Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Everyone Else is a Regressor (68)

Among all the enemies you have faced in my life, you nearly singlehandedly brought down the largest and most massive one. The Uncommon grade title [Experienced Hunter] has grown into the Unique grade title [Giant Killer]! When facing an enemy larger than oneself, all stats will increase by a minimum of 5% and up to 20% depending on the size difference. Charisma (L) has increased by 3. You have gained 5,000 points.

You have achieved victory against a legendary foe that should have been impossible to defeat at your current level! A very positive adjustment will be made to the Legendary grade title [Transcender of Limits]. If you succeed in recording a few more legends, an epic with you as the protagonist will be completed. Charisma (L) has increased by 2.

The first things that came to mind were those two messages.

The title that he had obtained long ago in the tutorial, which he had forgotten about due to its lack of effect, had suddenly grown into a Unique grade, becoming a valuable asset that could be used for a long time.

The Demon Lord... Having defeated Bice and having 'experience' added to the Transcender of Limits, which had grown to a Legendary grade, hinted at the possibility of further growth of the title.

The term "epic" felt familiar.

It was clearly discussing a grade above Legendary, 'Epic'.

But why? He had definitely hunted it together with Herbert.

It was certainly an incredible feat for the two of us to hunt a legendary grade boss monster, but looking at the system messages alone wasn't something odd...?

While he was thinking that far, KiJun suddenly realized that Herbert had left the party.

Just when he was about to question that, the second wave of messages began.

It was more intense, directly bringing changes to KiJun's body and mind.

Level has increased by 15 to level 45! Strength (U) 9, Dexterity (L) 7, Endurance (U) 12, Light Magic (L) 9, Spirit Power (L) 8 have increased.

Even though you received help from an outsider, you stood your ground without retreating against a legendary enemy and ultimately delivered death with your own hands. Through this battle worthy of legend, Strength(U) 2, Dexterity(L) 1, Endurance (U) 3, Light Magic (L) 1, Spirit Power (L) 1 will grow.

Flame Spirit Magic (R) has reached level 74, Slaughter (R) level 35, Flash Throw (R) level 12.

Blinding Taunt (U) has reached level 9, Moonlight Blood Fang (L) level 10, Lucy (L) level 11, Adamant (L) level 10, Salutaris (L) level 15.

You have gained 5,000 points as a reward for defeating the relic boss!

It was too significant a change to take in with a clear mind.

The increase in level alone was groundbreaking, but the brief yet intense skirmish with Hati had also granted him status bonuses equivalent to about 3 levels.

Not to mention the substantial growth of his skills, KiJun's abilities were already on a different level than when he had entered this relic.

Contractor, are you okay?

'Of course. My body, which was broken, has recovered in an instant and is now brimming with vitality.'

After receiving the giant wolf's charges and attacks with his body multiple times, causing it to creak all over, now his whole body was overflowing with energy.

What about his stats? When he first came to Reta, they were reset and floundering around the base figures, but through various experiences and leveling up, they were now approaching the 40 to 50 range truly showing their might.

Especially with the significant growth in Endurance, it felt as if he had regained his identity as a Tank.

If Endurance reached the Legendary gradeperhaps he could withstand the charge of a creature like Hati with quite some ease.

"It's over, Jun."

"Yeah, Herbertwhy did you leave the party...."

While enjoying the pleasant fantasy, KiJun turned at Herbert's voice and was about to question his departure from the party when he saw one of his hands ablaze and stopped midsentence.

It must have been because of the heavy silverplated pistol in his hand.


"I'm glad I can introduce him to you. My partner, Vladimir."

Herbert spoke with a cheeky tone, as if introducing his gun was more important than his hand being on fire.

Indeed, the pistol in his hand was more refined and artistic than the magic shotgun that Gin's father had, even more so than any other pistol KiJun knew of. Its long barrel was engraved with all sorts of complex characters, and at the center was a crossshaped mark.

This mark was made of a metal purer and brighter than silver, the main reason it was igniting sacred flames.

"Your eyes do not deceive you. It's made of divine silver, also known as mithril. It's not only exceptional at annihilating evil beings but also useful in enhancing sacred power and magic power. It's so precious that I didn't dare to cover the entire barrel with it, just satisfied with engraving a cross when it was blessed by the Pope and filling it in. Even that was quite effective."


"The barrel alone is 40 centimeters, made of various reinforced metals, weighing 25 kilograms. It only uses 15mm pure silver bullets, blessed sanctified steelcore bullets. The peacemaker, Vladimir. Isn't it perfect?"


Truly a masterpiece created for hunting immortal monsters, with the weight of the gun and the absurd recoil of the bullets that no ordinary person could handle.

But why did Herbert have it?

That question was immediately answered by Herbert's next words.

"Do you know about Dhampirs, Jun?"

"...I do."

Dhampirs are the offspring of a vampire and a human, a rare occurrence given vampires typically do not engage in reproductive activities with humans.

They inherit the strengths of vampires without their weaknesses, such as vulnerability to sunlight, and have the ability to detect vampires, making them potentially excellent vampire hunters...

"Vampire Hunter Ruthven. Quite famous, I was, until my death."

The problem arises when a Dhampir dies; they resurrect as a full vampire.

Given the sanctified pistol in his grasp was causing him real-time damage, Herbert, or rather, Ruthven, was undoubtedly a vampire.

"The feeling of being pursued by an enemy that wakes up inside me is indescribable. The freedom I longed for slips through my fingers. Instead, I'm leashed and manipulated by those I opposed."

KiJun then realized.

Why Ruthven had a peculiar clash with Armillca, another vampire.

Rather than deceiving KiJun, he subtly, or at times overtly, hinted at his own identity.

It was all a sign of his resistance against the blood compelling him.

Probably holding that pistol now was for the same reason.

"To the werewolves of the relic... you empathized with them more than I did, that's why."

"Ha, I am curious to see which path the sole survivor will choosebut never mind."

Ruthven smiled wryly, holding the pistol that seemed more likely to harm himself before his enemies, aiming at KiJun.

"If that boy overcomes his loss and walks the path of an immortal hunter like me, please hand this gun to him. As you see, I no longer have the right to wield it."

Thanks to you, I got to hold it one last time, Ruthven added, making KiJun realize something.

"What about my cooking?"

"Right. I diligently ate it to replenish my stamina in preparation for fighting you, but I never expected such an effect, what a surprise."

KiJun couldn't help but laugh at his biting sarcasm.

Was it due to rolling on the ground and being jostled on the large body during the fight with Hati that his helmet had come off, allowing Ruthven to see the loosening at the corners of his mouth?

"You were a great comrade, Herbert."

"Ah... You were a great comrade too. Thank you for making me have no regrets about my choice. But now youre an enemy"

"Shall I introduce myself again? I am the Vampire, Ruthven. Now, let's fight."

KiJun, hesitating at those words that seemed to finalize the challenge, finally took a stance with his two shields.

Having fully reaped the achievements of defeating a legendary foe and undergone a massive level up, KiJun was in peak condition.

On the other hand, Ruthven, who had left the party before receiving the rewards and thus hadn't properly settled the achievementsnot to mention not having leveled upwas in a battered state.

Thus, this was less a battle and more akin to a preordained ritual, which only made the expressions on both of their faces all the more serious.

"Don't die, Jun. No, I suppose I'm not one to say that when I'm about to shoot you."

"Shoot all you want. I won't die."

KiJun declared confidently and charged forward with his shield raised.

Ruthven smirked and pulled the trigger of his beloved weapon.

It didn't take long for the outcome to be decided.

The battle with Quinodon, the leader of the werewolves, was intensely draining.

Lora's sacred artifact, filled with a vast amount of sacred power from sacred characters, was completely depleted, and Armillca, having used even her own blood to attack the enemy, was at her limit just maintaining her physical form.

Although Quinodon was also severely injured in return, it was uncertain who would emerge victorious and survive the aftermath.

Damn... these vermin...!

Quinodon cursed them through gritted teeth, but he couldn't truly afford to risk his life in battle.

He still had unfinished business on this battlefield.

He had never imagined he would be pushed to such a dire state by the two he intended to take as hostages for an easier victorytruly beyond his wildest dreams.

If he retreated now, there would still be a chance.

Be thankful I have a task at hand...!

Ultimately, he spat out his words as if chewing on them and turned to leave.

Lora, lacking the energy to even chant sacred spells, could not stop him from going after KiJun.

"Armillca...! Go and kill him, you still have the energy!"

"No, Lora. I too have unfinished business."

Armillca, her sword now completely stained red, showing no sign of returning to its original color, turned to Lora and smiled as she planted her sword into the ground.

Lora stiffened her expression and stepped back, recalling their relationship.

However, she couldn't leave her brother lying there defeated and ultimately stopped.

"Are you really going to turn me into a vampire?"

"Right. If Lora remains human, I'll eventually have to kill you. I don't want that."

"Your... your mission wasn't supposed to be like this."

"Mission? What do I care?"

One step, then another.

Armillca closed the distance between them with a smirk.

"I'm a direct descendant of the noble bloodline. Unlike slaves like Ruthven, who are merely puppets to the elders' will. Ah, by Ruthven, I mean Herbert. The vampire. Perhaps he's putting a hole in that Flame Human's head right about now?"

Musing, Armillca paused, then frowned and shook her head.

"Maybe he failed. But what does it matter? They're both going to die by that monster anyway."

"Mr. Jun won't die. He'll come to kill you."

"Ah, our Lora still doesn't know. This isn't my real body."

Armillca's laughter left Lora in shock.

"Its not... your real body?"

"Though it was made with quite a bit of the original's blood, uh, it's ultimately just an avatar. If it were the real thing, it wouldn't be this weak. So don't worry if I disappear here. We'll meet again, and we'll be together forever."

"That can't... be..."

Lora had pushed herself and her brother to the limit to corner Armillca.

And she wasn't even the real body?

A sense of profound despair left her legs, already nearly devoid of strength, completely giving out.

This couldn't be happening.

It shouldn't have happened.

"Don't, don't come any closer."

"Your tantrums are cute too."

"I am a priestess of Ishtar, your bite would be poison to you!"

"It might hurt me, but it'll be ecstasy for you. If I can make you mine, I can give up this avatar's life any time."

Armillca, chuckling and closing the distance, enveloped Lora in an instinctive fear.

She might have been able to escape.

Her brother wouldn't want her to become a vampire and be forsaken by Ishtar.

He wouldnt resent even her if she ran, leaving him behind.


But Lora couldn't bring herself to flee.

Even if her brother didn't want it, she wanted to protect him.

She remembered the face of the hero who fearlessly risked his life for strangers.

If she only admired and never acted, she would remain the same forever.

"Lora, you're truly beautiful and amazing. Finding you was the greatest blessing of my life..."

"And you are an ugly vampire."

Lora, gathering strength in her legs, stood her ground with a resolute attitude.

She resisted the fear of her very being changing.

At that moment, she felt a golden energy bubbling up from deep within her.

Realizing KiJun was with her, Lora smiled faintly.

She was emboldened.

"Go ahead and bite, monster."

"You'll be with me soon."

Armillca embraced Lora and bit down on her neck with a crunch.

The initial sting was followed by a wave of pleasure that made Lora shudder.

Her vision was filled with Armillca's eyes, glowing red and seductive.

She saw Armillca's beautiful hair and felt her enticing scent and chose to close her eyes instead.

Thinking how foolish she was to have had any positive thoughts about Armillca for even a moment.


Ishtar's divine power was indeed fierce.

For daring to violate her priestess and attempting to corrupt her with darkness, Armillca had to taste the agony of her body being shattered to pieces.

A bite that would not have been dared by the original body.

But driven by the determination to push all her remaining blood into Lora, Armillca endured the pain.

After finishing injecting more blood into Lora than she had drawn, Armillca, overwhelmed by the pain of the holy blood and the pleasure of vampirism, as well as the sense of accomplishment in making Lora hers, staggered back, unable to hold herself up.

"Ah, ahahaha."

She watched as Lora, released from her grasp, lost consciousness and fell onto the half-orc's chest.

As a vampire, she could sense the fantastic evolution occurring inside Lora as their bloods mixed.

A racial transformation was taking place.

"It's done, it worked...!"

Staggering and mumbling as if drunk, Armillca felt herself disintegrating from her fingertips.

Of course, she was prepared for the avatar's dissolution, but she couldn't just disappear like this.

Kneeling before the fallen Lora, Armillca kissed her forehead and then whispered softly in her ear.

"When you wake up, come find me, you'll know how... I'll leave you a gift before I go. See you later, my Lora."

And then she added, "Ah."

"When you find me again, call me Carmilla."

Right after those words, her body disintegrated into pieces, scattering away.

All that was left in her place was an extradimensional pouch elaborately decorated with golden thread and jewels, and a bloodstained sword.

At that moment, the body of Lora, left alone, twitched.

A dazzling golden light and a blood-red hue rose as if competing, then blended together.

Initiating a transformation that neither Carmilla nor anyone else could have anticipated.

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