Everything will be my way!

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Kyon left the Golden Pig guild, being completely satisfied with the results. Today, he ordered two bracelets necessary to conceal his identity; organized the purchase of keys from all over the world to enchant the soul (and body) for strength; made a deal to sell medicine and the heritage of his production; agreed to receive information about the demonic empire, about the invasion of the dark ones and light ones, and, most importantly, about the time and place of the underground auction. It is also important that Lovr, through Gusteau, made a very attractive bait for the heads of clans – he put up for auction an unimaginable weapon.

And all this would not have happened without Eve and Leila. He is grateful to the girls for their help. This is the first significant benefit after he saved them and sheltered them after that fatal battle.

Now Kyon has a new challenge: how to kill all the bastards from the shadow clans in one fell swoop? Moreover, he will not have more than an hour to prepare, because Gusteau will provide him with information at the very last moment.

It’s stupid to expect that in a few days the girls will remember how to use pure energy to attack… He needs to find another way, more reliable.

To organize a raid? It will not be difficult to convince Milan to quickly and secretly mobilize all five security officers-imperial phasers. He can even involve previously tested enforcers at the royal phase in the case. But an underground auction is not some kind of mansion. The place of the auction is underground. At any hint of danger, the heads of the shadow clans and their subordinates will run through the underground passages. What is the chance that five tigers will catch up and kill thirty coyotes and a hundred rats running through all sorts of crevices? Even with all their efforts, about a third, or even half, will be able to escape by underground ways.

It is unacceptable for Lovr to miss even one leader of the shadow clan, because only one alpha rat will lead the rest of the shadow world of Dantes, using his former authority, while Valeera will remain in the same position.

It will take many months to catch each target separately, and when information about this spreads, someone will escape, and someone will lie low. If he doesn’t finish off all the bastards at the underground auction when they all get together, then he will never be able to do it.

Suddenly, Kyon had an idea, so brilliant that his eyes shone.

The shining was drowned out by a sneaky punch of Leila’s fist in the side: «This is for being secretive!»

«A man should have his own secrets.» – Lovr winked slyly.

«Usually they say that about women.» – the pixie muttered, mentally trying on a skirt for Zosimos. – «And you shouldn’t have any secrets from us!»

«It’s up to me, honey.» – Kyon replied condescendingly.

A few days passed unnoticed. All this time, Lovr was preparing for the upcoming underground auction, while the girls were training and playing every day. Leila broke three joysticks in a fit of anger. After that, she finally stopped looking for problems and started doing something useful: she took the profession of a magician, trying to deal with the branch of the mental to clear people’s brains. And one should not underestimate her jealousy of her sister’s gaming success.

On the evening of the third day, Kyon received a call: «”Hello, Gusteau. Any good news?»

«Hello, Kyon. Indeed, there is. We have collected the information you requested. It is already in your cell in writing. You can dispose of it as you like. For this, I hope that you will forget about that misunderstanding, and we will be able to continue our fruitful cooperation.»

«You haven’t forgotten that I want to get into an underground auction, have you?» – Kyon asked.

«Oh, yes, I remember hearing that. But understand, boy, my guild and I would never do something so dubious, so I can’t help you with this.»

«What does this mean…» – Kyon did not have time to be indignant, as the connection was cut off.

Less than three seconds later, the sound transmitter rang again. Incoming call from an unknown frequency. After establishing the connection, Kyon heard a hoarse male voice.

«One hundred and seventy-three Chrysanths Street, building two, entrance to the ground. Start at six.»

Three inconspicuous gray carriages, surrounded by ten invisible bodyguards, followed the road towards the underground auction. Ten of the most trusted members of the Black Star clan were sitting in the carriages on the sides. They planned to buy some lots for their needs. Isaac and his grandson Edward were sitting in the front carriage. Both looked utterly gloomy.

After the recent theft of Arpha, the clan members had to leave their main headquarters and settle in the reserve one. Now a potentially dangerous enemy is walking free. Isaac almost got depressed because of the poisoning of his grandson.

Edward looked like a living dead man. He hadn’t been able to get away from the toilet for the last few days, and besides, the girl he could only dream of had slipped right out from under his nose due to the fault of some unknown bastard.

«Why did you drag me to the damn auction?» – the guy expressed his displeasure.

«I want you, empty head, to gain experience.»

«So I have already been to several such auctions! Haven’t I gained experience there yet?» – Edward protested.

«Today is a special occasion. I know from reliable sources that something special will appear among the goods: reusable weapons that even an ordinary person can use! And it’s not an expensive attacking formation. In general, you must see and understand how to act in such cases.»

«Damn it, Grandpa, I don’t give a fuck at all! I’m more worried about something else… What if this runaway bitch organizes another raid?!»

«Motherfucker, choose your words, or I’ll punch you in the face!» – Isaac threatened. – «My limit of trust in the organizers of the underground auction is even greater than in Diego. After the kidnapping of Arpha, I immediately called them and informed them that the head of the Silent Horror clan had turned out to be a traitor, so she would not find out the address in any way, we have nothing to fear. In fact, the security of the underground auction is at such a high level that even if all the security forces of the department attack at once, at least half of us will be able to escape.»

«Even so, why not just send messengers?»

«Because we will show disrespect to the organizers of the event if we do not come. Besides, I do not trust my stooges to hold such huge sums of money in their hands.»

Edward moaned sullenly, resting his cheek on his palm.

Soon, the sled animals with the carriages were left in a menagerie two kilometers from the auction. A group of 22 people reached the assigned address on foot, using a mass concealment technique in order not to attract attention.

The usual middle-class neighborhood stretched all around. The houses made of gray brick and the same, as if faded, people. However, as soon as the members of the Black Star clan went underground and passed through security, the situation suddenly changed, as if a wonderful paradise island had emerged in the middle of the dense swamps.

A huge hall appeared to the eyes of those who entered: white marble columns, bright light pouring from luxurious crystal chandeliers, floors and walls of translucent stone. The main hall, which had three wide entrances, was decorated like a real theater hall: a stage, scenery, curtains, seven balconies and about five hundred seats.

There were 4 seats on each balcony, obviously for the heads of the clans and their most trusted people. Lower places will also be occupied by members of clans, but with a lower rank, as well as by some authorities of the criminal world. If they like a lot, they will not spare money for its purchase.

The underground auction is unique not only because it sells a variety of outlandish, rare and forbidden goods collected from all over the world, but also because of its atmosphere. Here, the warring parties try to find a common language with each other, and sometimes they can even conclude new agreements and alliances, which, of course, are not always observed and serve only one purpose – to throw dust in the eyes and grab a fatter piece for their clan. However, it is in this case that all the disagreements, old and just emerging, remain outside. These are the rules of the «buffer zone», covering the entire territory of the event.

«Mr. Isaac, glad to see you!» … «Greetings to the head of the Black Star clan!» … «Mr. Isaac, hello.» – the well-dressed leaders of the shadow clans took turns to respectfully bow to the authoritative old man. However, this time, a strange uncertainty can be noticed in their behavior: they seemed to hesitate to ask about something that greatly worried them.

«Oh, my god! Isaac, old man!» – the head of the Ravenfeather clan shook the hand of a thin, sullen old man too tightly. His crooked grin didn’t bode well. A dozen of the most loyal members of the clan and as many bodyguards stood behind him.

«Diego… Damn it, we’re not to blame for her escape! Don’t you get it?!»

«Yes, yes, it’s not your fault! Do I look like a complete idiot? Since only a moron will believe that someone single-handedly found Arpha and rescued her from the depths of your well-protected headquarters! I’m sure everything is much simpler!» – he turned his piercing gaze on the guy.

«I didn’t sleep with her!» – Edward shouted irritably. – «She was kidnapped!»

«Who are you cheating, brat?!» – the man blurted out, and he immediately regretted saying it. The head of the 2nd rank will definitely not benefit from showing in front of all the «colleagues» how much he is interested in unsightly ****.

The audience began to exchange glances and whisper. The way the usually cold-blooded and reasonable Diego reacts spoke volumes. But the main thing is different: now it is clear that she did not run away.

«Actually, I have proof.» – Edward took out a nephrite with a visual record.

Soon, everyone present clearly saw the face of Arpha tied to the bed. Someone invisible released her, picked her up and carried her outside the recording, after which there was a deafening roar.

The old man explained: «The kidnapper used a distraction maneuver to get away unnoticed. Because of the roar, there was a commotion in the entire area. We had to leave the headquarters in a hurry, otherwise we would have had to deal with the cops.»

«The recording looks fake…» – Diego said incredulously.

Isaac’s wrinkled face twisted in anger: «Are you fucking crazy?! Because of this bitch, I lost five strong bodyguards! What the hell kind of fake are you talking about?! I would gladly gut the bitch alive if my motherfucker and you didn’t want to play with her!»

«Easy, Isaac! I was overreacting!» – the man peacefully raised his palms. He realized what a stupid thing he had said. Considering the old man’s attitude to women and his personal hatred of Arpha, as well as the need to beat out a confession about the raid from her, it is almost impossible that he would engage in such nonsense for the satisfaction of his grandson’s petty desires.

On the other hand, what if the old man planned a long-playing strategic move? Many clan heads thought about this, but no one said anything out loud.

~ding~ ~ding~

There were two loud bells warning that the auction would start in 5 minutes.

The clan heads continued to discuss Arpha’s escape and all possible consequences. When there was a minute left before the start, three bells rang, and everyone hurried to the first two entrances. The heads of the clans went to the third one, leading to the balconies. It’s time to take the seats. Being late will be a manifestation of rudeness to the auction organizers.

Following his grandfather, Edward accidentally noticed a girl whose face immediately fascinated him. She playfully winked at him and beckoned with a thin finger, turned around, wagging her ass, and went into the corridor leading to the restroom. The guy’s heart skipped a beat. He wasn’t imagining it, was he?!

«Grandpa, I’ll… I’ll go to the toilet for a minute…» – the guy bleated indistinctly, as if enchanted by the siren’s song, and followed into the corridor in search of an extraterrestrial beauty.

Isaac just shook his head wearily.

Two bodyguards followed their young master. You never know…

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