Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (34)

“The next destination should be here.”

Indeed, signing an exclusive contract was a wise decision.

After a lengthy meal, as KiJun was resting, patting his stomach, Viv approached him. She synchronized the mini-map information on her RetaPhone with KiJun's and kindly pointed out their current location, suggesting the next target area.

“If you look here, there's a small town called Turris in the western part of the Gratia Kingdom, right? It's a city developed around a fortress built on a high hill. It's probably the best place for activities in the area. There's a lot of foot traffic, which means plenty of quests, and naturally, many hunting grounds.”

“How so, on a hill?”

“The mana density is higher than other places, so dungeons frequently appear nearby. Of course, most are first discovered by the elite soldiers who follow the Lord of Turris, and they impose a dungeon toll.”

KiJun felt like he was hearing about a ridiculously crafty business.

“What if someone other than the soldiers discovers a dungeon?”

“Well, of course, they get the first right to explore. If the dungeon isn't cleared in one go, they receive a suitable reward and present it to the lord. There were nobles who argued that artifacts obtained from the first exploration should be sold at a fair price, but since they can be hidden in an inventory, that rule was never implemented.”

“NPC authority is beyond my imagination.”

“Well, they are the land's owners. There are many temporarily employed NPCs like me, but most of them are natives of this world, Reta.”

Viv, speaking decisively, fluttered her butterfly wings and smiled.

“But being a summoner doesn't mean you're always at a disadvantage. Depending on your achievements, you can be appointed as a noble of the kingdom. There's even a kingdom established by summoners in the west.”

“We should stay away from there for a while.”

“You're wise.”

Viv nodded in agreement with KiJun’s remark.

In Reta, where humans are considered a minor race, a kingdom established by summoners wouldn't treat humans kindly. They might even be treated worse than NPCs.

“Anyway, heading to Turris is a good idea. Lots of people coming and going means lots of information gathering. Good quests, newly discovered areas, dungeons, relics... Besides that, it's a good place to hear rumors about talented individuals.”


Viv was already aware that KiJun had lost touch with his party members.

Realizing she was considering this, KiJun nodded deeply.

Having become the exiled Ismael wandering the desert with his contracted spirits, KiJun still had party members he must meet someday.

Perhaps they had already formed a new party to fill KiJun's absence and no longer needed him. But even so, KiJun wanted to meet them at least once.

Seeing their faces and knowing they were safe would be enough for him to be satisfied and step back.

“In fact, it's a good place to spread rumors about you, KiJun.”

Viv coughed lightly before speaking.

“I still think it's not the time for KiJun to reveal his name or affiliation. For now, use a pseudonym... It’s better to keep your face hidden while building recognition, and reveal yourself when you've secured a stable foundation.”

“I understand. Is it really hard for humans?”

“That's part of it.”

Viv hesitated as if it was hard to say.

“Strong individuals emerge among other races, but regardless of civilization, if a human becomes strong... they attract too much attention.”

“So, I might be suspected as a representative of civilization. Then it's best to keep a low profile.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

Viv sighed in relief.

Seemingly done talking, she glanced at the pot of leftover curry with regret, but Lucy and Ur growled and guarded the pot, sensing her lingering look.

Viv finally gave up on the curry with a click of her tongue.

“I'll look for a magic tool to disguise your race until you enter Turris. I've registered on the messenger, so contact me if you need anything.”

Apparently, she had added her contact information while synchronizing the mini-map earlier.

When KiJun checked, he saw that in addition to Bice, a new friend with the nickname 'Partner' had been added.

He chuckled.

Seeing his laughter, Viv giggled and disappeared.

Lucy stared at the spot where she had vanished and muttered.

―Fairy characteristics vary greatly, Contractor.

“Humans too. And spirits are different, right, Ur?”

―Keeet, Keei!

―What! What's wrong with me!

Ur cried out, not wanting to be compared to Lucy.

Holding Ur in his arms, KiJun checked the curry in the pot again, then covered it with a lid and nodded.

“Okay, let's put this guy to bed and go to sleep ourselves.”


―Grrr, that creature, just because it's an animal, it easily gets into the Contractor's arms...

The first day of their entry into Reta, filled with many events, finally came to an end.

They washed up simply and fell asleep.

There were no blankets, but holding the warm fire cat in his arms was very comfortable.

Cute like a cat, not shedding fur, and even warm, Ur might be the perfect life companion―

With such thoughts, KiJun fell into a dream where he was embraced by something warm and fluffy.


Of course, the next day, KiJun woke up sharply at six in the morning.

He poured out water from a bottle he filled at the river yesterday, washed his face, and then mixed some flour that Viv had brought with plenty of brown sugar, warm water, and salt to make dough. After letting it rest in a cool place, he did some simple morning exercises.

When he had run about a hundred laps around the burrow where Ur had been sleeping, Lucy and Ur woke up, embracing each other.



Still half asleep, the two spirits looked at each other quietly, then realizing what they were embracing, they separated with disgust.


“Did you sleep well?”

―It's curry udon for breakfast today, right? That's always the next day after curry, right?

“Usually, yes... But since we couldn't eat rice yesterday, let's do something special today.”

That was curry tteokbokki and fried food.

KiJun rolled out the rested dough, cutting it into pieces the size and thickness of a thumb, and cooked them in boiling salted water.

Once cooked and rinsed with cold water, the soft and chewy wheat cakes were ready. He boiled half of them in the curry pot, and deep-fried the other half in the thick fat obtained from the wild boar caught the day before.

Taking advantage of the oil, he fried various chopped vegetables, potatoes, and meat, all salted and coated in flour.

There’s a saying that even a shoe sole would taste good if fried, and indeed, curry and fried food are famously a great match.

Though it’s said that food made with pig fat smells when cold, it was unlikely there would be any leftovers.

“Let’s eat.”

―Wow―! This is even more luxurious than yesterday! I feel sorry for the fairy who missed this!


While Lucy expressed pity, she continuously devoured the curry-covered fried foods like a black hole.

Aware that standing still would mean losing his share, Ur hurriedly ate the curry fried tteokbokki.

It should be noted that although Ur looked like a small cat, he was not a real cat and could eat large fried foods without issue.

“We’ll leave right after eating.”

KiJun reaffirmed the timeless truth that the combination of curry and fried foods never fails.

Lucy, stuffing her cheeks with fried foods and curry, nodded and asked.

―How long will it take?

“Well, if it’s a common grade, it would take about ten days, but if we hurry a little, we could make it in a day.”

―Do you want to hurry?

“I’m pondering. Given my ability to explore dungeons and ruins, it might be good to go slowly and explore the area. But I also want to settle in the small town quickly, check on my former party members, and act faster than the Earthlings who are probably starting to move in the safe areas.”

“The issue is hiding my identity before entering the city. Viv made it sound easy, but it won’t be easy to find a tool to hide my race. It might take days, and until then, it’s safer not to enter the city.”

After some thought, they decided not to rush but to wait outside until KiJun could enter the city in disguise.

But at the exit of the ruins where they had spent the night, something hung that wasn't there before.

―Is that a mask?


While Lucy expressed surprise, Ur whined softly at the sight.

A plain half-mask of red metal, covering from the nose bridge to the forehead. Where the eyeholes should be, there were no holes, just orange irises painted on, making its purpose unclear.

―Kee, Keeit.

Ur suggested that it might be a ‘reward’ sent to KiJun.

The word ‘reward’ reminded KiJun of something.

“Could this be a quest reward from the Flame Ghosts... no, the newly born fire spirit boy?”


As Ur nodded vigorously, KiJun was touched.

He didn’t expect a reward as he hadn't formally received the quest, but the boy had prepared this gift!

Although it was just a half-mask, not directly aiding in combat, it was likely a support artifact.

Considering he had cleared a tough hidden quest, nurtured the boy into a spirit, and had a title effect that upgrades all quest rewards, KiJun had high expectations for this mask.

[Persona – Ignis (Unique)]

[Durability – 3,000/3,000]

[Defense (U) – 99]

[Option 1 – Increase in flame attack power by 20%]

[Option 2 – Activation of ‘Flame Eyes’]

[Equipping Restriction – Title ‘Unveiler of Veils’ holder]

[A foolish past shed by one who lived unknowingly is carved into this mask, imbued with miracles and the power of flames. The wearer will be hidden from their original self, and those who face the burning eyes will not doubt him.]

KiJun was speechless as he displayed the item information.

It was incredible!

A unique grade item with such a dignified description, far surpassing the King of the Well he obtained in the tutorial.

Excited by the unexpected unique grade, KiJun was further amazed that the mask might have the ability he desired.

“Considering the Flame Ghost disguised as a human all its life, this is like the reverse for me.”


Ur, reflecting on his past subordinates' creation, rubbed his forehead against the mask and stepped back.

KiJun took a deep breath and placed the mask on his nose.

It adhered perfectly to his face without any fasteners.

Despite the mask covering his eyes, he could see clearly as if not wearing it.

―Wow, the Contractor looks like a flaming human!

―Keei, Keeiii!

Lucy and Ur excitedly exclaimed, especially Ur, who seemed to find KiJun’s new look appealing, jumping with joy.

―It's like a type of ‘demonic eye’, right? Quite impressive for a newcomer to provide a temporary demonic eye with just a unique grade.

―Kit, Keeit.

―Gathering the remaining heat of this forest? It makes sense, wanting to erase the traces of spirits and ghosts. Anyway, it's good for the Contractor!

“What’s so special about it?”

―I’ll show you.

As a light spirit, Lucy easily reflected KiJun's appearance in the light, projecting it nearby.

KiJun was startled to see his reflection on the wall.

As Lucy said, his skin appeared slightly flushed, surrounded by heat haze, giving off a hot vibe.

His hair had turned red, appearing as if actual flames were attached to the ends.

The most striking feature was his eyes.

The mask, which had no eyeholes when worn, now revealed KiJun's eyes, blazing red.

Literally flaming irises.

While KiJun didn’t know what power resided in these eyes, one thing was certain: with this mask, he would never be considered human.

[Partner (Reta): You already found an artifact to disguise your race? It was a quest reward?!]

[Partner (Reta): That's good, but if you handle everything yourself, what’s my purpose...]

The newly acquired partner was slightly demotivated by KiJun's luck, but now they were ready to head to the small city of Turris.

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