Everything will be my way!

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Early in the morning, Kyon, transformed into Dick, came to the department and went up to the analytics department. There he was quickly surrounded by a crowd of investigators who wanted to say hello and congratulate him on his first working day as an investigator of the 2nd rank.

«Thank you very much. Gentlemen, I need four volunteers among the second-rank investigators who are ready to work with me. I am gathering a small team, the main goal of which is to destroy the leader of the Silent Horror clan!» – Kyon proclaimed pathetically.

There was a deathly silence. People looked at each other uncertainly. Usually teams are organized under the leadership of Milan or an experienced, seasoned investigator who is highly respected among the rest. Now it is done by a young novice loner.

«I’m ready.» – the first to come forward was Aizar, the same investigator who got Dick the “A-3” case for a big sum.

«I don’t mind either.» … «I will gladly work with the young genius.»

To the surprise of many, about half of the 2nd rank investigators expressed a desire to work under the guidance of a fat man. Obviously, some of them were motivated by a desire to gain experience from the most productive investigator in history. Others expected to destroy the last clan and get a huge bonus.

Kyon selected four of the most promising investigators and occupied an empty meeting room, where he got to know everyone better and got down to business: «It was an unpleasant surprise for me that the clan of the eighth rank, the most promising and dangerous mite of Dantes, was absent from the underground auction. Now the Silent Horror has no competitors. A whole glade of herbivores is at the disposal of a growing predator. Our task is to kill it before he turns into the king of beasts! We are obliged to prevent the emergence of the megaclan!»

«What are your suggestions, fatty?» – asked Aizar, crossing his arms.

«To fight a rat, we need to become rats. The interrogated Isaac and Diego can give a lot of information about where, when and with whom they worked. Instead of destroying these criminal organizations, we should lead them!»

One of the investigators jumped up from his seat: «So you want to create a fake shadow clan to meet the head of the Silent Horror clan on equal terms and nail it?!»

«Gingerbread for this gentleman!» – Kyon pointed his finger at the smartest one.

Four seasoned investigators could not believe that Dick thinks in such large-scale categories. They organized only ambushes, traps and informers (often to no avail), but to create a shadow clan controlled by the department?! It’s too high a level! Now it has become clearer to them what the secret of the success of this outwardly repulsive fat man is, and, to be honest, their opinion of him has just grown significantly, and they have perked up.

In the presence of his subordinates, Kyon created a step-by-step plan, loaded each of the investigators with responsibilities and did not forget about himself. However, he took for himself only those tasks that Synergy will cope with in a second, and the hand will write in a minute.

In the late afternoon, Lovr disappeared from the department, changed his clothes, changed his appearance and came to the headquarters of the Silent Horror clan, where he met only four people: Tymoshka, the clan formacist and two more whom he had seen once. Without Bernard and Alexander, the meeting seemed somehow lonely and gloomy. Defective or something. It made him sad…

As soon as Kyon exchanged greetings, Valeera suddenly appeared next to him.

«Oh, Lady! Hello!» … «W-welcome to the head of the clan!» … «My respects, Lady Arpha!» … «My bow to the leader of the clan!» – the subordinates spoke respectfully.

«Hello, Arpha.» – Kyon nodded.

As soon as the pot-bellied man addressed the leader without due respect, everyone was furious, and someone even indicated his lust for blood. However, a second later, seeing the response of the lady, they were taken aback.

«Hello, Zosimos.» – the girl said casually and addressed the audience. – «I have important news for you: since yesterday Zosimos has been my right hand. I demand you treat him with the same respect as you treat me.»

Tymoshka crossed his arms dejectedly, while the faces of the rest of the people stretched out in amazement. How did a new recruit reach such an honorary position in a month?!

«From now on, I share the responsibilities with him equally. We are going to develop the clan together, which means that you must obey any of his orders, like mine.»

Someone stretched out a hand asking permission to ask a question.


«Lady Arpha, but why did you come to this decision?»

«There are many reasons. It all started with an operation to rob the Stalbers’ warehouse…» – the girl told about all the merits of Zosimos, avoiding details that could bring problems to a man in the future: from finding precious metals in the warehouse to saving her from Edward’s clutches. She made it clear to everyone that he is the one whom she completely trusts. – «…single-handedly destroyed all my sworn enemies. His actions speak volumes.»

{So it was he who destroyed the underground auction?!} – Tymoshka opened his mouth in surprise. He knew that Lanai hated lies, so he had to believe what she said.

«B-but, Lady Arpha, didn’t Dick Baker destroy the underground auction…»

«Obviously, the rotten investigator took his merits for himself!» – answered Valeera sharply. She was sick of the name of the bastard who took all the glory from Zosimos.

Everyone felt icy goosebumps from the leader’s tone. No one else dared to ask questions.

«Zosimos, please, tell us your plan for the development of the clan.» – the girl asked.

At first, Kyon decided to take the precautions he had thought out in advance, because in the future any extra information that he would give out could play a cruel joke on him. Stepping into the center of the room, he cleared his throat and spoke: «First, I order you to keep secret the information about who exactly destroyed the underground auction. Also, I forbid spreading my name. Call me “The Dark Baron”. If someone asks how such a weak man became the right hand of a strong and talented head of the clan, say that he is her uncle who came from abroad.»

Out of the corner of his eye, Lovr noticed that Valeera tensed after his words. Of course, because he struck a chord. As for the reason why he chose this nickname: back in Boston, he wanted to become the “Black King” for the “Black Queen”. The nickname “The Dark Baron” is close in meaning and at the same time should not arouse suspicion.

When those present made a promise, Kyon continued: «Six days ago, the shadow sector of the capital lost its biggest leaders. Currently, criminal groups and organizations are left without protection, which means that we are obliged to take advantage of the complete absence of competitors and crush them under us as soon as possible! Delay is unacceptable. So, we’ll start with…»

For the next half hour, Lovr competently and concisely explained the step-by-step plan of action, giving each person present certain instructions.

He took on the most difficult task – the search for criminal organizations in Dantes. With more than a thousand subordinates and the position of an investigator, this task will turn into a trifle, but Valeera will appreciate his “colossal” work.

By the way, the head of the clan got a particularly responsible job: she must subordinate criminal organizations to her clan by intimidating their leaders. The most adamant and decisive of them, those who will not deviate from their principles in the face of mortal danger, should be sent to meet him personally instead of killing. The fact is that in this category of people it is easiest to find someone who can be entrusted with a responsible position without the risk of betrayal.

Lovr did not forget about Tymoshka either: «And you, boy, will be a cleaner. Every day you have to scrub every corner of the headquarters to shine, including the toilets and ventilation. If I see even one speck of dust, even one spot, you will wash it off with your tongue!»

«Y-yes, sir…» – the dejected guy meekly muttered. There is no doubt that the old man is taking revenge on him for putting a spoke in his wheel, and for the fact that he beat him at the first meeting. In fact, Tymoshka expected something worse, but it cost a small loss.

The meeting ended, and everyone, except Tymoshka, Zosimos and Arpha, left the headquarters. They had a good opinion about the right hand of the head of the clan. Although he was nothing special as a practitioner, his organizational and oratorical skills were on top, as well as his charisma. Clearly delivered speech and confidence in every word make you believe that he knows his business, and under his leadership the clan will achieve a lot.

Kyon was amused by the situation in which he put himself: one of his personalities belongs to the brilliant investigator Dick, who is trying his best to destroy the last shadow clan and is respected by all citizens of the capital. Even Elsa recognized him as a worthy Stone. The other personality belongs to “The Dark Baron”, the co-owner of the future megaclan, the horror of Dantes, the future number one target for “Demon Huntress” and the trusted partner of the head of the clan. This can lead to a split personality.

«Excellent speech and wonderful plan, Zosimos.» – Valeera praised the man, sitting down next to him.

«It’s a good plan, but its success depends entirely on you. Harp, the government will not sit back while we are slowly developing here. They will act, they will set up traps and ambushes. Please be careful.»

«I understand this perfectly well and always scout the situation before starting to act. I appreciate your concern.» – Valeera looked at the man expressively. She used to be annoyed when Bernard worried about her. Now she felt completely different.

«By the way, let’s celebrate your promotion.» – the girl suggested.

«I’m all for it.» – Kyon took out a bottle of cold champagne and two glasses from the ring.

«No, Zosimos. I want to celebrate properly. Do you know the restaurant “Star Shine”?»

«Yes… Of course, let’s go.» – Kyon headed for the exit. His mood plummeted. Valeera invites him to one of the most prestigious restaurants in the city… Just the two of them… Almost like a date. The head of the clan wants to have dinner with him alone.

When the two left, Tymoshka, who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the room all this time, gasped convulsively: {Why… Lanai, why do you treat him this way? I deserve to be treated like this too, don’t I? I’ve done so much for you for so many years, I was just less lucky…} – the guy who was going crazy with jealousy and anxiety left the headquarters, intending to follow his beloved one.

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