Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (28)

1. Reta is a world governed by points.

2. From paying annual taxes to entering new areas, using teleportation gates, purchasing homes, creating guilds, and even buying and recharging RetaPhones at the 'Point Shop' for summoners, points are necessary for all.

3. Upon entering Reta, the message explained that points could be earned through achievements, titles, dungeon and raid explorations, similar to the tutorial, but for those living in Reta, this was merely laughable.

3. Points can also be gained by 'killing summoners,' and the stronger the target, the more points are awarded.

4. Especially, the points gained for killing a civilization representative are unimaginably high.

1-2. To reiterate, this world is dominated by points.

3-2. For most summoners in Reta, the primary method of earning points is through killing or robbing other summoners.

"So, you were trying to deceive us, newly transferred summoners, to find out who the Earth representatives are."


KiJun, having nearly killed the fairy and learned about the points, could only smirk bitterly.

"You can't even enter due to the barrier."

"If I'm lucky... I could deceive those fools, maybe even get invited in. Or at least, knowing who the representative is can be useful."

At this point, the fairy cautiously watched KiJun's reaction. Any standout individual like him would naturally be suspected as a representative.

Especially since he couldn't maintain a poker face. Every mention of 'representative' seemed to make him twitch, and the fairy had already noticed that.

"I can also sell that information to other strong individuals. And..."


"The barrier won't last for many days. It's just a temporary measure to protect summoners who have just entered Reta."

As expected.

KiJun, after briefly closing his eyes to ponder, looked down at the fairy and asked, "Anything else you think you should tell me?"

"No, no! I've told you everything!"

"I don’t think so. You’re dying right now anyway."

The fairy, after several attempts to resist, realized his body and magic were completely immobilized. Grinding his teeth, he shouted, "The system allowing Earth's second tutorial is a complete failure in balancing! A mistake made by underestimating the individual growth potential of a million people based on averages...!"

"I agree. But stop pretending to be concerned about balance and just spill the information."

KiJun wrung every last piece of seemingly useless information out of the fairy, particularly about Earth's current situation in Reta.

The most crucial concerns were where the remaining Earthlings had been summoned, whether there were any civilization members nearby threatening Earth, and how strong they were.

When KiJun asked this, the fairy responded with a blank expression, "Are you mistaken? This world isn't a battleground where all civilizations fight to the death."

"That's evident just by looking at you."

"That's... because I'm a fairy. I'm inconspicuous and move individually. Detecting you was just... thanks to an informant..."

"So, openly fighting causes penalties?"

It was odd. If such penalties existed, why reward points for killing summoners?

The answer, surprisingly simple, was, "NPCs. They don't like large-scale conflicts between summoners. They prefer competition according to just rules. Only civilizations in the 'dark' faction can openly be hostile."


KiJun felt like he'd been hit on the head.

In the first tutorial, he and a million other heroes were merely guests visiting a world ruled by NPCs.

The balance shifted as heroes grew more powerful than NPCs, but until then, they gratefully accepted quests from NPCs, built reputations, and obtained better quests or information about secret areas.

"The NPCs of the tutorial and Reta differ vastly in power. Even the Crimson Draconians, the strongest summoned civilization, have to consider the great empire of 'Tyrannus' in Reta."

"So... if large-scale conflicts between civilizations are suppressed by Reta's NPC forces, sneaky assassinations of civilization representatives or gaining recognition from NPCs to socially suppress other civilizations would be preferred."


The fairy nodded unwillingly.

Thus, nothing had changed from the tutorial. They had to dive into a world already established by NPCs and climb up from the bottom to establish Earth's place, with the added element of points potentially causing conflicts with other civilizations. But with NPCs as a breakwater, there was always a chance for a counterattack.

"So where are the other Earthlings?"

"I don't know... I came here because it seemed easier. But they should be under the influence of the Gratia Kingdom, where we are now."

"Has another fairy gone there?"

The fairy remained silent.

KiJun, frustrated by the twisted fairy cartel, believed YeMin would skillfully handle such fairies, being a master in dealing with people.

"Got all the information you wanted? Then please let me go now."

The fairy looked pitiful, believing KiJun had hesitated to kill him, thus dragging out the interrogation.

But that wasn't the case.

"You've figured out I'm a civilization representative. Do I look dumb enough to just let you go?"

"Damn it!"

KiJun raised his slightly blood-tinted shield and crushed the cursing fairy's head.

As the fairy's body dispersed into fragments, items including a RetaPhone similar to KiJun's fell, accompanied by a message appearing before him.

― You have gained 2,895 points.

― Updating civilization information.

[Fairy Garden: Moderate to Low Risk, 15th Year Civilization]

[A civilization of small fairies skilled in spatial magic. Its notable disadvantage is its low maximum growth potential, making the likelihood of ultimate victory in civilization wars almost negligible. However, they possess many talents, making them highly useful as NPCs in various fields. When considering the points they generate, they rank quite high.

If captured, it's recommended to make a 'contract to spare their lives in exchange for seizing their held points' rather than killing them.

Be cautious of their innate perceptiveness and information-gathering skills.]

That's really timely information, thanks.

Considering the opponent knew I was the civilization representative, I had no choice but to kill them anyway...

That leaves a bitter taste.

Towards the end of the tutorial, I thought maybe I could get along well with the fairies like Tinkerbell, but now, to think the first race I encounter and even kill in Reta would be fairies...

― It's not your fault, contractor.

Lucy consoled him with her gentle voice.

― It's that damned moth's fault. It tried to deceive humans, and had you let it go, it definitely would have sold your information.

"Indeed, that must be the case. Although I felt like I could do anything after the tutorial ended... in the end."

In the end, he felt deflated, realizing he was still at the mercy of conditions and situations.

The great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proposed the concept of 'Übermensch' or superhuman.

It refers to a person who follows their own firmly established values of good and evil, rather than being oppressed and subdued by societal conventions of morality and order.

This concept perfectly aligns with the meaning behind the name 'KiJun,' but ironically, KiJun, with such a noble name, ended up killing the fairy against his wishes, influenced by circumstances and conditions.

"I'm still far from becoming a superhuman. I need to work harder."

― Huh?

"It means I lack power. Nietzsche said that to become a superhuman, one must harbor a will to power. It means if I become incredibly strong, I can do whatever I want without anyone daring to challenge me."

― Huh... Uh? That sounds correct in conclusion! Classic Nietzsche!

The will to power, leading to the attainment of Übermensch.

Interpreting the philosopher's theory in his own way, KiJun once again fully armed his mind and picked up the items dropped by the fairy.

Aside from a few gold and silver coins, the rest were just trinkets, except for one thing worth calling a harvest – a RetaPhone similar to his own.

Picking it up, surprisingly, the message [RetaPhone12 (R)] appeared.

Unlike KiJun's [Retaphone15 (U)], which didn’t need recharging thanks to the permanent battery installed by Bice – made from the horns of a boss-level demon and the hearts of thousands of lesser demons – this one claimed its battery was at 15% and needed charging soon.

"Come to think of it, recharging also requires Reta points, right? ...Could the battery Bice made be something extraordinary?"

― Annoyingly, it seems so...

Bice had made two batteries.

One was installed in KiJun's RetaPhone, and the other, as Bice said, was embedded in the Shock Absorber device. KiJun felt a strong temptation to try and sell it off if it hadn't already been perfectly fused with the Shock Absorber, making it impossible to remove.

[The previous user is dead, data has been reset. Would you like to register as the new owner?]

KiJun opened the fairy's phone, hoping to find some unknown information, but it seemed to be thoroughly user-synchronized and had reset.

Having anticipated this, he gave up without any regrets and pocketed it.

It was good that it had reset.

It seemed valuable, so he decided to keep it for now and give it to his party members when they reunite.

Imagining his party members, who must be active in different places but certainly on the same land as him, a faint smile formed on KiJun's lips.

"I miss them."

― Is it a girl?

"Two guys and two girls. Hmm, as for who I miss the most..."

Watching KiJun seriously ponder, Lucy felt slightly relieved.

Apparently, there was no special relationship!

Then the real enemy must be that demon...

"What should I do now? I guess it's only fair to share the information I got from the fairy with the people inside."

― Really? Those humans didn't seem to trust you much.

"Still, I had parties I knew before. I think it's better to inform them and then leave."

― Sigh, you're too kind-hearted... No wonder the demon found this aspect of you frustrating.

"Bice was a bit too impulsive."

Remembering Bice pounding his chest in frustration as KiJun's first tutorial was utterly frustrating, he chuckled and lightened his steps towards where the earthlings were.

― Attempting to enter a safe area. Initiating a vote among earthlings for your entry permission.

― Voting result: Majority against, your entry has been denied.


And then, he encountered an unexpected problem.

Peering into the 'safe area,' he could see the figures of people vaguely, but they all seemed to be purposely avoiding looking his way...

"Am I expelled now?"

― Ah, these cowards. Our contractor rescued them from danger, and now they're casting out their benefactor? Ungrateful and ignorant fools!

Lucy was about to unleash her power, criticizing the barrier, but KiJun quickly stopped her.

It was a temporary measure to protect earthlings who had just been summoned to Reta and were disoriented.

If she really succeeded in destroying it, it would have been a disaster.

"Anyway, I had no plans to mingle with the earthlings. Spreading out might actually increase the overall survival chances of our species. I just need to associate with people I like."

― Contractor...

Yet, despite saying so, his heart was not entirely at ease.

"Call me Ishmael..."

Feeling the full brunt of being an outcast, KiJun's back looked forlorn as he turned to leave, prompting Lucy to raise her voice deliberately.

― Ah! Suddenly, I really want some curry made by the contractor! Can you make it for me, please?


Pondering for a moment, KiJun noticed a forest not far from the safe area and nodded.

"Yes, the best thing when you're down is curry with everything thrown in. I'm sure I can find ingredients in the forest."

Making curry with only ingredients foraged in the wild, without any spices, seemed impossible, but Lucy didn't know the significance and was just excitedly flying around his head.

― Entering the Gratia Kingdom, Ardens Forest. Your current level makes it easy to explore this area.

The forest in Reta was immensely more vast than anything in the tutorial, allowing for the discovery of a variety of plants.

With his refined cooking skills, KiJun quickly identified edible plants, and among them, spices that could create a curry-like flavor. He even caught a wild boar on a whim.

To his surprise, the boar was of uncommon grade.

"I can't get wheat, so no roux, maybe a soup-like curry... Well, as long as I add some starch, it shouldn't be too sticky, right?"

Fortunately, the forest in Reta was abundant with tuberous plants that could compensate for the absence of curry roux.

He found plants strikingly similar to Earth's potatoes, among others. Excited, KiJun began pulling them out when...

― Due to the effects of the legendary-grade title [Discoverer of the Hidden Dungeon], a ruin has been detected!

He accidentally uprooted a nearby ruin as well.

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