Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 27 — Normal life begins (End of the arc)

Chapter 27 — Normal life begins (End of the arc)


The first touch of the morning sun bathed the forest, casting warm light across the landscape. The freshly fallen snow sparkled, shimmering prettily as it reflected the sun's rays. Somewhere near a small, partially hidden entrance to a cave, a bird joyfully sang its morning song. The fire crackled softly inside the cave as its flames flickered, illuminating the surroundings in warm tones.

While lying on his sister's lap, Aster thinks about the last few weeks as they were extremely harsh for his new family. Humans, monsters, fierce weather, and now sickness. Their situation is truly hopeless.

It had been four days since Aster's mother, Nivalis, fell ill, leaving his sister all alone to take care of him and their sick mother. Despite being just a kid herself, Silvia was probably the bravest little girl Aster had ever known. She spent her entire days caring for their family, desperately trying to keep everyone fed and warm. She did not let the fire burn down even in the darkest hour, probably fearing that if she lost the fire, she would lose her mother as well.

Silvia and Aster won't be able to survive in these woods on their own if their mother doesn't recover. They are both still too young. Aster has no idea how much food is left but believes it must be running low already. They'll inevitably end up starving soon enough. Aster closed his eyes in frustration; there was not much he could do, and it was painful to watch Silvia, this innocent little girl, suffer. More than anything, he wanted to help her, but what can an infant do? Nothing.

Aster did nothing but eat, sleep, and soil his diaper every now and then. He saw how sad his sister looked, so he often tried to cheer her up by smiling whenever possible and looking directly into her golden eyes with his own, occasionally giggling. He knew it wasn't enough, but it was the only thing he could do.

Silvia had spent every waking moment with him, entertained him with stories he couldn't understand, and even sang songs for him. She held him in her arms all day and all night, always ensuring he didn't go hungry or thirsty. Even when she had to use the restroom, she always took him with her, which was somewhat awkward for Aster, hearing how his older sister urinated in the cold outdoors, but he didn't mind. She probably didn't want to leave little Aster alone, or maybe she didn't want to be alone herself.

Still sleepy, he looked at his sister's face, illuminated by the fire. Her golden eyes, red and puffy from constant crying, sparkled like jewels as she looked lovingly back into his. 'She looks so exhausted...' was his only thought as his golden eyes met hers. Her face was pale and gaunt, dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her cheekbones protruded noticeably. Her silver hair was messy, and her lips were cracked.

He smiled, hoping to comfort her, and reached out with his tiny hand, trying to do something to relieve her sadness. She quickly grabbed him and squeezed it slightly as if she needed that reassuring gesture from him.

Then he glanced at his sleeping mother. Aster had never seen anyone as brave, fierce, and selfless as she was. She did everything she could to protect the ones she loved, even jumping into the frigid river to keep them safe. She was the strongest person he ever knew. He couldn't imagine losing her, and it terrified him to think of life without her. His only hope was that the goddess Elysia, who sent him into this world, would somehow help his mother recover.

And maybe it was just coincidence, but once that thought appeared in his mind, a quiet, croaked voice escaped from Nivalis's lips. It was weak and barely audible, but Aster heard it. And he was not the only one who heard it, as Silvia suddenly jumped from the surprise and rushed to their mother. The little girl leaned down, listening to her mother's faint murmurs, "Mommy?" she asked, her voice full of worry and concern, "Are you awake, Mommy? Can you hear me, please?"

[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis blinked slowly as her consciousness gradually returned to her. She felt weak and sluggish, and once she tried to move, she felt a warm weight on her chest. Her vision was blurred and hazy, and her ears rang loudly. The first thing she heard was a familiar, soothing voice calling out to her in the distance. "Mommy! Mommy!" a childlike voice cried out desperately, and soon, a little girl's face entered her vision. Golden eyes gazed back into hers, filled with tears and worry. She recognized the silhouette of her daughter, Silvia.

Nivalis could hardly speak; her throat was dry and scratchy, and she could barely move. Yet somehow, despite the agonizing pain and exhaustion, she managed to wrap her arms around her daughter, returning the embrace. She croaked out softly, — "Honey..."

"Y-you're awake, Mommy! You're finally awake!" Silvia cried out in pure happiness, her small voice echoing around the cave walls. Then she broke down in sobs. "I-I... Y-you..." Silvia tried to mumble something through her tears.

— "Ssshhh..." Nivalis whispered to her daughter, gently patting her head. In response, her daughter hugged her even more fiercely, burying her face against Nivalis's neck, weeping uncontrollably. Nivalis allowed herself to relax a little while holding her, comforting her as best she could. It took her a moment to remember what happened. Nivalis glanced around, but her blurry vision made it impossible to discern the details, except that she was in a cave and had a fire nearby. Nivalis's gaze returned to Silvia, whose small form shivered slightly in her embrace.

— "Please, calm down, my baby..." Nivalis spoke softly, her voice hoarse and weak, "Tell me what happened," Nivalis asked her daughter. The girl's cheeks were wet with tears.

Silvia took a moment to calm down before answering her question. "You had a fever, Mommy. You got sick, very sick. I... I thought you would never..." Silvia explained between sniffles.

— "How long was I sleeping?" Nivalis asked in concern as she noticed her daughter's state: hair messy and tangled, cheeks were much hollower than before, lips cracked, clothes filthy, and her eyes had darkened circles under them.

"For three days, almost four, Mommy..." Silvia answered, her voice wavering, fresh tears filling her golden eyes, threatening to spill.

— "Three days...?" Nivalis repeated quietly. The shock showed on her face, making her gasp. "H-Have you eaten anything at all?"

"I did. We did. I made soups, just like you taught me," Silvia replied quietly, then continued, "I was so scared, Mommy... You were sweating so much, and I didn't know what to do... I-I... I thought you..." Silvia trailed off, unable to continue as she began to weep.

Nivalis' expression softened, and she reached up and gently cupped her daughter's face in both hands, wiping away tears with her thumbs, looking deeply into her golden eyes.— "It's okay, my dear... It's alright... I am alright, see," Nivalis whispered comfortingly.

Silvia sniffled loudly as she nodded, "But I thought you'd never..."

— "Shh..." Nivalis gently shushed her. "It doesn't matter anymore. Everything is fine now," she said, smiling reassuringly.

— "Are you alright? Is your brother?" Nivalis whispered, concerned, as she gently brushed a strand of silver hair from Silvia's face.

"I...I'm fine, Mommy," Silvia sniffled, trying to compose herself as she sat on her mother's belly, her legs on each side of her, "We both are... He is right here," Silvia answered while glancing to her side, showing Aster, who lay beside them peacefully, "He drank your milk all this time... But it was really hard to change his diaper... I had to... wipe his bottom, and..."

Nivalis smiled gently and held Silvia's hands in hers.— "Good, good... You did good, my dear," Nivalis whispered in relief, "You're such a brave girl, and you are so smart for doing all of this. Thank you, my darling, for caring for us and being so strong." Nivalis thanked her daughter in a quiet and sincere tone.

Silvia nodded slightly and lowered her upper body to hug her mother again. "Mommy... all these days, I wanted to tell you how much I love you. I-I really thought you would die, and we would be all alone, and..." Silvia's words faltered as she struggled to continue speaking.

Nivalis smiled faintly and closed her eyes as she gently hugged her daughter.— "I love you too, my sweet... More than anything else in the world. You and your brother are everything to me," Nivalis replied as she stroked her daughter's hair gently, trying to console her. Her soft tone and loving caress gave her daughter a sense of security. For the first time in days, Silvia finally allowed herself to relax.

— "Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Mommy is here now. I won't go anywhere," Nivalis assured her quietly, "I promise," Nivalis whispered into Silvia's ear.

Silvia sniffled quietly while continuing to cling to Nivalis tightly. After a few moments, Nivalis sighed softly and finally asked, — "Silvia, I need to drink something... Can you get me some water?" Nivalis asked, her voice soft and kind.

"Water? Okay, wait a moment," Silvia said as she hurriedly grabbed a waterskin from their belongings and brought it to Nivalis, handing it to her. Nivalis nodded gratefully, taking it in her hand.— "Thank you," she whispered as she drank its contents.

— "Can you help me stand up, sweetie? I'd like to get out of these dirty blankets, and I'll need your help cleaning myself properly," Nivalis asked once she finished drinking, her voice a bit stronger now.

"Sure, Mommy," Silvia replied, smiling slightly. Nivalis struggled to stand up from the floor. Her legs felt incredibly weak and shaky, as if they could barely hold her weight at all. Her head spun, and her vision darkened momentarily until she steadied herself and leaned against the cave wall for support.

— "Ugh..." Nivalis groaned in discomfort as she began walking slowly. Silvia wrapped her arms around Nivalis's thighs, supporting her as best she could. Nivalis put one foot in front of the other slowly and carefully, trying not to lose balance.

"The pot is right here, Mommy," Silvia said while pointing to an empty metal pot on the ground next to the fire.


After preparing warm water, they both took their time bathing just outside their cave. Silvia helped her mother as best she could, thoroughly washing her from head to toe, while Nivalis also returned the favor to her daughter. They washed their bodies together in complete silence, broken by the sound of splashing water and soft breathing.

Their nudity was a fact they both ignored completely; Nivalis didn't even think twice about it. After that, Nivalis rinsed Silvia's hair thoroughly and combed it carefully with a brush before braiding it neatly in the traditional elven style, just like her own silver locks. Even little Aster got a nice wash, too, much to the infant's annoyance, and carefully wiped by his mother herself.

Then, Nivalis gathered all their soiled clothing and blankets and washed everything in the pot before hanging them next to the fire to dry. It was quite a task since there were so many items to clean, and the water had to be constantly replaced, so by the end, Nivalis felt exhausted but content with the results. It took them the better part of the morning to finish.

Once done, she set to work preparing something for them to eat. When she approached the bag with food, she found only one small bag of potatoes remained. Nivalis's face tightened with concern.— "Looks like our supplies are almost gone. This is the last of it," she mumbled worriedly as she took out a few potatoes.

"Mommy? What's wrong?" Silvia's voice echoed in the cave.

Nivalis turned to face her and noticed a look of concern on her daughter's face.— "Nothing, my sweet. We have less food than I thought..." she paused, "But It's all right. We'll find something. Once I feel a bit better, I will try to hunt with a bow," Nivalis said confidently. "So don't worry, my dear," she added gently.

"Okay, Mommy," Silvia smiled slightly.

Nivalis boiled a few potatoes and shared them with her daughter. It was not very tasty, but it was enough to satisfy their hunger, so neither complained. After their meal, Nivalis felt a lot better. Even though she was still quite weak, at least she could move around freely again without feeling dizzy.

She spent the rest of the day lying beside her children in bed, talking with Silvia, telling stories, and enjoying each other's company. She played with Aster a little, tickling his tiny feet and listening to his adorable giggling as she entertained him. Eventually, as the hours passed by, the sun went down, and darkness enveloped the world outside. The sky was pitch black, and the moon lit the landscape.

Nivalis looked lovingly at Silvia as she lay on top of her. All three of them were wrapped in clean and warm blankets. Silvia and Aster fell asleep quickly. Nivalis stayed awake for another hour, staring at the flames flickering before her eyes while gently stroking her children's hair.

Her thoughts were all about the lack of food they had. She had never gone hunting before, so she wondered how they would survive once their supplies ran out completely. Tomorrow, she needs to find something. There is no point in waiting until the last moment. She lay there silently, thinking, watching over her children's sleeping figures until exhaustion finally overtook her. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take her as well.


The following day, near the entrance of their cave, Nivalis smiled warmly at Silvia.— "Alright, honey. I will go out to find us some food, okay? Can you stay with Aster and keep the fire burning until I return?" She gently cupped her daughter's cheek with her hand, looking into her eyes.

Silvia nodded eagerly, "Yes, Mommy," she stood on tiptoes and kissed her mother's forehead before pulling her into a tight embrace. "Be careful, please."

Nivalis smiled and returned the embrace.— "I will, my sweet. I promise I will be back before dark," she assuredly stroked her daughter's face. "Take care of your little brother for me."

"Of course," Silvia answered enthusiastically, smiling widely, "We will be waiting for you."

Nivalis nodded as she stepped past Silvia towards the cave's exit, taking a few steps forward before stopping abruptly. She turned her head, glancing over her shoulder. Her silver hair swayed gracefully, and her eyes locked with Silvia's. Nivalis gave her one last smile before turning away again, disappearing through the cave's entrance.

She held a bow and two arrows, wearing a small leather backpack. As she stepped into the snowy forest, she tightened her cloak around herself for warmth. She ventured deeper into the snowy woods at a slow pace, listening intently for any sounds that might indicate an animal nearby. Her eyes scanned the ground, searching for tracks left by creatures moving through the area recently.

An oily painting of a nature, pine forest at morning

Two hours of fruitless searching passed as she wandered in the forest. Finally, she spotted a rabbit scurrying among the bushes ahead.— "Perfect," she whispered excitedly as she drew an arrow and tried to aim carefully. Her arm trembled heavily as she held the weapon firmly, aiming at the small creature running ahead of her. She fired. But the arrow missed its target completely, hitting a nearby tree instead.

The loud thump of the arrow striking wood startled the rabbit, causing it to leap away.— "Shit!" Nivalis cursed in frustration. She chased after it, quickly picking up her arrow and running as fast as she could through the dense foliage. But the rabbit was too quick, darting between bushes and trees.

Her breath fogged the air with every step, and her boots crunched loudly against the snow. She even tripped over a rock hidden beneath the layer of snow as she ran. Once she realized the rabbit was gone, she stopped moving and collapsed onto her knees, gasping for air. She rested for a few minutes, panting heavily before slowly rising to her feet again.

— "Damn it... How in hell do you hit anything with this stupid thing anyway?" She asked herself as she looked at the wooden bow in her hands.

She brushed the snow from her coat and pants and began trudging forward again through the snowy landscape. After walking for quite some time, she found her way up to high ground, where a breathtaking view unfolded before her eyes. Instead of appreciating the beauty though, she began to frown as she examined the area around them.

She saw two rivers flowing around their location, trapping them on an island of sorts. And worst of all, that dark forest was still around them. They just found a patch of normal forest inside of it, that's all. She clenched her jaw and grimaced at the sight of the raging rivers in the distance. They weren't going anywhere. Not anytime soon, anyway.

— "It looks like we'll stay in this cave for a while... Damn it all," she whispered under her breath, cursing at the cruel fate that seemed to torment her and her children.

— "Alright... Food is still my top priority." she paused to think, "Hunting is useless unless I practice more. There is no way I can hit anything from afar," she muttered, "Maybe fishing would work better? There has to be some fish in these rivers," she said quietly while thinking aloud to herself. With that decision made, Nivalis changed directions and headed towards the nearest riverbank. She planned to use her bow to shoot any fish swimming near her. Hopefully, this time, she will be able to hit it.

As she arrived at the shoreline, Nivalis began searching for a suitable spot where it would be easier for her to aim properly. She found a small boulder on the shoreline that gave her a perfect view of the water below and carefully positioned herself upon it. Placing her feet firmly apart for balance, she readied her arrow and waited patiently for any sign of movement beneath her.

And quite soon, her patience paid off when a large salmon swam near her position. She drew back her string with all her might, aimed carefully, and released the arrow.

A loud splash echoed across the clearing as the arrow pierced its target, sending ripples across the water's surface. Nivalis hurriedly tried to grab the fish and an arrow but missed it by a fraction of a second.— "No!" she whispered in disappointment as she jumped off the rock and dashed down the riverbank, trying desperately to retrieve her prize before it floated out of reach. Fortunately, she caught it just in time to pull it onto the shore but got her boots wet in the process.

— "Finally," she said excitedly while examining the dead creature in her hands. It was a fat salmon with a thick coat of scales covering its body. Its mouth gaped open slightly, revealing rows of sharp teeth. 'Next time, I need to attach a rope to the arrow to pull the fish out of the water,' she thought while watching the fish.

Without wasting any time, she used her knife to remove its head, guts, and skin and washed it in the icy water to clean the remaining blood. After wrapping the salmon in a piece of cloth, she securely packed it into her backpack and adjusted her coat again.— "Time to go back home," she muttered.

Her numb, soaked feet were causing shivers now; stepping in the frigid river water had been quite a mistake. Despite this discomfort, Nivalis couldn't help but feel proud of her accomplishment as she made her way back home. She could not wait to show it to Silvia.


— "Hello, my darlings," Nivalis announced cheerfully, stepping into the warmth of their cave, her cheeks flushed from the cold winter air outside. "I'm back!"

Silvia, who had been cozied up in a blanket by the fire, popped her head out, bright-eyed and curious. "Welcome back, Mommy! How was it? Did you catch anything?" she asked eagerly as she watched her mother approach the fire and remove her boots and socks, exposing her delicate toes to the heat.

Nivalis beamed with pride, opening her backpack.— "I sure did," she announced confidently, "I caught a big Salmon for dinner tonight."

"Wow," Silvia's eyes widened at the sight of the fish, her mouth forming an 'O' of amazement. "That's amazing! Good job, Mommy!" she cheered while clapping her hands.

— "Thank you, my dear," Nivalis smiled and continued, "Now let's cook the best meal ever!" Nivalis declared enthusiastically, causing Silvia to giggle at her mother's excitement.

— "How are things here?" Nivalis asked casually as she removed her cloak and sat cross-legged on the floor next to a fire. She glanced curiously towards her daughter, who sat nearby, playing with a curious infant.

Silvia smiled brightly and answered quickly, "Nothing bad happened at all! Aster pooped only once, so everything is great," Silvia giggled again, making Nivalis chuckle as well.

— "Excellent," she praised with a warm smile, "I'm glad to hear everything went well here." She then leaned closer to her daughter and kissed her forehead tenderly. "I missed you, honey."

"I missed you too, Mommy," Silvia replied happily before burying her face into Nivalis' shoulder, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck, and squeezing her tightly. Nivalis sighed quietly in relief as she hugged her daughter back firmly, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth and closeness for a brief moment.

— "Alright, let's start! I'm starving already," Nivalis announced, breaking the embrace and focusing on the cooking process. She placed the fish on the wooden cutting board and began cutting its flesh into smaller pieces, removing any bones and scales as she went along.


After their meal, they snuggled up against one another on their blankets, huddling together. Their bellies were stuffed to the limits with delicious freshly cooked salmon, and their moods were considerably higher than before. They all enjoyed each other's presence quietly, listening to the crackling sounds of burning wood from the fire while enjoying its comforting warmth.

— "How was it, Silvia?" Nivalis asked her daughter quietly as she stroked Silvia's hair gently.

"Delicious," Silvia mumbled with a satisfied sigh while pressing closer to her mother's naked chest, nuzzling her face into her mother's breasts and inhaling the sweet scent of her body. "The best thing I ate since... Well... Ever."

— "Really?" Nivalis asked, chuckling softly under her breath. She loved it when Silvia complimented her cooking skills.

"Yes, definitely," Silvia confirmed while nodding slowly as she gazed upwards towards her mother, smiling broadly.

Nivalis grinned and leaned downwards to plant a soft kiss on Silvia's nose.— "Well, that makes me very happy," she whispered playfully.

Silvia giggled quietly in response, squirming slightly while blushing from embarrassment. "I love you so much, Mommy," she whispered bashfully, hugging her mother tighter, nuzzling against her.

— "And I love you too, my precious baby girl," Nivalis replied gently while lovingly stroking Silvia's soft cheek with her fingertips, smiling fondly down at her.

— "Honey, what would you think if we lived here for a while?" Nivalis asked as she looked down at her daughter.

Silvia's eyes widened slightly as she tilted her head to the side questioningly. "Why do you ask, Mommy?"

Nivalis paused momentarily before replying,— "Maybe this cave is not the safest place to raise a child, but... it's warm inside, and with the river nearby, we can get enough food," Nivalis explained slowly, her voice wavering slightly as she spoke. She felt pathetic, but she couldn't deny that staying here was the best option for them right now. Moving again into the dark forest was not an option.

"Okay, Mommy," Silvia responded cheerfully, "As long as I'm with you and Asty, I'm happy anywhere." Silvia snuggled closer to her mother, pressing her cheek against Nivalis' chest and listening to her heartbeat. "And it's much better here than walking through the forest," she mumbled, partially muted by her mother's breasts.

Nivalis smiled tenderly and hugged her daughter tightly against herself, burying her face into Silvia's hair and breathing deeply her smell.— "Indeed it is... It really is." She closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the moment.

After several minutes of silent cuddling, Nivalis began stroking her daughter's hair gently as she whispered.— "Honey..." she paused, "Would you like to suck on Mommy's nipples a bit? Aster didn't finish his meal, and you surely need a treat, too, right, sweetie? You were such a good girl, after all," she paused, "Wouldn't you want to have some yummy milk?" She pressed her breasts together with her hands, offering them to Silvia.

Silvia giggled quietly while blushing bright red in embarrassment at her mother's question, hiding her face into Nivalis' chest while murmuring shyly, "If... If you insist... I guess I could take one sip..." She giggled as she pretended to resist, even though it was clear she was eager to do it.

Nivalis chuckled softly and replied, — "Go on, my dear. Enjoy yourself. You deserve it."

Silvia peeked over the edge of her mother's cleavage hesitantly, looking up into Nivalis's blue eyes. She fidgeted awkwardly under her mother's gentle stare until she finally brought her lips closer to one of Nivalis' stiff pink nipples. Silvia took the erect pink bud between her lips and began suckling softly. A warm, sweet white liquid entered her mouth.

Silvia hummed pleasantly as she worked her tongue around the tip, savoring the flavor and texture. Soon, her sucking noises became louder and faster, making wet slurping sounds. She kept changing between breasts, taking turns with them as if playing a game.

Her lips and cheeks moved rhythmically as she swallowed hungrily, devouring the sweet liquid pouring down her throat and warming her insides. Silvia looked up directly into her mother's eyes, smiling affectionately. She kept her mother's eyes locked into hers as she sucked on her nipple slowly, sensually.

"Mmhhhh~" Silvia moaned softly in delight while swallowing another load of milk, gulping it down loudly. It continued for some time. Nivalis lovingly observed every single reaction and expression of pleasure her daughter made, finding solace in knowing she brought Silvia such joy.

Soon enough, after having her fill of the delicious nectar, Silvia reluctantly pulled away, releasing Nivalis' nipple, leaving behind a trail of moisture. The sound it made upon separation was distinct - a loud and wet "pop" that seemed to echo through the cave.

Silvia licked her lips clean, and then, just as her mother always taught her that you need to clean up after yourself if you made a mess, Silvia gently kissed each of Nivalis' nipples before circling them with her tongue. She swirled her tiny tongue around her mother's nipples, making sure not a drop of milk was left behind. "Thank you," Silvia whispered, still blushing slightly from embarrassment. "Mommy... You taste so good..." Silvia breathed out with a faint sigh.

Nivalis blushed slightly upon hearing her daughter's words.— "Don't say such embarrassing things, honey. My milk isn't special or anything."

"But it is... It tastes so sweet," Silvia whispered shyly, blushing deeply as she looked into her mother's eyes timidly.

Nivalis smiled kindly while gently brushing a few strands of hair from Silvia's face.— "Is that so?"

"Yeah... It's delicious... Like... Super delicious, Mommy..." Silvia mumbled, her cheeks flushed bright red.

Nivalis chuckled and answered, — "Well, if you say so, I suppose it's fine then," she smiled sweetly at her daughter's reaction. "You are so cute when you get embarrassed, honey," she whispered. Silvia's blush deepened further as she buried her face into her mother's breasts again, mumbling something incomprehensible under her breath.

Nivalis giggled cheerfully.— "Alright, it's time to sleep now," Nivalis said as she patted her daughter's head gently, "Good night, my precious," she whispered lovingly, "Sweet dreams..."

"Good night, Mommy," Silvia yawned, resting her head on her mother's breasts and closing her eyes, "I love you..." she mumbled sleepily before drifting off into slumber.

— "I love you too, my darling," Nivalis whispered warmly. She wrapped her arms protectively around her sleeping daughter's tiny body while looking into the flickering fire before her. It is hard to believe, but they have finally found a home, a safe haven where they could stay. It wasn't ideal, and she knew it would be difficult to adjust to, but nothing else mattered as long as she was with her children. And it was certainly better than wandering aimlessly through the freezing wilderness.

Nivalis sighed quietly and closed her eyes, letting her mind wander about how to make this place livable for the long term. She imagined all sorts of improvements to their new shelter, and soon, she fell asleep with a smile.

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