Raidorl Seiken Senki

Chapter 239: End of duel

Chapter 239: End of duel

Translated by SoundDestiny

Edited by SoundDestiny

“【Twilight Trickster】”

Dark robes, resembling black monk attire, enshroud Raidorl’s body.

Faintly glowing patterns akin to tattoos emerge on the surface of the body. From the oversized holy sword, Dáinsleif, towering above their height, an incredibly malevolent aura of miasma emanates and magic surges forth like a volcanic eruption.

“【Leader of the Dead Sea】”

Black animal fur envelops Zan-Sha’s body.

The handsome face of the once exotic man transforms into that of an obsidian dog, and from a mouth filled with fierce fangs, a pale blue phosphorescence spills out.

The demonic sword, Gáe Bolg, held in hand, changes shape to encompass both hands, transforming into a gauntlet with sharp four-hooked claws.

“The Hound of the Underworld…the name is Garm, right?”

[TL:Garm is a hunting dog in Norse mythology . He guards the boundary between Niflheim and the real world.]

“『Names matter not. As long as I possess fangs to crush and claws to tear you apart, that is sufficient.』”

“Agreed. We’re on the same page then.”

Raidorl raises the jet-black sword, larger than his own height, and declares,

“We’ve both revealed our trump cards…From here on, it’s just a matter of clashing.”

“『A straightforward duel.』”


Zan-Sha moves first.

With legs adorned in phosphorescence, he kicks the ground, closing the distance to Raidorl with incredible speed.

[TL:giving off or shining with light, and giving off little or no heat.]


In response, Raidorl lets out a small, disdainful snort.

He remains in his stance with the massive sword held above his head, not moving, and neither evading nor counterattacking.

The hooked claws of the transformed black dog, Zan-Sha, draw near before his eyes.


However, just as the claws seem about to reach their mark, Zan-Sha abruptly retreats with force.

In the space where Zan-Sha had been standing just a moment ago, a void opened up, right in front of where Zan-Sha backstepped.

“Indeed, you’re sharp. You won’t fall for such bait, it seems.”

Raidorl arched his shoulders with a sarcastic smile.

This was the ultimate technique of the cursed sword martial art, usable only when invoking 【Twilight Trickster】: it was called 『Devouring Divine Wolf』.

It was an invincible divine skill that could make objects disappear without a trace, not by cutting or breaking, but by complete annihilation.

No matter how fortified Zan-Sha was in his magic armour, a direct hit would have been devastating.


Zan-Sha growled like a true beast, placing both hands on the ground and assuming a crawling stance.

With his sharp-clawed hands digging into the earth, he created a massive crack in the ground.



And then…accompanied by a resounding roar, a powerful beam of light was unleashed.

The bone-white beam wasted no time and closed in on Raidorl without giving him a chance to react.

“『Devouring Divine Wolf』”

Raidorl activated the magical sword capable of erasing anything from existence, attempting to dispel the beam that was piercing through him. The void that appeared in front of him successfully nullified the bone-white beam as intended… but it didn’t end.

“This is…!”

He couldn’t erase it completely.

In that moment, Raidorl swiftly shifted the vector of his power from 『Annihilation』 to 『Distortion』.

By warping space, he forcibly twisted the trajectory of the light beam, redirecting it beyond the sky.

“The power of 『Death』… truly troublesome.”

Raidorl felt a cold sweat on his back as he muttered to himself.

The attack Zan-Sha had unleashed was a destructive beam condensed with the very concept of 『Death』 itself.

It could bring about the end even to lifeless objects, aiming to cut and kill even the void Raidorl had conjured.

“【Beware of Forgetting Death】… A technique named by Queen Osman.”

“A formidable technique…It could indeed kill me.”

“Indeed. If you understand that, then fear it greatly.”

Zan-Sha stood up and extended both arms with hooked claws.

“I am the Knight of 『Death』 The final knight who serves Queen Osman, the 『Earth』 witch, named by the Queen herself. Tremble in great fear before this loyalty, the eternal fangs of darkness!”

“Don’t make me laugh. You get all talkative as soon as you transform. My holy sword is a reaper, I will undoubtedly vanquish Death…It’s you who should be trembling as you sleep.”

“【Beware of Forgetting Death】!”

“『Devouring Divine Wolf』!”

Void and death collide.

Raidorl and Zan-Sha clash their magical swords, kicking the ground and dancing across the wasteland.



Holy sword and demonic sword clash.

Having exerted their full strength, both of their swords had transformed, but Dáinsleif, which had become a sword larger than their own height, held an advantage in reach.

However, in terms of speed and numbers, the twin clawed Gáe Bolg had the upper hand.

Raidorl swung his massive sword to restrain Zan-Sha’s attempts to close in, creating openings and gaining distance.

“『Devouring Divine Wolf』!”

“【Beware of Forgetting Death】!”

And then… both of them unleash their deadly techniques at every possible opening.

Slashes and magic.

Both are attacks that can unquestionably bring about death to the opponent, each carrying a power that could result in instant death even with a grazing hit.


“『Goaaaaaaaaaaaa! 』”

Raidorl and Zan-Sha continue their intense exchange on such equal terms.

A literal clash of lives. Both were colliding with their souls, solely intent on slaughtering each other.

“Aah, it’s really exhausting… In the end, is this how it’s going to be?”

Raidorl, once again trapped in a stalemate, curses the situation as he swings his massive sword, attempting to bisect Zan-Sha.

“『Indeed… But why, I wonder?』”

Evading a powerful strike by pressing it into the ground, Zan-Sha twists his torn mouth into a ferocious smile.

“『Strangely… it’s not all bad. I am currently fighting as a knight… It’s quite a pleasant feeling to be able to fight for my lord, willing to lay down my life.』”

“A masochist, huh? It’s disgusting!”

Once again, both clash 『Void』 and 『Death.』

How long will this battle continue?

Losing track of time, the two relentlessly exchange blows, each using their power against the other.

After this repetition continues for minutes or perhaps hours… suddenly, Zan-Sha comes to a halt.

“『…The sounds have stopped. Has the battle ended?』”

Unbeknownst to them, the sounds of battle from the distant battlefield had ceased.

It appears that over there, too, a resolution has been reached.

“There’s no need to confirm the outcome of the battle.”

Raidorl mutters with conviction.

Commanding the army is Darren Garst. Alongside him are capable subordinates like Saara Leifet and Justy Oigist.

Even 『she』 has arrived as a last resort. There’s no reason for them to lose.

“Is that so… I see…”

Zan-Sha lowers his hands and closes his eyes, his body slowly crumbling.

From his extremities, his hands and feet turn into dust, gradually dissipating.

“『…The battle was evenly matched, but it seems I’ve been defeated at the very end. I wonder, what was the difference in the end? Can you tell me?』”

“…To be defeated by someone who fought thinking it’s okay to lose, it means I’m not weak.”

“『……I see.』”

Hearing Raidorl’s response, Zan-Sha wears a self-deprecating smile.

In this battle, Zan-Sha had no intention of winning.

It wasn’t that he held back, he simply lacked the motivation to 『absolutely have to win』.

Because, aside from being a 『knight』 Zan-Sha had no reason to fight. He had no one to protect, no future to pursue, having lost his beloved wife in life, assassinated his lord and became an undead.

All that remained in his empty heart was the pride of being a 『knight』.

To continue being just a knight…that was the sole reason he had become a follower of Osman and kept on fighting.

“I have plenty to do. I don’t have time to concern myself with the dead… Sorry, but please disappear quickly.”

“『The future, huh… I had long forgotten about such a thing』”

Zan-Sha’s body continues to crumble, gradually losing its original form. The wind sweeps away his disintegrated body in the arid wilderness.

“『…..grateful… for your companionship…』”

“It’s fine…Rest in the wilderness, Knight of Death.”


Zan-Sha’s remains dance in the wind, fading away.

The demonic sword with hooked claws falls to the ground, dissolving as if returning to the earth.

The victor of this fierce battle was Raidorl Zain.

The battle against the witch’s apostle on the barren field concludes, as the dry wind blows, bringing the curtain down on the scene.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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