Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 157: The Prime Ministers Will

Chapter 157: The Prime Minister's Will

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny


The murder of the Prime Minister, Lockwood Marcell.

This is the first time he has ever been accused of a crime he did not expect to commit.

Embezzlement, smuggling, bribery……,and various other misdeeds have earned Crowley Rhodis the reputation as the shadowy ruler of the Kingdom of Zain. The assassination of the Prime Minister was the only “attempted evil” that could never be accomplished.

“Nonsense! Didn’t Lord Marcell commit suicide……and wasn’t it announced that he died of illness?”

The sudden death of Lockwood Marcell. To avoid confusion, it was ostensibly announced that it was due to illness.

But Rhodis, using his own network of information, was able to find out that it was a suicide.

Rhodis, who until now had been in a relaxed mood, was now grimacing with impatience. No matter how many sins he had committed in his life, he could not bear the thought of being falsely accused of something he did not do.

However, despite…..Rhodis’s frustration, Sven opens his mouth with a grimace of comfort.

“Certainly… Former Prime Minister Marcell is said to have died of illness. But the truth is different. He was found lying in his house, stabbed to death by a knife, by his daughter, Miss Mertina Marcell.”

Sven taps the document in his hand lightly with the back of his hand and speaks in a cheerful tone, as if he were an astute jurist arguing in court.

“And……the murder weapon, a knife, was not found at the scene. A clear murder. It cannot be suicide or death by illness.”

“That’s …!?”

It was different information.

According to the information that Rhodis had obtained from the knight who had inspected the scene, Lockwood should have been found sitting in a chair with a knife in his abdomen.

Clearly, there was a discrepancy between the information that Rhodis had investigated and what Sven had told him.

“Are you telling me that they’re…… setting me up?”

Finally, Rhodis realised the exact situation he was in.

He was about to be accused of the murder of the Prime Minister.

“I am…..!I, the true ruler of the Kingdom of Zain……am being framed by this brat, ……”

A blue streak appears on Rhodes’ forehead in intense humiliation and anger.

Rhodis, who has wronged so many others, is being hunted down by a young boy who has become prime minister only at the behest of Raidorl.

It was a disgrace that should never have happened in his life as the head of the illustrious House of Rhodis.

“On what basis……! That’s bullshit! Even if Lord Marcell’s death was not due to illness or suicide, there’s no proof that I killed him!”

“Eh……, Lord Marcell and you were once political rivals for the position of Prime Minister. You must have had a grudge of some kind, I imagine”

“Hmph! Such old gossip is of no use to you! Keep your mouth shut, you ignorant brat!”

Rhodis turns to Sven with a biting rebuttal and then turns to Raidorl.

“Your Highness! Don’t be misled by this nonsense! A child like him is not fit to be Prime Minister! It is an experienced and venerable nobleman like myself who is fit to support the King!”

“That’s true….. You certainly have a point.”

Raidorl nodded without denying Rhodis’ desperate plea.

Rhodis looked pleased with himself. But there was more to Raidorl had to say.

“But it seems that…..Sven is not finished with his argument yet? Why don’t you hear him out?”


“Of course I won’t charge you with making things up without evidence. If you want proof, I’d already have it here.”

Sven walked up to Rhodis with a light-footed step and held out the document in his hand.

“This was written by the former Prime Minister shortly before his death. In other words, it’s like a will.”


Rhodis snatched the document from Sven’s hand.

Then he looked at the text dancing on it and his face turned red.

“Stupid……! How can this be ……!”

It was signed by the Prime Minister, Lockwood Marcell, and stated that he was being threatened with death. It even said in no uncertain terms that Crowley Rhodis must be the ringleader of the plot against him.

The irony is that Rhodis, who has spent years in the dark looking for a weakness to exploit in Lockwood, can see it. The handwriting on this page must be that of Lockwood Marcell.

“How dare he……!”

“If you’re going to tear it, don’t do it, okay? You’ll be charged with destroying evidence.”


Rhodis was about to tear up the document in a fit of anger, but remembered that there would be a lot of people watching, and stopped in a hurry.

“By the way,……is not the only will of the former Prime Minister. At the time of his death, Lord Marcell sent the same document to the heads of several noble families with whom he had been in contact………….Isn’t that right?”


Sven’s question was answered by several of the noblemen present.

All were noblemen of the court. Together with Lockwood Mercell, these were the nobles who supported Granard’s reign.

The eyes of many people pierce through Rhodis’ back.

They look at him with suspicion and contempt. Most of the people present seem to have come to believe that Rhodis is responsible for the murder of the Prime Minister.


Rhodes’ face contorts greatly as he realizes that he is in a bad position.

If this continues, he may lose his position for a crime that really doesn’t exist.

“Well…..even if the letter was really written by Lord Marcell, it doesn’t prove that I carried out the assassination! It may be that Sir Marcell was mistaken!”

In the face of a complete backlash, Rhodis refuses to give up.

He had done countless evil things, but this time he was innocent. It was only natural that he should be desperate to get away with it.

“I swear to you, I did not do it! I am innocent, and I had nothing to do with the murder of Lord Marcell…….”

“Well……you’re right, Sven’s argument might be a bit of a stretch.”


A statement in defence of Rhodis. It was Raidorl who said it.

Raidorl looks at Sven and Rhodis in turn with the face of a fair-minded monarch, the opposite of the fierce expression he wears on the battlefield.

“The letter of the former Prime Minister, Lockwood Marcell, is certainly one piece of evidence. But it is hardly conclusive evidence. It is a little unfair to condemn the Marquis Rhodis on the basis of suspicion.”

“Your Highness Raidorl..!”

Rhodis’ voice quivered with emotion.

The man with tears in the corners of his eyes looked as if he had been given a hand of salvation from the hell that was about to consign him to.

It was Raidorl who had appointed Sven as Prime Minister in the first place. The fact that he was planning to use drugs to puppet Raidorl had slipped his mind.

“I know……so here’s what we’ll do.”

Bu …… soon Rhodis would find out.

Raidorl was not on his side. Raidorl had interrupted the conversation in order to deliver the coup de grace himself.

“Marquis Rhodis’s mansion will now be examined. If there is no clear evidence of an assassination, the Marquis will be acquitted.”

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