Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Everyone Else is a Regressor (71)

She opened her eyes.

Then she closed them and then opened them again.

She thought it was dark because it was night, but that wasn't the case.

Carmilla's black eyes filled her vision.

Are you ready to come to me, Lora?

Those enchanting eyes, focusing solely on her, gradually turned red, making it impossible for Lora to even think of escaping.

It felt like touching those ruby-like red eyes would cause them to bleed, and overwhelmed by this, Lora could do nothing but stare at them.

She realized too late that such a gaze was akin to indulgence.

You're not running away. How obedient.

She smiled seductively.

Her hair, a mix of gold and black, softly caressed Lora's neck.

The thought that if mixed with her own hair, it could make a fluffy blanket crossed her mind, a foolish thought indeed.

You've been waiting for me, haven't you? You wanted to become one with me...

She hadn't run away before, simply to protect her brother.

But within the fuzzy, floating sensation, Lora convinced herself that might be the case.

Carmilla leaned in, baring her sharply pointed fangs.

I can't wait to meet you again. Let's become one...

The chilling sensation of her fangs piercing her neck came with a slight pain and a rush of ecstasy, making Lora shudder.

Perhaps being a vampire wouldn't be so bad...

And then she fully woke up.


An unfamiliar ceiling.

After blankly blinking for a moment, Lora lifted the blanket to check inside.

Relieved, she let the blanket fall and looked up to see her half-brother's face.

Seeing him wearing a complex expression, Lora frowned.

"Brother, I'm disappointed."

"No, it's not like that, Lora."

The half-orc In hurriedly explained.

"You wouldn't wake up, so I came to check on you!"

"Me? But I woke up just now... Ah."

She remembered waking up to Jun's face right in front of her and immediately losing consciousness again.

Recalling that embarrassing moment, she tried to stand up and bang her head against the wall, but In desperately stopped her.

"This is Jun's house! If you break it, it'll be a disaster!"

"Jun's house?!"

Thankfully, Lora calmed down at that. Well, more like she became utterly flustered upon realizing she had slept in his bed, not quite knowing what to do with herself.

Could it be... Jun sleeps in this bed every day?

And I slept in this bed!

"Have you calmed down?"

"Just give me a moment, please...!"

Lora managed to suppress the burgeoning fantasies about KiJun.

It was about erasing all thoughts related to him!

...And, as a bonus, thoughts about Carmilla too.

"Okay, let's talk now."

"Then, let's discuss your current condition."

In began explaining, and Lora listened with a relatively composed expression.

Knowing she would no longer be human the moment she was bitten, she was prepared for that when she woke up feeling unusually light and energized.

She also knew she wasn't purely a vampire, as that wouldn't explain the divine power of Ishtar still flowing within her.

"When I was about to lose my self, I felt as if Mr. Jun was supporting me. Maybe that's why I could resist becoming a vampire."

"Hmm, that's possible. I sometimes feel my father's presence too."

"Don't talk about Mr. Jun as if he's dead!"

In's explanation continued for a bit longer.

They had returned to Turris but had to explain the situation to the guild due to two members dying after being brought from outside the city.

KiJun went to meet the lord with nica and headed to the Mercenary Guild, while the party members were told to stay at his house for the time being.

That was because one of the party members had turned into a werewolf, and another had been bitten by a vampire, making it impossible to disband the party just like that.

"The werewolf must be that boy... Gin, right?"

"All the other werewolves died, leaving him the sole survivor... He might join KiJun from now on. He obtained the trait of silver, making him strong not just against werewolves but also vampires."

"I see..."

Lora couldn't help but feel a connection with Gin, who had undergone a similar transformation during this period.

Especially since both of them could now play a role in fighting vampires.

"Maybe it's fate."

"Shall I call him in?"

"Are you crazy?! I'll get dressed and go out to meet him, and now you leave the room, brother!"

"I used to change your diapers when you were little..."

"Get out!"

After shooing away the grumbling half-orc, Lora sat on the bed and checked her status, only to be shocked.

Originally, she was born with a rare grade of divine power, which had now reached unique grade, and her charm was also rare grade. However, her other stats were pretty dismal.

But now?

[Lora Nir (18th Year): Sham-reta Half-Breed 2nd Generation]

[Titles Candidate for Saintess (Rare), Healer of Compassion (Rare), Seed of Paradox (Rare), Bloodline of the Elders (Unique)]

[Sham Priestess of Ishtar (Rare) Lv54]

[Strength (R) 13+5]

[Dexterity (R) 8+5]

[Endurance (R) 11+5]

[Divine Power (U) 1+15]

[Charm (R) 66+15]

[Blood Power (R) 25+25]

Lora's strength, agility, and endurance had all been raised to the rare grade, and a new stat called Blood Power, also of rare grade, had been added.

However, as a counterbalance, her divine power had dropped to the lowest measure of the unique grade. But considering what she had gained, this was a minor cost.

Humans struggle so much to raise their status grades, but vampires can easily...

Despite it being her own status, Lora felt a sense of emptiness just looking at it.

This explained why the forces of light, despite outnumbering those of darkness, couldn't completely eradicate them and were even being pushed back.

But Lora was partly mistaken; not everyone turned into a vampire experiences such enhancement.

It was only because Carmilla, a high-ranking vampire, used all her clone's blood to make Lora her direct descendant, which enabled such miraculous growth.

Carmilla was far more superior than Lora or anyone could have imagined, evidenced by Lora's new title Bloodline of the Elders (U) which she hadn't noticed amid her numerous concerns.

My race has changed too.

She was now a Hybrid.

Unable to refute the name given her circumstances, Lora was at least grateful she hadn't been stripped of her priesthood.

She tried to act in accordance with her new race's name, struggling to maintain clear thoughts as she got up.

Come to me. We'll be together forever.

Shut up!

Lora, who had just recalled her dream and heard Carmilla's voice in her head, snapped back to reality, remembering this was Jun's house.

I mustn't be swayed, stay calm. There's no need to panic, Mr. Jun will protect me... just like before.

After taking a deep breath, Lora changed into a new set of priestess robes from her inventory.

Then, noticing an exquisite silk pouch by the bed, she hesitated but eventually opened it, realizing intuitively that it was left by Carmilla.

Inside, she found chocolates, which Carmilla often had, even during meals. Lora had wondered if Carmilla and Shadow Stalker, Ruthven, were in a relationship given how they shared chocolates, never guessing they were both vampires.

Ah... this.

Only now did Lora realize these weren't ordinary chocolates but were mixed with blood, likely human, for vampires to consume easily.


Feeling nauseous at the realization, Lora looked at the chocolates with teary eyes, disgusted with herself for wanting to try them, despite knowing people had suffered for their creation.

Eating this chocolate was hypocrisy. Whether she drank blood directly or consumed it in chocolate, the fact that people suffered remained unchanged.

...It's delicious.

Despite knowing this, Lora couldn't resist her vampire instincts and indulged in the chocolates, smiling unknowingly. She forced a neutral expression, finishing a piece and contemplating the rest.

After consuming the blood-mixed chocolate, Lora felt clearer-headed and, despite the guilt and sense of betrayal, felt better and explored the rest of the pouch's contents.

The most striking item was a red dress, not a fluffy evening gown but one cut above the knee, clinging to the body, emphasizing the figureclearly Carmilla's taste. It was unique grade, boosting close combat stats and Blood Power just by wearing it.

This, this perverse woman...!

Torn between ripping the scandalous dress and considering its benefits for her current condition, Lora was conflicted until she found the matching fishnet stockings and garter belt, both unique grade but effective only as a set.


Her face paled at the sight, and she quickly stashed the garter belt and stockings back into the pouch. Even with their excellent performance, boosting agility and enabling new skills, she couldn't bring herself to wear them, fearing Jun's reaction.


Furious at Carmilla for causing her such turmoil, Lora considered confronting her directly.

...I can do it!

She realized she could sense Carmilla's location, perhaps a call to join her. This could help Jun by finding and eliminating the vampire's base before their attack, despite the dangers.

I must tell him, now!

Rushing to the door, Lora hesitated at the sight of a blood-red blade by her bedsideCarmilla's weapon, enhanced with her blood, felt like an extension of her own body.

...I'm not just a priestess anymore.

With newfound vampire strength and Blood Power, she couldn't waste these abilities. Picking up the blade felt right, as if destined.

No, not now.

Shaking off the enthralling feeling, Lora stashed the blade in her inventory and opened the door.

There you are.

KiJun stood there, an awkward smile on his lips, hand raised as if to knock.

How are you feeling?



And Lora fainted again, her last thought on KiJun's smooth neck and the dark impulse from within.

This time, she remembered.

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