
Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Yes, Yurisen answered in a low voice.

Why did you call out a warning?

Because I thought youd be putting yourselves in danger

Who? Us? San said as his expression changed to one of surprise.

Yurisen gave a small smile.

That I guess I wasnt sure.

Well, thank you for your consideration. Since youre here, Id like to ask a favor.


Can you look over that young girl and her parents for us?


If the temples people ask for money, Im hoping you could pay for it in their steed. Biyeon and I can pay you back when we return to the imperial court. Would this be possible?

Yes, I can do this. But why?

We were able to save the young girls life, but in the process, I think weve alienated and infuriated the priests here. It also seems that a body thats been taken over by evil spirits once before is considered contaminated and dangerous. However, that child has returned to normal. I can ensure that. Based on your reputation, Im certain you can handle the situation without further unrest, right?

Yurisen was momentarily at a loss for words. It was a burdensome request. However, she did not even consider denying their request. Was there ever a man who could talk so freely in front of her?

Of course. However, are both captains fine? Based on your titles, it would be easy to just

Shush! Our excursion today is not related to our official duties. It is strictly personal business. I dont want it to be known that the imperial courts officials caused a ruckus at a religious temple and caused rumors to spread about chasing spirits out of a little girls body. Were already hounded by negative rumors as it is.

Then, well have to thank you in advance! San said with a smile as he turned around. Yurisen took a deep breath to calm herself down. Once she was able to stabilize her breath, she walked towards the head priest with a hand on her chest. The other priests who overheard the twos conversation stared at their receding backs. The overweight priest who first welcomed San and Biyeon started wiping his sweaty brow with the cuffs of his robe.


The sun had risen to its highest point in the sky as its rays warmed up the earth. In a place deep within the God Teharas temple, the temperature seemed to be rising even higher.

Is our contract with Goddess Diana still valid? Teharas First Apostle, Apollo, asked. He was similar in age, in his fifties, to the Second Apostle, Bichel. This worlds god seemed affiliated with the Greek gods of their previous world, as the names used for Teharas apostles seemed to originate from the Greek gods. Apollos manner of speech was direct and simple. Since Tehara was using his Apostles body as a vessel to speak with San and Biyeon, Tehara did not conform to human social conventions of speech.

We extended it three more years. Since both parties are finding the partnership amenable, well probably do another extension. Why, is there a problem? San said as he raised a teacup to his mouth. San wasnt planning on acting differently, even if the other party was a god. In Sans eyes, there didnt seem to be a difference between humans and gods. San did feel a sense of novelty at being able to speak with a god, a being that he had only read about in books back on Earth.

Goddess Diana was previously a lower-level god, but shes risen through the ranks recently. Due to this and other factors, you two have become popular amongst the gods. Hearing that you both came here, I rushed over.

Its nice to hear that you were interested in our visit. Truthfully, were here to ask for help from you gods. However, the work is a bit tedious and complex, so we wanted to ask you directly.

Is it related to the imperial courts and emperor?

Part of it is, but the majority is a private affair thats related to Biyeon and me.

The current imperial courts are run by humans who have no relation with us gods, so theres probably not much that we can offer in that area of influence.

We wanted to know more about the Outsiders

Hmm we do know about the Outsiders.

Apollos relaxed expression suddenly turned wary.

What is the gods relationship with the Outsiders?

Do we need to tell you? Apollo coldly responded back.

Its something that has to do with the imperial courts. Weve investigated it, but we havent been able to find anything about them. So, were a little concerned about who and what they are. Weve heard theyre very dangerous, is that correct?

The Outsiders

Apollo stopped speaking and stared at the two. Various bits and pieces of information were flowing to and from Apollo as Tehara connected with the information network the gods were a part of. The Outsiders wore a weird style of dress. Their way of speaking was novel yet familiar. 

Apollo organized his thoughts and spoke, Theyre professionals. If its them, even you two will find it hard to stop them from doing something.

Do you know them personally?

Apollo scoffed at Sans question before speaking, Theres nothing under the sky that we dont know of. Since youve interacted with Diana, you should know about our capabilities, right?

Can you give us some information about them?

That would be difficult. Weve made a special contract with them. Theres also a non-disclosure clause in that contract. Also, the non-disclosure isnt restricted just to me, it applies to all the other gods. Were enjoying very good relations with them.

I guess even the gods who know everything need to contract with humans for something, huh? Biyeon coldly responded. Her complaints had been piling up ever since she stepped foot on the temple grounds.

Gods only know. Making or creating is something that only humans possess.

Apollo then smiled brightly.

Make something? Biyeon asked.

Only humans have the ability to create. Through that creation, new information and knowledge arise. Through that new information and knowledge, gods can then produce ideas and a conceptual structure. In other words, were able to create a new low-level god.

So, the number of gods increases? Like an expansion of a god pool?

You can understand it as such. The Outsiders are the pinnacle of human creativity. Do you understand now? Do you realize why we, the gods, have contracted with them?

Then they probably know about the Creator as well?

Sorry, I dont know.

Didnt you say you know everything under the sky? Isnt that counter to what you just said? Werent gods unable to lie?

Its because theyre not under the sky. Thus, Im not lying.

Then, theyre above the sky?

No. The Creator is something outside of our realm of influence. Hes something that is beyond the Event Horizon.

I have no idea what youre talking about, San said as he picked his ear.

The Creator resides in a place where rules and laws do not apply. There are no physical or chemical laws in that place. Thus, our reasoning and logic cant be applied when discussing that place. You two are probably more similar of an existence and concept to the Creator and that place. I have no idea what you two will be doing next.

That is that praise?

You can accept it as such. I am very curious about you two.

If youre curious, then we can explain further

That seems very enticing.

Apollo leaned back leisurely in his chair. The gods were very interested in gaining more information about San and Biyeon. Did Tehara feel like he had the upper hand since he knew why the two were visiting him?

So, you cant tell us about the Outsiders? San asked.

If you present a value commensurate with our information and sign a contract stating that you wont be contentious against the Outsiders, we can consider developing talks a little further.

What if theyre contentious with us?

That wont happen. We will convince them otherwise. They will probably listen to us. They wouldnt want to give up what were offering them.

What are you gods providing them?



Humans seem to call it theory. You can think of it as calculative options that gods like to discuss and play around with. However, Awakened humans, who want to create new skills, need this theory. Its not in abundance either. What say you? Are you interested as well?

Hmm San looked toward Biyeon. Biyeon was smiling.

What the hell are we supposed to do with insight Biyeon stated with scorn.

I guess we dont need it, San followed up as he scratched his head. Apollo was visibly taken aback by the twos response.


Were not on the side of creation. Were closer to destruction. Were also not calculative. Were more abstract, like daydreams, Biyeon curtly responded.

Abstract? Apollo parroted. Abstract it was a term that corresponded more with the concepts of unreasonableness and chaos. Gods did not delve into the abstract. Gods may predict, but they did not reside in the abstract.

Another reason is that were sure the ideas created by gods, like most playthings, probably wont be of any use to us. If we were to fight against one of your Apostles using skills created from your ideas, wed probably be on the short end of the stick, right? Also, youd probably sell our information to the highest bidder, whether that be our friend or foe. Why would we agree to such an absurd contract?

Ahem Bichel, who had been listening in, lightly coughed. Apollo changed the topic of discussion.

Hmm Ill try to see what we can gather about the Outsiders. What will you give us in return?

Before that, I have another question Biyeon said. Apollos blue eyes met with Biyeons eyes. She was using her Awakened gaze to tease out the truth from the other party. Apollo gulped.

What is it?

Do you guys have enough Nectar? Biyeon asked.

Apollo stared at Biyeon. His expression slowly started crumbling into a frown.

No, we dont have enough, Apollo answered.

Youre lacking a lot of Nectar, right? The number of apostles and priests are only growing

Apollo stayed silent for a moment before nodding his head.

And I believe the other gods are in the same position?

I cant release any information about the other gods.


So, you guys still havent figured out how to make Nectar, right?

Stop. Dont speak any further!

Apollo raised his hand to stop the conversation from progressing further.

Such an evil way of conversing!

Bichel, who had been listening in on the conversation from the side, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow. He didnt like how the two were conducting their conversation with his god. For gods, who could not lie, their way of asking questions was the worst form of conversation. Whatever answer the god gave, the questioner could tease out the truth. If the god refused to answer, theyd arrive at their answer anyway. The woman had gotten the answers to what she wished by using this form of questioning.

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