Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (13)

―You have reached level 99, the limit.

Level 99.

It's the goal for every hero.

To become perfect as a hero, to reach the pinnacle of this damn otherworld, to be able to confront the Demon Lord who reigns over this world.

I was dragged into this world, deceived and suffered a lot, but the awareness of level 99 remained an ideal for all heroes.

That was the case in the past.

"I'll try it now."

I looked at the system message with a strange expression on my face.

Now, this 99 is just a common grade level, and compared to other strong races, it's not even close to the starting point, let alone the end.

Still, now that I've achieved level 99, I feel this... tightening feeling in my chest. It reminds me of the time when I discussed what I wanted to do once I and my colleagues achieved level 99...

Remembering YeMin, who achieved level 99 before me, I had indescribable thoughts.

"Alright, let's go out first."

The Demon Lord, who confirmed my level had increased, spoke with a firm voice.

I looked at her, bewildered.

"No, don't you have to defeat more monsters to raise your rank?"

"If just killing monsters could raise your race rank, do you think those stupid orc kids who only think about fighting and food wouldn't have been ruling over Leta?"

Upon hearing her words, I had to agree.

"I guess you had a plan all along, ma’am."

"Yeah, I actually planned for you to reach level 99 even if you said you wouldn't conquer the dungeon. Anyway, to raise your race rank... if my thoughts are correct, there's no need to hunt monsters. Your accumulated achievements and skills should be enough."

I shouldn’t be surprised that she was nonchalantly answering such a serious question. 

But should I be thankful for this?

For the past three days, I minimized my rest time because of No Rest for the Wicked, facing the Lesser Demon. They were still stuck in the dungeon, and of course, it wouldn't take them long to escape from the dungeon.

We still had a long way to go, and I sighed, feeling exhausted. But I tried to console myself.

"At least we reduced it to two hours. If my race rank increases, we can reduce it even further."

"Yeah, you're a genius, hero. You're truly gifted in battle."

The Demon Lord said sarcastically, but it was actually a compliment.

Considering how much my status and skills had grown over the past three days, I couldn't fathom how much I had improved. Even though other conditions hadn't changed much, the time it took to hunt one monster had been reduced to less than half. It was something that couldn't be explained without my natural sense of combat.

The Demon Lord had recommended Dual Wielding to me, and she proudly praised her choice. But I didn't like the way she looked at me with her dead eyes, so I just suppressed that thought.

Weirdly enough, it suits us so well!

"Oh, and by the way, the entrance is closed."

"Once you enter, you can't leave until you clear it or die. That's what it used to be, originally."


I didn't even think about trying to push up the door that blocked the stairs, but when the Demon Lord lifted it with one hand, it opened wide like an automatic door.

It was an act that crushed my morale, which had risen due to the hard-earned experience and skills during the past three days, but I just felt grateful that we could easily enter and exit the dungeon.

"Don't get too discouraged, hero. Maybe the door opened in response to my pretty face."

—You demon, don't lie to our contractor! Then it should've opened with my face too!

Lucy, who apparently didn't like the dark dungeon, cheered when we came out. But as she twirled around in the air, expressing her joy, she suddenly noticed something and whispered to me as I was just coming out of the stairs.

—Contractor, it's a moth!

"A moth?"

"It's the fairy of the tutorial!"

Lucy's and my voices must have reached her, as the angry fairy, no, the fairy flapped her wings, scattering glittering powder, and scolded us.

"Do you know why I'm here, even though you're coming out right now?"

The moth, or rather the fairy, looked angry, and she touched her forehead in frustration.

"The dungeon you discovered by chance in this 1,875th channel, which disappeared except for part of the Demon Lord's castle and its surroundings, a place that hadn't been discovered even once in the 1,874 times the tutorial was conducted until now, were discovered by a hero by chance?"

"The trigger was extraordinary power."


Upon hearing the Demon Lord's brief words, the frustrated fairy covered her forehead.

"The annoying thing is that the fact that the initial achievement wasn't reflected in the currently active channels. The probability is very low, but if someone discovers the dungeon in another channel, the reward for the initial achievement will be lost. Hero, you might be fine, but how do you think the superiors will react...?"

From the fairy's words, I deduced that the rewards such as stats and abilities given to individuals due to various achievements were not naturally occurring resources but limited resources brought in from somewhere.

Well, that was reasonable.

Moreover, considering the way she's venting her anger, it seems that once given, it can't be taken back.

If only it ended with just the fairy being angry, honestly, it was a very pleasant thing.

"Well, what's the problem? Anyway, the rewards for that achievement were given to the party. Even if the hero received it here, it's only one person's share, so there won't be a big loss."

"That's... Well, it's somewhat true..."

"Won’t you compensate? You made a mistake, and you admit it, right?"

"Yes, of course. Ugh."

"In return, I'll buy a lot of stuff from you. Cheer up."

The Demon Lord's way of giving and taking was unavoidable, and the fairy had to accept it.

But the subsequent Demon Lord's order list made both the fairy and me gawk.

She ordered a large quantity of sunlight ore, an unknown mineral, covered in a glass box large enough for one person with specially processed magic circles, and attached a giant magical magnifying glass to the ceiling…

I got the gist of it.

"Wait a minute, are you planning to put me inside that?"

"As expected, hero, you're sharp."

"Are you trying to roast me?!"

A box, a heated stone, and even a magnifying glass to intensify the heat.

Instead of me, wouldn't it be perfect if even a single squid went in there? Is this the Demon Lord's highly sophisticated way of saying that I look like a squid?

As if trying to reassure the contemplative KiJun, the Demon Lord chuckled warmly.

"I won't use up all the ores this time. Judging from the condition of the dungeon, if things go well, we might even surpass the rare grade, so I bought everything we might need in one go."

"Wait, is this your shopping list for purchasing materials to exploit the bug for increasing race rank?!"

The fairy, with astonished eyes, glared at the Demon Lord. Finally, she cast a barrier around him so that her words wouldn't be heard and whispered into the Demon Lord's ear.

"Hero, I won't say anything more about dealing with that bug. But this has crossed the line. It's an emotional line, Hero. It's not good for you either!"

"I'm just raising a disciple, is there a need to react so strongly? I'm not seizing any of your property or anything."

"Is he really your disciple? Nothing else?"

"What else could it be?"

Shoulders shrugged, wearing an innocent expression that seemed truly clueless, the Demon Lord questioned the fairy, who responded with a scowl.

"Once the tutorial is over, you won't... you won't meet again. You understand, right?"

"I do."

"I thought you might not know, so I'm telling you... To continue doing this, you need to control your emotions. You've done well so far, why would you do this with someone like him?"

The fairy glared at him as if he had ruined the Demon Lord. Then, with a deep sigh, she went to retrieve the items.

While the fairy was fetching the items, the Demon Lord explained what KiJun needed to do to increase his race rank.

"Humans are one of the most challenging races to raise their race rank in. They don't have many distinctive traits. At most, they focus on magic manipulation to pursue the path of High Humans or somehow overcome their physical limits to aim for the path of Barbarians. The latter is more common."

"Why do they become Barbarians just by enhancing their physique?"

"They focus on strengthening their bodies, sacrificing magic manipulation. It's not that magic disappears entirely, but once it's generated, it's absorbed into the muscles and bones... Well, you become a barbarian."

"Ah... So that's why they choose 'light'?"

"Exactly. It's the purest and most potent power you possess. That's why I chose light for you."

—Ahem, finally, the demon acknowledges my greatness.

"Among the options, it's the best choice..."


Lucy retorted, but the Demon Lord couldn't see her, so it had no effect.

"So, what should I do?"


"Here we go, I've come back with the evolution box customized for one person!"

The fairy returned with the items she had ordered. The Demon Lord opened the glass box, placed pieces of sunlight ore inside, attached a huge magnifying glass to the lid, and then smiled broadly, looking at KiJun.

"Get inside there and gather the power of light within you. Spirit, your master doesn't want to see you die, so cooperate properly."

—Of course. Our contractor will walk the path of light.

"Phew, let's just say 'accompanying the light,' Lucy."


"Please, Mr. Schrödinger, protect me."

The resigned KiJun entered the box. Once he sat down comfortably, Lucy came and perched on his head.

In an instant, all the surrounding ores began to emit a bright light.

—Contractor, this is quite expensive.

Lucy murmured to him.

—I picked the best method for our contractor. So, focus and don't doubt. Alright?

"Of course."

From the beginning, he had been prepared to accept this special destiny.

As the light poured into him, he felt Rapid Regeneration doing its work. He was well prepared to endure the increasing heat. With magic, he accelerated the transformation throughout his whole body.

Compared to ordinary humans who had to accept external foreign matter and endure tremendous pain, this transformation was not as difficult for him.


KiJun was now ready to accept his uniqueness.

A faint smile appeared on his closed lips.

Transcendence had begun.

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