Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 164: The New Witch

Chapter 164: The New Witch

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by Zil


Confirming the grave robber’s cruel end, the chestnut-haired girl mumbles something small, like a breath.

The volume of her voice is so small that it melts into the night and disappears without becoming a clear word.

“Gatsugatsugatsu, kuchakucha……”

Countless corpses were devouring the flesh and blood of the man who had died.

Like hyenas devouring their prey, the sight was so cruel.


The girl with chestnut hair slowly shakes her head at the horrific scene and walks slowly through the cemetery.

At a slow speed, like a lizard crawling, she reached the mausoleum at the end of the cemetery.


When the girl reaches the entrance of the mausoleum, she slowly raises her hand and touches the door with her fingertips.

However as soon as her thin fingertips touch it, her hand is flicked away with a buzzing sound like static electricity.

The mausoleum has a special warding system that is designed to reject any outside intruder without mercy.


Her fingers were blackened and burnt as if they had been roasted in a fire.

The girl frowned slightly and took a step or two back from the entrance of the mausoleum, looked up at the high wall and drew her mouth into a straight line.


Then, after a long silence, she mumbled a few words that finally made sense.

Instantly, both of the girl’s eyes glowed golden and a circular magic circle appeared at her feet. A silvery glow emanates from the geometric pattern of the magic circle, and the midnight graveyard becomes as bright as if the sun had just risen.


With a languid look on her face, the girl mumbled something incomprehensible.

A huge amount of magic is blown around the girl.

A small tornado generated by the raging magic curled up the chestnut-haired girl’s hair and made a sound like a bird’s wings.

“………………..Earthquakes Titan Stamp”

Eventually the girl’s magic is completed.

A huge earthquake occurs with the chestnut-haired girl at its centre.

The ground shook up and down as if the continent were being turned upside down, gravestones fell, and the sound of destruction could be heard in the distance as buildings collapsed.

The effects of the earthquake engulfed the entire western side of the continent. It was a catastrophe that could not have been caused by a single person, it was as if the end of the world had come.

(TL: brah, she’s the one who caused the earthquake in Zain?)


After a good five minutes, the continental quake had finally stopped.

The girl, with a sleepy look on her face, nodded in satisfaction.

A crack in the earth caused by the earthquake had torn the mausoleum in half.

The wards on the mausoleum flickered and flickered slightly, but then the blue light disappeared in a puff of smoke.


The chestnut-haired girl, who had not moved in the earth-turning quake, peered in through the crumbling walls of the mausoleum with the same sluggish gait as before.


On the floor of the broken mausoleum, there was a different magic circle than the one the girl had just created.

It was a sacred magic circle that kept evil away, but it was no longer effective as it had been cruelly cut in two by a crack in the earth.


The girl tries to enter the mausoleum to make sure that the magic has disappeared.

She crawls slowly up the broken wall and finally rolls down from the pile of rubble she has made for herself and steps into the mausoleum.


(TL: she wanted to ‘itai’=painful/ouch. But she just say ‘tai’)

The chestnut-haired girl got up slowly, rubbing her bruised bottom.

When she stood up again, she looked at the four metal urns on the floor.

Without hesitation, she approaches the urns, removes the lids and pours the contents on the floor. The bones of four people tumble out of the four urns.


The girl opened her hands and let the magic power out.

The huge amount of magic power released from the small body is absorbed into the white bones of the four people, like water sinking into dry sand.


The bones of the four men vibrate violently, moving and colliding on their own.

The bone fragments consolidate into a human shape through repeated vibrations and collisions.

“Me……………………! Hi……………………!”

The bones had finished forming into a human shape, but the girl’s magic power was still poured into them.

Then, like a clock turning backwards, flesh was attached to the bare bones, eyeballs and internal organs were born, and finally skin and hair were attached.

The four bones reanimate into four people.

The four resurrected people stood in amazement for a while, but when they noticed the chestnut-haired girl who brought them back to life, they rushed to their knees.

And then,:The oldest of the four, amongst the man and woman, opens his mouth.

“We congratulate you on your return after so many years! Our great master, Osman, Queen of the Underworld and Witch of the Earth!”


After the bald-headed old man’s words, the girl called Osman looked at the four of them in turn with vague eyes.

Then she raised her small right hand and opened her…… apple-red lips.


From her pretty lips came a short utterance that could hardly be called a word.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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