Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 2 — Afterlife

Chapter 2 — Afterlife

Alex couldn't figure out how he ended up here or where he was going. He aimlessly wandered through the thick fog, feeling lost and confused. Alex didn't know how much time had passed. It felt like he'd been in this strange place forever, but his memories were blank. His movements were sluggish, and his thoughts were muddled— a weird, dreamlike state.

The mist twisted and merged as he moved; strange, unfamiliar sounds filled the air with each step. It wasn't until he paused that he realized the sounds were coming from the grass beneath his feet, rustling softly in the silence. The atmosphere was heavy, and every breath tasted metallic and foreign.

The fog got thicker with each step, sticking to him like a second skin. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Unseen eyes hidden in the mist seemed to follow his every move. He couldn't help but wonder how he ended up in this strange, surreal world.

After what felt like forever, the fog cleared, revealing more of the gloomy landscape. It was just endless, dull grass stretching out in all directions. The sky above was a cloudless gray, and the never-ending fog seemed to swallow the world, hiding the horizon.

Looking down at his body, he noticed he was wearing the same clothes Alex had on the day he died. His skin was pale, and his veins were barely visible. Checking his pulse confirmed his worst fear: he was no longer alive.

'Is this what happens after death?' Alex thought, looking around at the endless sea of gray. He felt a pang of sadness but also a strange sense of acceptance. He had accepted his fate a long time ago. At least it doesn't hurt anymore.

With a heavy sigh, Alex ran his hand through his hair, disheveling the dark strands. 'There's no going back,' he thought. Alex closed his eyes and tried to relax, taking a deep breath. Standing there, he thought about his life and its good and bad parts.

Alex's mind flashed back to his final moments in the hospital. He remembered how painful it was, how difficult it was to breathe, the feeling of the life slowly fading from his body. And the kiss. He touched his lips, a ghost of a smile gracing his face.

The next thing he thought about was how boring and lonely his life was, incredibly so. All his life was nothing but music and art. How he never had a friend, a girlfriend, or anyone, for that matter. Except for his grandfather, no one was there. Even his mother... She was his mother, yet he didn't feel anything towards her. 'Just... art? Nothing but art, huh... It sounds boring, but I guess that's what it is.'

'Though... I did like drawing and music,' he admitted. 'It was always been my passion, and I put my heart and soul into my art and music. Even if it was just me, alone in a room, drawing or composing. It was something I enjoyed doing.'

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 'Well, I guess it could've been worse. At least I wasn't mean to anyone or anything like that. I don't think anyone hated me. So, that's good, I guess...'

'I wonder what if I had done things differently, though,' Alex asked himself. 'What if I had made friends or, at least, talked with other kids my age? What if I hadn't given up on my life?' he thought, frowning.

He shook his head and sighed again. "I guess it doesn't matter now," he mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. "It's too late."

Opening his eyes, Alex looked around, trying to see if there was anything else in this endless gray world. The gray sky so differed from the vibrant blue sky he used to know. 'I guess it's time to move on,' he thought, pushing away any lingering regrets. With that, he began walking into the unknown.

Confusion was the only thing Alex felt as he walked for what seemed like forever. He had tried to shout, yell, and scream, but his voice remained mute no matter how hard he tried, betraying him and leaving him unheard in this strange, unending world.

Then, a distant sound reached his ears, so faint that he almost didn't notice it. He stopped and strained his ears, trying to figure out where it came from. The soft noise gradually grew louder, revealing itself as a delicate piano melody. Just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.

Alex stood still, wondering if he had imagined the sound. Driven by curiosity, he moved toward where he thought the musical notes had come from. And a minute later, he regretted doing so, noticing indistinct shapes in the distance.

'What are those...?' Alex asked himself, squinting and straining his eyes to see better. Having no other choice, he forced himself to walk forward. As he got closer, the mysterious figures became more distinct. They transformed into people, but at the same time, they weren't. Floating in the air, frozen in unmoving poses and facial expressions. Some looked afraid, while others were smiling.

He approached one, a girl. She floated just above the ground; her skin was pale, and her eyes were wide open, staring blankly into space. She was suspended in the air, her legs dangling beneath her.

He stared at her, trying to understand what was going on. Carefully and very slowly, Alex reached out and touched her cheek. Then, he compared his skin with hers and noticed it had the same texture. Both felt cold and lifeless. Alex's heart sank from the sudden realization. They were all just like him.

He looked around and saw hundreds of floating corpses, each frozen in their final moments. He didn't recognize any of the faces, and the thought of being surrounded by the dead made him shudder. 'Am I going to become one of them, eventually?' Alex asked himself, looking down at his hands and body. He was dead, too, wasn't he?

Flying people frozen in time

He hurriedly rushed forward, wanting nothing more than to escape this place and find the sound he had heard earlier. He didn't want to stay here any longer, surrounded by the dead. Luckily, the distant piano melody occasionally returned, helping him navigate this strange place.

There was no day or night, no breeze to break the stillness in this place. He was surrounded by countless bodies suspended in time, their expressions frozen forever. 'Who are they? Why are they frozen like this? And why am I different?' Alex wondered as he walked, his sense of time slipping away.

The piano's notes grew stronger, pulling Alex forward and motivating him to keep going. 'I know it... it's my last composition!' he realized, speeding up his pace. He had to find the source of the melody.

His music in the afterlife? Everything here is just beyond strange. He had always imagined the afterlife as a peaceful and calm place, not this desolate and frightening one.

The piano melody grew louder as he moved closer, the notes guiding him through the lifeless world. With each new step he took, the piano's notes seemed to resonate within him, at some point almost deafening. He could feel the notes vibrating through his bones, and his heart began to beat again, in sync with the music's rhythm.

Finally, the source of the music came into view, leaving him stunned. 'It's her...' Alex realized, stopping among the dead bodies. His red-haired girl was playing the piano.

The piano was floating in the air, suspended by nothing, defying gravity. A young girl with closed eyes was playing it, her body swaying left and right in rhythm with the music. Her silky white dress was thin and almost see-through, and her long, fiery red hair floated around her as if underwater.

She looked exactly how she had the day they first met, the day his life had changed forever, back when he was five. The freckles on her pale face were just as numerous as he remembered, and her lips were a beautiful shade of pink.

Her fingers danced over the keys, and the music filled the air around them. Alex couldn't tear his gaze away from her, captivated by her skill and elegance. It felt weird to hear someone else play it—the sorrow, pain, joy, and happiness—everything he had experienced during his short life. As the melody progressed, their surroundings transformed.

Suddenly, Alex was floating, too. He felt weightless, his body drifting through the air towards her. He could feel his heart beating stronger the closer he got, his blood pumping through his veins.

— "Oh... this is..." he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. He felt... great, with no pain that was his follower over the years. No suffering. Did he feel... alive? The true meaning of it.

The fog disappeared, and the world now bathed in the warm light of the setting sun. The barren land had become a lush field of flowers, and the sky was a vibrant mix of oranges, pinks, and purples. He glanced down at the ground, and there was no sign of the people from before.

Alex floated there, watching her, unable to believe his eyes. 'I finally found her...' he thought, emotions washing over him. After all this time, all the pain, and struggle, he finally met her.

The piano's notes began to change, the melody growing softer and slower. She opened her eyes, as blue as the summer sky, and met his gaze. Alex couldn't take his eyes off her. Her radiant and sweet smile was everything he had ever wished for.

As the final note echoed, she extended her hands towards the boy, inviting him to take them. Alex's heart soared, and without a second thought, he reached out and held her hands in his. Her skin felt soft and warm, sending shivers down his spine. It felt like he had waited forever for this moment.

"I've been waiting for you," she finally spoke, her voice like the tinkling of bells, a soft and melodic sound that seemed to fill the air around them. It was a sound he had longed to hear his entire life.

— "So have I," Alex managed to reply, his voice cracking with emotion. The girl from childhood who had haunted his dreams for so many years was here. "I never thought I'd see you again," he confessed, a tear rolling down his rosy cheek. The illness that drained his body of any color and warmth was gone, leaving nothing but a healthy boy with tears welling in his brown eyes.

She smiled, wiping away a tear from his face with her finger. "I'm here now," she said, her voice soothing and full of love.

— "Where are we? And who are these people from before?" Alex asked, sobbing and holding onto her hand tightly, not wanting to let go.

"It's complicated," she said. "Everyone experiences this place differently. It's like a canvas that everyone paints with their colors and experiences. It depends on what life you had, on your regrets, and the memories you had," she explained, looking at him. "For some, it's a paradise where all their dreams and desires are fulfilled. For others, it's a prison, a place where they're forced to relive their worst memories over and over again. Eventually, it leads to the soul being cleansed of memories and regrets and returning to the cycle of life, a new body, a new story."

— "Why am I the only one who can move?" Alex asked, wiping his face and trying to compose himself.

"I... intervened to keep your soul from fully resting. So you could be here now and meet me," she confessed, squeezing his hands.

Alex took a moment to process her words. He didn't quite understand, but it didn't matter. He had her in front of him.

— "Who... who are you?" Alex asked, staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes, seeing himself on the reflection. This was a question he had wanted to ask for his entire life.

She smiled, her eyes shining with a mysterious light. "My name is Elysia, and I'm the goddess of music and art," she said with a kind and gentle voice. Hearing those words sent shivers down his spine, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Alex wanted to say anything, but the words wouldn't come. He stood there, his mouth agape, unable to form a coherent thought. He had always known she was special, but a goddess?

Elysia laughed, a light and melodious sound that filled Alex's heart with joy. "I'm sorry, I'm probably overwhelming you," she apologized, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Alex shook his head, struggling to find his voice. "No, no, not at all," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing with color. "I mean, yes, a little bit, but... wow. That's a lot to take in," he admitted, laughing nervously. An awkward silence fell between them.

She smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Alex," Elysia said, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering you went through. It was all my fault," she confessed, lowering her gaze.

Her words caught him off guard, and his heart ached at her apology. He was about to respond, to tell her it was okay, but she cut him off, continuing before he had the chance to speak.

"I shouldn't have appeared in your room back then. You were just a child, and I wasn't supposed to meddle with the living," Elysia explained, her voice wavering.

Her words echoed in Alex's mind, and he felt his world crashing down. "What do you mean you shouldn't have appeared?" Alex asked, his voice cracking.

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She looked away to hide them, but it was too late. Alex had already seen it. "It's... complicated," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not like you, Alex... I'm not human and never was one. I've existed since the beginning and will exist until the end. Someone like me could only interact with the living during certain times, so it's safe for them. I'm not even sure how you might have seen me that day... it was an accident. An accident that made you obsessed with me," she continued, her voice heavy with regret.

Alex stared at her, his mind racing as he tried to understand what she was saying.

"I should have never shown myself to you. I'm so sorry, Alex. Every time you saw me, you lost years of your life... I never meant to hurt you, but... Whenever I wanted to ignore you, you somehow managed to amaze me... I was selfish, and I'm so sorry for everything," Elysia confessed, wiping the tears from her face.

Alex remained silent, his thoughts swirling around him like a hurricane. He didn't know how to respond. It was all too much. "Are you saying that your appearances caused my illness? That you're the reason for all the suffering?" he asked, his voice breaking.

"Yes," Elysia replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't meet his gaze, the guilt weighing heavily on her heart.

A long silence stretched between them, the only sound being the gentle wind and the faint sound of birdsong. Neither of them knew what to say or if there was even anything that could be said.

Alex had to admit her presence had brought him nothing but misery and suffering, and he had paid a high price for it. He had given up everything just to be able to catch a few glimpses of her and had endured unimaginable pain and torment. He could have done so much more than he did.

"Then... why?" Alex asked, his voice thick with emotion. "Why did you keep doing it?

Elysia's eyes shone with a deep sadness, her shoulders slumped, and her usual radiance dimmed. "I don't know," she said, shaking her head. "I wish I could tell you. But the truth is, I don't know. You were different, special... All I wanted was to hear you play for me, that's all."

He stared at her, his eyes darting between hers, trying to find any hint of deceit or dishonesty. But there was none.

— "This is a lot to take in," Alex paused, struggling to find the right words. "Elysia... I liked playing piano and painting before you appeared... ever since I can remember, I did it," he started, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I can't say your appearance didn't change anything. It did. It changed everything."

"I spent endless nights writing and composing music so you could hear it. And every painting, I always imagined you standing beside me, watching me," Alex admitted, his voice filled with emotion. "Everything I made was for you, Elysia. You were my one and only audience."

Elysia's eyes were filled with tears. She wanted to speak, to say something, but the words wouldn't come.

Alex's mind raced as he tried to think about the best way to phrase his thoughts and emotions. "Was my life miserable? Maybe," he finally whispered, looking at her. "But... I could've easily given up at any moment, but I didn't. I chose not to. It was my choice," he said, taking a deep breath.

She shook her head, the tears spilling down her pale cheeks. "Alex, I... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause you so much pain," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

"It's okay, Elysia," Alex gave her a sad smile, his eyes glistening with tears. "Even after all the suffering and pain, I can't bring myself to hate or blame you. If I could choose again, knowing everything I do now..." he paused, struggling to get the words out. "I'd do it again," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "Even though my life was short, I did what I love, and I did it because of you."

"You are too kind, Alex. I don't deserve it," Elysia replied, wiping her tears. "I don't think I ever saw a soul so... pure and gentle as yours. And innocent. You have no idea how innocent you are, Alex. Maybe this is what kept me attracted to you..."

Alex opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He didn't know what to say or how to respond. Only after a few minutes did he utter, "Can I stay here with you?" Alex asked, his voice trembling slightly, a faint smile touching his lips.

"I'd like that," Elysia replied, smiling weakly, her eyes filled with sadness. "But... that's something I can't give you."

Alex's smile faded, and he could feel his heart breaking at her words.

Alex's smile faded, and he could feel his heart breaking at her words. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice quivering, full of fear.

She gently caressed his face, a sad smile gracing her lips. "I can't stay with you, Alex," she whispered, her eyes shimmering with tears.

— "But why?" Alex's heart sank at her words.

Elysia hesitated, a mixture of pain and guilt written on her face. "This place will affect you the longer you stay here, Alex. The longer you are here, the more frozen in time you'll become. Your memories, personality, and everything that makes you, well, you. You will lose it, and eventually, you'll get your soul cleaned. It is the fate of those who linger here for too long, and I don't want that to happen to you," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper.

— "What can I do? Is there a way I can stay with you?" he asked, desperation filling his words.

"No," Elysia replied, her voice full of sadness. "There is a reason why I decided to intervene and prevent your soul from cleansing. I wanted you to live your life, find happiness, move on, and forget me. I'm sorry, Alex, but you deserve more. You deserve a full and happy life, not one cut short by my selfish desires," she said, wiping tears from the boy's face.

Alex's heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces. "Please, Elysia," he begged, his voice cracking. Please, there has to be something we can do—anything. I can't..." his voice trailed off as the tears flowed freely, his shoulders trembling.

She shook her head, her eyes filled with sorrow. "I want to fix what I did to you. You deserve a second chance. A second chance to live your life how you want to, have a loving family, be happy and free, without being haunted by me."

— "What do you mean?" Alex asked, sniffling.

She took a deep breath, her eyes glistening with tears. "You'll get a chance to live your life again, Alex. You'll get a new body in a world where my presence is stronger, and I can ensure, or at least try my best, for you to have a better life than before."

Alex stared at her, his mind racing as he tried to process her words. His thoughts were a mess, and he didn't know what to say or how to feel. A second chance, a new life, a new world. He took a few minutes of silence, thinking, trying to find the best words. Then, finally, he managed to ask, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Alex," Elysia replied, wiping tears from his face. Her smile was genuine, her eyes full of love and compassion. "This is the only way for me to fix what I did. Please, do it for me."

After another minute of silence, Alex finally found his voice again. "Alright... If this is your wish, I don't mind," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

Elysia smiled, a wave of relief washing over her. "Good," she replied, hugging the boy tightly. "You have no idea how glad I am," she added, mumbling against his cheek. She slowly pulled away, meeting his gaze. "Before you go, Alex, I want to play something for you, a melody I wrote just for you," she said, turning toward the floating piano.

"Okay," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't trust himself to speak, afraid his voice would betray him.

She sat before the floating piano, her fingers hovering over the keys. She began to play slowly, her fingers moving effortlessly, producing a soft and melancholy melody. It was a tune unlike anything Alex had ever heard, both beautiful and heartbreaking. It felt like it reached inside him and touched his very soul.

As Elysia played, tears welled up in Alex's eyes. He couldn't help but be moved by the beauty of her music, by the emotion behind it. The notes were like a lullaby, calming his mind and easing the sadness in his heart.

Slowly, he moved closer to Elysia and sat down beside her. He closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him, and began to play. His fingers danced across the keys of a piano, forming a duet.

The two of them played together, their music intertwining, becoming one. It was a beautiful and magical moment as if their souls were intertwined through the notes, creating something beyond human comprehension, a harmony so pure and perfect that it couldn't be described. The music swelled, reaching a crescendo that filled the entire world around them.

When they finally reached the end of the piece, they let the final notes linger in the air. Alex turned to Elysia, his eyes filled with longing. "Will we ever meet again?" he asked, his voice wavering.

Elysia leaned in and pressed her lips gently against his. It was a soft, tender kiss full of warmth and sadness. The boy didn't know how to kiss; his lips shook, but she didn't seem to care. When they parted, she looked into his eyes and whispered, "No, Alex..." she paused, "This is a goodbye. Forever."

And then, with a final, beautiful smile only she knew how to make, the world around them began to fade. The colors bled into darkness, and Alex felt himself pulled away from Elysia. He reached out, trying to hold onto her, but she simply whispered, "Live a happy life," before disappearing into the void.

As darkness enveloped Alex, he began drifting through the cosmos. Distant stars and galaxies streaked past him, leaving luminous trails in their wake. Yet, none of this cosmic spectacle could capture his attention. His heartbeat stopped once more, and his tears continued to stream down his face as he fixated on the spot where she had been.

He whispered his farewell into the void as he drifted farther into the unknown.

— "Goodbye, Elysia..."

With those words, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the infinite expanse of the universe. The stars and galaxies continued their celestial dance around him.

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