F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 106:

Chapter 106:

Chapter 106

[This is Sooah. I'm currently with Jang Taeheon-ssi and Linnie.]

[I'm with Bom, Unnie and Yorn. I have to work with Unnie again...]

[I didn't wanna be with you either!]

Expecting them to separate, Seo Gangrim handed out communication items in advance. The device allowed communication only within the same Demon Realm, and are a bit expensive so many didn't bring this item early on.

[Then Seo Gangrim-ssi is alone?]

"Yes, that's how it turned out."

Where a person get sent when transferring is random. Seo Gangrim was worried about someone getting separated alone, but if it's him then it's not a big deal.

[Master, can you not summon the spirit beasts there? Send Yorn back to the spirit realm first, then summon them and...]

"No, it's fine. It's best if the spirit beasts act go you."

After all, with the two range dealers together, they may have trouble in close combat. Plus except for Shin Sooah-ssi, none of them had hit Level 30 yet.

"For now, move as instructed and we'll communicate again later."


After ending the call, Seo Gangrim looked around at the place that hhee struggled so much with in his past life. Back then I almost died in this Great Demon Realm.

'I wonder how it'll go this time.'

With faint anticipation, he headed further inside the Demon Realm.


[The first Great Demon Realm begins.]

[Defeat the Great Demon Realm's ruler.]

[Time limit: None]

"Damnit, were we the only ones transferred?"

One of the Awakened transferred to the Great Demon Realm looked around and spoke.

Most of the people who entered were currently flustered. It was because after entering the Great Demon Realm, the majority of their party disappeared.

"What do we do now? It'd be best to go back out but there's no exit."

As he said, there was no visible exit nearby.

The person who seemed to be their leader grumbled, "A Demon Realm where we have to beat the boss to leave huh, how annoying. We're short on people."

They entered the Great Demon Realm after gathering about 10 Awakened. They had allocated roles and devised tactics, but only 4 were transferred to this zone.

One person worriedly said, "Wouldn't it be better to recruit another party and act together for now?"

The leader pondered the words for a moment. There was indeed a need to replenish members, but there were troublesome points if outsiders got involved. They could lose the boss raid rewards, and the outsiders might stab them in the back.

"Let's recruit solo players instead."

"Yes, I understand!"

If solo players were recruited, they could still gain the upper hand by pulling them into the team.

The party members dispersed to find people according to the leader's words. Just then, one person caught the leader's eye. A man was walking alone towards the inside of the demon realm.

'What's this? He's going in alone... Is he a novice who's never been to the demon realm before?'

He had seen many novices intoxicated by their awakening thoughtlessly charging in. Normally he would have left them be, but the leader approached the man.

"Hey, you going in alone over there! Stop!"

Despite his call, the man silently kept walking. The leader grew flustered and ran towards the man.

"I said stop!"

Only when the leader came right up to him did the man stop. He was expressionless, without any tension or fear.

The leader looked the man up and down.

'His build isn't bad. He'll be useful as a meat shield at least.'

They didn't know what was in this realm yet. Hence, they needed someone as bait or a shield.

The leader spoke to the man, "You seem to be alone. Want to come with us?"

"...With you?"

He didn't look delighted as expected, still expressionless. Then the man looked the leader up and down in return.

The leader was taken aback, his expression twisting.

'This punk, who does he think he is? A novice evaluating me?'

He was instantly irritated. He debated ignoring the man but they did need people. The leader put on a forced, gracious smile.

"You still seem new to this, but I'm the head of the Moyung Sect."

".....Moyung Sect?"

The man gave an expression that he had no idea what the leader was talking about.

Seeing his reaction, the leader feigned surprise.

"You haven't heard of the Moyung Sect? We've been on the rise lately..."

"I'm not familiar with it."

To not know the Moyung Sect. Though the leader pretended his pride was hurt, looking at the man he calmed his mind.

'He really must be a complete novice.'

It seemed the man had recently awakened and blindly entered after receiving a divine command.

As the leader debated whether to generously forgive and take him along or just leave him be, a party member rushed up and dragged the leader away.

"Lea-leader! Come talk for a bit!"

The leader was pulled away in confusion. Once they were a good distance from the man, the party member carefully spoke.

"Uh, you were going to take that guy with us?"

"Who is he?"

"That's Seo Gangrim!"

Hearing the name, he could finally recall who it was.

Seo Gangrim was famous for various reasons. As a powerful hunter, and a murderer.

"I did hear he came out of the training facility, but also that he's killed several people..."

So the novice was actually a trainee. If those skills were real, Seo Gangrim would clearly be a great asset.

The party member asked in a small voice. "Are you going to take him with us?"

"No. We're not taking that guy."

"But I heard he's very skilled..."

"Skilled? He looks pathetic to me."

Despite all the chaos he caused in the community, now that they met face to face, Seo Gangrim was nothing special. He didn't look particularly strong or dangerous at all. His equipment didn't seem outstanding either.

'The rumors must have been exaggerated. He just looks like an average hunter to me.'

Plus, he had heard Seo Gangrim didn't receive a god either. Considering the tremendous gap between the enlightened and normal hunters, he was confident he could easily beat Seo Gangrim.

'There were rumors he got through the training facility by cheating... That must be true.'

The leader glanced at Seo Gangrim once before turning away. Seo Gangrim also seemed to have little interest in him as he silently headed alone into the demon realm. Seeing this, the party member was flustered.

"Sh-should we really let him go? Wouldn't it be better to hunt together..."

"For now we'll proceed on our own."

Despite their low numbers, the leader was confident because recently his sect had been standing out. Also, since this was the first demon realm, he didn't think the difficulty would be that high.

'We should hurry.'

Before he knew it, other parties had also started moving into the demon realm one by one. Seeing them, he grew anxious they would miss out on being the first conquerors. He urgently shouted at his party members.

"Gather up! We're heading deeper!"

The party members looked a bit worried but followed his lead inside. As they walked, a massive cave appeared before them. Once inside the cave, there were intersecting tunnels branching out like an ant colony.


"Which way should we go?"

The party members began murmuring in confusion. Just then, shrill screams and the sound of weapons clashing rang out from deep within the right tunnel.

".....Let's go this way."

The leader hurriedly headed into the left tunnel. Having heard the screams too, the other party members quietly followed him.

As they walked the dark path, no one spoke a word.

'Damn, should I have taken that guy?'

The tunnels were wide enough for them to walk four abreast, but the air was suffocatingly stagnant. Also, with only four of them, if they were ambushed here it would be certain death.

As the leader nervously swallowed his unease and quickened his pace, light began to appear at the end of the passage. The leader's expression brightened in an instant.

"Alright, this is the right way!"

- Kugugung...!

Almost as soon as the leader finished speaking, a faint vibration sounded. The piles of rocks at the exit began to stir, slowly rising up. A demon blocked the intruders' path.


What they had thought was a boulder was a massive tou. The tou tilted its head as it saw the intruders.

Seeing it, the leader's tension immediately deflated.

"Ha, haha... What is this? Just a tou?"

The tou was about 2 meters tall but looked goofy. While a bit larger than normal, they had encountered tou several times in other realms before. They were dimwitted and slow so they could be dealt with easily if you paid attention.

The leader confidently strode forward and shouted, "Everyone attack on my signal!"

- Kwaaaang!

Almost as soon as the leader finished speaking, the tou's fist came flying in. The party member in front was sent flying in an instant, smashing into the wall.

Seeing this, the leader's eyes shook.

'Why is it so fast?! Tous are supposed to be nothing, and I'm a Dragon Third-class!'

He had encountered tous several times before and defeated them. So he had let his guard down just by its appearance, but he was overlooking something. The fact that this was a Great Demon Realm.


The giant tou's roar echoed thunderously through the cave. And that sound could now be heard from behind them too. Somehow, another massive tou had appeared behind them.

"Da-damnit! Everyone attack!"

More than an order, this was desperate flailing. The party members attacked the giant tou but their strikes had no effect.

As if playing with toys, the tou violently battered them, grabbing and throwing them around.

"Argh, my arm!"

"Hea-healer! Where's the healer?!"

"The healer is down too!"

Before they knew it, all party members were severely injured and were sprawled on the floor. The leader was also sitting crumpled on the ground, his leg broken.

The giant tou raised its arm towards the leader. A premonition of death pierced through him like an icy blade.

'I'm dead!'

The leader unconsciously squeezed his eyes shut. And at the same time, a boom resounded through the cave.

- Kwaaaang!

It was the sound of something being smashed to pieces. As the noise subsided, the leader cautiously opened his eyes and looked around.

'Did it attack someone else instead of me?'

But no one else was hurt. Glancing forward, the tou was still standing there. It was looking back with its arm raised. A party member shouted in surprise.

"O-over there...in the back...!"

The leader looked back and his eyes grew even wider. The giant tou that had been pressing them just moments before was rolling on the ground. Next to it stood a familiar face.

"We meet again."

Seo Gangrim nudged the fallen tou aside as he spoke. With the giant tou lying there cut in half, he reached towards the tou in front.

"Oh, ot..."

- Crack!

"You were still alive huh."

Seo Gangrim delivered the final blow, severing its life. It was as if he was the villain in this scene. Shocked by its companion's death, the giant tou heavily knelt down.


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