Eternal Melody

Chapter 1032 This is me Part 8

Chapter 1032 This is me Part 8


Ever since they started dating, no even when they weren't a couple. There has never been any awkwardness between them. She has always been the one person he has felt comfortable around, and the same goes vice versa. But, after this surely there will be.

"I'm alright. I've just been a bit busy. More importantly." He traced her lips. "I'd like to kiss you now."

He isn't just distracting her. No, ever since he saw her a few minutes ago. He has wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

Sumire looked away. "I- not now."

"Because of him?" Yuhi dared to ask.

"No!!!! I love you Yuhi, I always have, always will. But, I feel filthy." Sumire trailed off. "It wasn't just once, several times. I--I'm dirty."

Yuhi leaned forward and brushed his forehead against hers.

"You're so silly, I don't find you dirty. At least not yet, I can get you plenty filthy in seconds-"

Sumire stepped on his foot and he winced in pain. "Wife, you always have a violent way of showing your affections for me."

Sumire folded her arms across her chest. "That's because you always insist on being shameless." Sumire sighs deeply. "My dear, do you really want to touch me? Your not just doing this to make me feel bet-"

Yuhi lost whatever control he had and pulled Sumire in for a deep and passionate kiss. He hasn't kissed her like this in two months. If he doesn't include their kisses in the dream space, it has been even longer since he kissed her in real life. The moment he returns, he will be getting his fill of her. Yuhi never realized how much he needed her until he his trip to the US. It isn't like their previous separations. Their previous separations were different because they weren't a couple.

He didn't have the pleasure of holding her in his arms.

After kissing for a few minutes, he finally lets her go and Sumire?slumps her head on his shoulders.

"Y-your lung capacity has improved my dear. You haven't been practising kissing someone in the US have you?"

Yuhi rolls his eyes at her words. "Maybe it's because I have a very active imagination. I've been thinking of ways to bring you to your knees-"

Sumire laughs softly. "I have no doubt that err you've been experimenting in your mind."

His gaze softened at her words. It's okay, they are still okay. Just now when he kissed her. He felt it, her desire, and her love for him. While he believed in Sumire's feelings, a part of him was terrified that she would choose Lucifer over him.

Sumire lifted her face from his shoulder. "My dear, are you really okay?"

"Hm? Why are you asking."

"You seem really fragile right now."

Yuhi laughed weakly. "Shouldn't you continue complimenting my amazing kissing skills?"

"I would, since it was very enjoyable. But, your acting very strange." Sumire trailed off. "Will you tell me? What have you been doing in the US. No, specifically the last three weeks. You weren't in hospital, but I don't think you have been doing much work either."

She really is smart. Yuhi sits down and pulls the girl onto his lap. "Alright, I'll tell you everything."

During the times he hesitated in his explanation, Sumire would squeeze his hand or place gentle kisses on his neck. He wished she stopped there, but when her fingers went on his shirt buttons. He almost lost control.

She giggled. "This is supposed to be a serious conversation, behave my dear."

'Whose fault is it that I am having inappropriate thoughts?'

"During the destruction of the black alice bases abroad. I discovered so many gruesome things. I have been a member of the underworld ever since I was a child. I thought, there was nothing that could surprise me anymore. But, I was wrong." Yuhi shakes his head. "I knew the organisation was brutal, but when I saw them torturing children. I lost control."

Sumire's gaze softened. "It's because you're a father now Yuhi-san. Even if you haven't spent much time with your kids, you're still a father. It's natural that you couldn't stand it."

"I saw other horrific things, but what keeps me up at night. What keeps replaying in my head is the memory of those children being tortured. Their cries, their pain-" His sentence fell short feeling Sumire's lips on his.

It was a brief kiss, but it conveyed so much emotion that he felt tears fall from his eyes. Sumire brushed her fingers across his eyelids.

"When you cry my dear, I think it does things to me." Sumire mumbled.

Yuhi laughed. "I think my wife, we have discovered that you get turned on no matter what I do."

"Mmm, indeed. My dear, It was painful wasn't it? Having to endure everything alone. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you. I'll do better from now on."

Yuhi shakes his head. "It's not your fault, Sumire. I should have just come to you. I shouldn't have bothered going to the US. Takeyama's offer was good but it's not like we couldn't have gone the following year with you."

"Hush my love, I understand. It's truly okay. We were both wrong. It's not just your fault." Sumire bit her lip. "Even before you went to the US, I could tell you weren't doing so well. But, like a silly love struck idiot you were too focused on my needs."

Yuhi laughs. "You were pregnant, Sumire, it was only natural for me to care for you."

"I know, and that's why I didn't say anything. I knew if we had the conversation then, you would say it's too stressful to talk about this when I'm pregnant." Sumire sighs frustrated. "It's hard to argue with you my dear. I really want to lecture you for being so foolish, but I know everything you have sacrificed is because of your love for me."

He really does love her, so very much. He never thought he was capable of such feelings before. From the very start, this girl was fated to be his. But, because of his own insecurities he pushed her away. He pushed her into the arms of another man and cut their soul bond.

Sumire still doesn't remember that.

She doesn't remember that she met him before Lucifer, doesn't remember that her bonded person was him first.

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