Eternal Melody

Chapter 998 My Beautiful Monster Part 99

Chapter 998 My Beautiful Monster Part 99


A few minutes quickly turned into an hour and a half. Gods, that woman. When she wants to seduce, she does it with full force. On his way to the dungeons, he was thinking of the many ways she used her mouth, and hands to persuade him. The manor was busy, with everyone getting ready for the wedding. 

Occasionally he would drop by a few rooms, making sure nobody was slacking. He made sure everyone helped with the wedding. But, the servants were still the busiest ones as they dashed back and forth.

Seeing him in the corridor, the head maid quickly rushed to the direction of the bed chamber alongside other servants. Just for today, he made an exception letting people in the room. His gaze fell on Kusabe who nodded and bowed as she followed them.

It would be difficult for Jacks to be there in the middle of the preparations. However, Kusabe Renna is a fellow female so she can blend in without concern. 

'I do not think anybody would be foolish to attack after what happened last time. Everyone in the manor has heard about what Sumire did to Elisa.' The reaction was mixed, but the majority not only feared her but respected her. His people understand the rules very well. Only the strong will survive.

Previously his people underestimated Sumire because of her shy demeanour due to her memory loss. But after the harem destruction and Elisa's incident, nobody will underestimate her again. He has seen a new found determination in their eyes. Determined to serve Sumire.

Lucifer unlocks the door to the dungeon and steps inside the dimly lit corridor. There was no guard at the door because he made everyone, including the guards, help out with the wedding preparations. 

"It seems you're still alive, Narasaki."

"You can't kill me that easy-" Hino paused. "You smell like her."

"Of course. Three days being intertwined together will do that." his tone was filled with pride. 

Though they have slept with each other many times already. It was the first time for him to have her like that. 

"When she regains her memories, she's going to kill you."

"She won't."

"Right, she wont. But the pain from sleeping with you? From unintentionally betraying Yuhi?"

Lucifer's gaze dimmed. "She never belonged to him."

Hino sighed. "Your delusional to think that she will pick you over Yuhi. You don't understand their soul bond at all."

Whatever rationality he had when this conversation with Narasaki started vanished immediately. This isn't the first time Narasaki has provoked him about how close Terashima and Sumire are. However, this is the first time Narasaki has dangled the information about the soul bound. 

He already knew, that even though he felt the soul thread first when he reincarnated into this world. Sumire's soul bond partner is still Terashima. He knew, but hearing about it disgusts him. Before Lucifer knew what he was doing, he was lifting Narasaki in the air and was choking him with his hands, and his shadows turned into blades and cut him everywhere.

"That soul bond you keep mentioning was mine. I was her partner, I'm the other half of her soul." Lucifer yelled.

More shadows, more darkness. 

Hino seemed surprised but nodded. "Even if that's the case, the bond still chose to go to Yuhi again. Did you ever think of why that was the case?"

Lucifer didn't want to hear it. The circumstances in the last two lifetimes were unusual. In this life he actually woke up closer to her, so it should have been him. He was in her life before Terashima Yuhi this time. So, how come?

Her bond with Terashima is stronger.

She loves Terashima more.

Those theories have popped in his head over and over whenever his thoughts strayed to the soul bond. But, Lucifer refused to dwell on them. No matter what happens, he will make sure Sumire understands their connection. He will make sure that he gets a chance. She may be in a relationship now, but they aren't married yet. There is still a chance for him. If Sumire marries Terashima, it will be difficult for him to intervene. After all, a marriage bond is different than a normal one.

Narasaki Hino was lasting much longer with his poisonous darkness than most people. But venom is still venom, after a few minutes of direct contact with his skin. Narasaki's face colour changed.

The only reason he kept Narasaki alive was his power and Sumire. Lucifer didn't want to lose the ability to steal memories. However, this guy is causing so many issues for him. If he breaks a few more bones, or cut out his tongue. Then he won't have to listen to this nonsense anymore. Before Lucifer could do anything however, a flash of brunette appeared between him and Narasaki.

It was Sumire.

"Please. Don't hurt him."

He raised his eyebrow. Does she finally remember Narasaki too? Lucifer didn't stop immediately 

"Husband." Sumire said softly. "I thought you had work. Is this more important than me keeping you in our bed?"

"Kiss me." Lucifer ordered.

Sumire blinked surprised. Lucifer couldn't miss the flash of pain in her eyes, and for a moment he almost backed down. But, when her lips made contact with him. He growled and wrapped his arms firmly around her waist, one hand sliding to her butt. 

They kiss deeply, and he occasionally breaks the kiss and licks and sucks her neck. The entire time making sure Narasaki could see and hear everything. 

Sumire's moans grew louder, and the entire time he focused on Narasaki's expression. There was a mixture of disgust and anger, but the anger was stronger than the disgust. Fascinating, Narasaki must truly like Sumire. Even though Sumire is the one deepening the kiss, clearly enjoying it. He isn't going to blame her.

He finally stops when he realizes the girl's breathing was becoming unsteady and the girls legs that were wrapped around his waist were shaking.

Lucifer gently kisses her forehead. "Are you alright?"

Sumire nodded and laughed. "Husband, you still have stamina left."

He smirked. "Of course my heart, my stamina is endless as I told you on our bed just this morning."

'I really want to test it out.' Test, how long she can endure. 

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