Everyone Else is a Regressor

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Everyone Else is a Regressor (82)

"Welcome. I hope your journey here was pleasant. You have arrived at the Gratia Federation of Racial Guilds."

As soon as KiJun and nica entered the grand edifice, a vigorous greeting caught KiJun off guard.

The one who extended the greeting was a cat, standing on two legs and dressed in clothes.

While the cat was irresistibly adorable, and KiJun had to resist the urge to embrace it with all his might, Ur gently meowed from atop KiJun's shoulder as if to caution restraint.

"Meow, are you a summon, guest? Both of you seem incredibly powerful."

"There's only one spirit."

Lucy was hidden from sight from the beginning, so it wasn't a lie.

KiJun responded to the bipedal, talking cat, named 'Catsee,' while scanning the interior of the building.

The most common sights were orcs and humans, similar to those frequently seen in Turris.

Transitioning to a world where orcs and humans coexisted was initially jarring for KiJun, but he had gradually become accustomed to it.

Another notable observation was the presence of 'civilized goblins,' which were not seen in Turris, moving around in considerable numbers.

Catsees were sporadically visible, and there were also many beings that looked like humans shrunk to half their size.

"Are those dwarves? No, they seem even smaller and less muscular..."

KiJun had only ever encountered the dwarf Glittertos, so he couldn't be certain.

As KiJun tried to mask his curiosity, nica stepped forward to speak on their behalf.

"I am nica, the acting lord of Turris. We are here on behalf of Jun, who has accepted an assignment from Demander."

"Ah, I've heard about that! Please, come this way!"

Is this little one... making it sound like it's speaking informally by cutting off its words and mimicking a cat's meow?

Harboring a reasonable suspicion that this might be intentional, KiJun followed Catsee along with nica.

Catsee naturally led them down the hallway, elaborating as they went.

"If it's a task from an outsider, it must involve the power struggle, right? I have quite a bit to say about this power struggle."

"Ah! How can you intercept such important guests, Catsee!"

Just then, a man with animal ears protruding from his head spotted them and approached, reprimanding Catsee immediately.


With its ears perked up, Catsee let out a cry and then vanished from sight.

The man, having approached briskly, looked around despite Catsee's disappearance, then bowed slightly to KiJun and nica, saying,

"Are you Mr. Jun? I apologize for the delay. The representatives of the alliance are waiting, so please follow me to the conference room."

"What about Catsee who was guiding us until now?"

"It seems it slipped out during another task. Catsees are capable but tend to be fickle and whimsical, leading to situations like this. My apologies."

Left speechless, they silently followed the man to the conference room where the leaders were waiting.

True to the name 'Federation of Racial Guilds,' the reception room housed representatives from four different races: orcs, humans, goblins, and beastmen.

KiJun noticed an empty seat next to a robust, muscular man with round bear-like ears protruding from his head.

"Are there usually five of you?"

"The representative from the Catsees is currently on an expedition, hence the absence. Please, take a seat."

Responding to his question, surprisingly, was a goblin adorned with ornaments. Though KiJun had somewhat anticipated this due to her accessories, she was indeed female.

The goblin, acknowledging the spirit and the Crimson beast on KiJun's shoulders, introduced herself without mentioning them.

"I am High Goblin Honey Pub, representing the goblins in Demander. Though it's a humble title, I've been granted the rank of junior baron by the Gratia Royal Family."

"Flame Human, Jun."

As the door closed with a creak, KiJun took his seat opposite them, but nica remained standing behind him, unmoved.

Noticing her horns, a few individuals seemed to guess nica's identity, and the goblin narrowed her eyes, inquiring,

"And you are...?"

"I am nica, the acting lord of Turris, serving as an aide to Mr. Jun."

"An acting lord, how unexpected. We were under the impression that Mr. Jun was not affiliated with any faction yet."

"He has registered a party with the Mercenary Guild of Turris. The lord has been supporting him in various ways."

"So, that's the extent of their relationship... My apologies, I did not intend to be rude. There was just a lot of curiosity about Mr. Jun's exact affiliation."

The goblin's words were sharply pointed.

KiJun, sensing nica being provoked and noticing her horns beginning to gather a faint light, decided it was time to intervene.

"Let's hear about the task."

"Of course, but before that, I'd like to make a proposal. Would you consider officially registering as a citizen here in Kor?"

That could be dangerous.

At this rate, nica might genuinely pierce that goblin's heart with her horn.

"Ahem, allow me to explain in more detail."

Perhaps fearing that the goblin was attracting too much attention, the human representative stepped forward.

He appeared to be at least of Rare grade, though not a Common, but he looked like an ordinary human.

"Our sponsor in Demander is very keen on supporting Mr. Jun. We brought it up first because, should you become a citizen of Kor, the reward for task completion would naturally increase."

"The sponsor is, of course, a high-ranking noble."

The goblin couldn't resist adding, as if it would be a shame to leave anything out.

The mention of 'high-ranking noble' was a critical blow to nica, who was already sensitive about being a frontier noble.

Perhaps the goblin was there just to provoke nica.

Even claiming to have a junior baron title, to provoke nica, a genuine noble of Reta who might inherit Turris as a summon, seemed audacious.

It was either a sign of confidence in the Racial Guild Federation or trust in their noble sponsor...

KiJun began to realize that this Federation of Racial Guilds might not be as simple as he had initially thought.

He repeated his earlier statement more firmly, yet softly.

"Let's hear about the task."

That should have made his position clear.

The goblin shrank back, while the human, now smiling wryly, finally got to the point.

"Understood. Are you aware of the power struggle for the application rights to a domain?"

"Of course."

"To be direct, what we desire from Mr. Jun in this power struggle is to act as the 'supervisor.'"


"That's right."

The human representative smiled comfortably.

"This year's power struggle will take the form of a conquest battle... Mr. Jun, you will be playing the role of the boss that guards the final stronghold in this conquest battle."


Was he being expected to play a role akin to a dungeon boss?

Understanding KiJun's concern, nica gently tugged at his sleeve, indicating she had something to say.

"What do you think, nica?"

"About the Catsee, it does seem quite remarkable."

"Not that, them."

"That, let's discuss back at the inn. ...Jun? Look over there."

Following nica's gaze, KiJun saw the Catsee that had pretended to guide them earlier peeking around a corner in the corridor.

The Catsee was awkwardly walking on all fours, pretending to be a cat, but it was obviously a Catsee since it was wearing clothes.

"What a cute cat. It seems familiar somehow."


"Meow, meow."

As if bewitched, nica began to follow the Catsee, which let out a cute cry and then vanished from sight.

KiJun, in a panic, grabbed nica to stop her.

"That's a Catsee, what are you doing!"


Realizing her mistake, nica's eyes widened in shock.

"Ah, I must have been under an illusion spell."

"Ah, what a hassle this has become."

As the Catsee murmured and disappeared from view, another summoner from the alliance appeared in the hallway, asking KiJun if something was wrong. He reassured them that all was well and quickly left with nica.

"What could have been its purpose? It didn't seem intent on harming us."

"I think so too. Maybe the Catsee's disguise wasn't meant for us but to deceive someone else."

KiJun pondered thoughtfully.

"Maybe it's related to the absence of the Catsee representative today."

"That's concerning..."

Fortunately, their worries were soon addressed.

"Ah, Jun!"

Greeted with a smile, Cyntilla ran up to KiJun, giving him a quick hug before releasing him.

"Look, Jun. A cute cat has come to the inn's backyard!"

"Meow, meow."

The Catsee, awkwardly pretending to walk and smile like a cat.

KiJun chuckled and promptly captured the Catsee.

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