Everything will be my way!

Chapter 492 - 492

«Are you going to break your record again?» – Rose asked.

«Sure. There is no limit to perfection.» – Elsa said with a proud smile. – «Live and learn. I feel alive, only getting better day by day.»

Stone's fans sighed in delight: «Great aspirations of the great girl!» … «Worthy of respect!» … «Every week, Lady Elsa comes to the testing pavilion and tries to surpass her former self! We should all follow her example…»

Rose nodded curtly. He did not share the girl's opinion. To spend most of your life filling your head with unnecessary information? Silly joke. It is better to devote free time to training and entertainment.


The large metal gates of the testing pavilion were opened by two sturdy guards.

The excited young people hurried inside.

Kyon, without leaving invisibility, carefully studied the situation.

The hall of the building was a huge round room in which even a thousand people could easily fit. The spherical white marble ceiling was decorated with picturesque patterns and drawings by the famous artist-architect.

There were 18 doors at equal distance from each other. Each led to a room where a mini-exam will be held in one of 18 academic disciplines: from alchemy and formacy to mathematics and politics. It is believed that the smaller the number indicated on the sign at each door, the more prestigious it is for a student to take a high position in the ranking in this subject. For example, the first door is assigned to alchemy. The second one - to formacy. The third one - to enchantment.

A screen shines brightly above each door - the leaderboard. The leading position in the first two disciplines was occupied by Elsa Stone, who scored 911 points out of 1000 possible in alchemy and 891 points in formacy.

Kyon studied the record tables better and found with interest that Timothy occupies the first position in enchantment with 845 points and the second in formacy with 866 points. Former Brown turns out to be a well-rounded personality.

But even more of his attention was attracted by two names that were now and then in the top 3 above almost every door: Clementina and Seraphima. Representatives of dark and light ones.

«I won't lose to you, you dirty bitch!»

«We'll see it, walking chain mail!»

Synchronously snorting contemptuously and abruptly turning away, the two beautiful twins, who looked nothing alike, went to different doors. Apparently, the girls are sworn competitors. The winner will be the one who is ahead more often. So far, the score is equal.

Suddenly, a bell sounded over the door at number 1, marking a new record.

The audience greeted the blonde with congratulations and a standing ovation: «Hurrah! Lady Elsa has broken her record in alchemy!» … «Congratulations on conquering new heights in alchemy!» … «You are my idol!» … «You are just incredible!» … «I love you!»

«Congratulations Elsa, you've outdone yourself again.» – with a wide smile, Rose, taking advantage of the situation, hugged the girl and kissed her lips.

Indignation flashed across Elsa's face - why is he kissing her without permission?! – but then she succumbed to the general mood and waved her hand contentedly to those around her. She loved being the center of attention and basking in the glory. The girl was proud of taking the first position in the most prestigious academic disciplines.

However, despite the external delight, internally Stone could not really rejoice, because her primary task - to surpass Dick in alchemy - is too far from reality. She had no idea how she could defeat such a monster at all.

{The time has come.} – Kyon thought and came out of invisibility.

The famous fat man in the center of the hall almost immediately attracted the attention of the students: «Look, Dick Baker!» … «Oh goddess, is he again?! Why did he come?!» … «Dick is up to something again?!» … «I hear his name more often than my own! I'm so sick of him…»

«Oh no, not him…» – Elsa's face darkened. The good mood suddenly disappeared somewhere.

Rose stared at the fat man with bloodlust in his eyes. Despite master Feng's patronage and Stone's promise to protect him for a whole month, Valentine planned to finish off Baker as soon as possible, because this fat bastard dared to deprive him of a substantial amount of his points! What a pity that the amber bees did not cope with their task…

Kyon turned to the audience with a shy smile: «Today, I, Dick Baker, am going to get a thousand points in all eighteen academic disciplines! If you question my words, then I suggest you make a deal with me! Since I am a generous person, I offer only a tenfold coefficient!»

And, as usual, complete chaos began: «Woo-o-o-o-a-a-ah!» … «Are you crazy?!» … «It's absolutely impossible!» … «No one has received a thousand points since the foundation of the order!» … «It's more likely that Lady Elsa will fall in love with you than it will happen!» … «Sick idiot, you were beaten on the head when you were a child, right?!»

The testing pavilion is designed in such a way that even master Feng will not be able to get 1000 points in alchemy, because the answers to all the questions asked by the formation cannot be obtained with knowledge from lectures or lessons alone. You will need to read tons of additional and specialized literature.

Kyon calmly added: «You are all so confident in your words, but dare you confirm them with deeds? If you are convinced that I will not cope, then make a deal with me!»

«The deal at a tenfold coefficient?! Do we look like idiots?!» … «You're up to something again, you mustachioed devil!» … «No, no, no, I'm not going to participate in this!» … «Go to hell, you damned crook! We know you, the swindler-deceiver!»

Rose spoke loudly with mockery in his voice: «Are you really going to set a record in every subject, including alchemy and formacy?»

«Well, yes…» – Kyon shrugged phlegmatically.

«So you intend to surpass even the first student of the order – Elsa Stone?»

«It turns out so.» – Lovr agreed.

Valentine spread his arms wide and shouted to the public: «This arrogant fat man thinks he's better than my future wife! Who does he think he is?!» – the guy was naturally angry at the end.

Many people present nodded in agreement. Not everyone believed the rumors that Dick was a brilliant alchemist who surpassed Elsa. It's too hard to believe.

Elsa stared at her boyfriend with a look full of hidden rage: {Shut up-shut up-shut up! Idiot! You should have kept quiet! What have I done to you?!} – she thought with resentment. The girl knew that Rose was one of those who did not believe in Dick's abilities, that is, he had no idea how much he was setting her up.

«If your words turn out to be utter nonsense, then no one will object if you are turned into a cripple for insulting my girlfriend.» – Valentine summed it up. Of course, he was just looking for an easy way to get rid of Dick.

«Wait, wait…» – Kyon shook his finger. – «I just can't understand what kind of insult you are talking about? I didn't say a word about Elsa at all. It was you who mentioned her, literally putting her merits on the line, and now you're threatening me? Or, in your opinion, do all the record holders harbor a grudge against me after my statement?»

Rose's face tensed and even blushed. Now, because of the damned fatty, in the eyes of others, he looks like a complete scoundrel who forced his clever bride to participate in his personal showdown.

«Okay, whatever. Better tell me what will happen if I confirm my words with a deed?»

Valentine muttered through clenched teeth: «Then no one will say a word to you.»

«Hmm… It turns out that there was an undisguised threat earlier? I just told you about my plans, and you want to beat me out of the blue… In fairness, let's do this: if I keep my words, then you will publicly apologize to me.»

«Why don't you go…»

«My boyfriend will apologize.» – Elsa gently interjected.

«A-are you serious?!» – Rose exclaimed in amazement.

«Of course. What's the matter? Your apologies will be appropriate, because if Dick does not keep his words, then you will cripple him, while all that is required of you is a harmless apology. In the future, you will take the post of patriarch of the Valentines, the family of the first rank. Such a great man must be able to take responsibility for his words.»

The long-haired blond man opened and closed his mouth in frustration, unable to find words. He wanted to refuse the girl (because she was too impudent), but how will he back down now? He was left with no choice! How will the golden youth of Dantes treat him if he refuses? The guy had a feeling that Baker and Stone were conspiring against him!

«So be it, I'll do it.» – Rose nodded reluctantly.

Elsa wanted to express her sincere gratitude to Dick for giving her the opportunity to bite Valentine in return. He shouldn't have put her name on the line! Now if the fat man keeps his word, the girl will share the humiliation with the guy who will have to apologize. And if he doesn't, he'll be to blame.

To the audience, what was happening seemed extremely absurd: Rose for some reason put his girlfriend at risk, while Dick allowed Elsa to take revenge on Valentine, and Stone did not fail to take advantage of this… It seemed that the two legendary persons of the order were just puppets under the control of the great puppeteer Baker.

«Damn it, he can't really win, can he?! I have to take a chance!» … «I agree, he will definitely lose…» … «Mr. Rosa is right, Baker will never defeat Lady Elsa in alchemy and formacy!» … «Ugh, win or lose!»

Some of the disciples dared to make a deal with the devil. To Kyon's surprise, two twin sisters and Timothy also approached him. The trio exchanged sharp glances with each other, like cowboys before a duel.

Having accepted the bets, Lovr cheerfully winked at Elsa and went into the 18th door.

{Why the fuck is he winking at my girlfriend?!} – Valentine gnashed his teeth. He dreamed of staying with Dick alone to enjoy a joint pastime (turning the bastard into mince).

Stone shook her head wearily: Baker is incorrigible. There is no point in trying to understand his actions and intentions – you will fail. The girl went into the 2nd door to pass the test on formacy. She came out only after 14 minutes. The bell rang outside – a new record.

{Hooray, I broke my previous record!} – Elsa was delighted, but, to the deep disappointment of the former superheroine, she was not greeted outside with loud ovations and enthusiastic shouts. What does it mean?


There was a ringing so loud that Stone shuddered. It seemed that the whole order had to hear it. Then multicolored fireworks began to whistle and pop… Has some kind of holiday started? What did she miss?!

The girl slowly turned her head and gaped in amazement: Dick came out of the 14th door! And over each door from the 18th to the 14th, a new record of 1000 points was displayed! Half of the information screen was occupied by the text: "Dick Baker – 1000 points!".

Elsa had absolutely no idea how he managed to pass 5 tests, while she barely managed to pass only one! And how did he manage to accurately answer 300 questions, because under each of them there are up to 10 possible answers?

Rose's face was becoming more and more greenish, as if he had tasted a juicy green slug with salt and onions.

The faces of the twin sisters were not much different. They had heard a lot about Dick, but only now realized that the rumors about him are not fiction.

The disciples who had made the deal with the devil clutched their heads with a dejected look.

Over the next 30 minutes, Dick went through all the doors from the 14th to the 4th. Passing each mini-exam, regardless of the subject, took him about 3 minutes, and each time he consistently gave the maximum result, followed by a deafening ringing…

Some masters and students, including Roman Clinton, flocked to the testing pavilion. Juno was absent because of the terrible mood. Everyone watched in amazement the theater of the absurd performed by Dick Baker.

Finally, the fat man passed the remaining 3 doors and looked at everyone with an indifferent look.

The students who risked their points resembled the living dead.

The withering gazes of the two twin sisters and Timothy crossed on the guest of honor. However, Roman also barely restrained himself from pouncing on him.

Elsa was afraid to even look at Dick. She felt devastated and crushed. Now Stone is unlikely to ever come to the testing pavilion at all. What she was proud of - the first position in alchemy and formacy - has now turned into a stupid joke.

«Ha-ha… Ha-ha-ha… Ah-ha-ha!» – Rose's laughter attracted everyone's attention, after which he pointed an incriminating finger at the hated freak. – «Fat man, do you take us for fools? It's obvious that you somehow deceived the formations of master Julius! Since the foundation of the order, no one has received a thousand points, but you managed to do it in all subjects at once! Besides, it took you five times less time for each exam than usual!»

The students reacted as if their eyes had been opened to the obvious truth. A second later, everyone went into a frenzy: «A piece of fat, did you want to deceive us?!» … «We'll skin you alive!» … «Son of a bitch, you not only insulted Lady Elsa and everyone else, but also decided to profit from us?!»

Kyon was surrounded by an angry crowd of students. Everyone was going to release on him all the stress that they had accumulated over the past week. Roman, Rose, Timothy and the twins looked especially crazy. And Elsa, judging by her pitiful look, will not be able to help him in any way. What will she do against such a crowd?

The big problem was that the test pavilion was covered with a barrier blocking the signal, and therefore the ability to teleport. It was built in order to deprive students of the opportunity to cheat by contacting someone outside.

Kyon's face remained calm, but he cursed to himself: {Master Feng, where the fuck are you hanging around?!} – he called the alchemist several times and asked him to appear at the testing pavilion at a certain time, but he is still not there. Moreover, the guy asked Feng to tell Julius to show up too, but he's not there either.

It makes no sense to seek help from other masters present in the hall.. Their status is too low, they cannot influence the opinion of the crowd in any way. Yeah, they are so insignificant that they will do anything to please Rose, as if he were their master!

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