Everything will be my way!

Chapter 438

Chapter 438


The sword weighing two and a half tons broke the barrier of the ether, as if it were crystal, and fell on Edward’s back. The guy was carried away with such force that he plowed several meters of the ground behind him before he was finally able to stop. He did not seem to have suffered any damage, however, judging by the crunch that sounded at the moment of the collision, at least one rib was broken, and others were cracked.

Eve covered her mouth with her hands.

Leila looked from the man to the guy in amazement. Can her eyes and ears deceive her? Did dad’s copy break the guy’s rib?

Sharp pain pierced Edward’s body: «A-a-a-aa-aa-a! B-bitch… Fuck!» – he stared at the man with an enraged look and pointed his dagger at him. – «You are dead!»

«Don’t count your chickens until they are hatched.» – Kyon slowly stretched his neck and rushed into battle.

For about a minute, the girls watched the exchange of attacks. The younger fighter has an advantage in both strength and speed: he moves almost twice as fast, and each of his attacks throws the man five meters away. It’s strange that his arm hasn’t broken yet. At the same time, he never managed to cause any visible damage! The enemy seems to see through him. Had the father always been so good at fighting?

Two clones separated from Kyon again. At the moment, he could create and freely manage only two clones. If he knew the highest grades of all the elements (except for pure energy), he could create 3 clones, and in order to create 4 clones, Master (4) degree is needed.

«It won’t work anymore!» – Edward threw a dagger sparkling with lightning at the man’s feet, from which a five-meter purple sphere immediately emerged. The ground was covered with red-hot patterns, but all 3 of his opponents were not affected at all.

{Lightning does not harm him?!} – the guy thought in shock.

Kyon tried to grab the dagger, but it, as if magnetized, returned to the owner’s hands.

Two clones and the original have already surrounded the enemy.

{I can’t let them attack me at the same time!} – Edward realized. It is very difficult to block several attacks at once at the same time, he needs to respond with something.

The guy blurred from the speed in the direction of one of the opponents and easily cut him in half along with the sword. He felt as if he had cut through not a cloud of steam, but a real person made of flesh and blood! And judging by the strength of the body, it was a superior phaser at the finishing stage, defending himself with pure energy!

{Killed the real one? No!} – having seen the insides, from which not blood, but water flowed out, it became clear to him that this was the clone. What kind of monstrous technique is this?! Are techniques imitating human flesh even possible?!

In order to deceive all the feelings of the enemy, Kyon had to try hard. All 9 elements are involved in the creation of a clone: imitation of the heartbeat and movement of the lungs, density, strength and flexibility of the body, aura and more. All this is so perfectly combined in one technique that it is even impossible to understand what elements it consists of. Even a goddess would not be able to recognize the messenger of the goddess from such a mess. The concealment technique works on the same principle.

Simply put, a clone is an exact copy of an ordinary person with perfectly pure keys and a weapon made of adamantium in his hands (repainted). He moves as fast as the original because of the movement technique; he is as flexible as the original; as strong as the original (if you add enchantment); and he can use energy for defense and attack.

The only significant difference is that the clone is unable to express emotions and imitate ordinary human behavior, that is, to communicate. Any fool will instantly recognize a fake, so its scope is limited to the battlefield and assistance in retreat.

As for the escape, there are also difficulties. Moving takes time. It is necessary to accumulate sufficient concentration of the spatial attribute for a successful jump inside the body and soul, as well as inside the clone, and the greater the distance, the more energy and time will be required for preparation.

So, for example, 10 milliseconds will be enough to move by 1 meter. A second – by 100 meters. 100 seconds – by 10 kilometers and so on. The maximum teleportation distance is limited by the energy reserve in the soul. Fortunately, moving the formations does not waste energy, otherwise, with the goddess’ formation on his forehead, Kyon would never have been able to teleport.

At the same time, any significant damage to the body can interrupt the movement. The same applies to the clone. Once a clone is scratched, teleporting to it becomes critically dangerous. The risk of suicide is high. However, after the scratch, the clone will continue to exist. Moreover, it may take 1-2 seconds for the scratch to heal. Destroying a clone is as difficult as killing a zombie with a fairly high regeneration.

By the way, Kyon has always been able to teleport, however, without a stable shell holding the spatial attribute, only a handful of minced meat would have moved to the end point.

Also, a sufficiently powerful barrier can block the movement. Protective and signal-blocking barriers are especially dangerous for teleportation. In general, everything is similar to the teleportation trigram.

It is worth noting that teleportation is primarily the exchange of places and bodies with a clone. Kyon decides for himself whether the clone will dissipate after the jump or not. If it dissipates, then a characteristic pop will be heard. If it doesn’t, then no one will even notice the movement.

The creation of this miracle technique took only a month for the reason that Lovr already had all the ready-made material on hand: the legacies of the Stones, the Grands and the Feruzs. It was enough just to understand the techniques, remove the necessary things from them and refine them, which was not a problem with Synergy working around the clock. Then, having 9 elements, it remained to correctly combine them into a single whole.

However, this great technique has two important drawbacks:

First, energy costs. Creating a clone, manipulating and maintaining, preparing for teleportation, teleportation itself, the technique of movement and sticking to the floor… All this consumes a lot of energy. With careless use, you can be exhausted in 5 minutes.

Secondly, a rollback. After the death of the clone, you can create it again only after a minute due to partial numbness of the channels. Add to this the above-mentioned reason and it becomes clear that this is not a technique using which the enemy can literally be covered with mountains of cannon fodder.

After cutting the clone, Edward immediately rushed to the next one. Approaching, he attacked the man, but he hit back, and from the collision of attacks, as usual, he scraped 5 meters on the ground. So, the clone is behind! The young man struck, but the clone did not shatter into pieces, but suddenly put a block, flying away to the same five-meter distance unharmed.

«What the fuck…» – stunned Edward cursed. He was sure that there was a clone behind him, but he withstood a direct attack, although last time he seemed extremely fragile! There is only one explanation: this is not a clone. The guy’s eyes widened with the realization of what was happening. Is it possible that the old man can change places with the clones without any difficulties and conditions?! What kind of wild technique is this?!

«Have you guessed? Well done, you’ve got it.» – Kyon said mockingly.

Since the movement between a nearby clone is a fraction of a second, it is easy to assume that Lovr is in two places at once. However, he can only attack himself, because a weak attack by a clone who has an adamantium weapon in his hands will certainly not cause any harm to the enemy.

Now Edward understood how the old man had escaped from the meeting of the clan heads. But it didn’t make him feel any better.

Two Kyons attacked the opponent, alternately striking from different sides.

With his speed, it didn’t seem difficult to repel attacks, but the very idea that some practitioner of the superior phase was pressing a lord phaser of the 6th stage was driving him crazy!

«I’m tired of you!» – Edward barked and sent an air blade at each opponent. The original beat off the blade with his palm, like an annoying fly, without getting a single scratch, and the clone cut it with a sword. A centimeter notch could be seen on his weapon. What kind of rock is it made of?!

When the second clone separated from the man, Edward frowned even more.

{I thought so! He can summon a clone exactly one minute after the death of the previous one!} – Eve concluded. It had long seemed strange to her that her father did not create new clones as soon as the previous ones died.

«This is some kind of cheating! You’re swindling!» – Leila indignantly used game terms. – «You can’t use such dishonest techniques! Fight him normally! Like a man!»

«In battle, all methods are good.» – Kyon disagreed.

«Don’t look down on me. You are… just… a practitioner of a pathetic superior phase!» – Edward hissed with hatred, raising his daggers to the sky. With a loud crack, one shot out a blue flash of lightning, the other – a purple one. At a height of half a kilometer, they dissolved, creating a unique weather phenomenon resembling the glow of charged nitrogen. The whole sky above the plain was painted in a purple-pink hue. At the same time, the air seemed to be overflowing with energy. It seemed that lightning would strike somewhere, but no, instead, thousands of tiny sparks were born and disappeared every second in the atmosphere.

A strong wind howled. It swirled around Edward like a whirlwind, marking a 50-meter radius. Its speed in some places reached 400 kilometers per hour, but the whole danger lay in something else: it generated countless blades of the wind, so dense and sharp that the stones turned into crumbs. Even lord phasers at the middle stage could get nasty scratches from this.

The trees that fell into the zone of the razor hurricane almost immediately scattered into splinters.

The girls quickly ran away, worrying about their dresses. Eve looked at the mercilessly cut trees with pain in her chest, but she was even more worried about her father’s condition. Leila was also worried about the man, but in her own way. She was waiting for him to lose, and then she planned to play a hero in front of him, coming to the rescue at the very last moment, like a knight in shining armor.

«See the wrath of the storm dragon!» – Edward hissed, spreading his arms wide. He just used the ultimate technique of his unique body. It absorbs half the energy reserve, but grants five-minute omnipotence over wind and lightning.

The guy swung his left dagger, and more than 10 blades of the wind instantly turned the clone into a mess of water and a mixture of matter created by the elements of the earth. The repeated movement destroyed the second clone. Obviously, the left dagger controlled the wind.

«Oh, no! Dad is in trouble!» – Eve cried out in fright.

Leila patted her sister’s shoulder reassuringly: «Are you blind? Just look at his face. He is cool as a cucumber. Isn’t it obvious that he has everything under control?»

«Do you think so?»

«I know it!»

Grinning angrily, Edward pointed his left dagger at the man: «Die!»

The Scourge in Kyon’s hands sparkled with silver flashes of lunges and swings, but with his turtle speed, he at best beat off half of the blades of the wind.

After a couple of seconds, Edward’s eyes popped out on his forehead, and after ten seconds, his jaw dropped, because the blades of the wind did not leave a single trace on the enemy’s skin! Even if it was him who had to defend against such a thing using pure energy, he would get shallow cuts, and soon he would bleed out, but the old man doesn’t care at all!

With the carbon skin and advanced strength enchantment, such weak cutting attacks did not pose any danger to Kyon. The reason why he waved his sword was to protect his lower body, or to be more precise, his underpants.

The girls, realizing that their father was not in danger, calmed down, and then became embarrassed. A pot-bellied naked man waves a sword, protecting his boxers. The sight is not for the faint-hearted. Eve, with a reddened face, covered her eyes with her palms, watching the scene through the prudently left gap between her fingers, and Leila was laughing wildly, holding her stomach.

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