Eternal Melody

Chapter 991 My Beautiful Monster Part 92

Chapter 991 My Beautiful Monster Part 92


This place is owned by his organisation. So there is no chance for the reporters to come here. It ought to be safe with him here. Lucifer scooped her up in his arms, wrapping her around his cloak. 

They walked in silence for a few minutes before he reached a room with double doors a few floors up. He opens it and examines it carefully. It's been cleaned well. Lucifer places the girl carefully on the bed and Sumire looks around curiously. 

"This place is in a good location to oversee the branches." Lucifer explained.

"You stay in a love hotel when you're out on business?" Sumire said suspiciously. 

"So, you know about love hotels?" Lucifer said amused as he opened the cabinet doors and took out a female robe for Sumire.

"Was this hers?" Sumire asked as she examined the garment he gave her.

"No my heart, that's yours."

Although he never truly entertained the idea of her ever being with him in this life. Just in case, he made preparations.

"It does seem new."

Lucifer sits down on the bed beside her. "What will it get for you to stop doubting me?"

He doesn't like her acting so cautiously around him. Maybe he should dismiss all the female servants in the manor. Although that move would probably cause a riot amongst his men. Sumire's priorities are first.

Sumire sighs deeply and shakes her head. "Nothing. I think I'm just paranoid because of what happened before."

Lucifer cringed at those words. Even though Sumire didn't say it specifically, he knew what she was thinking. When he betrayed her with that random woman in their first life. It was one of the rare memories Sumire had of their first life.

Sumire catches his dark gaze and shakes her head. "It's not that. It just, feels like I have been betrayed in this life time too."

A knowing 'ah' escaped his lips. Lucifer pointed to the bathroom. "Take a relaxing shower wife, and then allow me to feed from you."

Sumire immediately bolted up. "Don't go anywhere okay?"

"I won't."


Unfortunately when Sumire finished with her shower, she was too tired so he simply brought her to bed and laid her down. It was moments after when the doors opened revealing silver hair.

It was Toh, but he wasn't alone. A furious looking Tsueno Mamoru was with him. Lucifer exhaled deeply knowing that there would be no way to get rid of him.

"Mamoru was the one who got rid of the reporter." Toh explained as Tsueno walked into the room. His destination being the bed where the girl lay.

"She was followed?"

"No, they were following you and they just happened to see her too. Mamoru caught the reporter and took him somewhere- don't ask me where." Toh shakes his head. "What were you thinking?"

"I've been meeting Makino."

Toh frowns. "Miyazawa, right I did hear she was back. But still boss, it's not like you."

Indeed, his mind was far too occupied. Otherwise he would have noticed that Sumire was following him, and he could have sent her away sooner. Or personally stopped the reporter.

Lucifer closed the door behind Toh as they walked over to where Tsueno was sitting on the chair by the bed. What caught his attention was Tsueno's hands on her fucking hands. A wave of possessiveness washed over him and it was taking all his will power not to rip her hand out.

"You're so damn lucky that she doesn't look hurt." Tsueno's gaze is dark. "Otherwise I would-"

Lucifer sighs deeply. "Did you just come here to make threats?"

"She needs to come back, you have to return her."

Lucifer frowned. "I know the Holy knights are a mess but-"

Mamoru shakes his head. "It's not that. I'm talking about her children, her children need her."

"Did something happen?"

"Her daughter Kyoko's powers have been revealed, at least a position of it. She has the ability to see the future and the past." Toh explained.

A child of light after all. 

"She's been crying for Ki every single night, insisting that there is a monster after her. Nothing but a sedative calms her down and even then it's only for a few hours. She needs her mother."

"Why can't Terashima just-" Lucifer paused. If Terashima really does come here. No doubt he will take Sumire away by force. 

"Lord-" Toh started. "I know why you want to keep her but if that child really has powers like that. You know she needs Sumire, otherwise she could lose control."

"Of course I know that." Lucifer snapped. 

Even though he has been cursed and has accepted the darkness. A long time ago, he was a God of light. He knows very well what happens to children with light abilities that lose their teether. 'I didn't realize Sumire made herself the teether to her children.' But of course she would, before she came to his side. She treated him like an enemy. She made that move as an extra security measure.

"I'll talk to her when she wakes up." Lucifer said reluctantly.

"You better." Mamoru warned. He was about to say something when his phone rang.

"You have to leave?"

Mamoru sighed. "Aki is still missing, and Ki is here."

"Make sure you rest too. You look awful. Stop by the hospital and get Nagawa to give you a check up."

Mamoru laughed weakly. "Yeah." His gaze turned to Sumire and he reached for her hand again. Mamoru gently brought it to his lips. "I know you're hurting Ki, but you can't run away forever."

With those words said Tsueno left, with Toh following behind him to escort Tsueno out. Tsueno could successfully leave without being noticed. But Toh probably has something to tell her. 

He returns his attention to the girl on the bed.

Lucifer carefully removes the girl's coat, only for something to slip out and land on the ground with a thud. He bent down and his hand came in contact with metal. When Lucifer examined the object his gaze dimmed. A lighter, even though she doesn't smoke. He rummages through her pockets and finds a familiar brand of cigarettes. The same brand that Terashima smokes.

Even before he went on the inspection to the border, occasionally he would catch his wife smelling like cigarettes. Considering how much time she spends training with his guard, it didn't surprise him. To think this was the reason. 

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