Eternal Melody

Chapter 1101 Tokyo Illusion Part 39

Chapter 1101 Tokyo Illusion Part 39


The moment Rayne left them, Sumire collapsed in his arms. For a moment Yuhi is worried that she is sick. What if she does that thing she did when he was away in the US? Has she also not been eating meals and neglecting herself?

Yuhi shakes her head. It's impossible for her to end up in that state with Mashima around. As long as Mashima is around, Sumire won't do anything stupid. 

 To his surprise Sumire was simply inhaling her scent.

"I'm happy we found my brother."

"Lucifer failed to mention that your brother was healthy, and has actually taken back your home."

Sumire giggled. "I find you more attractive when your seeking violence."

Yuhi rolled his eyes. "Says the one who used to lecture me about getting into too many fights."

"That's because you fought so recklessly."

"And you didn't?"

"I was only following your lead, besides your the one who said you liked scary women."

Indeed, he did say those words. But he only said that because he was thinking of her. 'Although, I am not afraid of her. I am aware of what others think.' 

"So, was it all for me?"

Sumire nodded and sighs deeply. "I put in so much effort, I even grew my hair out for you."

Yuhi laughs, "Short or long hair, I will like it as long as it's you."

Besides, when she had short hair, her neck would be perfectly exposed for him.

'I used to bury my face there a lot after missions. Now that I think about it, Sumire and me practically acted like a couple. It's no wonder there were those rumors about the two of us dating.' 

It didn't help how Sumire didn't deny those rumors and she casually clung to him in front of others. Sumire being 'Terashima Yuhi's girl' was already a thing before they long became an actual couple. 

The others in the underworld who watched the news probably thought it was weird, since everyone has always assumed they were together. Those punks have no idea, how much they had to go through to be together.

"My dearest who is obviously obsessed with the beauty which is me, I've been thinking recently about more jobs we can do together."

"Yeah, what do you have in mind?"

"Hino secured a script for a good romance drama. He already spoke with the director and said if we can prove we're an actual couple, we can have the roles."

Yuhi sighs deeply. It's not the first time he is hearing this. There are surprisingly large amounts of people who don't believe Sumire and him are actually together. 'I don't care about such things. But I am worried about it affecting Sumire.'

"Hnn, how do we prove it?"

Sumire tilted her head innocently. "A kiss?"

Yuhi smirked. "I think, a kiss is too innocent. We can be a bit more convincing."

Sumire sighs. "Your obviously horny Yuhi. I don't think you would strip me in front of the director though."

"Definitely not, your clothes stay on. But the kiss can include a bit of fondling too."

But, now that he thinks about it. Maybe physical acts of affection will only lead to the director thinking they are in a physical relationship.

"Should we-" Yuhi was going to suggest they bring the kids. Surely if the director sees them acting as a family, he won't be able to say anything? 

"We should paint."

Yuhi blinked at the girl's suggestion. That was the last thing on his mind. But he understands her logic, his and Sumire's interactions have always been more natural when they paint together.

"It's been awhile since we painted anything."

"Mm, that's true." Sumire suddenly broke free from his arms and started to rummage through some drawers.

Seeing how familiar she was with the room, Yuhi finally understands. "Is this the room you had as a child?"

Sumire nodded. "I was surprised when Rayne lead us here. I haven't been here since the accident."

Yuhi couldn't respond, all he was thinking was this is her room. 

Her room, the room she had as a child. 

'I have only been to her room a few times when I was in star town, and when she moved to Tokyo. She didn't live in the place she bought since I made her stay with me.'

There is something special about being in her room.

"My dear?" Sumire said noticing his silence.

"Time out." Yuhi covered his face with his hands as he crouched down. "I'm feeling all sorts of emotions right now."

To his surprise Sumire didn't make fun of him, instead she crouched down beside him. 

"I think I get it you know? This is a place that holds loads of memories to me, a place you have never seen before. It's only natural that you want to know everything about the woman you love. It's the same with me, each of the apartments you own hold different memories. So, before you sold them all. I visited them one last time."

Yuhi blinked surprised.

"Every dent and stain, I memorized them all. I imagined what happened to cause the marks."

His sweat fell. "I hope you didn't think-"

Sumire giggled. "I know you never brought any of your women home. Hino told me, that you restricted those meetings to hotels."

A relieved sigh escaped his lips. The last thing he wants is another misunderstanding between them.

"I understand Yuhi. I'm really glad this place is still around. You know I was actually planning on bringing you and the kids here. I wanted to show you all where I grew up. I was worried that the room wouldn't be here, and my relatives messed with it. But, it seems Rayne took over soon as I stopped coming here."

"If that's the case, he has been alive for years." 

Sumire nodded as she pried his hands from his face and mumbles something about him being handsome even when he is blushing.

"Mm. Truthfully, I had a feeling it was really him. Only he would write such a rude note. However, I knew if I showed up before I came of age, my greedy relatives would try to mess with me. Moreover, I was being wary of my grandfather. I knew he had his eyes set on the property."

Sumire's grandfather, thinking of the information on the reports he found in the black alice organisation bases abroad. Yuhi knew he had to tell her. 

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