Everything will be my way!

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Three days have passed since Dick Baker’s visit to Patriarch Monty Valentine.

At 17:55, Elsa came to the central square of Dantes with a package of crackers and juice. As usual, there were a lot of people scurrying around, and she sat down on a bench waiting for the performance.

Exactly at 6 pm, exactly on schedule, a screen with city news appeared high in the sky, and on it was an image with the inscription: “Good evening, citizens of Dantes. Now you will see what the well-known hero of the capital – Dick Baker – looks like”.

Hundreds of people in the central square looked up with interest. «Well, finally, I will know what he looks like!» … «Oh, for once interesting news!» … «It is high time! Ha ha! Finally!» … «Friend, I remember, you said that he was handsome? Well, let’s take a look at him!» … «Ha ha… Yes… Well, maybe he is not your type, but I really liked him! So don’t complain…» … «Why are you so fussed? You shamed me that I didn’t see such a handsome man!»

As soon as the image changed, the faces of the joyful and interested spectators, of whom there were about 50 million throughout the capital, froze, after which they all at once bulged their eyes from extreme surprise. The appearance of the fat man in the picture was simply terrifying! Oblique eyes, eyebrows fused into one bushy line, a piglet nose with acne and these thin mustaches… Moreover, this creature posed! The image of a beautiful young handsome man with a slightly ridiculous name and surname, created and already erected on an unattainable pedestal by the fantasies of citizens of Dantes, shattered into pieces. He is just a monster, which is only good for scaring children!

When the second picture was shown, screams and swearing were heard. Someone was laughing hysterically.

When the third picture was shown, some children began to cry, not understanding why their parents made such terrible grimaces, and the rest laughed. The old men clutched at their hearts forlornly.

Monty Valentine took a shuddering breath, fearing possible consequences.

Many citizens of Dantes received a serious mental blow. The degree of praise, veneration and idealization of Dick Baker completely disappeared. However, his appearance, name and feat will never be forgotten.

«And he is your type?! You’re crazy! Ugh, Raya! It’s disgusting!»

The second woman blushed and even nearly fainted from shame.

«Ah-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha…» – Elsa burst out laughing, wiping away the tears that came. – «Behold your hero of the millennium! Angel in the flesh! The great and terrible Dick Baker! Ee-hee-hee…» – Stone had never laughed so hard in her life. She generally forgot the last time she had so much fun. It seems to be before her father’s disappearance. Her face even turned red. The mood is wonderful! Let everyone know what their hero looks like. Now “Demon Huntress” has every chance of a triumphant return.

Kyon, who returned late in the evening, as always, was warmly greeted by his daughters. Leila expressed her dissatisfaction with her father’s frequent absences to work. It was implied that she wanted to see her dad more often, but this was awkwardly disguised as a desire to work out or go shopping. Eve nodded in agreement with her sister.

Lovr could not be torn into three parts. He spends several hours a day in the department, organizing a shadow clan controlled by the government, and the rest of the time he creates a megaclan. He does not manage to devote an extra minute for his daughters in any way.

«My dears, your dad has a blockage at work… I will not be able to walk with you or go to training in the next two weeks. You’ll have to be patient.»

«But, daddy, no games, films and cartoons will replace the time spent with you!» – Eve said fervently.

«Bunny…» – touched to the depths of his soul, Kyon gently touched the chin of the little fairy. She’s a good girl, she knows the words with which she can reach the heart. Unlike her sister…

«No, that will not do!» – Leila blurted out, arching her eyebrows angrily. – «Every morning you spend several hours in the shower, what’s the problem with washing faster?!»

In fact, it’s not Kyon who is washing in the shower, but his clone. Since Valeera lives next door, the risk of surveillance is too high. If he leaves the room, it becomes almost impossible to get into the department unnoticed, so he has to teleport out of the shower and come back after a short workday.

«Your dad thinks better in the shower…» – Kyon smiled awkwardly.

«Two hours a day – are we asking for a lot?!» – the pixie stamped her foot.

Kyon sighed: «So be it. I will set aside an hour or two a day for my daughters. I’m a father after all.»

The girls shone like the rays of the sun.

«By the way…» – Leila suddenly remembered. – «As for the shower… I accidentally broke a showerhead there…»

«Broke?» – Kyon frowned, went into the shower room and made sure that the metal showerhead was really ruthlessly squeezed. It turned into a thin strip, as if a piece of wet clay was squeezed in a fist.

The man silently shook his head, and such a cold reaction seemed to upset the mischief a little: «Oh, yes… I also accidentally broke through your bed when I was jumping on it…» – “guiltily” looking down, the girl said, drawing circles on the floor with her toe.

The jaw muscles on the cheekbones of already extremely irritated Kyon tensed: «Leila…»

«Well, I didn’t do it on purpose! And so what? You’ll sleep on the couch for a day, it’s not a problem! Or you can do it in the bath… You already spend more time with it than with us!»

«Leila, are you completely insolent?!» – Lovr hissed menacingly, approaching her.

Eve snorted: «She doesn’t know how to control forces at all… You should spank her properly!»

The girl’s eyes widened with fear. She grabbed her ass, timidly retreating: «P-please, not on the ass! It still itches at night! I didn’t do it on purpose! I’m sure you will be more comfortable on the couch!»

{[email protected]#%} – Kyon cursed to himself. So that’s the crux of the matter! He knew that he should not spank teenagers (this is her mental age) who are developing sexuality, because they can react in the most unexpected way. Now this silly girl wants to be spanked because she found a sexual interest in it.

Lovr abruptly stopped being provoked, took out the sound transmitter and called the administration to change the bed and fix the showerhead.

Leila asked in disappointment: «So you’re not going to slap me on the ass? This is good… That’s right, there’s nothing to punish me for, I’m not guilty of anything…»

Kyon said mercilessly: «Two days without access to games and movies.»

«What?!» – the girl was amazed, as if she had been doused with cold water. – «You wouldn’t dare!»

«I’ve already dared. From now on, think with your head, not your ass, you fool.»

Leila, with tears in the corners of her eyes, tried to convince her father, but another stern look, hinting at the extension of the punishment, convinced her not to continue to whine.

An hour later, the hotel administration fixed everything.

The next morning, Kyon yawned and headed for the shower, but on the way he met the pixie.

«And w-why are you running around in your underpants?!» – asked the crimson-faced Leila, stammering.

«It’s cold without them.» – Kyon retorted and went into the shower. There’s definitely something wrong with the girl. Earlier, when he defended his boxers from Edward’s attack, she laughed without a shadow of embarrassment, and now she is pretending to be innocent… But she’s not Eve!

A few hours later, having finished with the affairs in the department, Lovr teleported back to the shower room. When he was changing clothes before going to headquarters, Eve came up to him, handed him a juicy apple and adjusted the collar of his suit, thus obviously showing concern.

Kyon returned home from headquarters two hours earlier than usual, that is, in the evening.

In the living room, the eyes of the father and the orange-eyed daughter met. Both froze as if rooted to the spot.

«Leila…» – Kyon began unkindly. – «Why are you stealing my underwear?»

In her hands, the girl was holding the same boxers, in which she had seen him in the morning. They were in the laundry basket, and they had to be picked up for washing. And this would have happened if one of the daughters had not turned out to be a dirty thief.

It seemed that Leila’s whole life flashed before her eyes, when suddenly it dawned on her, she mischievously showed the man her tongue, put his underpants on her head and, giggling loudly, rushed to run around the room…

«Have you completely gone crazy?..» – he did not understand.

Eve looked out of the room. When she saw her sister running and laughing with her father’s underpants on her head, she covered her mouth with her palm: «Oh my god, are we really sisters?»

Kyon rubbed his temples wearily. He will definitely go crazy with her! She was caught stealing, but she quickly came up with a plan of action: she decided to pretend to be a fool… This is absurd!

«Pervert, give our dad his underpants!» – Eve demanded, rushing in pursuit of her sister.

Finally, the responsible blonde removed the most intimate element of the men’s wardrobe from the head of the minx and it was returned to its rightful owner.

«Leila, explain it!» – crossing his arms, Kyon demanded, snorting angrily with his nose.

The pixie, rapidly turning crimson, did not give up: «Don’t look at me like that! It’s your own fault, because you forbade me to play games and watch movies! I’m bored out of my mind now… I have nothing to do! I can’t watch this idiot play and give orders to my character… I’d rather drown myself!»

«Who’s an idiot here?» – Eve did not hesitate to intervene. – «I gave you a book to read, and you didn’t even read one page, but instead pulled our dad’s underpants over your head…»

«Since you’re bored, then let’s go for a walk. I came back from work early on purpose. But do not do such stupid things from now on! I don’t steal your underwear… And I don’t put it on my head.»

«And I don’t mind.» – the girl giggled.

The walk resulted in a trip to the theater for a comedy drama and the amusement park with dinner.

Eve took care of her father, courting him from all sides and not forgetting to express her love in every possible way in the form of compliments and warm smiles. This behavior angered Leila, appealed to a feeling of jealousy and awakened the spirit of competition, so she also tried to take care of the man in her own way, although she did it extremely poorly. Also, the pixie was rude to her sister for the slightest reason, for which she was rude to her too. So both sisters hung around the man and continuously insulted each other almost out of the blue.

Kyon should have stopped the daughters, but how could he miss the opportunity to get into their souls deeper through the struggle for their attention? Let them compete. Besides, he liked to bask in the attention of two beautiful sisters. Thanks to Valeera. She provoked their jealousy, and the rivalry of the girls only increased the effect.

That night, Lovr once again found Leila doing secret things under the blanket, and judging by the fact that she almost woke up her sister, the lady was especially excited. He understood that daughters often feel attraction and even love for their fathers, but he did not expect this to happen to him.

With a convulsive sigh, Kyon stopped peeking. A tent has grown in the groin area that can withstand a category F5 tornado. Although he tried to treat Leila as his own daughter, subconsciously, he still first of all perceived her as a beautiful attractive girl.

It’s been three days.

The situation was heating up. More precisely, Lovr’s brains were boiling from the joint efforts of three girls.

Valeera’s hints and provocations became more eloquent every day, while the girl could not be called pushy, because she always tried to act appropriately to the situation. Accordingly, it was getting harder and harder for Kyon to control himself, although any man in his place would have broken loose a long time ago. He doubted that in such conditions he would hold out for a long time, and his pride did not allow him to make himself impotent with the help of Synergy. Moreover, just his personal “willingness” is at stake, not his life or safety. Or rather, “unwillingness”.

Eve and Leila also raised the degree of his tension. They competed with each other for their father’s attention more and more fiercely, they swore more and more often, and once it almost came to a fight, fortunately Kyon was there. The girls tried to take care of the man with all their might: they made tea, made the bed, burst into praise, even tried to comb his hair every now and then (as if there was something to comb). As if someone makes them do all this.

It was not easy for the pixie to fight for the man’s heart, especially in terms of tender words. She just didn’t know how, what and when to say. She called his belly perfectly round, probably hoping to flatter its wearer so much, or praised his bald head for its dazzling brilliance with a look as if it was worth being proud of… Realizing that she was losing ground, the girl began to act differently: to seduce the man with body language. With her developed feminine instincts and flexible body, she did it much better than Valeera, but she was inferior to her in tact. In addition, she did not feel the limit of what was permissible, that is, she showed excessive frivolity, without even thinking about the fact that they were, in general, relatives.

Anyway, Kyon’s emotional tension was growing, and there was no way to bring it down. At times he resembled a megavolcano that was about to wake up and erupt.

Coming out of the shower after work in the department, Lovr met Leila stretching seductively. He knew that she had been waiting for him here for 15 minutes just to stretch. And yet the girl’s long slender body is beyond praise… and her perfectly shaped elastic buttocks…

«Why are you looking at me like that? Are you in love with me?» – the pixie bared her teeth in a satisfied grin.

{No, but I can’t vouch for you…} – Kyon thought angrily.

«I know what you’re thinking, horny dad! I can see everything in your eyes!»

{Don’t attribute your vices to me!} – flashed through Lovr’s thoughts, but aloud he said something else. – «I think that I have a beautiful daughter… I should find her a spouse.»

«I don’t need any spouses!» – the girl replied sharply and rudely.

«Prove it in a duel.»

«Are you serious now?» – she raised her eyebrows.

«Sure, but I’m talking about a duel in the game.» – Kyon raised his index finger with a serious look.

Five minutes later, Lovr and his two daughters were sitting on the couch with joysticks, and the main menu of the fighting game flashed on the screen in front of them. The essence is as follows: choose a character and fight the enemy. Button combinations activate combos. Side view. You can only move back and forth.

Kyon explained the rules and showed how to play.

It took the girls only 15 minutes to understand, accept and love everything.

«Wow, I made a combo!» – Leila squeaked enthusiastically.

«Don’t get conceited, you’ve already lost two rounds!» – Eve answered excitedly.

Kyon decided to give his daughters the opportunity to release emotions. The conflicts between the sisters are so far limited to verbal skirmishes, but they are becoming more and more fierce and sooner or later they can turn into a serious fight. Now the chance of such an outcome is much lower.

«So, I’m next.» – Lovr flexed his fingers.

«Come on, Daddy, show us what you can do!»

As a result, Kyon destroyed the girl, leaving her no chance to win.

Leila stared at the screen for a minute, dumbfounded, and then shouted indignantly: «It’s not fair! You… You are too strong! I don’t want any spouses anyway!»

«I was joking, you silly thing. I just decided to have fun with you. I will choose a groom for you in the future, when you return your memories and grow up.» – Kyon chuckled, holding out the joystick to Eve.

Leila seemed relieved, and she cheerfully continued to fight.

Opponents replaced each other. The girls’ laughter, sometimes malevolent, spread around the room.

At some point, when Kyon closed his eyelids for a second, he felt someone’s carcass plopped down on him. Opening his eyes, he found a rosy-cheeked Leila sitting regally on his lap and laughing hard from a fight in which she almost lost.

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