Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Everyone Else is a Regressor (74)

That evening, KiJun truly made Hati rib stew.

First, he trimmed the excessive fat, cut the meat taken from the bones into bite-sized pieces, drained the blood, and briefly boiled it with green onions, garlic, onions, and pepper.

Then, he just had to strain the broth to remove impurities, add the meat and sauce, various vegetables, and simmer it all in a pressure cooker...

At this point, KiJun faced a significant dilemma.

"Rib stew should have the bones in it... At the very least, I wanted to make broth by simmering the bones."

"Please, hold back, Mr. Jun. If you simmer those bones, we'll lose a Legendary grade material!"

Viv, who came over for dinner upon hearing that KiJun had returned from his expedition, screamed at him to stop.

Of course, with ordinary heat, it wouldn't be possible to extract broth from those Legendary grade bones, but KiJun had Ur, the Fire Spirit!

KiJun, who wanted to grill at least one rib bone to make broth, couldn't overcome Viv's persuasion and had to settle for making rib meat stew instead of actual rib stew.


"What is this, it melts the moment it enters the mouth...!"

"Wow, it's delicious. Is wolf meat always this tasty?"

"It's a divine beast, a divine, beast!"

Contractor, another bowl, please!

Kiiiiiiiiii! Kihit, Kiiiiiiiiiiii!

Even that alone turned it into a heavenly delicacy, but what was more astonishing than the taste of the rib stew was:

You have consumed a dish that challenges the legends. All stats below Legendary grade have increased by 1. Light Magic (L) has additionally increased by 2.

The power of the moon resides within you, ensuring you will not be affected by cold for the next month.

By perfectly preserving the power contained in the ingredients, you have completed a legendary dish that resonates deeply with the soul. Your Soul Cooking (U) skill has reached level 5.

Wait, the stats are permanently increased?

This is literally a panacea!

As KiJun, bewildered, looked up, he saw that those seated around the table were staring back at him with equally stunned expressions.

The only one somewhat maintaining her composure, having heard various things here and there, was Viv.

"It's not just any legendary monster's meat, it's the meat of a divine beast. I've heard it can even cause a racial mutation, so a boost in stats shouldn't be surprising."

KiJun reluctantly accepted her explanation, remembering how Gin had evolved after consuming Hati's heart.

Of course, the conditions for stat growth were quite strict, requiring one to eat at least 200 grams, equivalent to one serving, and the effect wouldn't apply a second time.

Likely, even if the same divine beast's meat were cooked differently, it wouldn't have any more effect.

"Give this to the lord."

KiJun packaged about 300 grams of the rib stew in a thermos and handed it to nica.

She appreciated his thoughtfulness but hesitated.

"But then, Mr. Jun's cooking skills will be exposed."

"So what? As long as he doesn't come bothering me to cook, it's fine. I've received various kinds of help from the lord, so I want to repay him this way."

"Understood, thank you for your kindness."

nica, determined to prevent the lord from stepping foot in this villa, accepted it.

KiJun, smiling faintly, also packed some stew for Lora and asked her to pass it to In.

Then, he cautiously asked Viv.

"Do you... do food delivery by any chance?"

"Looking for someone to deliver delicious food to?"

Annoyed by Viv's smirking response, KiJun managed to hold back from giving her a noogie and asked again, to which Viv chuckled and replied.

"I can't go personally, but my sister could deliver it for you. I'll send it to her, and she'll deliver it to 'that person.' But the fee will be quite high."

"Fee? This will satisfy them."

KiJun, holding out 'two' sealed containers with the stew, convinced Viv as well.

"That should be more than enough. Okay, I'll send it right away."

"That person?"

"That person?"

Sensing an unusual undertone in their conversation, Lora and nica reacted sensitively, but KiJun remained noncommittal.

Noticing Gin looking slightly gloomy after enjoying the delicious meal, KiJun realized his oversight.

"Gin, can we talk?"

"Yes? Yes!"

After stepping outside with Gin and ensuring no one followed, KiJun spoke to him in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry, Gin."

"No?! Ah, no!"

Gin, startled, waved his hands in denial, then eventually bowed his head deeply.

"It's not your fault at all, Mr. Jun. I was just foolish..."

"No, I was thoughtless. I'm sorry."

Talking about packing family meals or sending them to Bice...

In front of Gin, who had lost his family not long ago, it was inconsiderate to a fault.

However, Gin shook his head firmly, denying any wrongdoing on KiJun's part.

"No, no... It's not your fault at all."


"It's just that I was too weak, too cowardly, didn't realize it sooner, too stupid. That's why it happened..."

KiJun realized Gin was talking about something else entirely.

For him, what happened at the dinner table was irrelevant.

His thoughts automatically returned to the memories of that day whenever he thought of his family.

"I lacked the courage to look, to listen. I just covered my ears and crouched down, stupidly, should have fought back instead of being such an idiot."


"The ones at fault are the werewolves. The werewolf that trapped a comrade, the werewolf that betrayed my mother, and... the werewolf that turned away from his family. I'll kill them all someday."

Gin calmly cursed all werewolves, including himself, and KiJun realized a simple truth.

Gin had grown, but he was still young, and the wound in his soul was too deep and fresh to heal.

Ruthven had merely refined Gin's scattered hatred and murderous intent, carefully stacking it inside him so it wouldn't leak out.

Yes, just like Glittertos had finely sharpened the blade of Rotten Moon at the workshop.

Before harming himself, he made a minimal adjustment so Gin could find and harm his enemies.

"That's why I'm really grateful to you, Mr. Jun. For generously giving me such a monster, supporting me, and accepting someone like me..."

With passionate voice, Gin clenched his fists tightly.

"I will definitely help you in exterminating the vampires, Mr. Jun. And then, after that, I'll kill all the werewolves. Until not a single Vrykolakas remains on this land."

"Don't push yourself too hard. You need to take care of yourself first and foremost."

"Ah, Ruthven asked me to give you something."

Gin, abruptly changing the subject, pulled something out and handed it to KiJun.

It was a blood-colored key, subtly vibrating.

Despite knowing Gin was changing the topic, KiJun couldn't help but be drawn in by the key's extraordinary appearance.

It was clear at a glance that this was no ordinary object.

Taking it, KiJun frowned, and Gin explained.

"Ruthven said to use this as a bargaining chip if you didn't accept me. He said you would inevitably find it..."

"Inevitably find it?"

KiJun realized the purpose of the key from that alone.

Gin nodded and continued.

"Ruthven said it's a key to a ruin meant for vampire hunters, obtained before he became a Dhampir. He couldn't visit it after becoming a vampire."

"He kept it hidden all this time. Gotta acknowledge his perseverance."

The key was, fortunately, of Unique grade.

KiJun pocketed it and nodded.

"Alright, then let's go there as soon as your armor is ready."

"It's a ruin that only one person can enter."

"Just one?"

KiJun flinched.

Dungeons with an entry limit were often even more challenging.

"I'll probably need to focus on basic training for a while, and I assume Lora will too. Maybe you can visit in the meantime."

"Alright... Anyway, thanks. And I owe Ruthven till the end."

KiJun gazed at the blood-colored key, trying to gauge the ruin, but of course, he couldn't discern what lay inside from just looking.

The next day, nica visited early in the morning again.

KiJun, who had woken up at dawn to drill Gin and Lora, made her wait for a moment before checking in with them.

"How many laps have you run?"

"37 laps!"

"I... I ran 22 laps..."

"Lora, can you catch up with the fifteen laps you're behind?"

"I'll definitely catch up, even if it takes a bit longer!"

"Good, keep running. Once you've hit 50 laps, it's time for strength training."

Watching Gin and Lora, drenched in sweat and dragging heavy iron balls instead of tires, race up the hill, nica, who had been serious, pretended not to see anything when KiJun looked at her.

Would you like to try it too? He was about to half-jokingly suggest when she spoke seriously.

"You should meet with the lord."

"Hmm? Is that old man determined to make me his personal chef?"

"He seemed to be seriously considering it, but I stopped him."

If not for that, there would be no reason to call him again so soon.

As KiJun tilted his head in confusion, nica bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jun..."

"What are you sorry for?"

"The lord... he meant well... that is, he wanted to give you a surprise gift, but..."

"I'm getting more worried."

Why such a lengthy and ominous introduction?

As KiJun narrowed his eyes and glared, nica finally gave in and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go together first."

"Explain to me!"

"Please be mentally prepared..."


Thus, KiJun was dragged all the way to the lord's mansion and only understood nica's behavior upon reaching the parlor.

Because there, along with the lord, was a woman KiJun had never seen before...

Her skin was flushed red as if radiating heat.

Her red hair was tied up in a ponytail at the back of her head, with the ends ablaze.

Her bright red eyes were also aflame.

And, to top it off, she had a cute little flaming fox, or rather a Crimson Fox, perched on her shoulder.

Sitting there was a woman who looked unmistakably like a Flame Human!

'It's over!'

KiJun fully understood why nica had been so flustered the moment he saw the woman. He wanted to turn and run, but nica had already blocked his escape.

'Hey, aren't you going to move?'

'I'm sorry, but if you run away now, it'll only make things worse!'

The lord seemed quite pleased with the intense eye contact between the two.

"Haha, young people become friends so quickly! I'm getting jealous!"

"My goodness..."

And before it was too late, the Flame Human woman, noticing KiJun, stood up and sighed softly.

"Really, I thought I was the only Flame Human left alive..."

It's over!

Could this mask really fool an actual Flame Human?

KiJun knew that relationships built on lies eventually crumble.

Especially in this case, if he left the woman's misunderstanding uncorrected, it could escalate into an uncontrollable situation. So, despite knowing it was impolite, he said to the woman.

"I need a private space to talk."

"I'd like that too. Lord, would you mind if we borrowed a room?"

"Of course. It must have been a long time since you met a fellow kind, so take your time."

The lord, who likely arranged this meeting, smiled contentedly.

KiJun mentally cursed the lord as he moved to another room with the woman.

As nica, looking anxious, followed them, KiJun scowled and slammed the door shut.

Then, turning around at lightning speed, he bowed deeply to the woman.

"I'm sorry!"

"Hmm? Look up at me. I feel like I've been saved from hell right now. I thought I was the only Flame Human left in this vast world, but to have a fellow kindred still alive..."

"That's why I'm nota Flame Human! I'm sorry!"

KiJun said, removing his mask.

The woman, who had been staring blankly at KiJun's transformation from Flame Human to, precisely, a Light Man, suddenly burst into laughter.

"If you apologize so seriously, it makes me feel bad."


Did she realize it all along?

As KiJun slightly relaxed, thinking she might have been aware, the woman snapped her fingers, and amazingly, the flames in her hair and eyes disappeared, and her flushed skin turned pale.


"I've also mastered a disguise technique. It seems you still need an item to do so, right?"


"But why reveal your identity here, despite having a disguise item? Were you also looking for your kin? You're brave, but thanks to that, we've met."


Something seemed off in the conversation.

KiJun stopped the woman from continuing and insisted again.

"I'm telling you, I'm not a Flame Human. I was just pretending to be another race with this item. I didn't even know Flame Humans actually existed."

"Yeah, yeah, so that's your concept. Got it, it doesn't matter either way. The important thing is you're my kin, and I'll protect you from now on."

I'm telling you, I'm not your kin!

But as KiJun tried to correct her misunderstanding, Lucy stopped him.

It's no use, Contractor. This person doesn't seem to be all there.


Look, the Crimson Fox seems to realize it.

Following Lucy's words, KiJun looked over the woman's shoulder to see the cute fox giving him a troubled look.

Turning his gaze back to the woman, he noticednow that the flames had subsided, her eyes were unfocused, swaying slightly.

"You've already become friends with Rodim? You really are different. This child never opened up to anyone but me."

"...Rodim, you say."

"Yes. And your partner?"

KiJun found hope in her words.

Rodim, this fox, resembled a spirit but was distinctly different.

Though composed of magical energy, it had no connection to spirit power.

So, showing her Ur's true form would inevitably

"Ur, who is a spirit, not a Crimson Fox..."

"Wow, so cute! I thought our Rodim was the cutest, but Ur is no slouch"


The woman embraced Ur and burst into laughter without listening to KiJun.

With Ur looking distressed and Rodim placing a delicate hand on his forehead, it was clear the first mistake had been firmly made.

At this point, even if KiJun showed up bitten by a vampire and transformed, she would stubbornly insist he was a Flame Human.

KiJun realized at that moment, this woman was an enormous minefield.

"My name is Cyntilla. You can call me Tilla."

"AhI'm Jun, Cyntilla."

"Right, Jun! You must have had a hard time holding out alone. From now on, I'll always be with you."

If her kind words sounded like a declaration of nuisance that she would never leave his side, was that his misunderstanding?

At this point, cursing the lord to death and beyond seemed insufficient.

He wouldn't be satisfied unless he ground the lord into dust.

'I want to escape. Save me...'

Who would have thought this karma would come back to haunt...

Despite the curses, considering how she ended up this way, KiJun couldn't solely blame her.

Reta was truly a cursed world.

He sincerely thought so.

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