Extreme Knight

Chapter 121: situation

   After entering the royal capital and allowing the Campbell family to stay temporarily in a hotel, Sean left the hotel and headed for Neo Knight Academy.

   The same as when we left last year, Neo Knight Academy has not changed much.

  The door is seven or eight meters high, and on the top is the six words "Neo Knight Academy" written by the first dean in the common language of the mainland.

  The ground at the door is still paved with Yunshan granite.

  Stepping on the mirror-smooth granite, Sean walked in through the door.

  The guard at the gate, although he saw him, stopped him routinely and asked him why he entered the academy.

During the four years at Neo Knight Academy, in the first three years, Sean was unknown, but since the fourth year, he has become a famous figure in the academy. Obviously, even though he has been away for several months, these guards still know him. Knowing that he has graduated from the academy, it is obvious that no one will insist on taking him seriously without knowing the taste.

The time is now in the morning. According to the schedule of the Neo Knight Academy, Moore should be in class at this time. Sean walked straight to the training ground of the academy, and soon saw Moore, and now the fifth grade "" classmate".

   It was still the teacher Chaucer who taught them. Sean stood quietly and listened to his lecture, as if he had returned to the time when he was still at Neo Knight Academy.

   After more than an hour, the class ended. The teacher Chaucer nodded to Sean and left, while Sean saluted. As his teacher, the other party was indeed qualified to accept his salute.

   At this time, Moore had already trotted over.

   "Haha, Sean, I knew you would be fine!"

  Seeing Sean, Moore gave Sean a light thump, his face was full of joy.

  After hearing that the strong man of the kingdom died in battle and the Fortui of Fortui fell, he was extremely worried about the situation of Sean and the Sean family.

  Unfortunately, no news was obtained. The voodoo disaster broke out too violently, and there were people fleeing everywhere. Naturally, the business had already been cut off. Seeing that Sean was fine, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Let's go, call Lambert, let's go to the restaurant street outside the campus, there is a new restaurant there that tastes good, let me tell you, Lambert is in trouble now..."


  The two left while talking. The other students all showed envy and regret when they saw that the relationship between the two was irreversible.

  Now, Sean has the potential to be a strong man in the kingdom, no one knows, no one knows, and the academy even lists him as a role model.

  Originally, they also had the opportunity to talk and laugh with each other like Moore. Unfortunately, they didn't seize the opportunity at the beginning. They didn't expect Sean to have such potential, and they missed the opportunity to make friends with this future kingdom powerhouse.

   "Brother Xiao En."

   Soon after, the two met Lambert.

   Today's Lambert has flaxen hair, a tall and straight figure, full of energy, and a confident expression on his face.

  Since he was able to temper his body with chivalry, his strength has soared rapidly, and he is now the first in his grade. Many teachers say that he is another student who has the potential to be a strong man in the kingdom after Sean.

   "They are already number one in grade, not bad, good job."

   Sean said with a smile on his face.

   "Thanks to Xiao En's teaching back then."

   Lambert said seriously.

  From his words and deeds, Sean could see that he was not a person who forgot his roots.

  The three of them left the college, came to a restaurant street not far from the college, and entered a tavern.

   "Moore, the main purpose of my visit this time is to let you help the Campbell family find a suitable residence through your family's connections here."

  In the private room, Sean was not polite, and directly told Moore about his visit. With his relationship with Moore, there was no need to go around any detours.

"no problem."

  Moore immediately patted his chest and assured.

  Not to mention his relationship with Sean, let’s say that Sean taught Lambert, which made Lambert what he is now, and the Leonard family also owes Sean a great favor.

   "By the way, I just came to the capital, and I don't know what's going on at the Fortress of Fortui? Do you know?"

   After solving the problem of the Campbell's residence, Sean asked again.

"It's not very clear yet, this time, the witches are coming very fiercely, even voodoo appeared, and not only Fortui Fortui was attacked, but Fort Daya and Moa City Fortress were also attacked. "

   Moore said with a dark face.

   "What, Tedaya Fortress and Moa City Fortress were also attacked?"

  Hearing this, Sean's heart trembled. This family of wizards was even bigger than he expected. They didn't just target Fortui, but three forts at the same time.

   "Fortunately, although Tedaya Fortress and Moa City Fortress suffered heavy losses, they still blocked the attack of the wizard family, and the fortress was not breached."


   Sean was taken aback. The wizard clan was coming aggressively, and they were extremely well prepared. He originally thought that the two fortresses might have fallen like the Fortui of Fortui at this time, but he didn't expect to block them.

   "Well, although there were wizards who also made moves, they lost to the powerful kingdom guards in the two fortresses and retreated!"

  Moore nodded.


  Hearing this, Sean couldn't help but think of the strong man of the kingdom in the Fortui of Fortui. To be honest, he was a little surprised that the other party would die in the hands of a male wizard. Even if he lost, he should have a chance to escape.

   Seems to see Sean's doubts, Moore explained.

"This is normal. The kingdom powerhouses guarding the two fortresses of Moa City and Futuy are all old kingdom powerhouses. They have been kingdom powerhouses for more than ten years, and Dar Hughes, who fell this time, was a newcomer last year. Jin's kingdom is strong."

   "It turned out to be like this."

   Sean suddenly realized.

He had heard someone describe the battle between the great knight Dar Hughes and the male wizard. Now that he thought about it, the reason why the great knight Dar Hughes died at the hands of the male wizard was because he was facing a male wizard. Besieging with a wizard-level corpse puppet, on the other hand, he has just become a great knight not long ago, and his background is still shallow.

As for why he didn't die at the hands of that male wizard, it's easy to understand. The male wizard didn't have a corpse to follow, and with the blessing of strength talent, his strength reached 160,000 catties, and his strength was no longer a beginner. Great knight.

   Saying goodbye to Moore and Lambert, Sean returned to the hotel where Campbell's family stayed.

  He knew in his heart that Fortui Fortui should be taken back soon.

The male wizard has been killed by him. Although there are still many corpse puppets, with the strength of the Carlo Kingdom, it is not a problem to clean up some corpse puppets that are not commanded by wizards. This background, the Carlo Kingdom must have some .

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