
Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Are those crazed people behind me part of the same organization that youre in? San asked as he pointed his chin towards his rear.

No, theyre people that Ive killed. Theyre all under my control. You can think of them as contracted slaves, Beckham replied.

Contracted slaves? San asked. Beckham nodded his head as he listened to Sans question. His forces, who were behind San and Biyeon, started creeping forward. Their movements were drastically different from when they were confronting the merchant convoys escort warriors. They were moving together as if they were being controlled by a single person.

Thats weird. You dont even know this basic concept? You guys have never died ever since you were summoned to this place? Beckham asked with slight surprise.

Hmm, we were pushed to the brink of death many times, probably more times than youve died, San answered flatly.

For the first time during their conversation, Beckhams eyes grew wide with surprise. He couldnt understand how they hadnt died at least once. Beckham knew that San and Biyeon were a cut above people like him. Beckham strengthened his grip on his weapons and spoke out, The loser of an official match becomes the contracted slave of the winner. The term of the contract is one year. After one year, another bloody match is held. The side that perishes becomes the contracted slave for the other party. The higher achieving and stronger individuals have a large consortium of contracted slaves that they take around. You can control your contracted slaves through will alone. Additionally, the master becomes stronger because the contracted slaves mind and body become mine. At the top is God, below that is the Apostles, and then the Disciples.

So, its like a pyramid scheme? Biyeon sarcastically asked.

Similar. Its an effective scheme to spread ones word and influence. It worked in our old world, why not here? Beckham replied back.

Beckhams party seemed to have finished their preparation and got into battle formation. With San at the center, they fanned out around him on both sides. Their formation would allow them to exert the maximum amount of force on their target within the shortest amount of time.

The contracted slaves raised their aura to their highest levels. They had already forgotten about the concept of death, so they pulled out as much energy as they possessed. Their auras would combine together to present a formidable force.

Beckham leaned forward atop his horse and glared at San. He had put his hat back on and seemed finished in preparation for the impending battle.

Those guys are only a part of all the people that Ive killed and enslaved over to my side. Ive gathered roughly 200 of those guys, so Im at the level of Disciple. In these parts, being a Disciple is fairly high up the food chain. My god considers someone who has received his blessing as a Follower. If a follower can control at least 100 souls, one would then be considered a disciple. If one can accumulate over a thousand souls, one would become an apostle. A single apostle possesses the combat power to contend against a great clan by oneself, however, if you add the thousand plus slaves under an apostles control, the level of power becomes scary to think about. You guys have any thoughts on joining? Im pretty sure you guys can start off as apostles, Beckham explained.

Is that right? San responded while bouncing the end of his sword handle in the palm of his hands.

This place is heaven on earth. Think about it! In this place, one can live forever, so there's no need to fear anything. Murder, theft, rape, drug use, cannibalism whatever one wants is available without anyone looking over ones shoulder. Isnt this the best? Its like a video game. Even if I die, only my avatar dies. Thats it! Beckham exclaimed.

Must be nice, Biyeon coldly responded.

Of course! I retain all the memories of my past and my body is refined and stronger every time Im reconstituted. I dont know who made this place or this process, but that person must be a fuckin genius. I feel so alive and free. As long as I dont go against my God, Im free to do anything. Ive realized that what God wants, I too want, so theres no barrier or difficulty

Quit your blabbering. So, which God do you serve? San stated, cutting Beckham off. San started raising his sword.

The atmospheres temperature started rising. San looked at his surroundings carefully. He saw the four warriors from the Dong-Myung and Ki-Jang clan, who had been following the Essen convoy, coming down from a distant hill. He could even see the Essen convoy carriages cautiously advancing behind the four warriors. Sans lips tightened.

Ha ha youre definitely overpowering. Do you really want to know? Kamije, the God of War, is the god I serve. After my first death, his seed was planted in my body. I had contracted with him. What say you? Hes the God of War. His influence and power are far and wide. Are you ready to taste his power through combat? I too have developed from three years ago, Beckham stated.

Instead of answering, San looked toward Gatan. Gatan was unable to focus as his attention was scattered around what he perceived as reality and fantasy. The aura that was exchanged between San and Beckham was something he couldnt fathom. There was no way he could participate in this fight.

Furthermore, small whirlwinds filled with dust and pebbles started forming on the battlefield. The previously clear sky was filled with ominous dark clouds, causing the entire area to fall into darkness. As the dark clouds rolled in, the suns rays started to disappear. It was as if the sky was screaming. Many of the onlookers felt that a demon god was descending onto this world. They could also hear distant sounds of thunder and animal cries. As all this was going on, San raised his arm toward Gatan.

It would be best if you took your people over to that side, San suggested aloud.

Uhm yes? Gatan stuttered as he looked at where San was pointing.

Go now. As soon as you can if you want your side to survive!

Gatan briefly stood dumbfounded and looked at San. Sans unyielding attitude and expression made Gatan swallow his questions.

Alright, Gatan replied. He then swiftly gathered the remaining escort warriors and led them to the area San designated. All the while, the contracted slaves on either side of San stayed silent. Only the wind seemed to be picking up speed As Gatan was moving, he could hear Sans voice clearing coming through into his mind, Make sure to secure your people behind trees, rocks, and close to the ground. If you can, try to seek the low ground, lower your posture, and try not to move no matter what happens.


Also, these guys arent living beings, so no matter what you see or hear, dont be surprised

Theyre not alive? Gatan exclaimed as the strength of the whipping winds drowned out Sans last words.

Biyeon walked along the left side of the contracted slaves. Her hair swirled around near her neckline due to the wind. Her clothes started conforming to her body, showing off the lines of her body. A whitish aura emanated out from her body. Amongst the darkness, her body shone brightly, and her immediate surroundings were illuminated.

San raised his sword and lowered his posture, ready to pounce at any moment. His focused eyes were peering at the crazed contracted slaves, who seemed to be filling themselves up with frenetic energy. Soon, white aura burst out from Sans body as well. Immediately, a tremendous amount of energy was expelled around his immediate vicinity.


From the sky, a lightning bolt struck down. The presence and will of a god, who was using the eyes of the 20 contracted slaves to perceive the battlefield, was felt. The God of War, Kamije, combined the separate bodies and powers of his disciple Beckham and the 20 contracted slaves, uniting them as one. San felt that this battle would be tricky. He was going against a god who was used to controlling the will and body of others on the battlefield.

Thus, the battle between a god who controlled 21 separate beings as one and two people who lived under the principle of free will started. A chaotic battle soon commenced.


Theyre really planning on fighting all of them? Dongyoung murmured quietly with a nervous expression. He started taking out his own weapon. He put on a pair of gloves optimized for close-range combat, took out a weapon that looked similar to a modern handgun, and put on his defensive gear atop his outer clothes. He wasnt sure if he was going to be of any help.

What the hell are those? Dongha exclaimed with a face drained of color. She also started preparing herself for battle. Unconsciously shaking her head and with trembling fingertips

This what the hell Gibin stuttered, bewildered at what he saw in front of him.

The battle was already in full swing. What they saw was beyond their wildest imaginations, going beyond their experiences and understanding of what combat was

Episode 3. Book 2: Search Chapter 4

San maintained his composure and focus as he moved his body to the side. Hed have to first start off with some data gathering. The enemy formation revolved around Beckham at the center. 

Biyeon observed the enemy formation and movement from a further distance. Both San and Biyeon didnt rush their movements. Their traditional battle strategy was rather simple: set up a plan, execute/do the plan, observe the reaction and results of the plan, and then rinse and repeat. However, they sometimes changed up the process for guerilla warfare tactics by first executing/doing, observing, and then planning. They would decide on their course of action based on what they felt conformed most to the situation at hand.

Biyeon didnt know what the enemy possessed nor their combat strength level. Since there wasnt enough information to make an informed traditional battle strategy, theyd have to go with guerrilla warfare. She conferred briefly with San. 

All the while, in front of them, a single monstrous entity was rapidly forming. It was the first time seeing this formation for the battle-seasoned San and Biyeon.

Is this what they call a weaponized group entity Biyeon thought as her eyes sparkled with interest. The enemy formation slowly started to mobilize against the two. A bystander would probably only see a bunch of individual people on horses surrounding a single person. In other words, their formation seemed like a typical bandit formation strategy of surrounding their target.

However, if one looked closely and concentrated on the space between the individuals, one would be able to see a web of faint lines that connected the individuals together. Millions of these lines crisscrossed each other and formed a sort of invisible membrane.

Once all the lines were formed, the 20 contracted slaves seemed to form a single entity, as if they were all within the clear membrane of a jellyfishs body. The centermost slaves body became semitransparent and a pudding-like sticky substance seemed to form between the slaves.

Using a technique close to that of modern MRI technology, Biyeon scanned this new entity and instantly frowned. This entity was a new life in itself. Using the slaves bodies and horse, the entity made a completely new creature, an ad hoc networked creature. The network structure combined individual living elements to create an entirely new living entity. Though the entity was made up of individual parts, the connected parts didnt affect the overall entity.

A fleeting emotion of surprise passed Biyeons face. In total, this new entity possessed 40 eyes, 80 legs, 40 arms and hands that held weapons, and the combined offensive and defensive combat power of 20 individuals. Furthermore, their connectivity to each other would further enhance the range of their attacks and defenses, making the entity much stronger than just the sum of its parts.

[Now Ive seen everything.] San muttered in their private channel.

[This entity is the same as a 300-hundred-meter-tall monster. Furthermore, many of its parts are specialized in their own way through the inherent skills of the individuals.] Biyeon replied.

[I wonder what it can do I guess well just have to find out, right?]

[Be careful.]


Without any forewarning, San dashed into the entity. Though it was a sudden attack, the entity quickly reacted. The closest slave horseman faced the incoming San head-on with a raised long spear. The other horseman to his side threw their weapons at San. Three swords and two spears welcomed the incoming San.

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