Everything will be my way!

Chapter 447

Chapter 447

After leaving the zero general’s office, Kyon first went to the formacist. There, the old formation was removed and a new one of the 2nd rank imperial investigator was applied to him. Considering the time of application and the fact that the formacist did not use the spatial attribute (“The eyes of truth” can not be deceived), no one will follow and eavesdrop on him.

Lovr changed into a new investigator’s uniform and returned to the analytics department, but before going out to the public, he used a concealment technique and quickly ran into the archive with documents of special importance, where only investigators of the 2nd rank and higher can get to.

The large room housed countless metal lockers, more like safes, with valuable documents and papers. Each one is signed with the family name and other data. Not all lockers belonged to noble families. Some contained information about especially large businessmen, politicians, guilds and even army generals.

Lovr’s eyes sparkled with excitement. He walked around the room, but did not find what had worried him since Boston. No wonder. Opening the first locker, he took out the most basic documents and began to read.

In fact, Kyon could study the entire archive in 5 minutes, but in order to hide his abilities, he had to hold back, all because of the visual formations.

Meanwhile, Synergy scanned and analyzed all the documents in the locker.

Two minutes later, Kyon put the documents back and went to the next drawer, when suddenly a bespectacled man in a neat, beautiful uniform of the 1st rank investigator entered the room whistling something merrily (an unprecedented sight).

«You still got here, Dickl! My congratulations!»

«Yeah, but there is another archive, am I right?» – this is the conclusion Lovr made, based on the absence of any secret documents here, in particular information about the destruction of the Weber family.

Milan’s gaze became serious: «Are you interested in state secrets?»

«I want to be aware of all the events.» – Kyon nodded.

«Well, my friend, you’ll have to get the first rank. You know, secrets are secrets, because only the chosen ones can know about them.» – the bespectacled man said haughtily. He was not afraid to compete with Dick, because the young man was a loner, and people like him definitely do not become the head of the department.

Kyon had another reason to become an investigator of the 1st rank, however, he still doubted that he would find some top-secret information in the next archive. But he will definitely find something useful.

«So how was the meeting with the head of the department?» – asked the bespectacled man.

«Better than expected. He has high hopes for me. We even made a deal with him, but I won’t tell you the details.» – Kyon winked and changed the subject. – «By the way, boss, have you forgotten your promise?»

«Ha-ha, I remember everything perfectly!» – said Milan, taking out the wizard hat with a gesture of the magician, and suddenly added. – «Oh, I almost forgot. Yesterday, it was announced on the news screen that over a billion spheres that belonged to the criminal authorities you killed were collected in the ruins of an underground auction. All the money will go to finance measures to combat the emergence of new clans, that is, to the department! That is, to us!»

«Great.» – Kyon agreed dutifully. Obviously, the purpose of this event is to calm down citizens after the explosion and other important world events. Typical politics.

«Well, the second piece of news: my brother, Monty Valentine invites you to visit!»

«The patriarch himself wants to see me?!» – Ken pretended to be surprised.

The authority of Monty Valentine, the patriarch of the 1st rank family in Rosarrio, is difficult to overestimate. He is second, perhaps, only to three people: the empress, the 0th general and the minister of finance, the most responsible person of the Russells. The man is respected in other empires as well. There are not many things in the empire that he is not capable of.

«Certainly. He is interested to personally meet and thank the hero who solved the sensational case, which for a long time spoiled the reputation of his family and his eldest son. You’re very lucky! Tomorrow at five thirty in the evening be at the entrance to the territory. And don’t be late.»

«I can’t be late for a meeting with such a person…»

«A good answer, and now let’s go!» – the bespectacled man winked mischievously, putting on the hat.

Over the next 5 minutes, the entire department turned upside down. Many employees immediately understood why the boss walks around in the wizard’s hat and scatters glitter, however, this did not prevent them from laughing heartily (because it was allowed).

Just once in his life, the boss gave Milan an investigator, and he turned out to be such a monster. This is to be expected from the head of the department!

After the subsequent speech of the «wizard» the entire analytics department began to celebrate the promotion of Dick Baker to the 2nd rank investigator. They patted him respectfully on the shoulder, shook hands and drank champagne in his honor. If earlier they treated the fat man with contempt and disgust, now they almost praised him. However, not all of them.

Among the latter were three bully investigators who once tried to beat Baker for getting the position through pull. It seemed as if the ground was slipping away from under their feet. For a month, the boy got an unattainable 2nd rank! And deservedly! Who is he anyway?!

Pressing their heads into their shoulders, they quietly slipped away just to be safe.

When the hype finally ended, Kyon continued to study the archive. He finished scanning the last locker by late evening. In general, the result was discouraging, because almost everyone in the state pays taxes (or hides the opposite well). As you might guess, the main reason for such law-abidingness is the fear of the bloody empress. It’s not like in the Iron Throne – the usual fine will not be enough.

And yet there was one exception, and a remarkable one! It is worth all the time spent. The third most respected person in the empire, dear Minister of Finance Vladimir Vladimirovich, is guilty of dark deeds.

The politician respected by all cannot decide which side he is on: the people or the elite. He tries to sit on two chairs, but, for lack of proper abilities, he can’t cope with it. During his 20 years as Minister of Finance, he took such a huge amount of bribes, which will be enough for 100 death sentences. However, this is only in theory, in practice, Kyon, using all his analytical abilities, found only a few documents concerning which serious questions arise (if very carefully checked). Perhaps, they are just enough for one death penalty by order of the empress.

With a malicious grin, Lovr copied all the necessary papers, wrote a note, put it all in a sealed folder and sent it directly to Vladimir Vladimirovich. Let him be responsible for his actions to him or to the empress.

Kyon also drew up a document labeled “secret”, with the help of which three hundred commoners can get into Dantes without any checks – his subordinates. For more than a month they had been waiting for the opportunity to get to the capital without presenting registration, and finally it happened. The position of an imperial investigator of the 2nd rank has many benefits.

Speaking of benefits: from now on Lovr could get into the elite section of the central library of Dantes. A thousand people from all over the capital can get there at most. Moreover, they will also have to buy a diamond token with a price of 1 million spheres.

Deciding to close this issue as soon as possible, Kyon went to the toilet and disappeared from the department.

On the street he was greeted by a starry sky with rare clouds.

Lovr got into the central library of Dantes: a large white building with columns, working around the clock, and found more than half a thousand readers inside, 30 of whom were his subordinates. They have been reading books here for more than a week, replenishing the already colossal knowledge of their master.

He went up to the top floor and entered the office of his superiors, where he purchased a diamond token, thanks to which he gained access to the attic, where he went.

After passing through security, Kyon entered a familiar gloomy room with relaxing music playing somewhere in the background. It brings back memories of the first visit to the Boston Library… Of meeting and acquaintance with the unapproachable beauty Valeera. Now the situation is different, right?

The attic of the library seemed to belong to a different world: a completely different interior and atmosphere, in contrast to the main hall. There were only 8 people among the readers, and by their expensive clothes alone it can be understood that they occupied a high position in society. However, in this regard, someone stood out from the rest.

Kyon focused on one obscenely beautiful brunette with a slender figure in a blouse and tight pants resembling jeans. Black gold chains hung next to the pockets, and obsidian jewelry was on her impeccably beautiful face: one piece in the nostril and two ones in the corners of the lips, which in general only gave her rebellious image charm and added a few points to the “uniqueness”.

However, the most surprising thing was that she got a tan! For the first time in this world, he met a person with such a rich and at the same time even tan. It was so harmoniously combined with her appearance that he could not take his eyes off her. Considering how society treats tan, it is very strange to see a tanned noble girl.

Lovr immediately wanted to get acquainted with the sultry beauty, but he resolutely shook his head and turned around: {Let her go to hell.} – the last meeting with Valeera made it clear to him that it was better to hide his masculinity and not look for problems. Тем более сейчас ему не нужен телохранитель, так что толку от знакомства почти нет.

Those present cast fleeting glances at the handsome guest and continued reading.

Kyon began to study the library: he picked up a book and, ostensibly reading it, slowly passing by the bookshelves, scanned them. With the Synergy of the beginning of the Bachelor’s degree (3), he had such an opportunity.

Soon Valeera called, but Lovr did not answer. What exactly did she not understand in the words “I give you three days to think”? If she has already made a decision, it’s better for her to think about it again, instead of calling late at night.

By morning, Kyon had analyzed half of the books in the elite section of the library. The information here is really exclusive and precious, as if he came to visit a famous scientist or spy and personally paid a lot of money for the information.

However, there is absolutely nothing about the Webers, Valeera’s family, who, by the way, has already called him 10 times. However, he learned a little more about the geographical structure of the world: about half of the planet is occupied by water – seas and oceans, whose inhabitants are in no hurry to leave the depths. Approximately 40% of the land is occupied by forests that were inhabited by supreme animals, another 40% of the land was seized by humans, and the remaining 20% belongs to desert lands that no one needs, because the land there consists of barren dunes, active volcanoes and toxic fossilized magma. You can’t grow anything there, there are problems even with finding drinking water. But the main reason why no one goes there is large humanoid semi-intelligent creatures. They are also called trolls and ogres. They are happy to welcome travelers with open arms to devour them later. World history says that about 10,000 years ago, these creatures were the only “intelligent” species inhabiting the planet, but they began to be exterminated, and they had to take refuge in the desert lands.

In total, 40% of the land belongs to higher animals; 40% – to humans; 20% – to trolls. The question is: where do demons live? Obviously, underground. All 13 entrances leading to the demon realm are located on the border of the desert lands. The dungeons lie just under the desert lands, some even say that they are the main reason why these lands are so called. It’s like they’re draining all the life juices out of there. Demons are in no hurry to exterminate trolls, because they scare away intruders.

By noon, Kyon scanned 75% of the library.

His attention was attracted by the book «Intrigues of Saturn», where he found a lot of interesting information about the relations of families within the empire of the 1st rank and about the scams of the Bakers. He was especially interested in the family, from which he, judging by the medallion, comes from – the Torres.

For the last 16 years, the Torres have been thriving like never before. They have strengthened their previously shaky 1st position in the rank so much that even the imperial Walders family looks at them with apprehension. It is believed that the reason for this success is the birth of the only granddaughter of the Torres patriarch, a new star – Valkyrie Torres, the most gifted member of the family. She was even nicknamed «Lady Luck», because the heavens favor her so much. For example, the first prince of the Walders, the brother of the first princess Cornelina, drew attention to her. Rumor has it that they will get married in the future.

Oddly enough, Kyon had heard about Valkyrie since the time of the Stones’ party at the mansion. Someone seemed to be praising her great Jinkai fighting style. And he often caught the nickname «Lady Luck» with his sharp hearing.

By lunchtime, Lovr had already studied 90% of the library. This time his attention was attracted by the book «Biography of the Bloody Empress Lanatelle» by Xavier Benediktov. In it, he found hints that once the empress tried to break into the overlord phase (9), but failed, as a result of which she returned and strengthened the lost development in recent years. If he believes this information, it turns out that she is looking for a talented alchemist who can secretly make her a transformation medicine.

Kyon didn’t want to become this alchemist. Too dangerous. In addition, he did not study the section of alchemy related to the development of the soul: breakthrough medicine, transformation and acceleration of development. There was no opportunity to do this. That year in Cernos, while the head was developing, only 1% of elemental energy was available to him, which is not enough for experiments with many types of medicine. Therefore, he has serious gaps in knowledge.

As a result, Lovr had two books left to scan.

The first one was called «Legendary Spiritual Plants». In it, the reader was able to learn myths about spiritual medicine – a special ingredient that has a soul, and the higher its development, the more pronounced the properties, respectively.

A little less than a year ago, Kyon found and collected «Demonic mushrooms» in the forest. They fall into the category of “phenomenal” because of their rarity and uniqueness of properties: they grow once every 50 years in the only place on the planet. The next most valuable category is “epic”. And the last and highest category bore the title of “Legendary”, it includes any spiritual medicine. Roughly speaking, it is impossible to know whether it was invented or not.

After reading the second and last book in the library, Kyon raised his eyebrows in surprise, because its name was familiar to him: «Child of Talent; universal disappointment».

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