Eternal Melody

Chapter 1002 My Beautiful Monster Part 103

Chapter 1002 My Beautiful Monster Part 103


US- New York- M5 Mansion

 A man with short tousled black coloured hair, and brown coloured eyes wearing a grey coloured coat lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth taking a deep exhale as he looked down the busy streets. People were already wearing winter clothes and he too wore his usual coat. Initially he left it behind to provide Sumire some comfort. But, she somehow managed to slip it into his suitcase. Yuhi reached out for his phone to send Sumire a message saying his work for the day was finished. It's become a habit for him to message her.

'Even if I do this, it's not like she will reply.' After healing from his wounds, he found himself in rehabilitation. He only just returned recently. During the time Sumire and Hino were attacked, he was attacked too. The second time, it's the second time Sumire has been attacked and so has he,

Lucifer saved Sumire and killed the creature who hurt her, even if he did kidnap her afterwards. Yuhi knew he wasn't the one who sent the monsters. Since he arrived abroad he has been doing his best to destroy Lucifer's bases here. During his many rampages he learned how the black alice organisation actually has many leaders.

His thoughts break off as his phone rang and seeing the name on his screen, he immediately picked up.

"How is she?"

"She's doing well. Lucifer is good to her." Renna answered.

"I see."

"Lucifer plans to return her memories during the ceremony, which is happening right now by the way."

"Of course."

Lucifer never intended to take Sumire. Moreover Lucifer is that Alexander. He suspected it before but it was only during his investigations when he confirmed his theory. So, Yuhi wasn't too worried about Sumire being with Lucifer.

Considering the mess, the infighting that is happening amongst their own allies. Yuhi figured the best place for Sumire right now was somewhere far away. If she still had her memories, she would never have agreed to going away. 

Mamoru contacted him recently explaining about a fight they had before Sumire was captured.

'I think she was starting to remember something about Lucifer,'

It wouldn't surprise him if that was the case. He saw signs of it before when they were cuddling in bed and discussing about the situation in the underworld.

"Are you really okay with this?" Renna questioned.


"I promised her, a long time ago that I'd give her a choice this time."

"You made the promise while she was dying."


Renna sighed. "No wonder you can't interfere directly. I thought it was odd."

"Lucifer won't hurt her."

Renna was still sighing. "It's true he hasn't hurt her. But I don't think he is a good person at all. I think he is a really bad influence on her." She paused. "There's actually something I haven't mentioned yet."

"What is it?" Yuhi immediately sensed her faltering tone.

Renna just said that Lucifer hasn't hurt her. But, just because she hasn't been hurt physically doesn't mean she hasn't been hurt emotionally. The girl must have sensed his growing unease since she quickly explained.

It turns out that Sumire lost control of her powers and destroyed Lucifer's harem, and most recently tore a girl apart who was found naked in Lucifer's bed chambers.

"It's just jealousy, she just gets jealous easily." Yuhi tried to reason with Renna. But, even he understood why Renna was so concerned.

It's true Sumire has often said frightening stuff about destroying the women who go near him. But, she has never actually acted on it before.

Lucifer has been treating her well, so why is her mental state in that condition? She only ever rampages like that when her mental health isn't good.

"Hasn't Mashima been visiting?" Yuhi questioned.

He thought Mashima's presence would be more than enough to keep Sumire sane, and away from the negative influence from Lucifer's people.

"Honestly Yuhi-san you can be so dense. Isn't it because she misses you?" Renna lectured.

Yuhi blinked. "But, you said she doesn't have her memories."

"You don't have to have memories to miss someone. I already explained how memory erasing works, but let me repeat it since you obviously didn't pay attention. Even if you erase a person's memory of everything she knows, something will remain. A shard. The reason being, without memories humans would collapse. They would become mindless individuals. Memories are what drives people to be human, without them they have nothing. That's why no matter how much is taken, something remains. Enough for that person to try and regain the lost memories or start over."

"Are you saying Sumire's shard is about me?"

Renna paused. "Yes."

"That pause was suspicious."

"It's because she didn't remember you immediately, at least not on the surface. Subconsciously she probably never forgot you. I thought it was strange, your clearly her anchor-"

"Hino is her anchor, not me. But continue." Yuhi clarified.

"She didn't remember Narasaki even though she clearly has a bond with him. So, once when she had fallen asleep after training. I used my own powers to enter her mind."

Yuhi frowned. "That's dangerous for you, and for her."

Kusabe Renna takes far too many risks. It's surprising considering who her master is. 

"I had to take the risk, she had amnesia. But it was such an unusual case. Too much was erased. Even if Lucifer stole Narasaki's ability, he shouldn't have been able to take too much."

"What did you find?"

"I found something was blocking that shard. A shield. It took me a long time to break it since catching her when she is sleeping isn't easy. After she first fell asleep after training, Lucifer practically created a bedroom near the training grounds for her to take her naps. A place that only she can go to."

A shield? Amongst their common friends, there is nobody with a shield abi- Yuhi paused. There is someone who comes to mind, but that girl is Sumire's friend. Shizune Miya, he ought to try and get in contact with her. If he recalls correctly, Cassie became friends with her didn't she? 

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