Everything will be my way!

Chapter 463

Chapter 463

After visiting the dwarfs, Kyon and his two daughters began celebrating his birthday, following the plan: cake, drinks, congratulations and watching a fun family comedy. No more is needed.

While watching the movie, the girls sat on the sides of the man and held his hands tightly.

When the movie came to an end, Kyon felt two beauties kiss him softly on the cheeks at the same time, as if by agreement in advance.

«This is our gift to you, Dad…» – Eve said in embarrassment.

«We love you, Dad…» – Leila, turning pink, timidly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

«Bunnies…» – Kyon was touched. – «I love you too!» – he hugged the two girls tightly, causing their beautiful eyes to be covered with a veil. It was as if they had fallen into a narcotic fog, stupefying the mind. This was happiness.

Lovr felt a surge of bright emotions in the core. He had already filled the vessel of light from 95% to 100% long ago (after awakening, when he almost sacrificed his life to the demons). The surplus should not be lost, so there is nothing to worry about.

And although love did not bring bright emotions, it is much easier to make a person feel grateful with its help. And any other positive feelings become only brighter and richer from the love seasoning.

Three days passed unnoticed.

Morning. Plain for training.

Two girls sat on stumps and listened attentively to their father. Usually he told them something unimaginably informative, showing on the screen explanatory images: what is charge and electromagnetic radiation; how to avoid being struck by lightning; how invisibility, temperature, thermal conductivity and vacuum work; energy and chemical interactions; human structure, DNA and even the concept of evolution! And this is only a small part of what the man has been teaching his daughters in recent months.

Eve absorbed everything like a sponge, while Leila found it difficult to learn. She would have died of boredom long ago if the classes were not conducted by a person she respected. She wants to listen to him, because everything he says seems so important and interesting.

Today Zosimos told his daughters the most ordinary, at first glance, story, which happened infrequently.

«The story of a boastful hare and a turtle. The hare boasted to everyone all the time that no one runs faster than him, and he always wins. However, he was not mistaken, because when the hare ran a race, he always won. The inhabitants of the forest knew this and put up with this state of affairs, but one day the turtle came and said: why not? I’ll try to overtake him! The hare laughed: well, that will be fun! Ready, a-and…! Bang!»

Eve flinched at the sudden “bang”.

«The hare rushed forward, and the turtle was left to swallow the dust. He rushed like a bullet, as always, because he didn’t lose to anyone. But suddenly the hare wanted to show off. He stopped, lay down and dozed off… He slept much longer than he was going to. And then he wakes up and realizes that he fucked everything up. The hare runs to the finish line, but it’s too late! The turtle is already crossing the finish line first, and the crowd explodes with a wild yell, honoring the winner.» – Kyon paused, looking pointedly at the daughters.

Leila rolled her eyes: «Dad, come on! I am no longer a little girl and I understand what you are trying to convey: if you try your best, you will definitely succeed… I’m bored.» – although she said so, she was not at all bored, because the way her father skillfully told the story already made it interesting and memorable.

«I think everything is deeper here than it seems.» – said Eve. – «Dad wanted to say that sometimes you can win even where you don’t seem to be able to win at all. You just need to try until you get lucky. But I would have acted smarter and punished the arrogant hare! I would put another turtle pretending to be me at the finish line! I think the reaction of the hare would be unforgettable. Let the big-eared one know that you should never be conceited, because in this way you harm yourself.» – the little fairy looked at her dad with the air of an excellent student, eager for encouragement, but, to her surprise, she did not find approval on his face.

«I haven’t finished the story yet.» – Kyon winked. – «In the evening of the same day, the turtle dined with her family and told the little turtles how she had overcome the hare: never give up, always crawl forward and overcome any obstacle… Suddenly the door is torn off its hinges!»

The listeners’ eyes widened in surprise.

«The hare came and brought a hammer with him. First, he broke the shells of the members of the turtle family, while the turtle helplessly watched them die, and then he killed her too. And when the whole family was destroyed, the hare sat down and ate their dinner. Every last piece, every last crumb. Because the hare always wins.» – he finished coldly.

Eve shrugged her shoulders chilly: «What a horror…»

A wide smile played on Leila’s pretty face: «Awesome! Amazing!» – she clapped her hands. – «I like this story! Everything in the spirit of brutal realism!»

Kyon summed it up: «Remember, my bunnies, the real world is not a fairy tale. Here you can be killed for one disrespectful look. Some people would rather get rid of you than admit that they lost through their own fault. Consider the worst case scenario and be prepared for it.» – he said and fell silent. He himself made such conclusions not so long ago, and even now he often rushes forward, and then he turns out to be not ready for a total failure. For example, the release of Triana…

«Thanks for the lesson, sensei.» – Eve bowed.

«Cool story, Daddy!» – Leila raised her thumb.

After telling the story, Kyon started training the highest grade of ether. For the last three days, he had a sucking feeling in his right hand, as if it would finish its development any day now. And now, a few hours later, it happened!

{Wow!} – Lovr almost danced with delight. The development of the right hand was completed, and not in 9 months, like the head, but in 6! All because of the 75% Synergy reservation.

Kyon decided to test his strength. Is his right hand now 2 phases stronger than himself using pure energy? He was going to conduct the same experiment that he had once conducted at Cernos: the destruction of spheres.

Every 10 spheres (money) can be combined into one sphere of the next phase with a simple infusion of pure energy, and such a sphere is exactly 10 times stronger than the sphere of the previous phase. So, for example, a practitioner of the advanced phase at the 1st stage is able, at best, to put up small cracks in the sphere of the advanced phase, while the practitioner at the 10th stage will turn it into dust.

While conducting the experiment at Cernos, Kyon was still a superior phaser at the 1st stage. Then he managed to split the pale green sphere of the noble phase into four pieces. Then he confirmed his theory that his hand is one phase stronger than himself.

Now Kyon has taken out a bright red sphere of the royal phase, the price of which is as much as 100,000 spheres of the base phase! He placed it in the palm of his hand and squeezed it with all his strength, and in the most effective way, which increased the effectiveness by about a third. He also helped with the second hand and pure energy.

After a minute of trying, Lovr opened his palm and saw a small crack stretching along the entire length of the sphere’s surface. The result could not but rejoice, because he had just given out the power of the practitioner of the 1st stage of the royal phase, using pure energy! But he was only a superior phaser at the 8th stage. But if he removes all the tricks, now the right hand is exactly 2 phases stronger than himself.

Kyon took the Scourge in his developed hand and weighed it down to 6,000 kilograms. The ground under his feet in a radius of a meter sank sharply (due to the sticking technique). Tendons and carbon bones crunched with tension. The hand was covered with a network of veins, thick as earthworms. It held the weapon with almost no discomfort. There is definitely enough stamina for 100 strokes.

{Stunningly… Right now I would have swatted Edward in the blink of an eye!} – Lovr rejoiced and closed his eyelids, focusing on the core of the body of the Void, and then opened them. A demonic gleam shone in his eyes.

Under the influence of the pulsation of the core, the attribute of darkness changed its characteristics and covered the Scourge with a thin black film. A foul, rotten aura of decay emanated from it, as if the mythical knight of death, and during his lifetime the king of men, Tasar, had raised his cursed sword of doom in order to exterminate all living things.

Together with a fulminant swing, a fascinatingly beautiful wave of darkness, shaped like a sickle of a black crescent, burst out of the sword. It cut through three trees that got in its way and went deep into the ground. Thick steam appeared at the cut-off point. The wood bubbled with a yellow liquid and was corroded, as if under the influence of a powerful acid. Eerie sight.

«What was that?!» – Eve started up in fright, interrupting the duel with the hologram in the helmet.

«Wow, what a cool aura?! Dad, show me again!» – Leila demanded.

Zosimos looked at the girls with such a wild look that they involuntarily shivered and hugged themselves by the shoulders, not from fear, but from excitement. Dad had never looked at them with such desire – like a wild animal looking at juicy meat…

Over the past 6 months, Kyon has not yet realized the highest grade of the ether, but he has learned to enter a dark, and therefore a light state of mind. To do this, it is not enough to simply reorient your stream of consciousness to the dark side. It is necessary to stop restraining the dark part of the core and not allow the light part to be released, because it usually actively resists. Maintaining this state requires Synergy, as well as will.

Entering into any state of the soul is quite dangerous, because the partially released element is trying to gain full power over the soul, and therefore the mind. If it captures the soul, then disastrous consequences can occur. For this reason, Kyon did not even try to enter a light state of soul: the vessel of light is 100% full, while the vessel of darkness is only 40% full. Too much imbalance. It is dangerous to give free rein to the light, which already has a huge superiority.

Now Kyon has not found a single reason to enter into a dark or light state of soul, except for the opportunity to use the Cut of Darkness and Light. These techniques, or rather, elements, lengthen melee attacks by at least 5 meters with almost no loss of impact power, but with increasing distance to the target, their effectiveness decreases sharply. However, in exchange for such a pleasant combat advantage, he sacrifices his own clear mind. Darkness makes its master think in more cruel and immoral categories. So, for example, looking at the daughters, Lovr wanted to pounce on them and eat them. However, he could resist the temptation, after all, now he was in control of his condition.

In the next moment, Zosimos’ gaze softened, and the girls relaxed and exhaled. Both sisters with some strange synchronicity bit their lips in annoyance and looked at each other mysteriously.

«Bunnies, your dad has learned a new technique. How about trying it out in battle?»

«With pleasure!» – Leila volunteered, raising her hand.

After 5 minutes, Eve also joined in, suppressing fear from that frightening aura.

After an hour of training, Kyon found out and confirmed some things. Liquid darkness, like liquid light, cannot be used in any other way than to attack.This means that directly during the strike with the Cut of Darkness, it is impossible to use techniques that may require darkness, including a spatial attribute or anything requiring 9 elements: invisibility, Annihilation Sphere, creation of clones, teleportation to them, sending commands to clones, birds and subordinates, etc. However, the blow lasts only a fraction of a second, so this flaw will be almost invisible.

Lovr also learned that the Cut of Darkness is aimed solely at destroying the enemy. Penetrating into the flesh, the Cut primarily attacks the nervous system and vital organs. Several dead rats confirm this conclusion. However, as he found out, if you have a very big desire, then the darkness obeys its master and does not cause fatal damage to the target.

Eve and Leila really liked the hungry look of their father, as if they were some kind of delicious food. They also noticed that he was much more aggressive and tougher than usual. It’s exciting!

Leila is up to a trick. During the next attack, she deliberately missed the blow. Under the influence of darkness, the girl did not suffer at all, but her tights and underwear turned to dust. In addition, she also fell with her back into the arms of her dad in such a way that her elastic buttock perfectly landed in the man’s palm…

Raising her blushing face and shining eyes, the pixie exclaimed in fright: «Oh!»

Eve’s eyes widened in shock. What an insidious move! How brave she is!

In that brief moment, Kyon felt as if the darkness had broken loose. Something as hard as a stone has already grown out of the groin. The young man let out a deep wild growl. The palm greedily squeezed the juicy piece of appetizing meat, because of which the daughter squeaked seductively, piteously arching her brows. In one second, the darkness absorbed 10% of Synergy! The alarm went off, and Synergy forcibly pulled the master out of the dark state of the soul.

Kyon looked at his daughter with dull red eyes and kicked her in the ass, angrily barking: «Don’t ever do that again!» – he turned away, trying to calm his erection and frantic pulse.

The girls felt the tension in the man’s pants by passive scanning. Because of this, they blushed and covered their charming faces with their palms. Their hearts were beating in unison, jumping out of their chests. What an exciting moment… Daddy really sees women in them! He’s really into them!

If such a divine naked beauty would fall into the arms of any other man, he would immediately break loose, take her in his arms and do the unforgivable… Kyon, who was in a dark state of soul, was no exception. He should have prepared in advance for such a trick of the pixie. Or maybe he was subconsciously expecting this? Apparently, the dark state of the soul is more insidious than it seems at first glance.

The workout was over and the three were heading home in complete silence.

Leila constantly tried to catch the man’s gaze, after which she sharply shyly turned away and clutched her burning cheeks with her palms. She did not understand why butterflies fluttered in her stomach from one glance of her dad. She wants him… to hug her and kiss her. And then… The girl blushed at the very thought of it.

Eve’s love was pure and innocent, but remained as unbearably strong as her sister’s. She selflessly wanted to give the man everything she could: feelings, time, care… She liked to give him gifts and attention, and even more to receive a reward for her efforts.

On the way home, Kyon received a call from Valeera.

«The trap is about to close! Where are you going?!»

«I’ll be there soon!»

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