Everyone is Young Except for Me

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editors: LD & Jyazen

The Poison Eating Sword. Like the name said, the Poison Eating Sword was naturally one that ate poison. It was originally a kitchen knife used by Alexus to remove poison, allowing him to use poisonous monsters as cooking ingredients. This kitchen knife grew after eating poison and made it more like a sword that absorbed a lot of poison.

In any case, Alexus used the Poison Eating Sword to fight and it had saved quite a few lives. Usually, it was the size of a kitchen knife. Then after it was stabbed in a poisonous monster and the poison absorbed, it would increase in size and this would increase the pain.

Just like right now.


Fenrir rose from the shadow of the demonic chimera and succeeded in stabbing the Poison Eating Sword into its side. The chimera flapped its big wings and complained of pain.

[The Poison Eating Sword has absorbed the poison of the demonic chimera.]

“It was successful.” I nodded with satisfaction but it wasn’t the time to lower my guard.

Satan frowned when he heard the chimera’s cry and attacked Fenrir. [Daring to do that to the demonic beast I cherish... Die!]

An intense beam of death demonic energy was fired from Satan’s mouth. Darkness enveloped the castle. Fortunately, Fenrir had moved back into the shadows and avoided it. The beam that was shot flew right in front of the chimera and hit it.


The chimera was suddenly attacked, collapsed and started to be devoured by the power of death.

[You rat-like bastards! I won’t forgive you!]

Satan’s anger reached its peak and he directed it at Aries and the constellations. I mixed in along with Ma Seokdu and once again started to fight against Satan. Kim Sujeong assisted us from behind with her healing fireflies and the fight continued for quite some time.

Satan lost his temper and was no longer using mind magic, but he overwhelmed us with much greater strength. Even so, Satan couldn’t beat all of us. Solar Phoenix and Fenrir, who had been fighting the chimera, joined us and the momentum slowly leaned toward our side. The flames of destruction once again played a great role and made a contribution to the defeat of Satan.

[This is ridiculous...!]

“Why isn’t it possible?” I literally kicked off from the clouds and flew up to kick Satan’s head. The power of Belphegor’s horns and bones were enormous. Was the name of the mineral aldebaranium?

Satan leaned his upper body back and extended his fists toward me, but I just moved straight forward and struck it with the heels of my shoes. Then the unique skill of the shoes was triggered.

[The skill: ‘Lazy Feet Clouds’ has been activated.]

[An earthquake will occur every time you stomp your foot.]

I hung from Satan’s body using the cobweb and quickly alternated stomping my feet to make a combo. Currently, I was using both the power of the sun and the wind at the same time. Satan tried to grab me by the hand to resist.


I threw the fork spear and nailed his hand to the wall like a preserved butterfly. The finishing blow was a stab to Satan’s heart using the Poison Eating Sword that had absorbed the demonic chimera’s poison and grew to the size of a greatsword.

[......!] Satan’s eyes were bloodshot and he glared at me ferociously.

The Poison Eating Sword could absorb poison, but it could also release it. Just like this...


As magic power was applied, I could see countless poisons from the Poison Eating Sword spreading throughout Satan’s body. The poisons that spread from the heart quickly corroded every corner of the body and finally suppressed Satan’s bodily functions.

[...It is irritating. Why did I lose? I am a complete being. It is a fight against bugs like you...]

Just then, Cat Baker and the other constellations outside ran into the floating castle. Cat Baker screamed at Satan the moment she entered, [Why are we worms?! You idiot!]

[Cat Baker...]

[Why are you so impatient to attack humans? In fact, humans are also very good!]

[That is only a small part of them. Humans are always angry people. They don’t hesitate to kill someone in order to escape from hunger and they also act cruelly toward animals. Such humans are less than bugs...]


[It’s fine. Everything is meaningless now.]

At this moment, a magic circle formed on Satan’s forehead and light shot into the sky. What followed was a dark light coming down from the sky and covering Satan’s body. Simultaneously, a message emerged in front of me.

[※Warning! A big explosion will occur after one minute.]

[This explosion will devour the entire Orca Kingdom.]

[Evacuate as far as possible.]

Wasn’t this crazy?


The countdown to death began.

* * *

At the south of the capital of the Orca Kingdom...

Along with the constellations, Park Maksun moved all the people in the capital to the outskirts of it. She had teleportation magic so it was very helpful. It was her job to move those who were awakened when Cat Baker played her flute. The chaotic situation quickly subsided and Cat Baker led the constellations straight to Satan’s floating castle.

Park Maksun was going to follow after sending away these people in front of her.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you, Grandmother!”

“If you come to play later, I will make you cookies!”

A mother who appeared to be in her 30s bowed to Park Maksun. Two four year old children grabbed the hem of Park Maksun’s dress and clung to her with shining eyes. Park Maksun smiled and stroked their heads like they were her grandchildren. Then she raised her left hand and drew a small triangle.

“...Huhu. I will see you again if fate wants it.”

Those in front of her disappeared in a white light. Now there were no more people left in the capital.

“Ouch. My waist.”

Park Maksun hit her waist with her staff while staring up at the sky. She wasn’t satisfied that her discs were like this in reality and in here. If she knew it would be like this, she would’ve made her character a bit younger.

“Now. The next door grandmother was happy when she went back to her 20s. Sigh...”

It happened as Park Maksun was lamenting...

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says it is time to return to Oz.]

“Ugh. Do I have to go back?”

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says yes.]

“Hey, this place is important. Isn’t there a demon king over there~?”

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says it is Hecatiana’s order.]

“Ah, shit.” Park Maksun pouted. Her constellation, Pythagoras, was currently staying in the magic city of Oz. He told her to return and accept Hecatiana’s command.

Park Maksun first sent a whisper to Choi Chuntaek. She told him that she would have to go back to Oz but she didn’t receive a reply.

“Is he busy?”

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says there is no time.]

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says there are already many wizards and witches waiting.]

“Ah, you can lead them!” Park Maksun became angry and screamed toward the sky.

[The triangle star, ‘Pythagoras,’ says that she knows he can’t leave Oz.]


Pythagoras literally couldn’t leave Oz. To be precise, he was the guardian constellation of Oz so he couldn’t leave. Pythagoras was the only one who could handle the archaic magic stones supporting Oz. There would be chaos if he left. To put it simply, he could be considered a type of bound spirit.

Park Maksun decided to obey Pythagoras. “I’m going. Going! Aish, damn it.”

Park Maksun grumbled as she drew a magic circle and opened the portal to Oz. She just needed to take one step and she would be in Oz in an instant. Suddenly, powerful magic power soared from the magic circles in the east, west, north, and south and poured toward the floating castle. It was obvious that something unusual must’ve happened. What’s more, the magic circles belonged to Satan.

“Hmm...” Park Maksun frowned and her wrinkles deepened as she stared at the light pouring from the magic circles. She felt that if she just left, she would keep thinking about it in Oz. She disliked such a thing.

Park Maksun stabbed her staff straight into the ground, stood up straight and moved her hands quickly. Three triangular magic circles floated in front of Park Maksun at the same time. They overlapped and formed a nine pointed star. It was called triple casting.

“Hmm, the main is the darkness and the light is the corresponding attribute. A bit of lightning and ice would also be great. Huup!”

Park Maksun gathered both hands together like she was praying. Then she spread open her arms and used the great magic. Pebbles started to rise around her as if gravity was reversed. Then Park Maksun spread her arms open wide.

What followed was a tremendous light pouring vertically from the sky. It was one of the great magics called Meteor magic. It was one of Park Maksun’s specialties after taking a great magician as her constellation.

“This should be fine before I leave. Satellite Meteor.” Meteor fell and Satan’s magic circle started to be destroyed. Park Maksun was satisfied and moved through the portal.

* * *

At the floating castle in the Orca Kingdom...

Satan was going to use the magic circles he installed throughout the kingdom and the power of Pandora to cause a big explosion. Maybe he would die as well, but it was enough. The power contained in the magic circles meant he would die with the freed humans. It was a great comfort for Satan who had death before him. However—


Satan felt the great power pouring down to his forehead gradually disappear and showed rare surprise. It was the same for Aries, Choi Chuntaek, and the others. Choi Chuntaek immediately checked the message.

[The energy of the big explosion has started to disappear.]

[The destruction of the Orca Kingdom has been prevented.]

“Phew.” I didn’t know what happened, but it was fortunate. However, an important issue remained.

“What? Why isn’t the countdown stopping?”

I moved my gaze at Kim Sujeong’s words. Time was still counting down, just as she said. The remaining time was 20 seconds.

Then Satan opened his mouth, [...It is a pity I can’t take the worms with me, but it wouldn’t be bad to die with you. Sink along with this floating castle. Huhuhuhu...]

Satan’s laughter flowed throughout the castle. Aries quickly rushed over to kill him but Satan just smiled at her.

[Are you in a rush? I will explode immediately if you touch me now.]


Aries swallowed her anger and drew back her sword. She couldn’t hide her grief. Choi Chuntaek and the others would come back to life when they died but it was different for the constellations. They were NPCs so they would face eternal death with a single death. It was death in a real sense.



10 seconds.

Death approached and seemed to come for their heads. Tension flowed between them. They had long missed the time to escape. Some of them flopped to the ground as if resigned.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

[...Farewell, insignificant constellations, worms, and the world.]

A dazzling light burst out and enveloped them.

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