Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 76 — Motionless

Chapter 76 — Motionless


Silvia lay motionless on the muddy bank, her body still and cold. The hood that previously covered her face had rolled off, revealing her peaceful expression. Her eyes were shut, long eyelashes resting gently on her pale cheeks, and her lips were slightly parted, but no air escaped them. Wet silver hair clung to her pale face and neck, curled strands covering her like a blanket.

"Sweetie, wake up! Please, wake up!" Nivalis sobbed, her voice cracking as she gently shook her daughter's motionless body, trying to wake her up. Tears weren't visible on her wet face, but Aster knew they were there, as nothing breaks a mother's heart more than seeing her child like this.

Aster rushed to his sister's side, his hands trembling as he raised her chin with two fingers under it to open her airways. "Not like this," he muttered, his voice barely audible over the rushing river beside them. "I won't let you," he added, pinching Silvia's little nose and pressing his mouth tightly against her pale blue lips, blowing air into her lungs. His golden eyes squeezed shut, trying hard but failing to stop his tears from falling onto her delicate, cold face.

"Asty, w-what are you-" Nivalis tried to ask between sobs. Barely understandable words escaped her mouth now and then, but the boy ignored them all, too focused on saving his sister's life. After two more deep breaths into her lungs, Aster turned his attention to her chest.

Aster pressed his palms against her chest, right above her small breasts, and pushed down hard with all his weight. He watched as her tiny body rocked back and forth from the force of his compressions, her expression never changing. The boy had no idea if he was doing it correctly; he only remembered seeing something similar in movies from his past life. Memories of a life that he almost forgot about, like a bad dream, were now a key to saving his sister's life.

His arms trembled with effort as he pressed his entire body weight against the delicate chest of the little girl beneath him, trying to push out the water that filled her lungs. "One, two, three," Aster counted aloud, pressing harder each time, determined to bring her back.

The tears blurred his vision, and the sobs made his breath hitch, but he didn't stop even for a second, ready to do this for days if necessary; no force in the world could make him give up on her, his big sister. "Come on, Silvia, breathe!" Aster cried out desperately, pressing his salty lips against hers again and blowing another gust of air into her lungs.

A moment passed... then another... but nothing happened. The girl remained still, cold as a corpse; her peaceful face remained unchanged despite his efforts. Nivalis's sobbing intensified, her whole body trembling uncontrollably with grief and fear. Her little girl was so helpless, so fragile, so... gone.

But hope continued to beat wildly within Aster's chest, the last thing to leave him when it came to family. And it paid off tremendously as a sudden cough escaped Silvia's blue lips, her golden eyes shooting wide open in shock and confusion. Her pale body convulsed and arched up from the ground, hands digging deep into the mud as she struggled for air, coughing with water as it spilled out of her mouth and nostrils.

The laugh that escaped Aster was one of pure relief and joy. It echoed across the riverbank as he hugged his sister tightly against his chest, not wanting to let go even for a second. The feeling of her tiny body trembling in his arms made tears of happiness stream down his face. 'Never thought I would miss her trembling...'

"Oh, thank gods," he whispered, feeling like he could breathe again after experiencing so much fear and dread. Aster looked up at their mother, seeing the same emotions play across her features the moment before she pulled both children into a tight embrace, peppering kisses all over their faces.

"Silvia! Oh, my baby, my little sweetie!" Nivalis cried, her voice breaking with each word as she held them close. "Thank you, my son, thank you, my love. Thank you, thank you," she repeated between happy sobs, kissing Aster's temple. "I-I thought I lost you. I t-thought I..." she added, pressing her lips against the girl's pointy ear.

The girl beneath him coughed again, her tiny body convulsing as more water spilled from her lips and nose. Her golden eyes struggled to focus, blurring with tears. "W-what... w-what happened?" she managed between coughs, her voice weak and hoarse. "A-Asty? Why am I so c-cold...?" Silvia whimpered.

Aster chuckled at his sister's words, hugging her tighter against him. "You almost drowned, you idiot," he teased, feeling a weak grip on the fabric of his soaked cloak, her fingers trembling with cold. "I was so scared, Silvia... you have no idea,"

"I-I did? Oh... I'm s-sorry, A-Asty. It was all s-so sudden when we hit the water," the girl explained between coughs, rubbing at her eyes. "I had no air left in my lungs... I thought... I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay, honey. Everything's okay now... just don't worry," Nivalis reassured her, gently kissing her little girl's forehead before brushing her wet hair away from her face. "We must get warm and dry our clothes as soon as possible. Can you sit for me, love?" she asked.

"I-I think so..." Silvia replied weakly, her voice barely louder than a whisper. She took a few deep breaths, coughing again as her mother and little brother helped her to sit up slowly. "My head is spinning a little," the girl admitted, rubbing her eyes again with the back of her hand.

"Don't worry, honey. It should pass when we warm you," Nivalis replied gently, brushing more silver strands away from her face. "Asty, let's gather some wood for a fire. We need to warm her up quickly," she whispered, turning to Aster with pleading eyes. The boy nodded immediately, wiping his tears and snot with his wet sleeve before jumping to his feet.

The spring sun shone brightly overhead, but its warmth did little to combat the chill in the air. Aster slightly shivered as he gathered armfuls of twigs and branches, carrying them over to Silvia. Silvia trembled like a frightened kitten; her golden eyes followed him and her mother with a glossy sheen. Her condition seemed to worsen by the minute.

The dark forest loomed ominously above their heads, but for now, they seemed safe on this small stretch of shore. 'It should be okay... right? Just for a little while. We just need to remain quiet,' Aster thought, hoping no monsters would come after them. A short glance into the dark forest made his skin prickle with unease. 'I spent many hours fishing nearby and never saw anything dangerous on this side of the river. It will be alright.'

"I think this should be enough," Nivalis whispered, visibly trembling. She added everything she gathered to the pile near her daughter and knelt beside Silvia, who had curled into a shivering ball on the ground, her teeth chattering loudly. "Honey, could you-" she asked, only for the boy to cut her off.

— "I'm on it," Aster nodded, already piling up the sticks and forming a small stack. "Remove her clothing while I get the fire going... And yours, too, Mom. It should be warmer without it," he mumbled, his fingers shaking as he worked. It was hard to imagine how they must have felt if he felt this cold despite still having some mana ignited inside him.

It took him less than a minute seconds to create a roaring fire using his magic, casting a little candlelight above his palm to light the dry bark he collected. His skin had gotten slightly pink from the holding mana inside him since they left the cave, but Aster couldn't care less about it now. To make the flames grow taller and hotter to warm the girls was his only concern; he kept adding more wood to it.

Meanwhile, Nivalis removed the backpack from her daughter's shoulders and untied the cute little bow that kept her pants up. The girl didn't protest as she was stripped naked by her mother, too exhausted and cold to do anything but lay there shivering. A tiny gasp escaped her small lips when the cool air hit her bare skin, completely covered in goosebumps.

Soon enough, Nivalis stripped herself of her wet clothes as well, leaving them both nude before the crackling fire. She moved the girl closer to the fire, placed her on a soft patch of grass, and vigorously rubbed Silvia's arms and legs to warm her up. But despite how much she rubbed, Silvia remained cold and pale like a corpse. "Asty?" Nivalis called out worriedly, looking at her son. Her naked, trembling body glistened with the water that still clung to her skin. "Undress and do your mana thing to warm her up. She's freezing, honey. I'll try to dry out clothes and... well, everything."

— "Alright," Aster nodded, his hands working on removing the soaked cloak from his body. It took some effort, but soon enough, he stood before his mother and sister completely bare, his tiny, hairless boyhood between his trembling thighs looking even smaller than usual, all shrank up due to the cold.

The boy didn't hesitate; he rushed to his sister and lay down behind her on the soft grass, pressing his petite, naked body against hers. Aster spooned the trembling girl and hugged her as tightly as possible, feeling her heartbeat thrum through their skin-on-skin contact. "Shh... it'll be okay," he whispered reassuringly, placing his chin on her shoulder, their cheeks brushing together. He received only a weak whimper in response as she shivered violently, her body wracked with cold.

Aster gently took her freezing hands and brought them to his lips, breathing warm air onto her fingers to try and warm them up. Meanwhile, he began igniting more mana within his chest, preparing to break through hers. "Just a little longer, sis. Try to press back against me as much as you can," Aster cooed softly, feeling their smooth skin brushing against each other's.

Her tiny, round butt pressed tightly against his hips, seeking his warmth and comfort in her brother's embrace while their legs entangled in a mess. Silvia kept trembling, wiggling, and squirming, doing her best to get comfortable.

While doing so, Aster's soft, wrinkled penis and delicate ballsack got caught between Silvia's incredibly soft buttcheeks, causing a soft sigh to escape her blue lips the moment it happened. Her movements stopped as well, leaving his most sensitive parts in her tight embrace. When the boy tried to pull back slightly, she whimpered and pressed back harder, unwilling to let go.

'O-okay. Let's stay like this, then,' Aster sighed, feeling Silvia's soft butt. They had spent their entire lives sleeping naked together, so it wasn't uncommon for them to be pressed together like this, especially when the weather was terrible. Aster had long gotten used to his sister's soft, tender bottom against his hips and even enjoyed it.

It was just the first time the boy felt what was hidden between her cheeks: a delicate cavity right in the middle that seemed to fit his tiny member perfectly. He even felt the small wrinkles of her pink, little hole brush against his tip, tightening and relaxing slightly as she breathed. That was new, for sure.

'It's okay, no big deal. Focus,' the boy told himself, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He prepared himself, igniting more mana than usual to warm her body as much as possible. She needed it badly.

Aster could feel his skin heat up rapidly as he began to push into her from behind, feeling her mana fighting off his invasion. Silvia's body went tense, her spine arching sharply as the pain of having her mana invaded kicked in. A small cry left her lips, and she began breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling with each ragged gasp.

Aster did his best to keep her torso in place, his arms tightly wrapped around her chest, holding her. Her soft buttcheeks trembled from both cold and pain, making Aster's member stiffen slightly from the stimulation. He could feel every little wrinkle of her delicate hole teasing his sensitive tip. A delicate, velvety touch of his sister's most intimate place felt like heaven, truly. Aster would have never guessed he would enjoy feeling her there so much.

'Oh, come on, not now,' the boy cursed in his mind, trying to ignore the pleasurable sensation of his sister's little hole against his tip and focus solely on pushing more mana into Silvia. 'This isn't the time... Not a place to get excited. Just keep calm and push more mana in,' Aster told himself firmly, ignoring how good it felt. He focused entirely on the mana flow, his mind filled with the image of his fire mana flowing from his chest into hers, licking her insides and warming her frozen body. Nothing to make him excited.

The process was agonizingly slow, but eventually, Aster broke through her barrier and flooded her entire body with his warmth. Quiet moans escaped Silvia's parted lips, and her back arched sharply as her little brother kept filling her insides, making her relax against his chest. "Haaah, haaah... Asty..." she breathed out again and again.

Aster ignored her soft whimpers, focusing on pushing more mana inside until he felt the girl stop shivering. Her skin gradually turned a healthy, rosy hue as his warmth spread through her body. A few minutes passed before Silvia released a relieved sigh, leaning back into him with a smile. "Thanks, Asty... It feels so much better," she whispered, enjoying his comforting embrace. A tiny smile graced her lips.

Aster simply hummed in response, too exhausted to form a proper reply. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips as he opened his eyes, only to notice his mother smiling at him from across the crackling fire. She sat on the ground, trying to dry their soaked clothes and belongings.

"Good job, Asty. You did incredible today. I'm really proud of you," Nivalis praised, her smile widening. "I'll leave Silvia in your care for now. Just rest while I finish up here, alright? It will take a few hours at least," she added, returning her gaze to the task. Her silver hair waved beautifully in the gentle spring breeze, glistening in the sunlight. Her breasts swayed with every movement of her arms, nipples hardening under the cool air.

— "Y-yeah, thanks," Aster sleepily mumbled as he rested his head on Silvia's shoulder, inhaling the sweet scent of her body. 'Ugh... I'm so tired,' he sighed, feeling his eyelids grow heavy.

But Aster didn't have a chance to rest, for his sister turned her head to face him, golden eyes meeting his. A soft, hesitant voice filled his ears, "Asty? W-what... umm... w-why is there something in... my b-but?" she asked, wiggling her hips slightly, feeling the tip of her brother's penis poke her pink hole as if kissing it.

"U-uh..." Aster blushed, his eyes flicking to their mother and then back to Silvia, realizing they could be heard. He lowered his voice to a barely audible whisper, cheeks flushing crimson. "W-well, you... uh... y-you see... my thing got... It's kind of happened on its own... you know?" Aster stammered, unsure how to explain it. For some reason, he found it hard to believe his own words of it being an accident, even though they were true.

Before Aster could push away his hips, Silvia stopped him. "O-oh. Hm... I-I think I understand..." she whispered back, her cheeks reddening as she felt him down there. She gave him a shy smile, her eyes darting between his. "Your thingy got cold in the river, and you just wanted to warm it up, right?" she asked, trying to make sense of their situation. "No need to be embarrassed, Asty. It happens, I guess. And if it makes you feel better, then... i-it doesn't bother me."

— "T-thanks?" Aster mumbled, a wave of relief washing over him at her words. Even though he knew he shouldn't do it, he didn't move. It felt way too good, and Aster couldn't bring himself to do it. He wanted to stay like this forever, even though he knew it was wrong to have his member nestled snugly between his sister's soft butt cheeks, feeling her delicate hole kiss his sensitive tip ever so slightly. 'To think of it, my thingy does feel cold... better not to risk it. Let's just stay like this a little longer,' Aster sighed with an awkward smile, trying to justify it.

Silvia said nothing else, turning her head to stare at the crackling fire nearby. Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and a soft, contented sigh escaped her lips, a peaceful expression on her youthful face. A tiny, barely noticeable wiggle of her hips soon followed, making Aster's member stiffen even more and twitch, pressing harder on her delicate, pink hole.

"I-is it... growing?" Silvia asked after a moment, surprise coloring her voice. She didn't give him time to answer before continuing, "Um... d-don't worry about it. I talked with Mom about it when I saw it once... grow... in your sleep. She told me you can't control it, right?" she asked curiously.

— "Mhm," Aster hummed in response, nodding slightly, too embarrassed to discuss the topic further.

"I see..." Silvia whispered, the blush spreading over her face and even reaching her ears. Her golden eyes darted to her hips momentarily before meeting his gaze again. "Does it hurt?" she asked softly, no trace of nervousness or fear in her tone — only genuine concern and kindness.

— "N-not right now. But it usually does," the boy mumbled honestly, his heart pounding for some reason.

Silvia didn't reply immediately, keeping her gaze fixed on the dancing flames of their small fire. The silence stretched between them for a few moments before she finally spoke again, "W-well, Mom said to ignore it if I ever saw it growing. S-so, uh... you don't have to be embarrassed or anything, Asty. I mean, It's just how nature works, r-right?" she explained, trying her best to sound reassuring. "We can stay like this as long as you want, even if it keeps... um... growing," she added with a timid smile, her eyes briefly flickering to his.

— "Mhm," Aster replied, his voice high-pitched slightly as he felt another gentle, delicate kiss of her hole against his tip again. Almost instantly, it sent him over the edge, the pleasure too great for a little boy to handle.

The boy's member throbbed uncontrollably between his sister's soft butt cheeks, his hairless balls twitching as they tried to release something that wasn't there yet. "Hnn!" Aster grunted, squeezing his eyes shut as he experienced one of the strongest orgasms of his life; the intense sensation made his toes curl.

When the last throb faded away, neither Aster nor Silvia uttered a single word about it. They both kept silent and still, pretending it didn't happen. Aster closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasant tingling in his shaft as it went limp between his sister's asscheeks while she simply stared at the fire, her face as red as a ripe tomato.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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