Everything will be my way!

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

  A huge broad-winged bird froze over the crowns of a majestic coniferous forest. At the command of the organizer, the fat young man jumped down from a height of 30 meters, landing on both feet. The tournament has just officially started for Dick Baker.

  Kyon took a deep breath of resinous air and took out about a thousand feathered zombie scouts from the ring. They will definitely be useful to him. Next, he activated the search through the tournament formation. A miniature screen appeared above the bracelet with a built-in compass, on which 5 dots were displayed, and above each approximately the following inscription: "154 kilometers - a lord phaser at the peaking stage". After 15 seconds, the screen turned off.

  {Five hundred participants, each with a thousand points on the balance. To be guaranteed to enter the top sixty-four, I will need to score five thousand points – to defeat only ten participants. Easy.} – Kyon reasoned. If other participants are motivated to fight by awards for prize places, then he is not.

  Lovr was much more worried about Juno. At the tournament of families, she barely managed to beat a practitioner 8 stages higher, and only because the opponent turned out to be convenient. Now she is a lord phaser at the 8th stage and she has the ability to read the intentions of the soul. Does this mean that she will be able to defeat a royal phaser at the 6th stage? Not a fact. The fact is that there is a gap between the lord phase and royal phase that exceeds one stage. This gap is almost imperceptible on the phases below, but the higher the phase…

  It is also important that Juno will probably have to deal with several opponents at once, because there are too many people in the order who want to pluck her flower, even though he will have to pay for it with his life.

  Kyon will have to look after his investment. And if the Walders suddenly appear, then he has only one way to protect his stepsister, and that is quite risky.

  On the way to the girl, Lavr decided to dispel some doubts, so he slightly deviated from the route towards one of the participants. It turned out to be Kolya – the guy who "beat" him due to the instigation of a crowd of debtors after Juno's duel with XiaoXiao and Master Zheng. What a nice coincidence!

  «Wa-a-a-ah!» – Kolya jumped in fright, seeing the fat man suddenly materializing in front of him, and pointed at him with his finger. – «It's you! A fat simulant, plump as hell from every touch! You scared me… Wait, how did you sneak up on me unnoticed?»

  «Why can't I?»

  «Okay, whatever. I'm glad I met a weakling like you first.» – Kolya slowly began to raise his fist.

  «Me too.» – Kyon smiled ominously and knocked out the opponent with a light slap in the face.


  The sturdy young lord phaser at the middle stage somersaulted in the air several times and landed on his head. Kolya could not react to such a swift blow in any way.

  Kyon kicked the guy in the chest ten times with an interval of one second, and each blow was accompanied by a light ring from the tournament bracelet, signaling the replenishment of the balance.

  Seeing 1050 points on his balance instead of the expected 1500, Lovr clutched his head: {Oh no… The zeroth general, damn you!} – it turns out that the usual penalty of 95% works here too. It would be incorrect to say that the path of the messenger of the goddess has become 20 times more difficult, because he is given only 3 days, during which he needs to score about 100,000 points, which is 20% of the total number of points of all participants.

  {Son of a bitch, what will this test of my abilities give you?! What are you trying to achieve?!} – Lovr tried to calm down, discard unnecessary thoughts and focus on the task. Getting into the top 64 is difficult, but not impossible. He will need the help of a puppet.

  As soon as Elsa landed, she immediately heard the annoying voice of Dick in her head:

  {«Move east.»}

  The blonde's eyebrows went up: {How did he know I had just landed? And why east? What's he up to?} – shaking her head, the girl headed north, but suddenly the voice sounded in her ear again:

  {«Fool, I told you - move east, but you went north. Don't you know where the east is? Oh god…»}

  Elsa blushed because of the reproach of the messenger of the goddess. He treats her like a complete fool. But she was also worried about something else: {Is he following me?! How?!} – the girl quickly realized that it was because of the formation imposed on her – it probably has a built-in tracking function. It looks like she will have to obey.

  Half an hour later, the blonde met with a participant, who turned out to be a handsome, long-haired blond named Valentine, who was well known to her.

  «Elsa?!» – Rose was taken aback by such a "pleasant" combination of circumstances.

  «Rose, what a surprise…» – the girl looked extremely embarrassed.

  «Really… What a stupid coincidence.» – the blond smiled sourly.

  «I, well…» – Elsa drawled. – «You understand that I can't just leave, don't you?»

  «Yes, of course… Otherwise, we may be accused of collusion. Attack, dear.»

  «I'm sorry… I'm starting.» – the blonde whispered guiltily and attacked Rose. She attacked him not to hurt or humiliate him, but only to take points.

  Stone was moving so fast that Rose couldn't follow her. Every second he lost 50 points, trying in vain to prevent it somehow. It would seem that there are only 4 stages of difference between them, and everything should not be so hopeless, but it is also worth considering the gap between the royal and imperial phases.

  Ten seconds later, Elsa whispered: «I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…» – and disappeared.

  {Five hundred points… Well, okay. I'll catch up again.} – Valentine consoled himself, adjusting his hat, and put a pill in his mouth. Albert said to take them strictly on schedule.

  {Why did I meet him?} – the girl was perplexed. – {Did Kyon take me to him on purpose? But how would he know where Rose was?..}

  Soon the girl met with the next opponent - Timothy, the one whom she once defeated at the tournament of families, and he then announced that he would make her his wife.

  «Long time no see, Elsa.» – the handsome black-haired boy smiled affably.

  «Yes. Will you give me the points in a good way or in a bad way?» – Stone asked coolly.

  «Heh, do I look like a coward, afraid to clash with a strong girl?»

  «Don't pretend to be brave. If you want me to beat you, then so be it. You were not my opponent then, you are not my opponent now.»

  «Yes, but it won't always be like this!» – Timothy shook his finger. – «Four months ago I was a lord phaser at the peaking stage, and now I'm a royal phaser at the eighth stage… Do you think you can resist me in six months?» – the guy winked meaningfully.

  Kyon, having overheard Timothy's words, refused to believe that some brat was developing faster than himself. Most likely, he is just rapidly returning to his original development – after all, he is a representative of the alien race – that's what causes such a pace.

  «And why are you telling me this?» – Elsa squinted unkindly.

  «Because your boyfriend is not even worth my finger!» – Timothy shouted, and his body was covered with a thin film of bright moonlight. The hands sparkled with lightning.

  He wanted to say something else, but wisely kept silent, because he was afraid that the Valentines would want to get rid of him, since his plans go against their interests.

  «Well done, you managed to piss me off!» – Elsa instantly attacked Timothy with her fist in the gut, but he miraculously managed to react and put a block, but still rolled twenty meters head over heels, breaking two thick trees with his body.

  Wiping the blood from his bitten lip, the former Brown grinned crookedly and rushed into battle…

  Kyon, watching the duel through the birds, noticed something interesting: the girl absorbed the lightning of the former Brown, as the voracious keys of light and darkness absorbed light and darkness, respectively! But that doesn't mean that the blonde has such an ether key, right? She seems to be keeping a secret in her body.

  Elsa was surprised that Timothy was able to give her at least some rebuff, being at the end of the royal phase. Rose, for example, offered almost no resistance. Yes, there is a one-stage difference between them, but it also seems to be a matter of the quality of power. It took her 30 seconds to deliver 10 punches on the guy's body! Surprisingly, the former Brown is already stronger than Valentine, and significantly, and given the pace of his development, he will really soon catch up and overtake even her. Had she jumped to a conclusion by becoming Rose's girlfriend? Well, no. At that time he was the best. Now two more gifted monsters have appeared in the order - Kyon and Timothy. It's not her fault.

  «From now on, think with your head before you open your mouth.» – said Elsa finally and left.

  The beaten Timothy laughed bitterly, leaning against the trunk of the broken tree: {Rejoice while you can, Elzochka.} – but inwardly he was grateful to the girl, because she did not beat him at full strength, otherwise there would be no living place left of him, well, as it is, only a couple of bones are broken.

  Meanwhile, Kyon got close enough to Juno to come to her aid in case of emergency. Unfortunately, he could not use teleportation in the tournament, otherwise the zeroth general would find out about this ability. He should not reveal such a trump card to him. Especially because "The Dark Baron" also escaped from the department through teleportation.

  Through the birds, Lovr noticed another participant approaching him with a bloodthirsty grin on his face. Judging by the personality - a royal phaser at the 1st stage of the Valentines. Probably he found on the radar a one-of-a-kind "noble phaser at the middle stage" – the enemy of Rose, and now rushes towards him at full speed to kill and then please his master.

  In the last moment before the blow, Kyon tilted his head to the side.


  «Ho-oh-oh?!» – Valentine drawled in surprise. – «How did you dodge?!» – he attacked with all the speed available to him, but some noble phaser at the middle stage was able to dodge? It was even more ridiculous than an elephant dodging lightning.

  «Something made my neck ache…» – Lovr pointedly crunched his cervical vertebrae, turning around.

  «Let me help you straighten it…» – Valentine said and attacked again.

  With a slight movement of his right hand, Kyon beat off his fist, as if he waved away a midge, and with a swift hook to the chin forced his opponent to kiss the ground.

  «I don't need a massage therapist.» – with a cold smile, Kyon rejected the offer. The young man's mood improved markedly. He defeated the royal phaser at the beginning stage in an instant! Recently, he could only dream of such a thing. He can't help but rejoice!

  Less than half an hour later, another participant rushed to him. It's very convenient to be a noble phaser at the middle stage. Everyone sees you as an easy victim and wants to take points.

  And at this time, Juno met her first opponent - a lord phaser at the 10th stage.

  «Lady Juno, what an honor to fight you!» – with a bawdy gleam in his eyes, the fat guy in a mask attacked the girl, spreading his arms, as if trying to catch a bunny. However, he had to pay for his total underestimation of the enemy and stupidity in his head.


  Juno won with one well-aimed blow to the enemy's groin. It's not difficult to guess why she attacked there: the enemy got aroused.

  The fat man curled up, clutching his penis, and squeaked something unintelligible, while the beautiful girl mercilessly kicked him in the back, taking away his points.

  «I hate horny fat men!» – having taken away 50% of the points, Stone, proudly posing, was about to leave.

  «I'm not fat…» – the participant objected in falsetto.

  Juno, with the look of a bloodthirsty fury, abruptly turned around: «What did you say?!» – she ran back and began to knead the poor fellow's sides with her feet, wanting to teach him a lesson.

  «I'm fat! I am very fat! I'm the fattest in the world!» – the masked fat man yelled.

  «That's better.» – Juno nodded with satisfaction and left.

  «Bitch, I'll take revenge on you…» – the pale young man promised in a whisper.

  «What did you say?!» – Juno shouted in a fury, appearing as if from nowhere…

  12 hours passed unnoticed. Night came.

  Juno met 15 opponents on her way. Many of them wore masks for some reason. One of them even turned out to be the royal phaser at the 3rd stage, but she had no problems with him either, although he forced her to be careful with his annoying techniques. According to her approximate calculations, the real difficulties will begin to arise when she meets a royal phaser at the 5th stage.

  Kyon faced 20 opponents, each of whom he neutralized with one sharp right hook to the jaw. Only the royal phaser at the 4th stage managed to react to this attack. However, one blow with the back of the Scourge subdued his ardor.

  Elsa easily found her fleeing opponents due to her hunting skills, heightened senses and high development. They broke tree branches, left footprints and used the elements too noisily. In total, she managed to defeat 15 opponents. The girl was about to take the folding tent out of the ring, when she suddenly heard the voice of the messenger of the goddess - he ordered her to move west.

  «Will you leave me alone or not?» – the blonde muttered angrily under her breath and went in the indicated direction. After 15 minutes, a surprise awaited her.

  «Elsa?!» – Rose blurted out in amazement, clutching his head.

  «H-hello…» – the girl straightened her hair in confusion.

  «We met again…» – Valentine smiled bitterly.

  «Yeah… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… It just happened that way.» – Stone apologized.

  «Yes, I understand… And yet it is strange that exactly half a day has passed since our last meeting…»

  «What are you driving at?» – the blonde frowned.

  «Nothing!» – Rose waved his palms. – «It's just very weird…»

  «Do you mind if I start?»

  The guy sighed sullenly and forcedly raised his fists.

  After 15 seconds of ruthless removal of the points, Elsa folded her hands in a prayer gesture: «I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to…» – having finished, she ran away with a crimson face. – {Kyon, you're such an asshole, how and why are you pushing me with Rose?!}


  Two invisible people were moving at an excessively high speed through the forest.

  {«We are crossing the border of Rosarrio.»} – agent of the Walders sent a telepathic message, holding his finger on his wrist.

  {«Affirmative.»} – a telepathic signal came from the formation.

  A little later, having penetrated the tournament area, the man reported: {«We are in position. We begin to search for the target - Juno Stone.»}

  {«You have forty-six hours. Act immediately.»}

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