Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 20: Shadows engulf the capital

Chapter 20: Shadows engulf the capital

Translated by SoundOfDestiny

Edited by Zil

A few days later, Raidorl stepped into the royal capital for the first time in five years, rocked by a horse-drawn carriage.

The streets of the capital were not much different from those he had known. However, the number of people walking along the main street and the number of stalls lining both sides of the street had obviously decreased, and the whole city seemed to be depressing as if shadows had engulfed the whole capital.

“I suppose it’s understandable that the atmosphere would be depressing due to the current war but……. is the war situation worse than I had expected?”

If the war were going well, the people’s faces would not be so depressing. The reason why their faces are so downcast must be because they sense, in their own way, that the Kingdom of Zain is being hunted down.

Raidorl peered out of the carriage window and predicted the outcome of the war.

If the kingdom of Zain is so cornered, they may call back the ‘one’ they never want to see again.

“I will take you back to your mansion. Your audience with His Majesty the King will be tomorrow, so take your time and recover from your journey.”

“Mansion? I thought we’re going to the palace?”

Raidorl raised his eyebrows at Darren’s explanation.

“I thought they were going to take me to the palace, but why are they taking me to a mansion?”

“As there is a lot going on at the Royal Palace, we have prepared a mansion in the Noble Quarter for His Highness. You may use it for the duration of your stay in the Royal Capital.”

“…… I see. So they don’t trust me at all.”

Raidorl twisted his lips in loathing.

Although Raidorl was exiled from the capital and sent to the frontier, he was not deprived of his royal status. It’s not that he’s not a member of the royal family.

However, it seems that his brother does not like Raidorl enough to allow him to stay in the palace.

He is afraid that Raidorl will rebel against him and turn on him, or maybe he just doesn’t want to see his brother’s face. The reason for this is unclear, but he doesn’t even want to have him under the same roof as him.

“No, it’s not like that…….”

“You don’t have to lie. I’ve known him for five years to know that my brother hates me.”


Raidorl turned his head out of the window and Darren said softly, “I’m sorry.” Darren’s eyes were downcasted, his face was somber, and he fell silent apologetically. There was a long silence in the carriage and the only sound was the rattling of the wheels on the ground.

For a while the carriage drove on until it came to a section lined with the residences of noblemen and wealthy merchants. The streets were much less crowded, and instead a quiet atmosphere enveloped the area.

The carriage drove deeper and deeper into the aristocratic quarter until it stopped in front of a large building.

“We’ve arrived. This is the mansion.”

Darren, unable to bear the silence, speaks up. One of the knights surrounding the carriage dismounted and opened the carriage door for them.

Darren was the first to get out, followed by Raidorl and Neimilia.

“Wow, …… it is quite something, isn’t it?”

He looked up at the large house in front of him and sighed in admiration.

The house has the appearance of a great nobleman’s residence, with a vast garden full of well-tended plants and seasonal flowers. The chalk walls and blue roof had been painstakingly maintained and there was not a stain to be seen.

To purchase a house of this magnitude of money would have cost the pioneer town a year’s tax revenue.

“I see. …… I can see right through your intention, my dear brother.”

As he gazes up at the grand and luxurious mansion, Raidorl wonders what his brother, King Granard, thinks of him.

He is afraid of Raidorl and does not want him in the palace. However, he still wants to help him, so he gives him some sweet candy.

He wants Raidorl to disappear, but he also wants to win over the Keeper of the Holy Sword. He must be struggling to balance two conflicting emotions.

“I suppose I can do as much as I like with the house.”

“Of course. Your Majesty has given you permission to do with it as you please.”

“Oh, well then, I shall do so.”

Raidorl stepped unceremoniously into the gate that the knight had opened for him. Behind him, like a shadow, Neimilia followed him.

As they disappeared into the house, Darren’s eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and hope.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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