Everything will be my way!

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

Kyon accepted Elsa's invitation and came to her in the guise of Baker.         


In the palace of his enemy, Lovr always kept the utmost caution, so he immediately noticed a strange thing: his acute hearing does not pick up the sound of a heartbeat. Not only the servants were absent, but also the owner of the room.     

Suddenly, Kyon felt a thirst for blood… It seemed as thick as Kara's after the wedding night. The person emitting it certainly wants to rip his head off!     

Lovr instantly took out the Scourge and turned towards the source of the threat, but there he was surprised to find the blonde who had come out of invisibility. Her beautiful slightly pale face took on a frighteningly ferocious expression. Her chest was heaving with anger. Teeth tightly clenched.     

Kyon was confused, he lowered his weapon and frowned: «Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really hate me for making you fall in love with me? Or…» – he tactfully kept silent, because he had enough secrets that could anger her.     

«You… Raped… My sister!» – said Elsa through her teeth, and her fingers, clenched into a fist, turned white with tension.     

Lovr's heart skipped a beat: {How… How did she know?! I was vigilant!}     

Yesterday, before replacing Roman, Kyon, of course, thoroughly studied the room for hidden nephrites and formations, and also did not forget to scan Juno with Synergy and examine her with "The eyes of truth". In addition, he was always aware of Elsa's location, and she had not been in contact with Juno over the past month. Did she put a formation on Roman? Also no! He was lying in a corner under the barriers of concealment, through which sound does not pass. But then how?     

{Damn it…} – It dawned on Kyon, and Synergy confirmed his guesses.     

Elsa put the formation on him! During the foot massage yesterday… It was not difficult to do this unnoticed, because for a perfect massage you need to use pure energy, and against the background of its loud "sound" it was impossible to hear the spatial attribute necessary for transmitting the signal, especially for the noble phaser at the finishing stage who had weakened his vigilance. It turns out that Stone just wanted to eavesdrop on his conversation with the empress, but she heard something she would never want to hear.     

It is worth noting that it is extremely difficult to detect an already imposed formation, especially if it is located inside a quality slot. So, for example, even Bai, the practitioner who surpasses him by 3 phases, could not notice Kyon's subordinate formation on Juno because of the perfect slot. Now he is inferior to Elsa by 2 phases.     

However, Synergy is able to detect even the slightest effect on the body! But the wiretapping formation is comparable in its effect to a flashlight shining through the little toe of the left foot. To detect the formation, it had to thoroughly scan the heel. Lovr will notice the formations of Eve and Leila in his head even later, and it's not worth talking about the one that the goddess put on him in the mine…     

{Motherfucker…} – Kyon wanted to break his face with his palm. Fool, how could he be so stupid? He was too relaxed next to an unusually helpful beauty… Not for the first time. The reason lay not only in a pleasant pastime, but also in the fact that he demanded a massage from her. If the girl had taken the initiative, then, of course, he would have suspected something.     

{And what should I do now?} – Lovr wondered. It is obvious that Elsa has prepared countermeasures over the past day, and it would be better for him not to provoke her. So, for example, an attempt to put Juno's life on the line, as he did before, will turn against him, because the archer heard the conversation where her sister said that Synergy would no longer work on her. And although this is not entirely true, it will not be possible to convince her.     

«Elsa…» – Kyon began.     

Seeing that the bastard tried to approach her, the blonde jumped back, shouting: «Don't even dare! If you take another step, I will signal to send a message with compromising evidence to the empress!»     

Kyon folded his palms in a peaceful gesture as he spoke: «Elsa, let me explain…»     

«I don't need your explanations! You bullied my sister to earn darkness! Y-you made her suffer… You stole money… You raped her… Dirty animal!» – thinking about what this monster had done, the girl's heart was torn with compassion for her beloved sister and hatred for the inveterate villain.     

{Then why the hell did you even invite me, stupid?!} – Kyon was angry inwardly.     

Yesterday, Elsa really tried to force herself to send the message, thereby condemning her sister's rapist to an unexpected and certainly cruel death, but she could not do it. The heart, bursting with conflicting feelings, did not allow this to happen. As a result, the lady decided to simply protect herself and her sister from him, but before that she still wanted to meet this scoundrel to make sure that she was not mistaken in her decision.     

«Don't look at me like that. No matter what monstrous things I've done to her, she loves me, and love doesn't just appear like that. If you had talked to her, you would have found out that she was terribly sorry for making me hate her, and she would have given a lot to redeem herself. So don't bother her! You will only increase her remorse with your so-called "care".»     

«I know better that a villain like you is not worthy of her love!» – Elsa interrupted him. – «The fact that she loves you means nothing! You have charmed her with deception, because in this way you will be able to effectively fill your body with her suffering!»     

{Annoying!} – Kyon was indignant inside. It looks like he chose the wrong strategy.     

«And now you are raping her, causing her inhuman pain!» – Elsa screamed hysterically. Her face turned red with indescribable hatred and thirst for blood.     

«That is, would it be better if I gave her to Roman?» – Lovr asked dryly.     

«…What?» – the blonde asked.         


«I'm not ready to give Roman the girl I like.»     

«What are you talking about?» – Elsa's short confusion began to turn into anger again. She wanted to listen to this deceiver and manipulator less and less. She was beginning to regret not sending the message yesterday, he would have been dead by now.     

«I am telling the truth. Juno's rebellious strong-willed character cut me to my soul a long time ago. You know about this trait of hers, which could be noticed, for example, in a duel with Roman. No matter how much I hate her, this does not negate my deep sympathy for her person.»     

The blonde hardly believed the scoundrel's words, but still gave him a chance to speak out.     

«Two months ago, your sister's patron, who is also the head of the department, suspected that Juno was my weakness, and he arranged a check: he told me to control the Token wedding. This was unacceptable to me. However, I also did not want to run away with the stolen bride, abandoning everything I had achieved. Then I had to cheat and replace Roman…»     

«But you didn't have to **** her!» – Elsa shouted furiously.     

«You know how the Russells enforce Token contracts. Roman also showed excessive caution by installing hidden visual formations. I couldn't give your sister's innocence to Roman, because Juno is only mine!»     

Elsa recoiled in shock. The bastard so categorically declared his rights to Juno that she took her breath away. It was hard to doubt his intentions. The girl even began to doubt that he made her fall in love with him just to pump out the darkness, when she suddenly remembered something else and hissed angrily: «Then why did you **** her a second time?!»     

«Because I like her too much… But at the same time I still hate her.» – Kyon told the truth, which showed his true attitude towards the mean blonde. However, all this did not cancel out his desire to pump out the darkness, in this Elsa was right.     

«So, you admit your guilt…» – Elsa coldly summed up with disappointment and chagrin in her eyes. – «Then I will take responsibility and protect my sister from you… I will not allow such a scumbag to be near her. I will do everything to make you disappear from her life once and for all.»     

The situation seemed hopeless. Stone is about to send a signal, and all of Kyon's plans to save Valeera will go down the drain… All these tournaments, all the preparation, meetings with zeroth general and not only that will be a waste of time!     

«That is, will I suffer the same fate as Julius and Feng?» – Kyon looked at the blonde intently. He seems to have found a way out of a hopeless situation.     

Elsa's eyes widened, and she even opened her mouth in amazement.     

«The empress is a terrible person. This bloody bitch has to die. She killed the alchemist Feng and the formacist Julius.» – Lovr explained.     

«A-are my masters killed?» – the girl's voice trembled.     

«Yes, they are.» – Kyon confirmed grimly, closing his eyelids.     

Elsa's ability to recognize lies confirmed the truthfulness of what she heard. And although the bastard knows how to bypass her ability, Stone was still sure that he was telling the truth. His words sound too plausible. It explains everything.     

«I can't tell you the whole truth. On that day, she also executed the Minister of Finance Vladimir, Patriarch Monty and Horace, and even me in the guise of Zosimos… I survived by a miracle. I infiltrated the palace under a different guise in order to break this tyrant's life.» – Kyon told almost the complete truth. He didn't mention Valeera's rescue.     

Elsa felt danger around her from the very first days in the order. At that time, she was far from being the strongest, but her beauty stood out too much. Many girls wanted to disfigure her out of envy, so she did not go into the sparsely populated areas of the order. And if they molested her in public, then the guys, her future fans, intervened… However, all the "defenders" were eventually refused. Some of them held a grudge. Someone was plotting to commit a crime just to get what they wanted…     

Julius and Feng protected Stone from danger, becoming her patrons. The girl immensely respected and revered her masters. She could always rely on them. These men became her new family and support on a difficult path, however…     

«They are… Dead…» – Elsa knelt down and covered her mouth with her palm while transparent tears rolled down from her beautiful eyes. She's been looking for them for so long, and they're already dead… The young girl's heart was bursting with grief.     

Kyon tactfully remained silent, letting his sister cry out.     

A few minutes later, Elsa got up and, wiping the tears from her face with a handkerchief, said quietly: «I give you time until the next morning to run away.»     

«Don't you want to get back at her? I can do it, but I need more time!»     

«I want… But I want to get rid of you even more. Don't even dare to claim that you had nothing to do with their deaths. But Juno is much more important to me. I won't let you be near her. Early in the morning, I will send a formation to the empress, and if you stay in the palace, then blame yourself.» – Elsa said adamantly.         


«Are you stupid? You heard me tell Juno that I would consider her! And do you even understand what the empress will do to you when she finds out that you let me go?! Do you realize you're framing Juno too? She will kill you! Just like she killed Feng and Julius! Aren't you a smart girl? Well, think with your head!» – Kyon tried to reach her.     

Elsa shook her head resolutely: «Don't even try to convince me. I believe that she is a wise ruler, and she will certainly not kill anyone for exposing a traitor.» – she has already come up with a plausible legend, after hearing which, the empress will understand and forgive her, and then, perhaps, even praise her, making her a direct disciple. Although she hated Lanatelle, she will not refuse the opportunity to use the resources of the Russells.     

Lovr clenched his teeth: «Elsa, why the fuck are you so stubborn?!» – he understood that no logic and rationality could overcome Elsa's love for Juno, which was terribly infuriating. It looks like he has no choice but to take extreme measures…     

«Go away.» – the blonde said coldly, turning away from the young man and stubbornly crossing her arms on her chest. Behind the mask of cold, she hid a kaleidoscope of feelings towards this monster.     

«No, I won't leave.» – Kyon's gaze and intonation were filled with grave cold. – «If you violate my plans by sending compromising evidence, you will pay for it with the blood of… Yours, Juno and the Stones. Maybe not now, but in a year you will be paid back.» – every next word carried an increasing threat, as if he were a cornered beast. He didn't want to use such a desperate method until the last moment.     

However, there was no fear or confusion on Elsa's face, and she confidently stated: «Don't even try. I won't fall for your threats, you dirty manipulative blackmailer. Get out before I send the signal!»     

«Are you crazy?!» – Kyon frowned.     

«Get out! I give you one last chance!» – Elsa shouted, not succumbing to threats.     

{What the…} – Lovr was amazed at such impenetrability. Why doesn't she take his threats seriously? After all, he had recently blackmailed her with the death of her sister! He is "The Dark Baron", the head of the shadow megaclan! How could she be so stupid?!     

And then it suddenly dawned on Kyon: the matter was in yesterday's conversation with Juno, where he made it clear that his threats of murder and torture were just a bluff. Besides, a minute ago he was talking about his sympathy for Juno, that he would not give her to Roman, that she belonged to him and only to him… Considering all this, Stone undoubtedly came to the conclusion that he would never turn his threats into reality. And the fact that he is also one of the Stones, and their brother, strengthens her position.     

{Damn it… Why does everything always go ass-backwards?!} – Lovr was angry at Elsa, but even more at himself. At his carelessness. The fact is that his Synergy scans the body for the presence of formations only once a day. Why not scan it hourly? Doesn't he want to waste the Synergy? Bullshit! His own personal safety is more important! From now on, if he falls into this trap at least once more, he will not forgive himself…     

Kyon took a deep breath and decided to use trumps: «Elsa, I use my right to one wish. I saved Juno from the Walders, and you won't dare ignore it. You are a kind and sympathetic girl who knows how to be grateful. In exchange for the rescue, I need one year to implement my plans.» – he called such a high deadline to be able to lower it if he had to bargain. The trick is primitive, but working.     

Elsa, who had already decided to send the signal, abruptly changed her mind, becoming confused. She really owed a wish for saving her sister… And what to do? She can't show heartless ingratitude, especially after his words…     

After hesitating, Stone reluctantly agreed: «I give you a week.»     

«Too little!» – Kyon exclaimed.     

«And you shouldn't have tried to scare me with the blood of the Stones! I'll give you a week, and that's it!»     

{@#№%$!} – gritting his teeth, Lovr threw out his last trump card. – «Elsa, give me at least half a year… I saved you once.»     

The girl's thin eyebrows went up. Then, realizing what he meant, the lady frowned sharply: «You dragged me into that dangerous situation with succubi, and now you decided to add value to the salvation? Go to hell!»     

«I'm talking about another case.»     

«I don't remember…» – she tilted her head in disbelief.     

«Haven't you figured out who saved you from that mess in the warehouse yet?»     

Elsa interrupted him indignantly: «You're completely insolent! I saved myself by shooting a signal arrow into the sky! Moreover, your crazy woman almost killed me! Are you trying to piss me off?! You are doing well!»     

Kyon snorted angrily: «You're really stupid! She shot the arrow, well, wow! And just like that, in a minute, the department assembled a group of security officials, consisting of royalphasers, who also managed to get to the warehouse in the middle of nowhere! Open your eyes, fool. I'm the one who sent the rescue team. And all because of her… She set a trap for you, although I forbade her. And maybe it will please you, she was punished for her willfulness.»     

Elsa silently opened and closed her mouth, trying to somehow refute the words of the villain, but she failed. No matter how you look at it, he's right. It turns out that she is still alive only thanks to him? He sent a group of security forces, despite the fact that he thereby endangered his girlfriend and members of his clan…     

After a minute of intense thought, Stone sighed tiredly and put out one finger in front of her: «I give you exactly a month and not a day more. And if you dare to approach Juno or capture me, it will not help you. Knowing what you are capable of, I will prepare well for any of your antics.»         


Kyon wanted to say something, but seeing that the girl did not intend to talk anymore, he just nodded and left. Any attempts to extend the term are doomed to failure, and he has run out of arguments. He hoped to win at least 2 months, but it didn't work out.     

Lovr was extremely angry with Elsa for interfering with his interests, while he perfectly understood her motives. Given her love for her sister, the fact that she decided to meet him at all, thereby giving the opportunity to escape, is already a miracle.     

On the way from the palace to the Golden Pig guild, Kyon was thinking about his deplorable situation with a dejected look: {I only have a month to make "Frozen Heart" transformation medicine with a trick of excellent quality and save Valeera… How can I make it in time?}     

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