Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 110: The Chains of a New Adventure

Chapter 110: The Chains of a New Adventure

Harvard looked into the peephole in his hotel room, and the first thing he saw was a woman's chest guarded barely guarded by a yellow dress. She was clearly very pretty, and her cleavage looked very familiar. However, until he opened the door, he had no idea who she was.

"Aren't you the fake Land and Sea Bandit King?" Harvard opened the door and saw Manicelan standing there, who he used to think was the Underwater Bandit King. He looked at her up and down and saw her standing in a rather beautiful yellow dress with a briefcase. Where did she think she was going? "What are you doing here? We haven't broken the bed yet. The person who breaks the bed becomes the boss next."

"Listen, I have no time for your petty games, Harvard," Mincelan walked in and tossed her hair into the wind before her blonde streaks dazzled the five girls who were just in the dark for several hours. All the five clothed girls looked at Minicelan as she walked over to the bed. She smiled and sat right down next to May Tape before leaning back and lying on the bed. "You see.. I'm here to give you an opportunity to get your third class. I want you to be none other than the second Underwater and Land Bandit King."

"Do you actually have a name for the class yet?" Harvard asked skeptically as he walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. He couldn't help but look at her pale legs which seemed like they were made out of the finest jade. "And by any chance, before I accept anything, do you mind telling me how long it will take to finish your quests? I don't have two months like last time."

Harvard somewhat regretted how difficult his previous quests were, and still sometimes had nightmares about putting Lograms in that damn coin dispenser! He simply couldn't risk spending so much time doing another quest when so much was on the line! Seeing six girls on the bed, he knew that there was too many valuable things in this world that needed to be protected! He could wait for his third class until after the eight tombs in Dame Continent were dealt with!

"It will be very fast," Manicelan said with a smile. "I just have to travel with you for the next seven days. I don't know if you know this, but Class NPCs aren't like other NPCs. We can actually leave cities just like regular NPCs can on quests. However, along the way, I may give you some difficult quests to test your strength. Only, though, if it doesn't interfere with your other quests."

Harvard looked down at Manicelan as she stretched her arms back and smiled in a bed with five other women on it. He could barely believe that this was the one who was supposed to be the underwater bandit king! This was definitely his sister! 

"If you're the underwater bandit king, then why are you so pretty?" Harvard said, realizing he just said that with five beautiful girls around him. "I mean, not that kings can't be pretty, but how do I know you're the underwater bandit king and not an imposter! Or better yet, a man in a woman's body like my best friend whose name I will not mention!"

"I'm not in a man's body," May Tape muttered and looked up at Harvard's greyish hair wavering in the wind. It instantly made her heart hurt a little bit. After all, was he suggesting that she wasn't his best friend? How could she not be?! She let him have four women play a game with him! She better be his best friend! "Harvard, am I not your best friend?" She said with a trace of anger. "After all you spent on me! How could you suggest that with all these other women around!"

"No, you're all my best friends. You especially May!" Harvard realized the other four girls looked mad and stamped his foot. "Ugh, what I mean is that the Underwater Bandit King has a reputation, and one of the things I heard about him is that he's a him okay! Now stop overreacting!"

"Damn it! I'm tired of this! Just take a look at the quest! Could I give you a fake quest!" Manicelan sent a class quest to Harvard, however, when she tried she got a surprising message. It was nothing like she'd ever seen before in her entire life. She almost couldn't believe it! It was the complete opposite of what she expected!

[Class Quest cannot be given to Harvard at the current time.]

[His faith in you is too low to accept the quest. Please increase his faith in you to above - 50 in order to offer him the quest.]

'Are you kidding?' Manicelan tried to send him the quest over and over again but kept getting the same message. She could tell that now even the girls, including Katie, Tilly, and May Tape were starting to doubt her. "There has to be some mistake! It's saying that your faith is too low."

"That's because you're not the Underwater Bandit King," Harvard said with a somewhat cold tone. "Do you realize that when I went to the Silver Fist Tavern there was a chair there that said it was made by the Underwater Bandit King and I had to get all this wood for a man. Clearly, it's not you. You're definitely not the Underwater Bandit king."

"But I am. If I had the right wood I could carve you something right now," Manicelan's chest started to beat faster and faster while the girls started to stare at her with contempt. She even heard one Hmph and get off the bed. How was this happening? She spent the last 3 years trying to help whomever would defeat the Monsoon Kraken prepare, and now the person she'd helped didn't believe it was her? She was infuriated! In fact, she was beyond mad. "I-I hate you, Harvard! Never in a million years will I give you this quest anymore! You and your five women can go back to playing boss or whatever you do! I'm just going to stay here! Because I can't leave this damn continent until someone accepts my class quest!"

"Why don't you leave then?" Tilly said, pointing to the door. "You think it's not already crowded enough with five girls for Harvard to play with. Why don't you come back next week after we return from Dame Continent. I'm sure Harvard will have some fun with you then."

"I really am a NPC." Tilly looked up at Harvard while he shook his head. "I-I'm not giving up yet, Harvard! I will give you another quest! One that you can't refuse!"

'Silly girl,' Harvard patted her on the head and looked into her cleavage. Sure enough, she still had weapons hidden inside of her cleavage, but it definitely wasn't the Underwater Bandit King. 'You probably can't even give me a quest. Now, get out of here I just wanted a simple reprieve before everything got hard again!"

[New Quest Accepted]

'Wait what?' Harvard coughed, it didn't even give him the prompt! 'I-I have other things to worry about! I can't accept a new quest!

[Spend the next seven days around Manicelan in order to judge if she's the Underwater Bandit King or not. She will follow you over hills, mountains, and even into bedrooms to judge if what you're doing is to the standards of her potential student. Likewise, you must watch her abilities and see if you really think she is the Underwater Bandit King or not.]

[Failure to have a non negative faith in her at the end of the quest will result in your inability to access the Underwater Bandit King Quest in the future.]

'But but she's not the Underwater Bandit King! What kind of joke is this?' Harvard pulled at his hair and then shook his head. 'Ah, there is really no way to not accept this quest?'

"Harvard!" A voice appeared at the door, it was non other than Lollypop Girl. "Bad news! Candy Kid has gone with the Monsoon Kraken to the temple of water and fire and ice and snow! H-he was on a date with me, and then suddenly the Monsoon Kraken appeared and took him away from me! Harvard, please, please go save him!"

"I demand you go," Manicelan said with a smile. "Under the water will be a great place to show you my abilities. After three days, not only will you accept my quest, but you will believe in me fully."

"I can't," Harvard shook his head. "I'm sorry, but what's happening in Dame Continent is more important." 

Harvard obviously wanted to protect Candy Kid, but as far as he knew the Monsoon Kraken was now completely harmless. And not only that, but Candy Kid was also one of the children that the Tomb Emperor was seeking. Why would he ask Candy Kid to come when it would just get him in danger.

"You don't understand," Lollypop girl started to cry. "H-he said his sister is in the temple, and without you she'd die in 10 days!"

"We don't even have!" Harvard raised his voice and then looked over at Katie. "Ugh, Katie, can you get us there quickly? How far is the temple of ice and fire and snow and water or whatever it's called!"

"It's roughly 20 kilometers away and it's the place where I became the Underwater Bandit King," Manicelan smiled before she walked a few steps away from Harvard. Suddenly, seeing her rise from the bed, he couldn't help but admit she was ridiculously beautiful. "And not only that, but if you don't stay with in a certain range of me you could very well die. Now, what would you prefer, a second death or going to the tomb?"

Harvard slammed his hand into the bed and angrily got up before he looked at the time in his interface.

He had to do this now, and he only had six days left to increase the level of the entire planet! Could things get any worse?

"Along the way, I will also begin training you," the Underwater Bandit King smiled and brushed back her hair, causing a few of the girls to cover their eyes from her beauty. "That way, once you finally believe in me, your class quest will already be over. Now, shall we go?"

"You really don't understand! Ow!" Manicelan walked roughly 50 steps away from Harvard before he felt something hurt. With one more step it hurt even more!

He got it almost immediately! He really had no choice in the matter!

"Fine! Katie, get the ship ready. If you don't mind, Manicelan, however, we need to pick up Great Styles, Harvest King, and a few others first. Is that okay?"

"Hmph, as long as we can train you on the way," Manicelan smiled and the next moment her hand blurred. Harvard looked down and instantly realized chains were on his hands and knees. "You have one minute to figure out how to escape from those chains before I put more on you. Do I make myself clear?"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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