Eternal Melody

Chapter 1110 Tokyo Illusion Part 48

Chapter 1110 Tokyo Illusion Part 48


Yuhi-san is taking a long time with that phone call. Did he go off somewhere?

Sumire giggled and spoke up. "My dear, had to take care of a riot that happened in a park nearby. The orders came from the Holy knights branch, but he forwarded everything to his phone."

Jun blinked. "-and you're okay with that?"

"I know that he is only trying to protect me."

"My suggestion, did you not find it strange?" Jun asked.

Usually they'd never intervene in getting involved with the composing procedure after all. 

"No, I don't think it's strange at all. Because truthfully speaking, Yuhi and I were planning on asking you guys the same." 

They were? Usually Yuhi doesn't want anyone interfering either.

Sumire's gaze softens, " This song is going to be the last ones you guys perform in TOKYO before going back to the US. For awhile you won't be able to perform in Japanese TV programmers - and although being a worldwide star is better. This place is where you all came together. Despite all the struggles, you all came together. Did you notice it in the title?"

'I heard them discuss it earlier, and even though Yuhi-san seemed very reluctant. It seems Sumire-san managed to persuade him.

But, will she really be okay being apart from Yuhi-san for a year? Will Yuhi-san be okay without her?'

"TOKYO illusion. Could it be ---"

Sumire nodded. "This song, we want it to be a product of all of us as well as the fans. To them were usually people who are so far away and out of reach. They can only see us in TV, magazines and forms of the media. But with this song I want to bring us all together. Because we're all human, we all feel the same sorts of emotions. We all feel sadness, get angry, hurt others, as well as joy and happiness." 

Before he could respond though he halts seeing the glowing rainbow coloured wrapped around the girl. This radiance, this feeling, it's different from that time. It's not just Yuhi-san who has changed, Sumire has too. In the past, all these changes would have unsettled him, but it is truly different now.

"I see, then we really do have to do a good job."

"Yes." Sumire trails off. "Jun, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"I want to know more about your adventures in the US. Yuhi never really mentioned anything about it."

Of course he wouldn't. 

After all, half the time other women were trying to cling to him. It's true Takeyama kept the majority from crawling to Yuhi-san's bed, but there were a few close calls. A few occasions where the women openly seduced Yuhi in the middle of a job.

Sumire must have noticed his odd expression, since she spoke up. "Were there other females?"

Jun nodded. "Takeyama slept with the ones who showed up at the manor, but half the time at work. The women there would undress themselves in front of Yuhi-san." He trails off seeing the dark aura around her. "Previously, I was curious about those rumors about him being a playboy. But after seeing how he reacts to being seduced, I wonder how much of it was true."

Sumire sighs deeply. "It's true he slept around, Yuhi admitted it to me. But at the same time, it's definitely not what others think. The women came to him, he didn't go to them."

That explains why those women were acting so boldly, they must think that Yuhi-san is still the same. No wonder he didn't so much as flinch when he saw them act shamelessly.

"So that's what it was. Did it happen-"

"Nearly everyday? Yes."

Sumire bit her lip. "He should have told me, I wouldn't have judged him. No wonder he always looked so exhausted."

"Badmouthing me I see." A familiar voice said.

Seeing Yuhi, Jun sighs. "Keeping your wife company just in case she hurts her fingers."

"Thanks, she is quite clumsy."

"Hey!" Sumire exclaimed.

"Come here you, I'm not done with you yet." Yuhi said, tugging on Sumire's hand.

Sumire's entire face reddens. "Yuhi-san, really now?"

"Yes, you promised me that you'd make it worth my while before we are separated for a year. So I'm calling on that favour."

Jun sighs deeply, so she bribes him. Of course she did, otherwise there was no way Yuhi-san would agree. He sends the silly couple away and thinks about those lyrics, and the music that Yuhi-san composed.



Ran arrived in one piece, and immediately headed to his room to rest. Although he was discharged from the hospital, his wounds must still hurt. After Ran-chan arrived, surprisingly Mimi came alongside Yuhi. Jun already told him about the conversation he had with Mimi, but Kou didn't think she would personally come. He was making sandwiches in the kitchen when they came. Mimi offered to help while Yuhi said he would and speak with Ran.

Sumire rolled her sleeves. "So, sandwiches? What do you need help with?"

"I'll handle boiling the eggs, so can you slice up the onions?"

Sumire nodded and got to work. At first neither of them said anything, there was a comfortable silence between them.

"Did Jun-kun tell you?"

"Yeah, it was surprising."

Sumire laughed. "But you guys are going to leave soon."

At those words Kou frowned. "Mimi, are you okay with it?"

Sumire's gaze softens. "Mm, I am."

"I heard you two fought-" Kou shakes his head. It seems like they are fine now but he was worried when he heard about it. "Mashima was the one who kept us informed."

"Of course he did." Sumire trails off. "I really will be okay, Kou. I know when you all went to the US, I was a mess without Yuhi-san. But, after my recent conversation with Yuhi-san. I realized that maybe it would do some good for us two to have time apart."

"Mimi, that's-"

"My feelings haven't changed at all, in fact they have only gotten stronger. Now that I remember everything."

'Both of them explained about their past lives. It sounded like something from a fairy-tale. However they live in a world where hanyou's and evolved human's exists, so anything is possible.'

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