Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


Translator/Editor: Ryuu

Discord: /yT4GsFAYRf

◈ Everyone Else is a Regressor (47)

The vast garden in front of the grand lord's mansion was temporarily opened, and all those who defended the city from the Overflow entered the expansive space.

This was the lord's way of showing gratitude, welcoming those who dedicated themselves to the city into his private domain.

The city's residents surrounded the garden, forming several layers of onlookers, making it akin to a city-wide event.

"The Lord of Turris is entering! Please rise from your seats――!"


The Lord of the small city of Turris appeared to have been formidable in his youth, giving off a robust impression. Although he resembled a human, his skin was unusually pale, and a glowing white horn protruded from the middle of his head.

Despite his white hair, he seemed sturdy, giving off an impression similar to a wall, fitting for the figurehead of this fortified city.

Having heard from Viv about the various types of NPCs and knowing that the Lord of Turris imposed tolls on dungeons, KiJun had been worried about what sort of character would appear―but the first impression was entirely different from his expectations.

Moreover, the white hair and horn somewhat reminded him of a mythical unicorn... No, is that rude to think?


"Hey, stop the trumpets! It's a time of mourning. Rather, I'm eager to see the heroes who saved today."

The lord, upon entering the award ceremony area in front of the mansion, immediately stopped the trumpet sound with a wave of his hand, cutting through the tedious formalities and going straight to the matter of honoring the heroes.

First, he bowed to the mercenaries who didn't receive direct rewards from him, thanking them for their efforts for the city.

For the soldiers who defended the city, he even called out the names of the fallen, acknowledging their sacrifice for the city's safety, which moved even the surviving soldiers, fitting for the lord of this fortress city.

―Politicians and their shows are something else.

Lucy's comment brushed away any sentiment KiJun might have had.

'Let's just watch quietly at times like this, Lucy.'

―How high do you think his Charisma is? Rare grade? Just calling out names moved so many soldiers.


―You think it's not that high? Fool, maybe his charm doesn't come across because he's old.

Perhaps, as long as he's with the spirits, he'll never truly experience a moving moment.

The ceremony continued as KiJun pondered these thoughts.

The soldiers who made significant contributions received rewards and promotions directly from the lord, with some even getting exceptional double promotions for their remarkable actions.

Then came the turn of the knights of the territory.

Aside from the eastern wall defended by KiJun, named monsters attacked other walls, and the territory's knights successfully repelled them, earning their share of glory.

"My knights, you all did splendidly. Those who fought until they could no more, blocking the enemy, deserve even more praise. And―Ah, my dear knight Tolchi."

"I regret not being able to stand on the battlefield until the end, my lord."

Tolchi, not wearing his helmet in the presence of the lord, revealed his race for the first time, leading many to understand his incredible strength and endurance.

The lord shook his head at Tolchi's embarrassed posture.

"No, no. You have something else to be sorry for. Despite being bound to serve me, you risked your life against a formidable enemy."

"My lord..."

"You're a true example of a knight defending this city. You fought off countless enemies and were the main contributor in keeping the walls from falling. Don't be ashamed of yourself. You're great, but your endless competitiveness is your only flaw."

With a wry smile, the lord comforted Tolchi, listing the substantial rewards he would receive.

Even with the generous rewards, everyone acknowledged his achievements with cheers and applause.

The only one silent was KiJun―noticing the distinctively patterned earring hanging from one of Tolchi's ears.

"And now, the last one―'Jun.'"

Finally, it was KiJun's turn.

The lord looked at him seriously and then chuckled.

"A Flame Human, right?"

"That's right."


"Fine then."

Struggling to maintain his arrogant demeanor, KiJun reluctantly spat out informal speech, causing a stir in the crowd, but the lord quickly quelled the disturbance with a short remark.

"He is a strong one. Not someone to be confined to a small city like this, nor is he our citizen. It's foolish to expect our nation's courtesy from him."

But then, the lord continued, looking at KiJun.

"Still, I find myself having to treat you with the highest honor. It's vexing to say that you take everything without offering courtesy, but―what can I do, we all owe our salvation to you."

"I did what I could. Without the efforts of many, including knight Tolchi risking their lives, we wouldn't have been able to protect the walls."

"Did you all hear that? Today's hero says you're the best."

The lord's additional comment sparked another round of cheers.

KiJun felt swept away by the atmosphere, despite thinking this wasn't quite right.

The lord smiled again and calmly recited KiJun's feats.

"Flame Human Jun made numerous achievements on the eastern wall. With a wide view, he constantly assessed the situation, unleashing thousands, tens of thousands of spells with unbelievable amounts of mana, massacring the enemy―ensuring there were no casualties on the eastern wall throughout the defense."

From behind, someone shouted, "Mage!," followed by cheers.

Of course, his contributions didn't end there.

"He single-handedly stopped and defeated a Dullahan, one of the enemy's key officers, targeting the eastern wall."

"Bravely faced and ultimately killed the undead Banshee, which would have caused mass casualties if left unchecked."

"Saved knight Tolchi from a crisis and purified the enemy's leader with flames, disrupting the enemy's command structure."

"Additionally, an important point that might have been overlooked, he detected and annihilated the Shadow Wraith squad attempting to infiltrate the city during the chaos of battle. This was only known to us through a divine message at the temple this morning, thankfully verified by witnesses at the scene."

The mention of the Shadow Wraith squad caused another stir in the crowd.

In the tutorial, such high-level monsters didn't appear, but apparently, in this realm, they were quite notorious.

What was the purpose of our tutorial then? What must the people who went through it twice be thinking? As KiJun pondered these futile and sad thoughts, the lord finally finished discussing the merits and began awarding the prizes.

"As a reward, I hereby grant 3,000 Leta common gold coins."

"3,000 coins!"

"Even the 500 coins knight Tolchi received were immense..."

"But if it weren't for the Mage, the city would have surely fallen. It's only fair."

"He's a hero, a true hero!"

People seemed even more excited at the announcement of the reward than at the recitation of heroic deeds, perhaps illustrating the power of money.

Viv had told KiJun that one Leta gold coin was worth about 900,000 to 1,000,000 Korean won, so 3,000 coins amounted to an astronomical sum, well beyond the usual carrying capacity.

Yet, the culture of awarding such vast quantities of gold coins—whether it's thousands or tens of thousands—was probably due to the development of subspace magic and the fact that summoners could store any amount in their inventories without issue.

'Of course, even inventories have their limits.'

An inventory grows in size and weight capacity along with its owner's progression. Initially, when KiJun started in the tutorial as a Common grade level 1, his inventory was about the size of a large backpack—already impressive. But now, having grown significantly in all aspects, he could effortlessly store hundreds of thousands of coins.


As KiJun effortlessly lifted the chest of gold coins with one hand and stored it in his inventory, the lord continued.

"For the next five years, Jun, the Flame Human, will be treated as a first-class citizen in Turris, exempt from all taxes except sales tax. Yes, that includes dungeon tolls as well. This applies to his party members too."

This was a powerful benefit for KiJun and an overt bribe to encourage him to stay longer in Turris.

Considering KiJun's discomfort with the idea of dungeon tolls, this was a very welcome perk, more pleasing than the staggering amount of gold coins.

"However, a summoned has other taxes to pay beyond those to us. Fortunately, I have a way to help with that. To summoned Jun, I grant 50,000 Leta points in the name of Monoceros, the lord of Turris."

At that moment, KiJun received a message marking the end of this lengthy and challenging quest.

―Sudden Quest Achieved! You have proudly earned the top merit in this quest!

―Successfully thwarted the Overflow, eradicated the mastermind and deadly traps. The title effect of [Unveiler of Veils (R)] amplifies the rewards beyond limits!

―Level increased by 6 to 25! Strength (U) increased by 4, Dexterity (L) by 3, Endurance (U) by 4, Light Magic (L) by 3, Spirit Power (L) by 4!

―As a quest reward, the lowest stat [Strength (U)] increased by 5, the next lowest [Endurance (U)] by 3, and additionally, Charisma (L) by 3!

―You have earned 1 skill point to increase the level of a desired skill!

―As a quest reward, you have received 50,000 Leta points from the lord!

―A remarkable feat. All gods governing Reta recognize you've achieved enough to waive this year's taxes. You are exempted from taxes this year!

KiJun blinked in surprise.

Most of his stats had jumped significantly.

As his stat grades were Unique and Legendary, even a single point made a considerable difference. He felt his body evolving, not just strengthening, in real-time.

And skill points? That was a first!

"Seeing your surprised face is pleasing. Yes, that's the face I wanted to see."

The lord chuckled at KiJun's astonishment, then cleared his throat to continue.

"There's one last reward to give."

The lord, with a resolute expression, reached for the horn on his forehead, creating a tense atmosphere.


"Could it be...?"

"Is it that rare thing we seldom see?!"

Wait a minute.

No way.

No way?!


To KiJun's shock, the lord broke off his own horn!

It was a substantial piece, indicating its removal from close to the root.

The lord, smiling at KiJun's astonished face, offered it to him.

"This is the essence of our tribe, accumulated over many years. It's a top-grade material for alchemy or weaponry."

"No, I can't accept this."

"Take it. It's a fitting reward for a hero."

Reluctantly accepting the overwhelming gift, KiJun knew without checking that it was at least a Unique grade item.

―Politicians really go this far for a show...!

'If this is really just a show, I should run away without looking back.'

―And if it's not a show?

'The conclusion is the same. Run without looking back.'

―It ends the same...

As KiJun sighed, contemplating his indebtedness to the lord, the lord approached him and whispered.

"Try to be lenient with him, if you can."


As KiJun struggled to respond, the elderly lord patted his shoulder with a look of understanding.

"Of course, if you believe he's crossed the line, do as you see fit. I won't blame you."

"......You are."

The lord stepped back and raised his voice.

"This concludes the ceremony! Let's remember those who have departed, celebrate our hero, and decorate today with alcohol and song!"

As cheers spread, KiJun couldn't press the lord for more answers.

"Jun! Today is your day! I'm honored to have fought alongside you!"

"And now, we shall drink! Let's face our enemy named alcohol together!"

"Let's go, Jun!"

Soon, Charbanbesh and the orcs crowded around KiJun, dragging him away.

With a bittersweet smile, KiJun joined them, ending up filling his stomach with alcohol until late that night.

At that place.

Tolchi quietly approached him.

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