Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 24 — Through the darkness

Chapter 24 — Through the darkness

[Nivalis Silverfrost]

It has been two weeks since their encounter with those two adventurers. This small family has been traveling north this whole time to ensure they aren't being followed anymore. Luckily, there have been no signs of any pursuers so far.

Silvia gradually returned to normalcy after what they had been through. Nivalis watched as her daughter became more and more cheerful with each passing day, smiles returning to her face, laughter ringing from her lips once more. Her voice, which was once quiet and trembled like a leaf, now rang clear and true, sounding like a bell every time she spoke to her little brother. Once pale from not eating well, her face was now filled with color, her cheeks rosy from the cold. It was a relief to see her daughter slowly recovering from the trauma that had scarred her so deeply.

As the nights fell, however, Silvia still had terrible nightmares. Nivalis often woke up to the sound of her daughter's screams, her little body shaking in her sleep. Her face was drenched in sweat, her chest heaving as she fought for air. Nivalis would gather her daughter in her arms and cradle her, whispering soothing words until she calmed down and fell back asleep.

The only thing that helped Silvia was sleeping with her mother... completely naked. Nivalis had no explanation for it, but whenever Silvia would wrap her arms around her naked body, she finally got some proper rest without screaming or crying in her sleep. It was strange but effective, and Nivalis didn't question it. So, eventually, they developed the new routine of sleeping naked together, skin to skin, warming each other with their body heat.

Silvia also nursed regularly due to easy access to her mother's breasts. Having her mother's nipple on her tongue gave her comfort and allowed her to drift into a peaceful slumber without any problem. Even Nivalis slept better when her children drank her milk throughout the night. It was strange, but it worked. And Nivalis didn't want to lose that.

Nivalis couldn't help but notice the changes in her body as she gazed down at herself, seeing how her breasts had grown even larger, stretching the fabric of her clothing to its limit. She even had to modify her clothes to make them looser; luckily, she was good at sewing. Maybe it was due to the stress and exhaustion she had been experiencing lately, but she started to produce so much milk that her nipples had become almost constantly engorged, hard, and sensitive. The constant pressure of the liquid inside and the friction of her clothes against her nipples had caused her milk to flow freely, dripping down her body and staining her clothes. As a result, she had to rely on Silvia's help more than ever. She had to ask Silvia to nurse at every chance she could, even during the day, only to relieve the pain. And it was the only way for her to stop leaking all over the place, causing Nivalis great discomfort.

Silvia was more than happy to oblige. She would latch on her mother's nipples every time they stopped for a quick rest. Aster was never far behind, greedily sucking away at the other breast simultaneously. Both of them drained her mother's nipples, relieving the pressure on her breasts. But because of the constant stimulation, her breasts swelled painfully, so they needed to be massaged thoroughly after each feeding. Otherwise, they would have hurt beyond her limits. So, Nivalis was in an endless cycle of nursing, massaging her breasts, and then again nursing.

As strange as it sounds, It felt like a natural part of their lives now.


The following morning, as usual, her steps were heavy and sluggish as she pulled the same old sled. She was covered in sweat, her pale skin flushed red from exertion, her long silver hair plastered to her face. It was her usual state now — a constant battle against fatigue as she struggled to keep going. Despite feeling sore, tired, and cold, she couldn't bring herself to give up.

Although they were in the middle of nowhere, away from civilization, it looked like they had managed to escape Haldor's grasp, and Nivalis felt like she could finally breathe freely. Two whole weeks of freedom. This thought gave her the strength to keep pushing forward despite her exhaustion. Today, she decided it was time for them to head east once again instead of further north, where nothing but vastness and dangerous frozen tundras awaited them.

As they ventured east, just a few hours later, a strange forest came into view, blocking their path. An ancient place, a forest was so thick and dark that it seemed to swallow up all light. Its towering trees cast eerie shadows that whispered secrets of times long past as if calling to her, luring Nivalis into its depths. And the terrifying silence, the kind that made her heart race in her chest. A stark contrast to the pine forest they've been through. This one felt alive, as if something evil lurked within its depths.

"I don't like this place," Silvia commented quietly. She was sitting at the front of the sled, holding her younger brother Aster in her lap.

— "Me neither, sweetie," Nivalis admitted truthfully. "Let's try to walk around it," she said with a smile.

"Okay," Silvia nodded in response.

Sensing potential danger, Nivalis decided to avoid entering the forest and planned to go around it, a choice that seemed wise considering the unknown threats within.

But unfortunately, Nivalis soon found that there was no way to avoid the forest. It stretched far and wide, seemingly unending. They traveled for three whole days, trying to find a way around it, only to realize that the forest was simply too large as if stretched out forever. Nivalis cursed silently in frustration. There was no other choice — they couldn't simply turn around and head back the way they came.

— "Let's go in," Nivalis said, sighing.

"Is it really fine?" Silvia asked as she looked up at her mother. Her petite frame was hunched over as she hugged her baby brother in her arms tightly, protecting him from the cold wind blowing through the trees. Her silvery-white hair flew wildly around her face, dancing in the wind like a thousand silver strands of silk.

— "I think it's fine, sweetheart," Nivalis reassured her daughter calmly, looking ahead.

"I don't want to go there..." Silvia shivered visibly at the sight of the scary forest in front of them.

She reached out, her fingers gently brushing Silvia's soft cheek, stroking it tenderly. "We don't have a choice, sweetheart. We'll be alright, I promise. All we need is to be really quiet there, alright?"

"Okay," Silvia nodded in response. "I'll be quiet," she whispered under her breath. She tightened her hold on her little brother even more.

Nivalis nodded in response, the corners of her lips curling upwards into a faint smile, trying to reassure her daughter as best as she could.— "It'll be fine, sweetie. Trust me." Nivalis replied softly, kissing her daughter's forehead.

"Alright..." Silvia answered timidly. She glanced nervously at the dark woods.

Nivalis took a deep breath and stepped forward. She entered the forest with her daughter and son behind her in the sled she pulled. The atmosphere around them immediately changed drastically. The air felt heavy and oppressive. Trees were much taller and thicker, their gnarled branches reaching up towards the sky, blocking most of the sunlight. It was strangely silent, so much so that Nivalis could hear every little sound made by their footsteps echoing through the forest.

Scary winter forest with tall wide trees

Not a single living creature was heard — no birds, squirrels, or mice. The entire forest seemed devoid of life. Every step Nivalis took sent shivers down her spine as she sensed an ominous presence surrounding her, watching them, studying them, waiting for a mistake that would allow them to attack. But luckily, no such event occurred, and the mysterious presence was just her imagination.

She kept walking for a long time, leading her children deeper and deeper into the forest. Occasionally, she glanced back to check on her children and noticed how uneasy Silvia was. The girl clung to Aster and remained quiet, not saying anything. However, when Silvia looked up at her mother, her big golden eyes were filled with fear and worry. They shared a knowing glance, silently communicating their fears. They understood each other perfectly.

It was hard to track the sun. Only when this place became darker and colder it became clear to Nivalis that the sun began to set and nightfall approached. Nivalis took a deep breath as she made her decision. "We'll have to stop here for the night, sweetheart. Let's make our camp here," she whispered.

Silvia nodded in agreement as she watched the darkness deepen around them. She moved closer to her mother as Nivalis helped her off the sled. Silvia clutched at Nivalis's hand tightly, afraid of being separated from her mother. Nivalis smiled warmly at her daughter, trying to appear brave.

They quickly set up their makeshift shelter, made of branches and blankets. Despite how simple their shelter looked, it turned out quite cozy inside, despite the lack of fire. Nivalis knew that making fire here was quite dangerous and could attract unwanted attention. They quickly ate bread and homemade cheese for dinner. Silvia sat quietly, eating her share as she huddled beside her mother in their shelter, with Aster sleeping soundly beside her.

As night fell completely, the air grew chilly, sending cold shivers through their bodies. It was time to sleep.

— "We can't make a fire, sweetheart, so we can't sleep naked. It will be too cold." Nivalis told her daughter apologetically.

Silvia went silent for a minute. With a frown on her face, she looked away and thought about something. Then she suddenly started removing her clothes in front of her mother. Nivalis' eyes widened slightly as she watched Silvia undress, exposing her bare skin.

— "Um..." Nivalis muttered awkwardly. "Why are you getting naked, honey?" she asked hesitantly. "As I said, It will be freezing."

Without giving a response, once wholly naked, Silvia pulled her mother's clothes up a bit and crawled underneath them. Then, she began to press her tiny body up against her mother's bare skin, moving up against her mother's belly and struggling against the fabric of the clothes as she went up to meet her mother's breasts.

— "M-My darling... Why?" Nivalis whispered, her voice quivering slightly.

"Just stay still, Mommy," Silvia mumbled softly. "Don't move."

She felt like a mouse moving through the cloth. She pushed and wriggled until she was snuggled comfortably between her mother's soft and milky breasts, which felt like the softest pillows ever made. Silvia sighed with contentment as she buried her face in her mother's chest, breathing in her sweet scent. "Mmm, you smell nice," she purred happily, pressing closer against her mother's warm body.

— "You're so silly," Nivalis giggled playfully, smiling fondly at her daughter as she pulled her clothes down, exposing her chest just enough to see Silvia's head. "It's ticklish, honey. How did you come up with this idea?"

"I don't know. Just like that," Silvia answered quietly, burying her face in her mother's chest as she ran her tongue over the tip of her mother's nipple.

— "Well, it's a clever idea indeed," Nivalis laughed softly, patting Silvia's head gently with her hand.

Silvia let out a soft moan of approval and then began to suck gently on Nivalis' left breast, swirling her tongue against her mother's puffy nipple and taking care not to bite down too hard. She suckled softly and rhythmically, causing her mother's nipple to swell as it hardened under her assistance, enough to leak milk slowly into her mouth.

— "Let's feed our Asty as well," Nivalis suggested as she glanced at her son, who lay right beside her. She picked him up in her arms, who was already sound asleep. "Wake up, little one," Nivalis whispered tenderly, brushing the finger gently across his cheek. "It's dinner time. Wake up for mommy."

Aster stirred awake. His eyes were barely open, but his body instinctively knew why he was woken up. He lifted his tiny arms and grabbed his mother's right breast hungrily and clumsily, putting his mouth on it, searching for milk. Then, he began to suckle eagerly once he reached her nipple. Nivalis smiled, leaning her head back slightly as she closed her eyes and sighed softly. "You two are so greedy," she muttered playfully.

Silvia giggled in response and continued to suck on her mother's nipple while Aster eagerly drank his fill of Nivalis's milk. Their warmth and softness combined together as Nivalis felt herself drifting into unconsciousness. Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.


The next day, just as the first hint of light was starting to breach through the veil of darkness above, in the small shelter, hidden from the outside world, Nivalis opened her eyes slowly. Deep in her clothes, Silvia and Aster slept soundly, pressed closely against her naked skin, keeping them warm. Her eyes roamed around her surroundings. A small space was quiet save for the soft snuffling of her children as she yawned lazily and stretched her arms. She pulled her clothes up just slightly, peeking inside at the figures snuggled in her breasts, and saw them still fast asleep, both her children looking so cute and innocent. A warm smile spread across Nivalis' face as she held them gently in her soft embrace. Then, she pulled the fabric down her body even further, just enough to reveal Silvia's face. She still had her mother's nipple in her mouth, sucking away without realizing she was doing so in her sleep, with Aster nestled snugly in her sister's embrace. Nivalis couldn't help but chuckle softly at this sight.— "My girl," she whispered tenderly as she gently stroked her daughter's silky hair with her hand.

— "Honey, it's morning," Nivalis said softly, waking her daughter.

"Mmmm..." Silvia groaned, nuzzling her mother's breasts with her nose and then reluctantly releasing her nipple with a distinctive wet pop sound. Silvia blinked several times before looking up at Nivalis with sleepy eyes, rubbing her small hands over her face and yawning widely.

"Morning, Mommy," she said softly, her cheeks tinting pink from realizing she'd spent the night sucking at her mother's nipple. She wiped off the drool from the corner of her lips.

— "Morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" Nivalis asked warmly, reaching out to brush away an errant strand of hair from Silvia's face.

Silvia nodded, her cheeks reddening even more as she smiled shyly. "Yeah! Very well."

— "Good!" Nivalis chuckled gently. "That's good. Now, let's have breakfast, then pack up and head out," she instructed.

Breakfast was simple - hardened bread, cheese that had become slightly stale with time, and some water. Silvia sat quietly beside her mother, nibbling at her food and shivering from the biting cold outside. After they had eaten, the packing was swift but careful, and every item had its place within their sled. When everything was packed, Nivalis helped her daughter to sit in the front of the sled, bundling her up tightly in blankets, and continued their journey. The atmosphere in the forest was lighter today, less tense and anxious, even though the surroundings were still just as creepy.

As they traveled through the forest, they soon found themselves entering a part that was even thicker and darker than before. The trees stood closer together, blocking out all light except for a narrow beam of sunlight that shone through wide branches above, illuminating just enough to distinguish the direction Nivalis had to go. They had been walking like this for what seemed like hours, but there was still no end to this forest in sight. It seemed endless.

The longer they walked, the more nervous Nivalis became. She kept glancing over her shoulder, feeling like someone or something was watching them. Her paranoia was growing, and she could feel the tension building inside of her. As they pressed on, the forest's shadows grew longer, and the light seemed to fade. The silence was deafening, and the only sound was their footsteps in the snow.

Nivalis's long, elven ears suddenly twitched as if reacting to something far away. She paused for a moment, straining to listen.— "Did you hear that?" she asked quietly.

"No..." Silvia shook her head, frowning slightly.

Once again, a sound. It's more distinct this time. Nivalis froze in place, an icy chill creeping into her very bones. The forest seemed to close around them, the shadows growing deeper, the silence even more oppressive. Her entire elven being screamed for danger.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Silvia asked in a tiny voice, her eyes wide with fear after noticing that her mother's steps suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop?".

Nivalis blinked several times, trying to focus her vision as she scanned their surroundings but saw nothing out of the ordinary. There was nothing but the usual darkness and trees everywhere.

Nivalis could see the nervousness on her daughter's face.— "I-I... I don't know," Nivalis whispered, her gaze darting anxiously through the gloomy forest, her heart pounding like a trapped bird. "I think I heard something, but I'm not sure." She turned back and looked at Silvia, seeing how the little girl had started trembling with fear.

— "Alright, let's hide in those bushes over there, just in case," Nivalis said in a low tone, pointing towards the thick bushes between two trees not far from them. "Come on!"

Silvia didn't hesitate as she rushed alongside her mother, trying her best to keep up. Her tiny hand clutched at her mother's clothes tightly as she ran. Nivalis scooped up Aster in her arm, and they dove behind the bushes, leaving their sled behind. Nivalis's heart was pounding like a wild drum in her chest, but she tried to stay calm for her little girl's sake.

Silvia's tiny fingers dug into her mother's clothes, clutching at the material as if it could magically protect them from whatever was coming. Her breaths were shallow and rapid, mirroring Nivalis' own. "I'm scared," Silvia muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nivalis whispered back, trying to sound reassuring despite her own terror. She caressed the girl's hair with one hand and rubbed her back with the other, trying to soothe both their fears.— "Shhh, sweetie. Don't worry. I'm here." She pulled her daughter close, wrapping her in a warm embrace. Silvia snuggled against Nivalis, hiding her face in the safety of her mother's arms as they crouched low, almost lying in the snow, waiting for whatever was coming. "Close your eyes and stay absolutely still," she whispered to her daughter.

The air was icy cold, and it seemed like the very snow held its breath in anticipation. And then, it happened. Nivalis' ears picked up an unfamiliar repeating sound in the distance, and she instantly stiffened as if struck by lightning. The noise grew louder, the crunching of snow of something big, signaling something large moving towards them. Nivalis felt Silvia tense in her grasp, and she tightened her own grip as instinct took over.

Nivalis glanced slightly out of the snow, her silver-white hair blending with the snow perfectly, and she froze in shock. She had never seen anything like it before.

A monstrous, spider-like eight-legged creature emerged from the shadows, heading toward where they had just been a moment ago. This beast was almost like a giant spider, with a long torso and eight massive legs resembling branches. She stares at it in horror, her brain struggling to process what she is looking at. As the beast approached, she could make out two glowing eyes on each side of its head, pulsing like a heartbeat. Its long limbs stretched out as it slowly crept forward, its eyes fixed on their sled. And it is getting closer and closer with each passing second.

A painting of a terrifying spider-like creature with tree-like limbs

Suddenly, the creature let out a high-pitched shriek that sent shivers down Nivalis's spine, causing goosebumps all over her skin. Silvia whimpered in fear, clinging to her mother desperately as she buried her face into Nivalis' bosom, her hot tears falling from her cheeks. Yet, she tried to remain utterly still and quiet, not giving away a single sob, obediently following her mother's instructions. Aster, too, stayed silent in her mother's embrace. Nivalis' heart raced as she watched in sheer terror, unable to move a muscle, her instincts screaming at her to run while the creature got closer and closer to the sled.

The creature slowly approached the sled, its body shuddering and shaking as if gliding over the ground, its movements almost mesmerizing to watch. It stopped before the sled, sniffing the air, tasting it. Slowly, it lowered its massive body, looking down at the sled. The body shifted from side to side repeatedly, staring intently at the unfamiliar object before it, studying closely.

Nivalis held her breath, praying silently as she watched the creature inspecting their possessions, unable to move her eyes away, willing this nightmare to be just that — a bad dream they could wake up from with a startle. Suddenly, the creature rose, lifting the sled high in the air. It held the sled in its jaws, shaking it roughly like a dog with a bone and chewing on it. The creature snarled a horrible, guttural sound that echoed through the forest.

Nivalis watched in horror as the creature tore their belongings, ripping and shredding their possessions. "No... No, no, no!" Nivalis's thoughts screamed desperately in her head, panic rising within her. But she kept herself quiet, still, frozen in place. She could feel Silvia's frame trembling violently with terror. Nivalis used gentle gestures to comfort her daughter as silently as possible.

The winter wind seemed to hold its breath as the creature turned around sharply, facing in their direction. This little movement was enough for him to become alert. The glow in its eyes intensified as it studied its surroundings, scanning for any sign of a living creature. The sled was now on the ground, forgotten by the beast. It took a step forward, then another, each one bringing it closer to Nivalis.

And then...

A bone-chilling howl rang out from somewhere deep in the forest. The sound pierced through the silence, sending another wave of goosebumps up Nivalis's spine. She recognized the sound immediately — as if a wolf howling at the moon, but much more ominous than normal.

The creature stopped abruptly, its eyes darting wildly around, trying to locate the source of the sound. It let out a low growl, almost a warning as if challenging the newcomer. Nivalis's heart thundered in her chest. She waited, not daring to breathe. Suddenly, the creature turned away from them and darted straight towards the sound. And with frightening speed, completely disappearing back into the darkness.

Nivalis let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding as she watched the creature retreat into the forest. She stayed where she was, not daring to move. The wind whipped past her face, causing her long, silver hair to flutter in the breeze. Her breath was visible as she exhaled heavily, and the sweat on her brow cooled quickly. Nivalis only now felt her nails digging into her palms. She felt the sting of pain as she slowly released her fists.

Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl. It felt like they had been sitting there for hours, but it was only a few minutes. Silvia and Aster were right in her arms, their eyes still closed tight. Nivalis finally gathered her strength and managed to break free from her fear-induced paralysis. She gently touched Silvia's face and brushed aside the silver strands of hair covering her beautiful features.— "Silvia..."

Silvia lifted her tear-streaked face from Nivalis's shoulder, her wet, golden eyes meeting Nivalis'.

— "Are you alright, my love?" Nivalis whispered, her gaze fixed on Silvia.

Silvia nodded, tears still streaming down her face. Nivalis gently wiped away the tears with her thumb as she cradled her daughter close. Silvia clung to her desperately, trembling uncontrollably as she sobbed softly into her mother's chest. Nivalis held Silvia close, trying to calm her down, but she couldn't continue holding her own tears.

— "Let's get away from this place," she said softly as she rose up, trying to hide tears from her daughter. She listened attentively for any unusual sounds or signs of danger but didn't hear anything. "Don't worry, sweetie. It's gone now," she murmured reassuringly.

It took them some great courage as they returned to the sled. Nivalis sighed and shook her head sadly at the sight before her. Everything was destroyed. The blankets they slept on every night were ripped apart. Food was scattered all over the place, trampled by the feet of that beast. Most of their possessions were missing, probably eaten by the monster. The sled itself was broken beyond repair, with only a few wooden planks remaining intact.

Despair. Nivalis felt completely hopeless. She bit her lower lip. Nivalis was desperate and angry. She wanted to curse, to scream, to run after the creature that destroyed their lives and ruin it. But she knew that if she did that, she would get her head bitten off. So, she fought back her tears and began to collect every little item she could, trying to find something useful among the wreckage and gathering them into a pile.

The wind whipped at her face as Nivalis knelt in the snow, her hands and fingers numb from the cold, but she continued to work with determination. Her eyes scanned the area meticulously as she worked, searching for anything that might have been overlooked. Even every little scrap of torn cloth was precious to her. She gathered a considerable pile of items that could be useful for their survival. With every piece she picked up, she imagined how it might help them endure another day despite their state. She even was able to salvage some of their blankets, though many were torn beyond use.

The last item she found was a bow that had miraculously escaped unbroken. The same one that she took back in the village from their barn. A Haldor's one, made from an ancient elven tree. Maybe this is why it survived. But unfortunately, almost all the arrows were broken. Only two of them remained. Even though she had never been taught how to wield it properly, it still could be useful for hunting with some practice. So Nivalis carefully put the bow away safely on top of their meager supply pile.

After a short while, Nivalis managed to gather all the things she could salvage. There was enough food for a few days, maybe a week, if they were careful. Everything metallic survived, though many of them were dented. But without the sled, traveling would be nearly impossible. It would be difficult to carry the weight and keep moving through the deep snow.

Nivalis bit her trembling lips. She tried to keep herself together, to remain strong for her children, but she couldn't help it. Tears burned in her eyes, stinging the corners of her eyelids. She blinked them away, her vision blurred. She took a deep breath, willing herself to focus. She couldn't afford to cry right now. Instead, her eyes darted around, trying to find a solution.

Nivalis used a few remaining blankets to hold their meager belongings as makeshift bags. She stuffed them with what remained of their supplies and tied them with rope to ensure they wouldn't fall out. She then used branches and the remains of an old sled to construct a crude makeshift one that resembled a wooden raft.

She worked furiously and very fast. The urgency was palpable; any moment could be their last if they stayed where they were. She used her hands and knife, cutting the wood and tying the knots with the remnants of torn blankets to tie the wood together. Minutes passed like an eternity, and soon enough, a functional sled lay before her — an awkward masterpiece crafted from necessity.

It wasn't perfect, an awkward-looking raft-like structure, but it would suffice. With a new sense of purpose, she rose to her feet. She looked at Silvia, who had been watching her work silently this whole time, with her little brother in her hands, her golden eyes glowing from wetness. Nivalis collected the two remaining blankets and covered her children with them. She placed her hand gently on her daughter's shoulders and kissed her forehead, whispering words of reassurance. She reached out to her daughter, waiting for her to grab her hand.

"We need to leave, honey. Quickly." Nivalis said with a firm resolve, her voice betraying no weakness despite the fear she felt deep within. As she met her daughter's gaze, she forced a smile onto her lips, hoping it would mask the tension and assure Silvia that everything would be alright, a lie they both understood was necessary.

"Okay," Silvia said quietly as she nodded slightly and tightly grabbed her mother's hand. Nivalis helped her daughter up on the sled, ensuring she and Aster were comfortable. They now have to sit on top of the supplies instead of lying on the sled like they usually do. But this was better than nothing.

They left in haste, moving quietly through the forest. As Nivalis pulled the rope attached to their makeshift sled, she kept glancing over her shoulder as her heart hammered in her chest, half expecting to find the beast chasing after them.

Fortunately, it didn't. They managed to make quite some distance before nightfall, and they were fortunate enough to find shelter beneath an ancient tree, right in its roots, offering protection from the wind. The following night was cold, like any other before. The lack of insulation made it worse, so they huddled closer to each other as they shivered from the cold, their teeth chattering as they struggled to stay warm. They still couldn't make a fire and risk drawing attention to themselves. Nivalis wrapped herself and her children with everything she could find in their belongings, including all their clothes from the bags. In the morning, feeling completely sleepless, they ate some of the bread, just barely enough to keep them going.

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