Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 14 — Time for a rest

Chapter 14 — Time for a rest

[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis had been pulling the sled through the snowy wilderness for hours, and with each step, a sharp burst of pain shot through her weary body. Her muscles screamed in agony, and with each breath she exhaled, it formed frosty clouds in the icy air. The snow beneath her boots was deep, which made the journey incredibly challenging. The cold seemed to numb her sense of time, and the winter morning felt like it would never end, but eventually, the afternoon arrived.

Every time she looked back at the sled, at her precious children, her heart was filled with love. They were bundled up tightly, nestled in warm woolen blankets. However, it was impossible not to notice her daughter's dark circles under her eyes and her pale skin. Even the baby, who had been peacefully sleeping throughout, looked weary. Nivalis couldn't help but think, "I'm so sorry, my sweet little ones," as she looked at them with love and regret in her eyes.

As Nivalis struggled onward, the thought weighed heavily on her: "We need to rest." Everything in her body was crying out for a break, and her mind was as tired as much. She got closer to the sled and whispered to her daughter, "Silvia, my love, are you feeling hungry?" Her fingers gently caressed Silvia's silvery hair.

Silvia, with a faint and tired voice, replied, "A little bit."

Nivalis reassured her.— "It's time for a rest, then," her voice filled with soothing kindness. "Let's stop beneath that tree." She pointed to a majestic ancient oak tree standing proudly in the center of a small clearing.

Silvia nodded, a sigh of relief escaping her.

Nivalis, with remarkable efficiency, began to unload their sled, her every movement deliberate. She handled their supplies with care and tenderness, determined to provide for her beloved children in this unforgiving world.

Then, with gentle hands, Nivalis helped her children out of the sled and guided them toward the ancient oak tree, standing tall at the center of the clearing. The snow lay soft and inviting, while the crisp air invigorated their senses.— "Take a seat here," Nivalis whispered, gesturing toward the fallen tree trunk.

—"Here, my love, have some bread," Nivalis offered, placing the food in her daughter's delicate hands. Silvia's eyes brightened with joy as she accepted the nourishment from her mother's loving hands.

"Thank you, Mommy," Silvia expressed her gratitude, her voice filled with warmth and relief.

Nivalis continued,— "Now, let me hold your little brother while you eat, my love." Her voice was tender, as well as her touch. She cradled her son with great care, her fingers gently caressing his soft skin.

— "Come on, sweetie. It's time to feed you as well," she whispered, adjusting her clothing to reveal her breasts. The cold air brushed against her exposed skin, sending a shiver down her spine. She nestled the baby inside her clothing, guiding him to her breast. The baby quickly latched onto her nipple, eagerly suckling.

Nivalis let out a contented sigh, her body relaxing as she nourished her son. She whispered,— "That's a good boy," with a warm smile as her baby boy fed.

Sitting on the snow with her legs tucked under her and her baby suckling eagerly, Nivalis watched her children. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity and innocence. A warm, protective feeling swelled in her chest, making her heart fill with love. She couldn't help but think that, despite the harsh journey, moments like these made it all worthwhile.

— "Thank you, Silvia. You did great," Nivalis praised her daughter, her voice full of admiration and pride. She took a moment to brush a strand of Silvia's silvery hair away from her tired eyes, a gentle, motherly gesture that conveyed her love.

Silvia's golden eyes sparkled with happiness as she basked in her mother's praise. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of delight and exhaustion. "Really?"

Nivalis nodded, her gaze softening with affection.— "Yes, my dear. You were a tremendous help." She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as she looked at her resilient daughter.

Silvia's shoulders visibly relaxed, and a grateful smile spread across her face. The weight of their journey had felt overwhelming, but her mother's appreciation was like a soothing balm for her tired soul. "I'm glad, Mommy," Silvia replied, her shoulders visibly relaxing.

— "You both were so brave," Nivalis continued, her voice filled with maternal warmth, "and you did an amazing job in keeping your little brother warm and safe." She gestured towards the tiny bundle nursing at her breast. The baby's tiny fingers, still clutching at the warmth of Nivalis's chest, made her words all the more meaningful.

Silvia's gaze shifted to her brother, her eyes filled with affection, his mouth still wrapped around her mother's nipple. "He's just so adorable."

Nivalis chuckled, a sound filled with love and amusement.— "Yes, he is. But he's also a lot of work." Her fingers gently brushed the baby's soft hair as he fed, their connection deep and reassuring.

"I bet! He's a baby," Silvia giggled, her laughter like a ray of sunshine cutting through the snowy landscape. It was a fleeting moment of joy in their arduous journey.

— "Indeed," Nivalis joined in the laughter, a soft, pleasant sound that seemed to chase away the chill of the winter day and the weight of their situation for just a moment.

Silvia's curiosity got the best of her as she glanced around their snowy surroundings. "How long have we been walking?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to gauge the passage of time.

Nivalis let out a weary sigh, and as she did, her breath turned into misty clouds that hung in the frosty air.— "It's been around 5 or 6 hours, my dear," she said, her voice marked by exhaustion. The memory of the long, tiring walk hung heavily in her thoughts.

Silvia's face displayed a mixture of realization and exhaustion. "So long..." she mumbled.

Nivalis nodded, her expression growing darker.— "Yes, my love, but we must keep walking even further." The urgency in her voice was impossible to miss.

"Is it because Dad will look for us?" Silvia's voice quivered with a hint of fear, and her worry mirrored in her wide, golden eyes.

Nivalis nodded, her eyes clouding over with worry.— "Yes, my sweet. We have to make sure we're far away from him for our safety."

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I shouldn't have brought it up," Silvia apologized, her voice laced with guilt. She looked down at the snow, avoiding her mother's gaze.

Nivalis gently lifted Silvia's chin, making her daughter meet her eyes.— "It's alright, my love. I understand you're worried," she reassured, her smile gentle and comforting.

Silvia's eyes sparkled with hope as she looked at her mother. "Can you tell me a story while I eat, Mommy?" she requested, her voice brimming with anticipation. She clutched a piece of bread in her small hands, her fingers as delicate as snowflakes.

Nivalis chuckled softly, her fingers tenderly stroking her baby's head as he continued to nurse.— "I think I can," she replied, her voice filled with a deep well of love and a burning desire to bring a moment of happiness to her children.

— "Do you remember the story of the princess and the dragon?" Nivalis asked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Her eyes, like precious gems in the wintry landscape, held a twinkle of anticipation.

Silvia stammered, her cheeks flushed crimson, and her eyes danced with playful guilt. "Yeah, I... um... I mean, no, I don't remember it." She moved her leg a bit in the snow, unable to meet her mother's gaze.

Nivalis couldn't help but laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement.— "My darling, you're a terrible liar," she teased, the musical quality of her laughter filling the air with warmth.

— "Once upon a time, in a world far from here," Nivalis began, her voice soft and gentle like a lullaby, "there was a dragon. This dragon lived in a vast cave, deep within the towering mountains, far away from any trace of civilization." Her words painted a vivid picture, bringing the story to life for Silvia, who listened with wide eyes, captivated by the tale.

— "One day, the dragon's heart ached with a longing he couldn't quite explain," Nivalis continued, her voice a soothing melody amidst the wintry surroundings. Silvia clutched her bread, the taste of her simple meal mixed with the enchantment of the story. "And so, he embarked on an extraordinary adventure, searching for something more valuable than all the treasures he had ever collected, even more, precious than an entire mountain of gold. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he'd recognize it when he saw it."

— "He flew through the sky with his huge wings spread wide. He traveled to the edges of the world, over the mountains and through dense forests, his sharp eyes always searching for the thing that could ease his heart's ache. He visited vast cities and bustling towns, and still, his search yielded nothing."

Silvia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and, with genuine curiosity, asked, "Why do dragons like gold and other valuables? It's not like they can spend it." She tilted her head, her face a canvas of youthful wonder.

Nivalis paused, her eyes twinkling with delight at her daughter's curiosity. "Well, my love, it's just part of their nature. They are naturally drawn to beautiful, shiny things, and gold is a symbol of wealth and power," she explained, her voice gentle and patient.

Silvia nodded, her expression displaying that she understood.

"Where was I? Ah, yes," Nivalis picked up where she had left off.

"After many long years of searching," Nivalis continued, her voice a soothing melody that kept Silvia enchanted, "the dragon finally found what he was looking for."

Silvia's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned in closer. "What did he find, Mommy?" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Nivalis's smile brightened.— "Not what, my dear, but who! He found an elven girl who lived in a simple, ordinary village," she said, her tone filled with delight.

Silvia's forehead wrinkled with further curiosity. "Why would a dragon care about an elven girl?" She looked up at her mother, eager to learn more.

Nivalis's expression softened as she wove the tale.— "Well, this elven girl was very beautiful and truly unique. She had silver hair that shone like the moonlight, and her eyes were the color of pure gold. The dragon fell in love with her the very moment he saw her."

Silvia's eyes widened with excitement as she realized the connection. "She had silver hair and golden eyes, just like me, Mommy!" Her voice brimmed with joy and wonder, her features mirroring the elven girl from the story.

Nivalis couldn't help but giggle, a tender and affectionate sound. She placed a gentle kiss on the top of her daughter's head, her fingers gently stroking her hair.— "Yes, my darling. Just like you, beautiful and unique. The handsome dragon couldn't help but fall in love with her beauty and kindness." She was delighted that her daughter had found herself within the story, even though it was entirely make-believe.

Silvia's cheeks flushed with pride, and her golden eyes sparkled with delight. "So, what happened next, Mommy?" she asked, her eagerness for more details palpable.

Nivalis continued with the story, her voice lulling like a gentle lullaby.— "The dragon fell in love with the elven girl, but she was frightened and ran away. The dragon followed her, doing his best to persuade her to stay with him. He displayed his powerful teeth, let out a deafening roar, and showed his mighty wings, but she still was afraid of him," Nivalis paused, her voice trailing off.

— "Perhaps," Nivalis added with a chuckle, "she couldn't understand that the dragon had fallen in love with her. She thought he was chasing her to make a meal of her."

Silvia nodded in agreement, her lips forming a little pout. "I suppose I'd be terrified too if I were that elven girl."

Nivalis continued, her voice weaving a tapestry of imagery and emotions as she delved deeper into the story of the dragon and the elf. It was a tale she had crafted, a fusion of pieces of old fairy tales and legends she had heard and read throughout the years. Her words transported Silvia to a world of love, courage, and wonder, where a dragon and an elf shared an extraordinary connection, defying all odds.

— "As they faced the challenges together, the dragon and the elf discovered a love so powerful that it transformed the dragon into an elf," Nivalis narrated, her voice soft and gentle. Silvia listened with great attention, her imagination painting vivid scenes of the epic journey.

— "This is it, my love," Nivalis ended her tale, her voice brimming with warmth. "They lived happily ever after." The words hung in the air like a gentle melody.

Silvia sighed with delight, the sound a mix of contentment and excitement. "That was such a lovely story, Mommy," she said, her eyes gleaming with admiration and gratitude.

Nivalis gazed at her daughter, her smile as bright as the rays of the sun that peeked through the trees. She gazed at her mother with the kind of admiration only a child can give. Nivalis returned her daughter's affectionate look with a smile as radiant as the sun peeking through the branches above.

— "Now, my love, why don't you finish your food?" Nivalis suggested, her tone filled with maternal concern, like a warm hug for her child's well-being. She nodded towards the piece of bread in Silvia's small hands, still partially untouched.

"Okay, Mommy," Silvia obliged, her voice a soft, obedient murmur. She took another bite of her simple meal, her appetite renewed after the enchanting story that had transported her to a world of wonder and dreams.

Nivalis glanced at her daughter, finding her happily munching on her bread, the weariness, and fear from earlier completely gone. "Thank goodness," she thought, a wave of relief washing over her.

Nivalis shifted her gaze to her son, a tiny, delicate bundle curled up against her. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow and steady. He was asleep, but even in slumber, he continued to nurse from her swollen breast, completely enveloping her nipple with his saliva.

Nivalis chuckled softly, her voice a whisper of maternal amusement. She was thankful that her baby had been so calm during their journey. "He must be truly exhausted. Babies this old usually cry days and nights," she thought, her heart filling with love for her little one.

As her baby slept with her nipple in his mouth, sucking it only from time to time, Nivalis couldn't help but notice how weak she still felt, drained from the long and arduous journey through the snowy wilderness. She sighed and looked around the endless forest around her. The ancient trees stood tall; the snow lay heavy on their branches, covering them in a blanket of white. The silence was eerie and oppressive, only broken by the occasional rustling of leaves.

"I needed this break. I am exhausted," she thought as she stroked her baby's head, her touch gentle and loving.

"And I need to eat something, too," she mused as she reached for a piece of bread, her movements slow and deliberate.

Nivalis took a bite of the bread, savoring its earthy, hearty flavor. The food seemed to nourish her, bringing her body and spirit back to life.

After her meal, Nivalis took a moment to rest, allowing her body and mind to recover from the ordeal. She closed her eyes, savoring the tranquility of the moment. The sound of her son's contented suckling was like a lullaby, soothing her frayed nerves and fears.


After their well-deserved rest, Nivalis stood up carefully, feeling the twinge of her tired muscles and the aches in her joints. The weight of their journey bore down on her, but she knew they couldn't linger for long. The ever-present fear of being pursued weighed on her like a heavy cloak.

— "Let's go. We need to keep moving, honey," she whispered to her daughter, her voice brimming with determination. Each step they took was a step farther away from the past they so desperately wished to escape.

Silvia nodded in agreement and rose to her feet, her eyes reflecting the same sense of resolve that burned within her mother.

Nivalis carefully handed her tiny, fragile baby to her daughter, Silvia. She looked into Silvia's eyes and said,— "Please take care of him, my love," her eyes filled with unspoken worry.

"I will, Mommy. Don't worry," Silvia reassured her, her golden eyes burning with determination. She cradled her baby brother with a tenderness beyond her years, a reflection of the love and responsibility she felt.

Nivalis couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with pride at her daughter's courage and her willingness to help shoulder the burden of their journey.

Silvia settled onto the sled, her baby brother now sleeping soundly in her arms. The small family, bound by love and shared hardship, was ready to face the world once more.

— "Ready, sweetie?" Nivalis whispered, her voice warm and tender, a mother's voice filled with love.

Silvia nodded. Her expression was a mixture of seriousness and unwavering determination.

Nivalis picked up the sled's rope once more and began to pull it. Her steps were firm and steady, her body filled with a renewed sense of strength and purpose. Nivalis's pace quickened compared to the slow, methodical steps from before.

"Mommy, you look much better!" Silvia exclaimed, her face lighting up with an infectious smile that radiated pure joy.

Nivalis looked back and couldn't help but smile in return.— "I do feel much better, my love. I'm full of energy!" she replied, her voice brimming with positivity.

As they continued their journey, the chill of winter seemed to retreat, replaced by a growing warmth that filled the air. The sun shone brightly, casting its golden rays upon the snowy landscape. The forest seemed to welcome them, its ancient trees standing tall and proud as if welcoming the brave travelers into its protective embrace.

Snowy winter forest at afternoon

The sun's rays were indeed warm and comforting, casting a soothing glow on Nivalis and Silvia as they ventured forth.— "The weather is getting better," she let out a soft sigh of contentment, savoring the gentle caress of the sun on her skin.

"Mommy, look! A rabbit!" Silvia's voice rang out with excitement, and she eagerly pointed at a small, white creature as it hopped along the forest floor, seemingly untouched by the cold.

— "Where?", Nivalis followed her daughter's gaze and spotted the rabbit, too. "Oh, yes. Isn't it cute?" Nivalis smiled, amused by her daughter's childlike wonder and enthusiasm.

The sight of the rabbit had made her heart light. Even though Nivalis couldn't stop right now, it was a good sign. If they are low on supplies, she may try to catch something with her bow.

"Now I understand truly why our ancestors preferred to live in forests like this." Nivalis thought as she admired the beauty of the surroundings.

As the tiny family journeyed deeper into the winter forest, Nivalis gazed ahead, her eyes fixed on the path that lay before her. The determination to keep moving, to press forward through the challenges and the unknown, burned brightly within her.

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