick on a grand scale, meant to confound his perceptions? George desperately clung to these explanations, knowing that they were flimsy rationalizations in the face of the inexplicable.

As George spoke, feigning surprise, he gestured toward the black matter with a mix of curiosity and confusion. "Is this some kind of 3D projection tool you're using for a school project?" His voice quivered slightly, betraying his facade of ignorance.

But Rudy's response was not one of explanation or amusement. Instead, without a word, he acted. In an instant, the swirling matter transformed into a projectile, hurtling forward with terrifying speed. It passed through George's chest as if he were made of smoke and not flesh, leaving nothing but a gaping void in its wake.

A strangled gasp escaped George's lips as his body convulsed, a grotesque dance of death. The shock, the pain, and the abrupt cessation of life left him sprawling on the floor, his vacant eyes staring into an abyss.

Amidst the eerie silence of the room, Rudy's eyes glowed a menacing shade of crimson in the shroud of darkness. His intense gaze remained transfixed on George's lifeless body sprawled motionless on the floor. The room seemed to pulsate with the sinister energy that radiated from Rudy.

Time flowed like molasses, each minute an eternity as Rudy's eyes remained unwaveringly fixed on the gaping void in George's chest. His initial nonchalance had given way to a growing unease, etching a faint furrow on his brow. Minutes ticked by, measured only by the soft cadence of his own breath.

Rudy's gaze briefly flickered, betraying a momentary lapse of focus. His eyes ascended, penetrating the ceiling to peer into Alice's room above. There, he observed the peaceful visage of his beloved Alice, cocooned in the serenity of slumber. A reassuring sigh escaped his lips, knowing she was safe.

However, when his eyes returned to the spot where George's lifeless body had rested, a disquieting revelation shattered his newfound calm. George was no longer there. Instead, he lurked in the shadows, concealed by the obscurity of the room.

In George's outstretched hand gleamed the glinting blade of a knife, its malevolence evident even in the dim light. The intent in his eyes was unmistakable - a ruthless determination to exact revenge upon Rudy.

Rudy, caught off guard by this abrupt transformation, had only a heartbeat to react. George surged forward, the knife poised to strike. Rudy's instincts took over, and he pivoted, narrowly evading the imminent thrust.

What ensued was a frenzied spectacle of shadows and steel. Rudy's movements were swift, his supernatural abilities granting him an eerie edge. Yet, George, driven by desperation and an all-consuming rage, pressed the attack relentlessly.

The blade sliced through the air, an ominous glimmer in the room's obscurity. Rudy's eyes continued to smolder with their ominous crimson glow, a manifestation of the extraordinary powers that coursed through him.

The room bore witness to their violent dance, a battle that seemed to transcend the bounds of reality itself.

Rudy's dodge and counterattack were swift and precise. He sidestepped George's lunge, allowing the man to crash into the wall with an audible thud. It seemed like George was defeated, but the element of surprise remained his ally.

As George groaned and struggled to regain his footing, Rudy's chuckles filled the room. It was a laughter born from the absurdity of their situation, an unexpected twist in their confrontation.

George, his back against the wall, slowly rose, his eyes fixed on Rudy with a mix of fear and determination. He was battered, but he refused to yield to this mysterious intruder.

Rudy's laughter grew louder, almost manic, as he watched George's tenacity. He couldn't contain himself, and the more he laughed, the more bewildered and infuriated George became.

"Oh Dear Lord," Rudy managed to say between fits of laughter, "so my suspicion was true after all." He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Not going to lie, I was a little worried when you didn't wake up after I 'killed' you..."

He stopped abruptly, his laughter subsiding. Rudy's gaze bore into George's soul as he shrugged, his expression turning serious. "Well... Apparently."

The room fell into a tense silence, the only sounds the ragged breathing of the two men and the distant hum of the city outside. Rudy's laughter had thrown George off balance, but he couldn't underestimate this enigmatic figure any longer.

George knew that Rudy possessed powers far beyond his comprehension. His survival had defied logic, and Rudy's laughter hinted at a reality that shattered the boundaries of the ordinary.

George, still breathing heavily from their intense confrontation, managed to gather his thoughts enough to voice his questions. "What gave away my identity? On what basis did you attack me?"

Rudy, now standing several feet away, casually shrugged his shoulders. "To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure," he admitted, a hint of nonchalance in his tone. "It was more of a hit or miss situation."

Surprised and enraged by this response, George's voice trembled with anger. "You attacked me, possibly with the intent to kill, on a whim? Just to prove a suspicion?"

Rudy scoffed, his crimson eyes never leaving George's gaze. "Well, you see, Mr. George, I've done worse things for far less reason. People like you tend to underestimate the world we live in."

George's anger deepened at Rudy's callous admission. It was clear that this man possessed a cold and ruthless side, one that didn't hesitate to take extreme actions based on hunches and suspicions.

"You can't be the Rudy I watched grow up. Who are you?" George demanded again, his voice more forceful. "What is your purpose here? And how did you obtain the powers you possess?"

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