Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 6 — Push, Mom!

Chapter 6 — Push, Mom!

[Nivalis Silverfrost]

As another seemingly endless week slipped away, the unforgiving embrace of winter tightened its grip on Nivalis as the air grew colder, making everything feel even harder for her. Her once agile body had transformed into a round and bulging form; her belly, now even more round and prominent, made her slower and weaker than ever before. She struggled with simple tasks, like lifting objects, and even walking became hard. Each step left her gasping for air, and dizziness often clouded her thoughts.

Still, she wouldn't let any of this stop her from planning their escape. All week long, she thought about how they could get away from this place. She considered every little thing, like how, when, and most importantly, where they'd go.

This wasn't her first try at breaking free from this place. Nivalis tried her hardest to escape, but he was too cunning, too clever, and the fact that the village was small and isolated made any kind of plan futile. He knew how to catch her every move, and he always seemed to be one step ahead of her. Even when she ran without any plans or preparations, he tracked her down like she was just another helpless rabbit in the forest.

In her first year here, before she became pregnant with Silvia, she fought against him fiercely. She used every bit of her strength and tried every possible method. From attempting to harm Haldor in his sleep to schemes involving poison and even the introduction of glass into his meals, nothing helped. Haldor's strength and cunning nature acted as an impenetrable shield against her efforts. Her actions only brought about dire consequences for her, which led to Silvia being conceived.

She was stuck, trapped like a bird in a cage.

With the birth of her daughter, Silvia, Nivalis faced an even greater challenge. She knew that this relentless man was not only after her but also sought to mold her innocent child into a mirror image of himself. Protecting Silvia from his influence became her top priority, and it was not an easy task.

But now, there was a flicker of hope growing inside her eyes. She made a plan. A really good plan.

And this time, she wouldn't let Haldor stop her.

Nivalis had decided the optimal moment for escape would be right after the baby's birth. He would be oblivious to her intentions. He would think she would be too weak to resist so that he wouldn't be expecting it. She remembered how when Silvia was born, Haldor had indulged in alcohol to such an extent that he slept and snored for three days straight.

She will use this opportunity to escape with Silvia and a baby.

Nivalis knew that such an escape would be very, very difficult, but she was willing to take the risk. Anything is better than staying with this terrible person.

She was in the kitchen, working away, when her thoughts got interrupted by a familiar kick in her belly. It felt like her unborn child was telling her not to give up, to keep going.

She smiled and gently rubbed her hand over her round belly. — "It's okay, my dear. Mommy is here, and we will get out of here soon. I promise," she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. With that, she started getting ready for the journey ahead.

Next entire week, Nivalis had to be extra careful not to make Haldor, the person keeping her here, suspicious. He had a temper that could go from bad to worse in an instant. It was risky even to think about escaping, but Nivalis couldn't stand the thought of staying here any longer.

The most challenging part was collecting necessary supplies without raising any suspicion. Years of living with Haldor had honed her skills in moving around him, predicting his moods, and anticipating his reactions. Her nimble fingers could slip into pockets and satchels without making a sound.

She had even found an old sled, hidden in the back of their barn, that she had spent hours repairing and reinforcing for a long journey. She was going to use this sled to carry both her daughter and supplies.

Nivalis's plan was straightforward but effective. She will head northeast, far beyond Haldor's reach, into a desolate, lawless expanse of dense forests and untamed wilderness. She'd continue until they reached the border of the neighboring kingdom, where she'd seek refuge and a new beginning.

She knew that it was going to take them at least a month to travel through the vast forest, which was as big as some middle-sized kingdom. She had to make sure that she was adequately stocked up on food so that they wouldn't go hungry.

But there was something that made Nivalis uneasy. It was the stories she'd heard about monsters lurking in those wild lands. These creatures were said to be enormous, with sharp teeth and claws, like something out of a scary nightmare.

People only whispered about these monsters, their voices trembling with fear. They told tales of travelers who had dared to go into the no-man's land only to vanish without a trace, their fate sealed by these terrifying creatures.

Despite the fear, she had no choice but to face the unknown dangers that awaited her and her children beyond the safety of their prison walls. She couldn't let them grow up in that dreadful place, and she was determined to give them a chance at a better life.

As Nivalis prepared for their daring escape, she couldn't help but reflect on the life that had brought her to this moment. She remembered the days when she was happy and surrounded by friends and family. But all that was gone now. Now, the weight of her unborn child's future bore down on her, fueling her determination.

Memories of her past life flooded her mind. She thought about the days when she used to be happy, with friends and family all around her. Those were the times she missed the most, and they seemed like a distant dream now.

However, all of those things were in the past. Nivalis found herself in a really tough situation now, and she couldn't ignore the weight of responsibility resting on her shoulders. She had a daughter to care for and an unborn child's future to think about. This heavy burden inside her fueled her determination to escape because she couldn't bear the thought of her child growing up around the terrible man.

As the day of the birth grew nearer, Nivalis felt her anxiety getting stronger. She knew that time was slipping away, and with each passing moment, she was getting closer to the moment of labor and the chance to get free. However, she was also aware that the stakes were incredibly high. One wrong move could ruin everything she had worked so hard for.

Nivalis understood that she had to be cautious, not just for her own sake but for the sake of her children.

After making sure that everything was properly prepared, she took a deep breath and sighed with relief. The only thing left to do now was to wait.

As the final week of her pregnancy drew to a close, the tension in the house was palpable. The anticipation of the upcoming birth and the uncertainty of what it would bring hung heavily in the air.

Haldor sensed that something was wrong going on in this house the whole past week, but he was too preoccupied with the idea of becoming a father again to pay much attention. His gaze fixed on his wife's swollen belly, and a dark, twisted smile twisted across his scarred face.

"Soon, I will have my second child," he whispered, his voice low and sinister.

"I can't wait to see my son. My strong, powerful, warrior son," he added, his eyes filled with pride.

His words felt like daggers in Nivalis's heart, but she forced herself to stay composed.

— "I'm sure he will be just as strong and brave as his father," she replied, her voice trembling. It seemed like she hadn't even considered the possibility of a girl.

"Yes, yes, he will be," he said, a shadow passing over his face.

Deep down, Haldor knew that the birth of his second child would mark the end of the fragile peace he'd managed to keep with Nivalis. She had been obedient enough, but his son would need rigorous training, shaping him into the warrior Haldor envisioned in his mind's eye.

Haldor would not allow his newborn son to be raised by a woman who hated him.

The days went by, and then it happened.

One late evening, while Haldor was away on a hunting trip and Silvia was sound asleep, Nivalis was in the kitchen, busily preparing food for the next day. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her, and she felt her water break.

— "Silvia!" Nivalis cried out, her voice echoing through the house.

Silvia was jolted awake by her mother's urgent call, and the little girl hurried down the stairs, her tiny footsteps padding softly on the floor.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Silvia asked, her eyes wide with concern.

"It's time, sweetheart," Nivalis said, her voice trembling with both excitement and fear.

Silvia's eyes widened even further, and a smile tugged at her lips.

"You mean... my brother is coming?" Silvia's face lit up, and she hurried over to her mother's side, ready to help.

Nivalis nodded, unable to speak as another contraction hit her. She reached out and placed her trembling hand on her daughter Silvia's shoulder.

Together, they hurried into the bedroom, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Nivalis carefully arranged a cozy nest of soft blankets and pillows, preparing a safe space for the impending arrival. Meanwhile, Silvia scurried around the house, gathering all the necessary items they might need.

The room they were in was small, with only a dim candle flickering on the windowsill, casting a soft, warm glow. The walls were painted in a plain gray, and the floor consisted of simple wooden planks.

The room was small and dimly lit, with a single candle flickering on the windowsill. The walls were painted a dull gray, and the floor was bare wooden boards.

"I'll get you some towels and water," Silvia said, her voice filled with nervous energy.

— "Thank you, my dear," Nivalis whispered, her breath catching in her throat as another contraction surged through her.

She settled onto the bed, determined to focus on her breathing as the intensity of the contractions grew.

A few minutes passed when Sylvia returned with a bucket of water and a bunch of towels.

"Here, Mom, drink this," Silvia offered, carefully holding a cup to her mother's lips.

Nivalis took a refreshing sip, savoring the coolness that washed away the bitterness in her mouth.

Nivalis managed a faint smile, grateful for her daughter's support.

As the hours passed, Nivalis's contractions increased in both frequency and intensity, like waves crashing against the shore. Her screams echoed through the house, filling every corner with their intensity.

Nivalis lay on the bed, her legs stretched wide apart. Her breathing was ragged, coming in short gasps, and her heart was pounding like a drum in her chest. Her body was drenched in sweat, making her feel sticky and uncomfortable. Strands of hair clung to her forehead in a tangled mess. With every surge of pain, she clutched her daughter's hand so tightly that her knuckles turned ghostly white.

Silvia, her young daughter, watched the scene in a mix of awe and terror. The deafening screams of her mother sent shivers down her spine. She was frozen in place, unable to move or utter a word.

Nivalis's world shrunk down to a pinprick. All she could focus on was the excruciating pain that racked her body.

As the labor intensified, the pressure built within Nivalis's belly, as if her organs were being crushed under the weight of the unborn child. Her skin burned with fever, and her throat felt parched despite the liquid her daughter provided her.

With each agonizing contraction, Nivalis felt as if she was being torn apart from the inside.

She could feel the child struggling within her, desperate to enter the world.

As Nivalis labored through the night, her cries of pain and agony echoed through the house, sending shivers down Silvia's spine.

But Silvia stood by her mother's side, her hand never leaving Nivalis's.

"You can do it, Mommy," she whispered, her voice full of encouragement.

Nivalis's screams were deafening, and the pain of childbirth was almost unbearable. Her body ached, and her vision blurred, but she pushed through the pain.

The minutes dragged by, each one feeling like an eternity. The suffering continued, and Nivalis began to lose hope. She wondered if this would be her last night on this earth.

"Push, Mom!" Silvia cried out, her young voice strained with desperation.

Nivalis gathered the remnants of her strength and pushed. The pressure within her seemed to double, and she could feel the child's head forcing its way out.

Silvia held her mother's hand in her tiny ones, lending her a fragment of the child's strength.

"Come on, Mom, you can do it!" Silvia encouraged, her voice wavering.

"I can't do it! It's too hard! I can't!" Nivalis sobbed, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

"You can, Mom. I believe in you!" Silvia urged, her voice shaking with emotion.

Nivalis gathered the last shreds of her courage and gave one final push. A guttural scream erupted from her throat, and the child slid out of her, a slimy, bloody bundle.

Silvia held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

Nivalis collapsed back against the pillows, her body exhausted and wracked with pain.

Finally, after hours of suffering, a little boy was born.

Nivalis couldn't contain her tears as she cradled her son in her arms. He was so tiny and helpless, and Nivalis knew that her heart would forever be tied to this beautiful child.

However, as she took him, Nivalis realized something was wrong. Her newborn son was quiet, limp, and unresponsive, his tiny chest still.

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