Everything will be my way!

Chapter 560

Chapter 560: Chapter 560

Low's eyes widened when he jumped up from his chair from an idea that had come to him. Overwhelmed with enthusiasm, he set about another attempt at making medicine. The process was practically no different from the usual one, except for one thing: at the moment of fusion, the energy would go to the center of the alchemical kit in portions, not in a single composition.

Any alchemist would consider him crazy after seeing this, because the final moment of making medicine - the fusion of energies - lasts only I second, so what portions can we talk about?

Suddenly, an incomparable aura of time clearly appeared in the air... It stood above everything, like the ether of the universe. It did not come into conflict with anything and anyone, as if it did not see the point in descending to everything earthly, which only confirmed its superiority over all other laws. It also meant that it did not interfere with the fusion of the energy of the ingredients. Any other aura, for example, would certainly spoil everything.

An almost invisible transparent sphere enveloped the entire alchemy kit.

A second later, a glow lit up the room.

Kyon slowly took the warm ball in his hands. Goosebumps ran down the young man's back, and his eyes watered...

“I am the god of alchemy!"  shouted jubilantly, throwing back his head and bursting into insane laughter. At that moment, he wanted to kiss the reflection in the mirror, because he once again fucked the universal laws! The purity of the medicine, despite the limitation of the binding ingredients, has reached l000k!

Something just happened that no alchemist in this world would understand: the entire alchemy kit was placed in "The Sphere of Annihilation" - an area where time passes much faster than in any other place in the universe, or to be more precise, exactly 10 times faster (the guy wanted it that way). However, there is a hollow area in the center of the sphere where time flows just like anywhere else on the planet.

Considering the theory of relativity, we can say that the fusion process, which lasts for 1 second, was stretched for 10 seconds! Consequently, it is not necessary to transport the energy across the bridge in a single composition! That's why he divided it into portions, as if instead of a donkey with a vat, a whole flock of trained dogs with jugs were running across the bridge.

But there is an even more accurate analogy: Kyon reduced the width of the riverbed, because of this he was able to afford to build a short, but stronger and more stable wooden bridge.

Some genius has just invented a new principle in alchemy that violates all the basic laws of this craft, and he called it "The Basis of the Universe".

The principle of "The Cycle of the Universe" allows you to combine the uncombinable.

The principle of "The Basis of the Universe" allows you to balance unthinkable arrays of energy.

Due to this principle, from now on, Low will be able to merge even huge arrays of energies, using garbage binding ingredients as materials for bridges, and this will not lead to a loss in the quality of medicine.

All this, of course, does not give Kyon omnipotence. He can still make mistakes in the construction of the bridge due to lack of experience. There are thousands of mythical types of medicine in the world, and it is impossible to understand how to make them just by looking at the recipe.

{Damn, there's almost no time!} - suddenly Low came to his senses and hurriedly began making the third sample of "Frozen heart" medicine with the trick inside.

6 hours later, the room was filled with explosive energy. Its density was several times higher than the energy density of the previous two times, and the purity of the medicine was the legendary 10004!

Kyon was overjoyed so much that his head almost exploded in pain, so strongly his body was pierced by the aura of the medicine that despises emotions. Great! As soon as the empress is overcome by the thirst for blood caused by the extract of the ice flame, she will at worst suffer a crushing failure, and at best she will die!

Lovr immediately went to the palace with a deadly present. On the 6th floor of the palace he was met by a beautiful blonde in a bad mood. She came when she sensed him by passive scanning. {4(Why haven't you left yet? Why are you waiting until the last moment? I gave you a month, and today is the last day allotted to you. Do you really want to die? Or are you testing me? Idiot, the empress will receive the letter early in the morning, and your death will not be on my conscience!"} {She came out to meet me to remind me of the deadline, and now she says so many words?} - Kyon noticed his sister's contradictory actions. Does she still feel affection for him after everything that happened? It seems so, because how else to explain her concern for him...

«Elsa, give me at least three more days, please." - Low calmly asked. {4(How dare you ask me for something after all those brutal threats?!»} «You yourself concluded that I was bluffing..." {«This does not negate the heinousness of your act! You know, do whatever you want. I warned you, and you decide: you live or die."} - Elsa turned around sharply. There was anger and helplessness on her face. She was angry at the fool for being so stubborn. Let him blame only himself for his death.

«Wait!» - Low suddenly stopped her. The girl turned around sharply, angrily asking: {c(What?!»} Kyon had no choice but to convince the girl not to send the message, using the last trump card: ((If you change your mind about sending the letter, I...»

licit's too late."} - Elsa interrupted him. - made sure that even I couldn't cancel sending the message. It has been flying all over the empire for a month, and early in the morning, whether I want it or not, it will be delivered to the empress. If even these words do not convince you to disappear from the empire, then you are really a fool.. »} - having finished, she left.

{Oh shit...} - annoyed Kyon swore softly. He was really sure that a month would be enough for him to make medicine, but in the end he prepared it at the very end of the term, and there was almost no time to save Valeera...

Having dispelled the bad mood with Synergy, Kyon went to the 13th floor.

He waited for the empress for an almost endless half hour when she finally appeared. Irresistible and great, causing a desire to bow down only by her appearance. Her silver gaze made the blood in his veins tremble with fear. A chill ran down his spine.

Lovr duly greeted the master. «What do you want to talk to me about?" - the empress asked calmly.

oMy master... Your disciple wants to give you a gift." - Kyon took out a precious box with a blue ball inside. The air around the pill was strangely distorted.

Lanatelle's thin eyebrows went up, when suddenly she frowned slightly, obviously experiencing slight discomfort from the effects of the energy of the medicine of "Frozen heart".

«Please sprinkle the medicine of "Frozen heart" with your blood." - Lovr asked respectfully, still holding the box in outstretched arms. As soon as at least a drop gets past the ball, it will be stolen, which will allow him to fulfill the condition of the 0th general.

His request was reasonable, because he wanted to make his master a finished gift, and for this it is necessary to sprinkle the ball with the blood of the one who will accept it later.

«Good. However, I adhere to the principle - blood for blood." - she said with a squint.

Not a single muscle flickered on Kyon's face as he cut the tip of his ring finger with his thumbnail. Bright scarlet blood seeped from the cut.

Lanatelle stepped forward, approaching the disciple at arm's length, bathing him in the scent of her fragrant body. She gently took his wrist with cold gentle hands and pulled it to her face...

Low's eyes widened, and he even became nervous.

The empress parted her thin pale lips, gently wrapped them around the tip of his bloody finger and sucked on it like a leech. The fact that the woman closed her eyes spoke eloquently about how much she liked the taste of the blood of the messenger of the goddess. Finally, she pulled away and opened her silver eyes, which had a strange glint. Kyon was speechless. Stein would give his soul for something like that! What is she doing? Her idea of propriety must be distorted... And who cares. She rules the kingdom. She can do anything.

{Sapphire blood... It's curious.} - thought Lanatelle, licking her lips rapaciously.

Kyon used Franz's blood to trick a woman. Before he had time to recover, the empress cut her finger with her nail, and her blood sprinkled the medicine of "Frozen heart" with even drops. The pill, like a living being, quickly absorbed the precious liquid.

-drip- -drip- -drip-

{Oh no... She's too careful!} - Lovr wanted to howl in despair. Lanatelle acted with the caution and accuracy of XiaoBai, who was afraid of overpaying for the purchase of a pie. It seems that she treats her blood as carefully as a treasure...

On the thirteenth drop, the blue ball suddenly turned scarlet, and the entire aura emanating from it also acquired a red hue; the metallic scent of blood spread in the air.

ul accept your precious gift, my disciple." - the empress said with emotion, taking the box, and putting her hand on her heart, she added. - ul express my deepest gratitude to "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron", who managed to produce "Frozen heart" medicine with unfathomable l000k purity in just a month. Your skills are admirable. You... You are an amazing alchemist.),

For the first time Kyon caught the satisfaction in the woman's voice. Well, wow, she liked transformation medicine with loot* purity! But her reaction is almost a spit in the face for such a priceless gift. Any other sovereign phaser at the peaking stage would have kissed him to death right now, but she only praised him... Or was her gratitude in the recent sucking of his finger?

Now Lovr was worried about something completely different: without the drop of blood, he would not fulfill the condition of the 0th general, which means he would not get access to the secret archive, which probably contains the plan of the palace. Without the plan, it will be much more difficult to find Valeera.

But there's something even worse: it is unlikely that Lanatelle will begin the transformation before tomorrow morning, when Elsa's compromising material is already on her desk. If she studies it, he will not be able to save Valeera, and the medicine of transformation with the trick inside will certainly not be taken.

Kyon duly said goodbye to the master and was about to leave, but a cold voice came from behind him.

«Come to my place at six in the evening. I'll assign you a responsible task" Lovr looked thoughtfully at the empress, nodded and left. What task? He doesn't have time to do any errands. However, it would be better for him not to be late. The time until six in the evening dragged on forever. Finally, Kyon went up to the 13th floor, where he was met by the master.

Now the graceful figure of the empress was wrapped in a long thin silver robe - her favorite home clothes. Why home? Because it's too tempting for other people's eyes. Wrapping her naked body in a sheet would have been less sexy. It's strange that she allows the direct disciple to see her in such clothes.

After greeting the master, Lovr respectfully inquired about the task

«This is very important to me. I'm giving you a chance to refuse, but in that case you'll disappoint me. If you agree, you will have to do everything to the very end, otherwise I will not forgive you. In exchange, you will earn my trust for the rest of your life."

Kyon was a little taken aback: 43-but what exactly are you talking about?"

ul can't give you the answer before you agree. But I give you my word, nothing will threaten your health and freedom, as well as Elsa, in whom you show interest.),

{What is she up to?!} - Lovr tried to understand, but he lacked information. Anyway, it's stupid to refuse. In the worst case, he'll just run away.

ul agree." - putting his hand on his heart, Kyon agreed.

«Follow me." - ordered Lanatelle and gracefully walked somewhere. Her elastic buttocks, smoothly moving as she walked, could cause inappropriate feelings in any man, if she were not a bloody tyrant. Two long braids swayed from side to side.

Lovr was overcome with excitement. What task is this?

The empress stopped near a thick metal door and, turning around, cast a piercing glance at her disciple: ((Take off your clothes.),

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Kyon nevertheless obeyed, taking off his shirt and pants. Dick's body really looked awful. However, the woman didn't seem to care.

«Take all your clothes off." - said Lanatelle.

uUh-uh... A-are you really..." - Lovr abruptly cut off his thought. - ((If you don't mind..." - after hesitating, he shyly pulled off his underpants. He felt a growing nervousness standing completely naked in front of the empress.

The empress didn't even raise an eyebrow when she saw the disciple naked. She handed him the ring, ordering: ((Put this on the very base of your reproductive organ." {Fruit ring?!} - Kyon became more and more anxious. The fruit ring, invented by the supreme beasts, gives full control over the sexual system of the one who puts it on. For what reason did the empress order him to put it on?! He had no choice but to assume that the real gratitude of the woman for the priceless gift would begin only now. However, something doesn't add up... Why didn't she ask him to transform into the messenger of the goddess? Does she really like Dick's appearance more?

Swallowing, Low pushed his penis into the large ring, and it shrank sharply to such a size that it could not be removed. Insane arousal hit his head and the previously flaccid penis suddenly swelled to its maximum size.

The empress involuntarily looked down at the stone penis of her disciple, and was amazed at its rather large size. She stopped staring and opened the door, allowing him to go inside.

Kyon's heart was jumping out of his chest. He simply did not believe that this was actually happening. Sex with the empress? It's just crazy! This can't be!

As soon as the young man stepped over the threshold, he froze as thunderstruck when he saw this..



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