F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 109:

Chapter 109:

Chapter 109

It was an unexpected situation. The appearance of the Diamond Guard was out of Seo Gangrim's expectation, but attacking him as the target was even more so. And he wasn't the only one taken aback by the sudden incident. The people sprawled around all stood up and looked at the Diamond Guard. However, although the people were surprised by the sudden appearance of the boss, their eyes glinted with greed.

"It's the boss! Get him!"

"We'll be the first to defeat him!"

These people didn't realize how strange this situation was. Blinded by the prospect of being the first to defeat the boss, they recklessly charged at it.

The Diamond Guard, meanwhile, was glaring at Seo Gangrim, but seeing the humans attacking it, it lifted its foot.



With just one kick, the ground rumbled. Like someone trampling on a line of ants, the Diamond Guard stomped and charged forward. Its target was Seo Gangrim.


Seo Gangrim quickly retreated to avoid the giant's arms. It was like a pole being pulled out and swung.

Seo Gangrim dodged the attack and activated Invisibility at the same time.

"Cough, hack, what the hell is that thing?"

"Shit, we're supposed to fight that?"

The people were scrambling to recover themselves. In that brief moment, the surroundings were devastated. Where the Diamond Guard struck, it looked as if a meteorite had crashed down, leaving deep craters.

Fighting the Diamond Guard in this state was suicidal. Seo Gangrim decided to retreat from first, but his questions still weren't answered.

'Why did the Diamond Guard come out and suddenly attack me?'

The Diamond Guard does prioritize attacking the biggest threat first, but Seo Gangrim felt something was off. It was very likely someone lured the Diamond Guard out intentionally.


The Diamond Guard was still revealing immense hostility towards Seo Gangrim. Although he had used 'Invisibility', the enemy still detected his presence and continued the assault.

-Kwoong, kwoong!

'Damn, it doesn't look like I can escape at this rate.'

Seo Gangrim had no choice but to change his plans, even though he didn't intend to engage the enemy so hastily.

Seo Gangrim urgently spoke into the earpiece, "There's a problem. The boss has left his zone and is rampaging where I am."

[Hyung, are you okay?]

"For now. Hurry up and activate the device, then come through the boss' room to this side."

The three zones are separated but one can cross over through the boss' room.

Seo Gangrim could only hope the others would come quickly. But the Diamond Guard wasn't going to leave him alone until then.

-Kwaaang, kwaaang!

Every time the Diamond Guard swung his arms, the terrain changed. Seo Gangrim tried counterattacking with Chiljido here and there, but...

[The target is immune to physical attacks!]

[The target is immune to physical attacks!]

[The target is immune to physical attacks!]

His attacks were useless. Even though he was able to inflict damage to the enemy, it immediately healed thanks to the automatic recovery function.

'In that case, I need to try a different method.'

Seo Gangrim stretched out his left hand and activated his ability.

[The ability 'Frostflame' is activated!]

If it's the magic-type ability Frostflame, it should deal damage, although he didn't know how much damage it will do, but still.

Seo Gangrim ignited all his mana and sent the Frostflame towards the Diamond Guard.


The Frostflame blazed in a pale light and struck the Diamond Guard's lower half. Frost instantly began to form around the enemy's legs. Even if it doesn't deal damage, if Seo Gangrim can immobilize the enemy's movements by freezing it, that's good enough.


The Diamond Guard looked down at its feet as if annoyed. Then it twisted its body and struggled, shattering the ice with a scream.

It seemed Seo Gangrim only aggravated it even more.

'Was my firepower too weak?'

No, his firepower was sufficient. But due to the continuous recovery effect, it didn't seem the cold damage was properly dealt.

[Automatic recovery is activated!]

The recovery was too fast, Seo Gangrim couldn't inflict proper damage. Seo Gangrim fervently wished they would hurry and deactivate the enhancement device.

Just then, a sharp voice came from the earpiece.

[Hyung! I deactivated the device! Physical attack immunity has been lifted!]

Hearing that, Seo Gangrim smiled bitterly. He wished other effects had been lifted instead. Chiljido would work now, but with the continuous recovery still active, it was futile in the end.

Just then, the Diamond Guard struckhim.



He tried to defend but couldn't completely nullify the damage, and a line of blood trickled from his mouth as a result. He then heard people's voices nearby.

"Sect Master, that Seo Gangrim... seems weaker than we thought, no?"

"See? I told you, all those rumors were exaggerated."

Members of the Gidam Sect, who were hiding, were peeking at his like rats. They seemed to be quite enjoying Seo Gangrim's misery.

"Still, that weapon of his looks pretty good."

"He'll fall soon, so let's grab it then."

Seeing their reactions, Seo Gangrim smirked mockingly. Whether he was weak or strong, these people only wished for his death. Unfortunately for them, Seo Gangrim had no intention of obliging their wishes.

[The ability 'Frostflame' is activated!]

"That thing again?"

"That attack doesn't work."

"What an idiot. Is that all he's got?"

He heard them mocking him, but still he did not extinguish the flames.

Frostflame is a unique ability, possessing both fire and water, dual elemental forces which was both an advantage and disadvantage.

Generally, when the awakened one's elemental force matches that of the ability, the effect is doubled. But fire and water are opposing elemental forces, so with Seo Gangrim's fire-attribute, using this ability resulted in a plus minus zero for him.

Usually, that is the case but--

[Elemental attribute is set to 'Fire'!]

[Elemental attribute is set to 'Water'!]

He possessed both attributes. As he set the two elemental attributes, it felt like fire and water were rampaging inside his body, giving an agonizing sensation. And along with the agony, an inexplicable power began to surge.

[The ability 'Frostflame' is activated!]

[Matching elemental attributes increases ability!]

[Matching elemental attributes increases ability!]


Compared to before, an enormously giant flame erupted.

Frost and ice instantly scattered around. The attack directly struck the Diamond Guard who was off guard.


It seemed like damage was properly dealt as its whole body turned red as if burned. At the same time, ice stretched out like countless hands, grabbing the Diamond Guard's legs.


It twisted its body but the ice did not shatter. However, cracks were slowly forming, and the burn marks quickly regenerated. The device's effect was even more remarkable than Seo Gangrim had thought.

In such a case, he had no choice but to burn it faster and more ruthlessly. Seo Gangrim unleashed all his magical power to increase his firepower.

The Frostflame blazed violently and assaulted the Diamond Guard.


The fiery hammer struck the Diamond Guard directly. Ice froze over half of the Diamond Guard's face. And at the same time, a cheerful voice came from the earpiece.

[Master! I've lifted continuous recovery!]

The regenerating scars instantly stopped as if time had frozen. Now the ice was spreading faster than the regeneration speed.

Gripping Chiljido in both hands, Seo Gangrim charged forward.

[The ability 'Fighting Instinct' is activated!]

Seo Gangrim's fighting spirit started screaming towards the giant enemy. He wanted to make this arrogant opponent kneel before him.

The ice that froze everything around the Diamond Guard now became his path. He ran up the frozen road and swung his sword.

[The ability 'Sword Unsheathe' is activated!]

No matter how hard the exterior is like adamantine, what lies underneath is undoubtedly bones and flesh. Seo Gangrim's sword knew exactly where to strike.


Chiljido ripped open the Diamond Guard's neck like a saw, precisely tearing the vital point. Blood gushed out like a waterfall. The Diamond Guard's body began to be consumed by flames, ice and blood.


Although Seo Gangrim was also battered, the Diamond Guard also seemed to have reached its limit. He considered finishing off the enemy, but decided to wait a bit until the others arrived.

-Sizzle, sizzle...

Fortunately, the ice completely covered the Diamond Guard's body, bringing it close to a frozen state. Even so, the burns continued to spread. It looked like Seo Gangrim could leisurely kill it in this condition. As long as no one interfered.

"Oh my, you really do live up to the rumors I've heard."

As if mocking Seo Gangrim's hopes, a voice came from behind him. He slowly turned around.

'There stood a man, how do I describe him...'

A man who looked like a son of a noble, with refined style. Neat, well-kept clothes and decent looks. Even amidst this chaos, not a speck dirtied his clothes.

He held an unfamiliar bastard sword.

"Did you use the 'Intimidator' on the Diamond Guard?"

"You catch on quick."

Seo Gangirm had guessed someone intervened since the Diamond Guard's reactions were strange. As expected, the man used an item to lure out the Diamond Guard and make it target him.

[Item] Intimidator

[Grade] Human Third-class

[Description] Forcibly raises designated target's threat level to attract aggro from the beast.

The item 'Intimidator' was commonly used by tanks during party hunts to draw the beast's attention onto themselves. Though some used it to interfere with others' hunts.

The man walked towards Seo Gangrim and spoke, "You don't seem surprised to see me. Do you know who I am?"

"Top trainee of the Western Division, Seong Eui-gyeol."

The Central Division wasn't the only training facility. Many graduates came out from the five divisions, and the top graduates among them accomplished various notable achievements. Seong Eui-gyeol was also one of the most prominent awakened.

"So you already knew. I've also heard the rumors about you, Seo Gangrim, top trainee."

He spoke with an expressionless face. No, rather than expressionless, his gaze was filled with contempt. To define Seong Eui-gyeol, he was a 'crusader of justice'. In his past life too, he performed many good deeds, helping many people, and was very popular.

"Why did you attack me?"

Seo Gangrim threw a question at him.

Seong Eui-gyeol approached, sharp longsword in hand.

"Like I said earlier, I've heard many stories about you, Seo Gangrim."


"That you are the top trainee, yet killed many people and abuse your power, an evildoer..."

A hollow laugh involuntarily leaked out from Seo Gangrim. Right, Seong Eui-gyeol was nothing but a crusader of justice. It was only natural that Seo Gangrim, known as a villain, would be a thorn in his eye.

Seong Eui-gyeol looked at him coldly and spoke.

"Evil Seo Gangrim, I shall punish you!"

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