Everything will be my way!

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Valkyrie's face twisted as if she had eaten a lemon. She made a fool of herself in front of the crowd… This disgusting feeling, eating the girl from the inside, drove her crazy. She had never experienced anything like this before. The sly-assed degenerate is a dirty spot on the magnificent canvas of her ideal life. All because of him!         


Kyon drew a symbol of infinity with the Scourge and pointed its tip at the opponent. But he did not have time to enjoy his sister's reaction, because suddenly, with the help of Synergy, he discovered a critical defect in the Scourge: a microscopic crack stretched from the handle to the tip, breaking the symmetry of the ideal atomic lattice.     

Lovr immediately eliminated the problem with the element of the earth. If he hadn't been careful, the next attack would have shattered his sword into pieces… Damn curse!     

But Kyon figured out how his sister's technique works: it accumulates energy at the site of the subsequent attack, and then releases it to the fullest. Stomping on the ground, the girl can merge 3 hits into one. The scepter allows her to combine 5 hits. But there is one condition: no more than a second should pass from the moment of the first attack.     

All this means that Lovr should not give the sister the opportunity to hit one place more than once a second, otherwise the destructive power of her attacks becomes too huge: even the sword cannot be held when it falls out of his hands at breakneck speed. And if she hits him twice in the chest, the bones will shatter and the organs will rupture…     

{A delayed strike… What a nasty technique.} – Kyon mentally chuckled.     

The long scepter perfectly complements this technique. With the right grip, it turns into a two-sided weapon, albeit not so long, but capable of inflicting many fast and unpredictable blows. And its rotation, coupled with the element of wind, can create a powerful shield capable of blocking any sliding or remote energy strike.     

In addition, the sister's fighting style implies the frequent use of counterattacks. That is, from each contact of the scepter and the Scourge, the lady immediately turns into a spinning top, which allows her to instantly make another blow…     

{But isn't it all useless against me?} – Kyon smirked.     

Meanwhile, the angry Valkyrie rushed to the attack.     

Kyon responded with "The cut of darkness" containing the energy of a 9-ton sword strike.     

The girl did not even try to break the blade with her bare hands, but with the scepter…     


The collision of the blows generated a green flash.     

Valkyrie destroyed the blade, however, she also took a step back… There was amazement on her beautiful face. How is it possible that they have the same attack power?!     

Clementine almost turned green with envy. This girl is not only unusually fast, but she was also able to repel the blade by retreating just a step! How can a human be so strong? It turns out that if Baker defeats her, then she would not have a chance, therefore, she holds a grudge against him in vain…     

Grunting, Valkyrie attacked again, but the same thing happened.     

Torres was not discouraged, continuing to try to somehow parry the blade and get closer, because she just needs to touch the body twice, and the fight will end! However, she had to pay for the first attempt to dodge: the black blade cut into her stomach!     

{Oh no!} – Valkyrie was horrified.     


With a thud, the girl slammed into the protective barrier at breakneck speed. Her beautiful face contorted in pain. Red skin and a bruise could be seen through the tear on the jacket, as if a heavy red-hot rod had hit there.     

The audience gasped in shock.     

Elsa clenched her fists happily.     

Master Felix raised his eyebrows in disbelief. It seemed to him that the disciple simply did not recognize the deception, for which she paid. But why? She used to parry all attacks, and with her bare hands! Did Baker find an approach to her?     

{It hurts so-o-o much!} – the lady closed her tear-stained eyes. Not only the burn hurt, even the internal organs ached. She was experiencing such concentrated physical pain for the first time in her life… So that's how her opponents felt when she broke their bones? It turns out that she treated them extremely cruelly and even ruthlessly…     

Valkyrie put her palm to the wound, and the soft green glow eliminated the burn and suppressed the internal pain in a matter of seconds. Now the girl was worried about another question:         


{Why did the combat sense deceive me?!} – as far as Torres could remember, her intuition never failed her, whether in battle or in any other situations. Now, because of her sixth sense, she received a strong blow to the stomach… Is Baker really so unique that he was able to unravel and even outwit her "intuition"? It seems to be true… The girl was 100% sure that the fat guy would make another move, more clever, perhaps…     

{So I need to stop listening to myself? To stop blindly believing in myself? How so…} – Valkyrie became sad. Anyway, now she looked at the fat guy differently, she now considered him a dangerous opponent. However, all this did not cancel her dislike for him, after all, he is a grease stain on her reputation, which must be washed off at any cost.     

The fight continued, and this time Kyon noticed that the girl was acting more carefully and constrainedly, and his attempts to deceive her "luck" no longer worked. The fact that she had so easily learned to ignore her innate skill was discouraging.     

Valkyrie was doing her best. She did not forget to sometimes stomp on the ground, sending underground blows, but the fat guy managed to jump up in time. And he always landed in a place different from the one she was aiming at.     

{I do not understand… I always hit the opponent's foot with this technique! Why is it not working now?!} – the girl felt so confused for the first time. How could she know that the opponent masters Synergy that was beyond the control of luck.     

Within a minute, Valkyrie's beautiful face darkened.     

The element of ether is useless, because the fat guy has almost complete resistance to it.     

The element of wind is also useless, because this freak is too strong to be cut.     

The underground strikes are useless, because for some reason they fail to hit.     

The rock of "the spiritual gem" – an important trump card – is also worthless, because the damned black blade is too hard and stable, like a stone, and also unusually powerful.     

"Soft touch" together with the staff are also ineffective, because the black blade is a remote attack, it does not allow you to get closer, and it does not make sense to attack him twice.     

And most importantly: somehow the enemy, moving much more slowly, manages to keep up with her in combat skills. On the contrary, he does not let her relax!     

{All my abilities that I am so proud of… They're all useless against him! Why… Why is he so wrong and inconvenient? Why exactly against me?! He's the complete opposite of me… An eyesore!} – the lady started to get anxious.     

Suddenly Valkyrie had an idea. Her whole life was too perfect and carefree. The worst thing that happened to her was defeat to an overwhelmingly strong opponent. But it's stupid to take offense at such a thing, because who is she to cross mountains with one step? And today the girl met someone who should compete with her, pointing out that she is not the center of the world, and there will always be someone more skilled than her. The universe sent her an antagonist! The most vile, most inconvenient and nasty enemy. Only after getting rid of him, she will breathe deeply, pass the universal test and blossom for real.     

{It's either him or me!} – the feeling of gloom that had gripped her finally receded, and excitement began to play in Torres' eyes.     

Kyon looked completely calm, but in fact he felt surprisingly helpless: {We won't be able to hurt each other if we continue to be so careful… Everything is clear with her: she is afraid of pain. But what am I waiting for?} – the problem was that he consumes much more energy, therefore, it cannot be delayed.     

At some point, Valkyrie abruptly interrupted the attack and blocked the blade flying at her. Due to the fact that she did it from an uncomfortable position, the girl somersaulted several times on the ground and almost lost her balance, but immediately rushed into battle… But the same thing happened: the beauty forcibly interrupted the attack and rolled on the ground…     

The audience looked at each other in disbelief. Many of them frowned in puzzlement.     

And only Felix immediately understood everything. He chuckled to himself with interest.     

Kyon chose the strategy of "sacrifice", wanting to use his body to the fullest in order to end the fight before he runs out of energy. The essence of this strategy is simple: he exchanges blows, exposing the most durable parts of the body to the blow. There is no one more dangerous than a samurai, ready to take the enemy with him at the cost of his life. The guy chose a similar strategy, but he will pay for it "only" with numerous injuries.     

After trying to attack again, Torres immediately jumped back and shouted indignantly: «Are you crazy, or what?! Are you in a hurry to go to the next world?!»     

«Are you afraid of getting hurt? No one knew that the legendary Valkyrie was such a coward… Poor thing, you have been living for so many years, and still you have never really fought… So, girl, remember, there are no rules in a real fight. No one will be warm and fuzzy with you. Victory is achieved at any cost.»     

«Shove your moralizing up your ass! I am a disciple of Felix, the legendary first archmaster! I am not afraid of pain and I do not know fear!» – Valkyrie said proudly.     

«Big words, but what are they really worth?» – Kyon deliberately provoked his sister.     

«Now you will know it.» – Torres promised with a sinister smile.         


{«He's provoking you… Can't you see? He's afraid you're going to start a battle of attrition. So do it, don't be embarrassed. All's fair in combat, he said it himself.»} – Felix sent her a telepathic message.     

{«Master, thank you for the offer, but I will refuse.»} – Valkyrie replied decisively.     

In a normal situation, the girl would have listened to his advice, but how can she respect herself after her own proud words if she starts to beware of the enemy like a frightened mouse? To be afraid to even hit him… Such a victory of the imperial phaser over the noble phaser would be humiliating! In addition, she needs to crush the antagonist, not just give him the opportunity to peacefully surrender. She needs to prevent him from taking revenge in the future and probably become even stronger.     

{She's still too young…} – the archmaster shook his head in frustration.     

A fierce duel ensued, and after the first three movements, the girl, gritting her teeth, hit the fat man with the scepter in the side with all her might, while with the second hand she took the blade flying into her elbow bone.     

~BOOM~ ~BOOM~     

Kyon fell to the far side of the barrier. The ribs cracked. The blow with the scepter turned out to be somewhat more serious than the blow with bare hands, but its power was still not enough to break bones, which means that the element of earth had time to fuse them.     

Valkyrie, quietly hissing in pain, scraped 5 meters along the ground, almost losing her balance. A large red burn appeared on her bleeding left arm. If this attack was a third stronger, then the bone of her arm would definitely not withstand it.     

The girl stoically withstood the sharp pain, healed most of the damage and rushed into an even more aggressive attack… She quickly lost the habit of listening to her intuition (luck) and began to rely on skills equal to 7 fighting fists.     

~BOOM~ ~BOOM~ … ~BOOM~ ~BOOM~ … ~BOOM~ ~BOOM~     

The fight had been going on for 10 minutes, and it was impossible to call it normal. Bloodthirsty slaughter – that's what's happening! The two young fighters seemed eager to dig into each other's throats. Perhaps, everyone dreamed of seeing such a cruel and colorful duel of heavenly geniuses.     

Kyon's eyes were bloodshot, his body had long been covered with bruises. Some vital organs were on the verge of failure. A rib fragment pierced the lung. The healing technique barely had time to eliminate internal bleeding. One artery did not heal properly at all. Many muscles are torn so much that they have lost most of their mobility. The right hand, waving the sword weighing 9 tons, is already numb. Besides, there is 30% of energy left… Everything is very bad.     

He felt the same way when Juno beat him half to death after he saw her undressed. The only difference is that now he is the noble phaser at the finishing stage, and his body is much more durable. Also, pure energy poured into the body can wake even a half-dead. Well, do not forget about the Synergy of the 3rd phase. Without it, to be honest, any practitioner in his place would have died in the near future.     

Lovr was in despair. He really didn't see a chance to win. He will definitely miss with "The sovereign's stare". Energy is running out. The body is in critical condition. There are no trumps… There is only "The Sphere of Annihilation", but now, as experiments have shown, its power is only slightly higher than that of "The cut of darkness" with the sword weighing 9 tons, and the girl certainly will not allow this technique to hit herself.     

But another thing was even more disturbing: the sister seemed to be distraught! Her eyes were bright red, like precious rubies. Those eyes made the heart feel oppressed, as if you were fighting an intrepid bloodthirsty beast.     

She completely ignored the multiple cuts on her clothes, which gave the audience a view of the rather private parts of her body. For any noble lady, this would be more than a good reason to give up, because for them the most important thing is to maintain dignity.     

Also, judging by the expression on her face, she did not feel pain. It was as if all these numerous injuries all over her body didn't exist for her. The movements are not at all constrained! She even forgot about the healing technique.     

All this could be attributed to a state of passion, but no. Her movements have not become more straightforward and readable. Moreover, her speed and strength have increased significantly, which is completely absurd, because their source is elemental energy, but she definitely did not raise her stage of development, otherwise the empress would have intervened… The girl seemed to blossom, becoming really serious and dangerous.     

Every provocation, every missed and inflicted blow, every new cut on the clothes fueled the anger, rage, hatred and bloodlust of Valkyrie. However, she is not one of those people who are dominated by sensual impulses. She is able to control and manage her emotions. So, for example, she transformed all the negativity into energy, with the help of which she became much faster, stronger and more durable. At the same time, the girl's mind remained crystal clear. There was only one thought in her head: to win at any cost.     

Torres, perhaps, got such pleasure from the fight for the first time in her life, which did not reduce her desire to break the opponent's spine at all. This bastard not only bares her in front of a lot of people, but also repeatedly injures her. The grandfather would have executed him in the most cruel way for any of his actions. She wasn't going to let it go either.     

{She's not one of those people who gets lost in battle… You shouldn't have pissed her off, Dick… You're going to lose today. Accept your defeat with honor.} – Felix thought.     

~CRU-U-UM~ ~BOOM~     

Baker's ribs took a powerful blow. The nasty crunch of bones echoed in his ears.     

Kyon, who hit the barrier, vomited blood, as the rib pierced his esophagus. He didn't want to get up because of despair and pain. It seems that he is not destined to defeat his sister… Looking at his opponent once more, he was sure of it…     

Valkyrie's entire body was covered with a centimeter layer of blood-red mist. Исходящая от него аура сжимала горло так, что становилось трудно дышать, и вместе с этим заставляла сердца всех присутствующих яростно биться. An inexplicable thirst for blood engulfed all the spectators. The girl's emotions turned out to be so vivid and immense that they took on a physical form! Something phenomenal was happening.         


Valkyrie's scarlet eyes, deep and clear like a mountain lake, glowed ominously, like those of a berserker, hungry for murder and violence, as she rushed to the attack…     

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