Everything will be my way!

Chapter 459

Chapter 459

A month has passed.

Kyon received a very nice bribe of one billion spheres from Vladimir Vladimirovich. The old politician values his life. Now his fortune is estimated at almost 3 billion spheres. Huge money for any family, except perhaps the Russells, who collect taxes from all over the empire.

Today at noon, the heads of shadow clans were executed in the central square of Dantes. More than a hundred thousand people watched the brutal death of those who terrorized the capital for many years. Adults rejoiced, and children laughed at the bloody spectacle. This is the world we live in.

Kyon and Valeera were also present. The beauty’s face radiated indescribable glee. The enemies are dead only thanks to Zosimos! She could not be afraid of meeting them in a year at best. By the way, she recently broke through to the 10th stage and gradually strengthened on it, preparing for the transformation into the royal phase.

In the evening of this day, the planned wedding ceremony between Zosimos and Valeera took place. How exactly did the pot-bellied mature man with an average appearance and mediocre development manage to melt the icy heart of the beauty? Kyon did not find an unambiguous answer. She made the decision too suddenly, and then everything depended on his patience, which ran out in a week… However, some suspicions visited him more and more often, and they arose in the most intimate moments spent with the girl.

After exchanging black obsidian rings, they kissed, sealing their union and becoming husband and wife, which can be confirmed by the marriage contract. The event was quiet and without unnecessary witnesses: only the official, Kyon, his wife, Eve and Leila.

The hearts of the daughters watching what was happening were bursting with jealousy and envy. They, without ceasing to frown, burned Arpha with fiery glances. Their father still married her! Now they have a new mom… No, they will never recognize her in this role! And in general, it would be better for her not to approach them, otherwise they would kill her “accidentally”, sneezing in her direction.

Kyon lamented mentally that jealousy does not emit negative emotions. Although the reason for this may be that their addressee is not he, but Valeera. Otherwise, during the time of living together with jealous girls, he would have significantly replenished the core with darkness.

By the way, if Valeera had not been there, Lovr would definitely not have coped with the joint pressure of Eve and Leila, he would have snapped and done unforgivable things. Under the guidance of the little fairy, the pixie did such things that even the dead would react… At the same time, it is clear that the daughters really appreciate, care, obey and, of course, fall in love with their father.

There are both minuses and pluses in this whole story. An important advantage was in the very behavior of the girls: they spend all their energy not on creating problems for Zosimos, but on trying to charm and seduce him; they devote all their feelings to the man. Well, they splash out the negative in games or, as for the mischievous Leila, at night.

Imperceptibly another 2 months flashed by.

Today, Lovr received valuable information from the Golden Pig guild: something strange is happening in the Dance and Virgo sects. This is evidenced by the general direction of their activities, which seems to have lost all meaning, as if they are no longer led by wise leaders, but by some inexperienced deputies. In turn, the Golden Pig guild had suspicions that the sects of the 1st and 2nd rank had lost their heads – Lana and Gina. And, of course, they connected this event with the rainbow sun, they say, it was these two women who fought in that place. And why? Because of Kyon in the guise of Dick, of course! He revealed his power in Cernos, so they crossed the border of Rosarrio to take the young genius for themselves, but, sensing each other, they entered into a deadly battle.

The second half of the information was thought out by Lovr himself, but he had no doubts about the appearance of similar conclusions at the top of the guild. Moreover, he was beginning to worry that Gusteau and Patriarch Bazhen Baker had suspicions that those two monstrous companions in veils protecting him were Lana and Gina. But they are unlikely to have confidence in this theory, because how could two sworn enemies make peace, abandon their sects, and also follow the boy everywhere? Women respected by the whole world will not do this. However, the main thing is to make sure that these suspicions do not reach the ears of the elders of the sects, otherwise they will start looking for their heads in every corner of Dantes.

By the way, Kyon stopped worrying about possible tracking formations on Eve and Leila a long time ago, otherwise they would have been found long ago. Most likely, the girls are too proud to let anyone know their location.

In addition to information, the Golden Pig guild finally delivered the previously ordered items: a concealment formation to the imperial phase inclusive and a formation that changes the «sound» of vibrations of any of the 9 elements also to the imperial phase inclusive. These bracelets will help him hide his identity even in the presence of the patriarchs. Or not to show his ability to use certain elements in battle, for example.

Also, the guild began to generate income from the sale of medicine. However, only 100 million a month. Moreover, the lion’s share of earnings came from the sale of unique bodies, because it was the most promising – it improved the talent of the practitioner.

The product would cost 10 or even 100 times more if the name of “The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron” had the same weight as in Rosarrio. But no matter how hard the guild tried to promote his name in other empires, it was difficult, because the authoritative alchemists there did not comment on the work of the miracle alchemist in any way, and their opinion is more important than all others.

In addition, the fact that the guild sells unique “B” and even “А” rank bodies caused even more skepticism. However, some people liked to take risks. For example, an elder from a high-ranking empire decided to trust the trade guild and buy a unique “А” rank body for his mediocre child. With his bold act, he attracted the attention of elders from other families, thereby bringing new clients to the guild.

As Gusteau assured, the chain reaction has already been started, and in about six months the demand for medicine will grow significantly, and then it will bring the revenue. Probably, the name of “The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron” will be promoted in other empires.

Kyon also slowly bought keys from all over the world through the Golden Pig guild. In 3 months the price for their purchase has increased by 50%! He spent 1 billion, but gained only 10% of the remaining 40% required to enchant the soul to the highest level of strength. He underestimated the high demand and low supply for this resource.

For 3 months of work in the department, Kyon has achieved considerable success in the creation and expansion of the shadow clan, subject to the government. He had to tinker with his superiors to explain his actions, but in the end he got approval. In general, the fake criminal organization was growing very actively, and the legend at its base sounded quite plausible and did not arouse suspicion.

However, the fake shadow clan pales in front of such a monster as Silent Horror clan, which in 3 months captured almost 80% of Dantes’ territory and acquired the status of “megaclan”. As analysts and investigators predicted, the former 8th rank clan had enormous potential, and now, in the absence of competitors, it has spread its influence like a plague.

The citizens of the capital shuddered at the mention of the name of the clan. They feared for their lives and safety even more than before the underground auction was blown up. There were a lot of various creepy rumors, especially everyone was frightened by the personality of a certain “Dark Baron”. That’s what everyone called the head of the megaclan. Someone even blamed Dick for destroying 7 shadow clans, giving the remaining one room for maneuver.

Kyon specifically let his nickname go to the masses. It was important for him to hide the secret of the presence of two leaders in the clan, which he successfully coped with. As for the accusations… All of them could not result in something more, because how could Dick know that the 8th rank clan would not come to the underground auction?

Milan more and more often asked the fat man why he had created a clan subordinate to the department at all, if this whole idea had not brought results so far? When the hell is he going to destroy the damned Silent Horror clan?! The city is waiting! Everyone is waiting! Explanations like “The Dark Baron is too smart and cunning” did not suit the man.

Kyon had to explain everything in great detail, explaining the lack of success like this: the head of the Silent Horror clan still does not take us seriously, so he refuses to cooperate. We need to continue expanding until he goes to negotiations, where we will nail him.

As Lovr guessed, the 0th general also heard these words. He could only hope that the head of the department would accept such a stupid excuse. Although why stupid? Quite reasonable. The head of the Silent Horror clan is indeed an extremely cautious person. Well, he’s trying his best. And his approach is quite unique and effective.

Of course, Kyon chose such a difficult and time-consuming method on purpose. If Valeera had been his real target, he would have tried to find her the same way as the first time: through financial flows from gangs to the leader. But recently he improved this system so much that even he himself would hardly be able to find a loophole in it.

An important meeting was held at the clan headquarters today. A dozen serious people in strict suits listened attentively to the speech of “The Dark Baron”. All of them underwent rigorous selection and testing, after which they were able to take a high position in the fast-growing shadow megaclan. They saw great prospects in this organization.

Valeera stood nearby and, with her arms crossed, watched her husband.

«Mikhail, in the coming days, the earth magicians will complete the construction of the underground laboratory. Prepare your people to move with all seriousness.» – said Kyon.

«I understand you.» – the man replied respectfully.

«Now everyone is free.»

When a dozen people left, and a couple of newlyweds were left alone in the hall, Valeera approached the man: «Your speech, as always, is good, Zosimos. Remind me, how many times have I repeated that I am happy with the decision to appoint you as my right hand?»

«Twenty-one times already.» – Kyon smiled.

«Twenty-one times… It turns out, every four days.» – Valeera’s words carried another meaning: she is ready to forgive him for some gentleness inherent in an adult man with two daughters, which leads to a decrease in the clan’s profits.

Two months ago, there was a conflict between her and Zosimos, due to the fact that the man refused certain activities of the clan, including everything related to children and their sexual exploitation, as well as the abduction and enslavement of women. The girl tried to reason with her husband that they were not actually a club of cute fluffy animals, but a criminal shadow clan, but he remained hard as a rock.

Valeera has just finally accepted Zosimos for who he is. In the end, it would have taken her alone a year, or even three, to achieve what the clan achieved with him in 3 months! She could not be angry with the man for the fact that he has noble qualities, which he is ready to adhere to until the end of his days. Far from it, she was fascinated by them.

The girl has not yet noticed that she is slowly but surely being rehabilitated.

Slowly and systematically, Kyon awakened human qualities in his wife, sometimes using his example, showing his emotional attitude to the situation, and sometimes deliberately telling stories that were breathtaking. The important thing is that he just awakened in her the human qualities that fell asleep on that tragic day, but did not create them from scratch, which would be a stupid waste of time. So the head of the clan, without noticing it, lost some of the coldness in her aura, and also became less categorical and ruthless. And although she still never smiled, a little bit of cordiality revived in her.

«That’s right, every four days.» – Kyon agreed.

«I don’t understand where you got so many skills and abilities from.»

«If you want to rule the world, start with trading. If you want to rule a woman, become her master.» – now Lovr terribly wanted to flirt with the girl, but there was no place for “lustfulness” in Zosimos’ personality, which he deeply regretted.

«Will the master have enough power to rule the queen?» – the head of the clan asked with a sparkle in her beautiful blue-black eyes.

Kyon might have suspected something was wrong, but for some time Valeera has entered the royal phase, so the words of the killer have something like this meaning: is the physically weak man ready to dominate the strong woman? Another check. They are constantly present in the relationship.

The strangest thing is that he saw his wife almost every day, but he did not understand when she managed to transform her soul. Especially because this process requires up to several days of solitary meditation. It was also embarrassing that she did not brag about her achievement, only casually mischievously answering “long ago”, without naming the exact date. But what does “long ago” mean? It can be either 2 weeks or 2 months!

«My ambitions extend to the royals, too.» – Kyon confidently said and, imperiously hugging the beauty by her slender waist, passionately kissed her fragrant lips.

Valeera immediately succumbed to the pressure of the persistent man. Because she wanted it.

After a minute kiss, the girl asked: «Zosimos, why do you avoid mentioning “The Demon Huntress” at meetings? You know that this scoundrel is consistently destroying one of our organizations after another… Are you going to do something about it?»

Kyon’s mood plummeted. The fact is that with the appearance of “The Dark Baron” terrifying all citizens, Elsa saw an opportunity to return and multiply her former glory. Therefore, she seems to have lost control in her heroic activity: in some unthinkable way, she finds one organization after another, completely destroying everything and everyone there, and then she hands over the guilty criminals to the department.

The saddest thing is that the zero general sees that one girl’s efficiency is much higher than that of the genius messenger of the goddess and 4 colleagues diligently creating a fake shadow clan! The blonde’s actions could lead to even greater suspicions of the head of the department regarding Kyon. However, he did not want to kill Diana’s daughter, the person he liked, either. At least because she’s a good person.

«I think we should catch her.» – Lovr finally said. – «But instead of killing her, we will find out which family she belongs to and threaten her with the death of her loved ones. If we just kill her, her family will become another powerful enemy of ours. After all, there are definitely more serious people behind the practitioner of the royal phase.»

«You are too soft-hearted, Zosimos…» – Valeera shook her head. – «The stupid child does not understand how the world works, she thinks she can get away with anything… That she is a fighter for non-existent justice. By killing her, I will show everyone that megaclan justifies its name, and anyone who goes against us will die a miserable death!» – the girl’s voice was suddenly filled with lust for blood. – «I’ve been following “The Demon Huntress” for a long time. With or without you, I’m going to kill her. The trap will close today.»

Kyon frowned. His wife acted without his knowledge, apparently knowing that he would not approve of the murder of a superheroine… She is serious and will definitely not back down. He was simply left with no choice!

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