Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Everyone Else is a Regressor (79)

After formally accepting the request from the Summon's Racial Guild Alliance 'Demander,'

KiJun was slightly hopeful he would finally get to use something called a teleportation gate, but that wasn't the case.

The teleportation gate, requiring a base fee of 100 gold coins just for use and exponentially increasing fees depending on the distance traveled, was akin to an international calleveryone knew it existed and acknowledged its convenience, but no one wanted to be the first to use it due to the exorbitant cost!

"Moreover, the fee is per person, not per use, and it also consumes Reta Points. Summons are particularly sensitive about their points. There's no way they would support it."

"They summon us and then complain..."

"Instead, they provided transportation. Since we've contacted them to accept the request, it should arrive in about three days."

"Transportation? Three days?"


nica, who was checking the documents, smiled slyly as she spoke.

"In the meantime, it might be wise to practice holding on tightly to something. All party members."

"Hold on... and endure...?"

KiJun didn't quite understand what that meant, but he grasped that he needed to focus even more on his party members' physical training during the remaining three days.

That was why JiHye ended up being rigorously trained not only in the morning but also in the afternoon and evening.

After thoroughly exhausting the party members and somehow reviving them with a delicious lunch in the late afternoon, KiJun stopped by the mercenary guild.

It was to report the formation of a new party.

"I've heard about you. The renowned summon has come."

Guided by a staff member to a private room, the now familiar administrative officer greeted him with a strange smile.

Sitting next to him was Bella, the person who had brought JiHye to Turris and also the Deputy Master of the Ars Mercenary Guild. Seeing their pointed ears side by side, their closeness wasn't surprising.

"Ah, you know her already, right? This is Bella, the Deputy Masterr of the Ars Mercenary Guild."

"I'm aware. She brought the last member of our party."

"How is she? She's a talent we're proud of in our mercenary guild."

As Bella set down her teacup, KiJun responded indifferently.

"She's not dead."

"What did you do to her?"

"Training. Along with our party's youngest members."

"Hahahaha! Indeed, a different mindset from ours!"

"I wonder if it was a good idea to bring her here..."

KiJun decided to ask Bella everything he was curious about since he had the chance.

"I heard she was brought as a personal secretary, but is it okay to just give her to our party? Of course, I'm very satisfied with her abilities."

"That was just an excuse. I brought her hoping she would achieve great things and grow by standing out. Seeing you convinced me I had to pair her with you."

"I thought so."

KiJun recalled the moment Bella succeeded in pushing JiHye onto him, her eyes shining unusually bright. It seemed she was less interested in personal gain and more in the growth of talented summons.

"What about her remaining party members? She was worried about them."

"We've already promised full support from the guild. And my word in the Ars Mercenary Guild is not to be taken lightly. It will likely open even better opportunities for them."

"Good, then that's settled."

"You seem to care a lot about humans."

Bella's casual remark made KiJun glance at her.

She averted her gaze first.

"A slip of the tongue."

"Hahahaha! Even Lady Bella gets scared, today really, ugh!"

The administrative officer, who had been laughing heartily, suddenly doubled over as if stabbed by something unseen.

KiJun looked at him as if he were foolish and laid down a paper he had brought.

"It's the registration form. We've updated our party members, so we need to register anew to officially accept requests."

"Ah, updating the party. The party leader is, of course, Jun... and the members include the priestess Lora, the hunter Gin, the summoner Cyntilla, and the mage JiHye, making a total of five. With a priestess, summoner, and mage, it's quite a luxurious party composition. The vanguard might feel pressured, but with Jun there, there's nothing to worry about."

The party name was, of course, not JAHIL but something new.

Lmen, a Latin word meaning light, torch, radiance, day, etc.

It symbolized not only most of the members in KiJun's party but also their intention to fight vampires, making the naming quite clear in its purpose.

"Quite grandiose at least on the surface, nobody could find fault with it. But."

As the administrative officer took the registration form and let out an intriguing remark, he suddenly tilted his head.

"Do you already have a request in mind?"

"The racial guild alliance Demander in Kor. nica contacted them. They must have formally requested it from the lord."

But as soon as those words were spoken, the expressions on both the administrative officer and Bella's faces twisted simultaneously.

KiJun's face also contorted in response.

"...It seems they don't have a good reputation?"

"As you know, the idea of various races from different civilizations coming together in harmony is almost a fantasy, especially if the organization is led by summons, not Reta people."

Bella's words made KiJun nod as if he had expected as much.

"They called me because of internal disputes. A power struggle over the right to apply for territorial wars? They need my help for that."

"Ah, the power struggle. It's indeed famous... but it's a headache to get involved in."

KiJun felt the same way when he first heard about it.

"Be careful. The alliance is just that in name; if you look closer, it's full of sharks fighting for a bit more influence. Don't show any weakness. Clearly define your allies through magical contracts and be thoroughly wary of everyone else."

"Bella's right. Demander is indeed a massive group forming the core of Gratia I understand why nica brought this request, but she's never been outside Turris... she might be a bit nave."

The administrative officer scratched his head and spoke, making KiJun understand why nica seemed so excited.

"Anyway, be cautious even with a glass of water or a bowl of soup in Kor. Ah it feels a bit hesitant to say this to a hero fighting against vampires."

The administrative officer said with a bitter smile.

"If the dark faction is an easy enemy to identify, the light faction is a difficult one to understand. Being a minority race yourself, you must know better. In the end, the only one you can trust is yourself and perhaps your own race."

At that, KiJun thought of Cyntilla and felt a mix of emotions, replying sharply to the administrative officer.

"Are you, a different race, saying that?"

"Well, I'm almost like an NPC now ouch."

Bella reached out and pinched the administrative officer's ear.

Even as she did so, she kept a cool expression and explained to KiJun.

"We are bound by complex magical contracts with the guild, the lord, the country, and so on, making it impossible for us to deceive you. So, while you don't have to agree with everything we say, please consider our advice."

"I understand. I was just saying."

With a slight smile, he responded and prepared to leave, saying he'd appreciate their help with the official request when it arrives. But just as he was about to turn away, something occurred to him, and he asked, "Was Cyntilla very famous?"

"Yes, quite famous. It's almost surprising she hasn't moved to the central continent, given her undeniable strength. There are many who speculate she might have reached the legendary realm as a summon."

"That's unlikely, lady. If she were legendary, she'd be wreaking havoc in the Tyrannus Empire, not wandering the border nations."

"Hmph, you think legendary ranks are common in Tyrannus? Even a mid-tier unique can easily become a guild master there."

KiJun was impressed. If being a mid-tier unique in Gratia meant being among the strongest, in Tyrannus, it was only enough to be a guild master. Or perhaps it was fortunate it wasn't a clan.

"But... what you're really curious about isn't her strength, is it?"

At the administrative officer's sharp interjection, KiJun flinched.

"I only learned about the Flame Humans after meeting you, but when I investigated, Cyntilla's name came up immediately. There were rumors she's a survivor of the Flame Humans, and joining you only added credibility to those rumors."

"Is that so..."

"Though you might be fine since you've been open about your identity, Cyntilla has hidden hers until now. It might sound funny, but please take care of her."

KiJun's eyes narrowed at the administrative officer's words, but he knew it was unnecessary to say.

"Once she's part of my party, she's one of mine. I'll protect her no matter what."

"Wow, she'd fall for you for sure Ouch!"

The administrative officer, moved by KiJun's firm response, got smacked by Bella again.

KiJun, watching their bickering, couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "So, what's the relationship between you two?"

"Siblings. Same father, different mothers."

"I've been hearing that a lot lately."

"The world's like that! So, our hero, take good care of your lower half, okay?"

"Mind your own business."

"Ah, wait! Take this."

As KiJun scoffed and turned to leave for good, the administrative officer, still nursing his sore head, handed him a thick stack of documents.

KiJun took it and saw it was information related to Flame Humans.

"I thought it'd be best to give you this, since you were curious about Cyntilla. You probably know this, but it might be good to understand how other races view Flame Humans."

"Thanks. Seems like there's some classified info mixed in."

"Good eye. Just make sure to read it alone and then burn it."

The administrative officer, with a sinister chuckle that seemed straight out of a spy movie, was met with a smirk from KiJun. After bidding farewell to both the administrative officer and Bella, who was shaking her head, KiJun left the guild.

Once outside, KiJun was besieged by a whirlwind of complex thoughts: Cyntilla, JiHye, races, Demander... Kor, vampires.

Why overthink it? I can detect any malice or murderous intent aimed at my Contractor! Just crush them all!

"Right, Lucy. Counting on you as always."

Yet, KiJun also recalled the harrowing events within the recently visited ruins.

Disasters that he couldn't prevent on his own, sacrifices made.

Even if he could protect himself, there was a chance his party members could fall into danger in an instant.

To prevent that indeed.

His party members needed to become stronger themselves!

"Guess I'll have to push them as hard as I can before we leave."

So, that's the conclusion, huh.

Lucy silently offered a prayer for the members of the Lumen party, who were bound to roll around in rigorous training.

As all members of the party underwent their harsh training, tumbling around for three days, the equipment ordered from the Glittertos Forge arrived alongside the transportation provided by Demander.

YeMin's party, now reduced to three, managed to enter an efficiently managed rare-grade dungeon directly overseen by the guild, thanks to Bella's assurance.

Despite the critical drawback of all three members being close-combat fighters, their exceptional abilities as some of Earth's finest ensured they adapted well to dungeon hunting.

"It's boring without JiHye."

"We really should have bought that RetaPhone."

YeMin's murmur was quickly supported by EunShin.

MokSoo, tending to his injuries alone, snorted at their words.

"The cheapest one was over 30,000 points. How could you afford that, let alone two?"

"Ugh, but I keep worrying something might happen to JiHye noona..."

"She's with someone reliable, so it should be fine."

MokSoo said, nodding in reassurance, then suddenly added, "What if JiHye went looking for Jun?"

"I wouldn't like that."

YeMin blurted out without thinking, causing both men to turn their gaze sharply towards her. Flustered, she waved her hands frantically.

"No, it's not that I don't want to meet Jun oppa! I just don't want JiHye to meet him first! It makes me jealous..."

"So, that's what you were trying to say."

"Ugh, why did she have to go, not me?"

"Well, she's the only one in our party capable of assisting others..."

EunShin sighed and added, "But let's just wait and see. We can still participate in the quest somehow. Until then, let's level up as much as we can."


YeMin nodded firmly, then her eyes sparkled at MokSoo.

"Let's hit the rare rank for your race first."

"Heh, your gaze is terrifying."

But when they returned to the city after intense leveling, an unexpected man was waiting for their party.

If it had been KiJun, it would have been the reunion YeMin dreamed of.

"Ive been looking for you! Hey, join the human guild the Union!"

Unfortunately, it wasn't KiJun waiting for her but Choi Kang, one of the other three Earth representatives, far from the reunion she had hoped for.

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